ExceptionWrapper.java   [plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 2000,2007 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id: ExceptionWrapper.java,v 12.7 2007/05/04 00:28:26 mark Exp $

package com.sleepycat.util;

 * Interface implemented by exceptions that can contain nested exceptions.
 * @author Mark Hayes
public interface ExceptionWrapper {

     * Returns the nested exception or null if none is present.
     * @return the nested exception or null if none is present.
     * @deprecated replaced by {@link #getCause}.
    Throwable getDetail();

     * Returns the nested exception or null if none is present.
     * <p>This method is intentionally defined to be the same signature as the
     * <code>java.lang.Throwable.getCause</code> method in Java 1.4 and
     * greater.  By defining this method to return a nested exception, the Java
     * 1.4 runtime will print the nested stack trace.</p>
     * @return the nested exception or null if none is present.
    Throwable getCause();