/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2000,2007 Oracle. All rights reserved. * * $Id: StoredCollection.java,v 12.8 2007/05/04 00:28:25 mark Exp $ */ package com.sleepycat.collections; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.sleepycat.compat.DbCompat; import com.sleepycat.db.CursorConfig; import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseEntry; import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException; import com.sleepycat.db.JoinConfig; import com.sleepycat.db.OperationStatus; /** * A abstract base class for all stored collections. This class, and its * base class {@link StoredContainer}, provide implementations of most methods * in the {@link Collection} interface. Other methods, such as {@link #add} * and {@link #remove}, are provided by concrete classes that extend this * class. * *

In addition, this class provides the following methods for stored * collections only. Note that the use of these methods is not compatible with * the standard Java collections interface.

* * * @author Mark Hayes */ public abstract class StoredCollection extends StoredContainer implements Collection { /** * The default number of records read at one time by iterators. * @see #setIteratorBlockSize */ public static final int DEFAULT_ITERATOR_BLOCK_SIZE = 10; private int iteratorBlockSize = DEFAULT_ITERATOR_BLOCK_SIZE; StoredCollection(DataView view) { super(view); } /** * Returns the number of records read at one time by iterators returned by * the {@link #iterator} method. By default this value is {@link * #DEFAULT_ITERATOR_BLOCK_SIZE}. */ public int getIteratorBlockSize() { return iteratorBlockSize; } /** * Changes the number of records read at one time by iterators returned by * the {@link #iterator} method. By default this value is {@link * #DEFAULT_ITERATOR_BLOCK_SIZE}. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the blockSize is less than two. */ public void setIteratorBlockSize(int blockSize) { if (blockSize < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("blockSize is less than two: " + blockSize); } iteratorBlockSize = blockSize; } final boolean add(Object key, Object value) { DataCursor cursor = null; boolean doAutoCommit = beginAutoCommit(); try { cursor = new DataCursor(view, true); OperationStatus status = cursor.putNoDupData(key, value, null, false); closeCursor(cursor); commitAutoCommit(doAutoCommit); return (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS); } catch (Exception e) { closeCursor(cursor); throw handleException(e, doAutoCommit); } } BlockIterator blockIterator() { return new BlockIterator(this, isWriteAllowed(), iteratorBlockSize); } /** * Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection. * The iterator will be read-only if the collection is read-only. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#iterator} interface. * *

The iterator returned by this method does not keep a database cursor * open and therefore it does not need to be closed. It reads blocks of * records as needed, opening and closing a cursor to read each block of * records. The number of records per block is 10 by default and can be * changed with {@link #setIteratorBlockSize}.

* *

Because this iterator does not keep a cursor open, if it is used * without transactions, the iterator does not have cursor * stability characteristics. In other words, the record at the * current iterator position can be changed or deleted by another thread. * To prevent this from happening, call this method within a transaction or * use the {@link #storedIterator()} method instead.

* * @return a standard {@link Iterator} for this collection. * * @see #isWriteAllowed */ public Iterator iterator() { return blockIterator(); } /** * Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection. * The iterator will be read-only if the collection is read-only. * This method does not exist in the standard {@link Collection} interface. * *

If {@code Iterater.set} or {@code Iterator.remove} will be called * and the underlying Database is transactional, then a transaction must be * active when calling this method and must remain active while using the * iterator.

* *

Warning: The iterator returned must be explicitly * closed using {@link StoredIterator#close()} or {@link * StoredIterator#close(java.util.Iterator)} to release the underlying * database cursor resources.

* * @return a {@link StoredIterator} for this collection. * * @see #isWriteAllowed */ public StoredIterator storedIterator() { return storedIterator(isWriteAllowed()); } /** * Returns a read or read-write iterator over the elements in this * collection. * This method does not exist in the standard {@link Collection} interface. * *

If {@code Iterater.set} or {@code Iterator.remove} will be called * and the underlying Database is transactional, then a transaction must be * active when calling this method and must remain active while using the * iterator.

* *

Warning: The iterator returned must be explicitly * closed using {@link StoredIterator#close()} or {@link * StoredIterator#close(java.util.Iterator)} to release the underlying * database cursor resources.

* * @param writeAllowed is true to open a read-write iterator or false to * open a read-only iterator. If the collection is read-only the iterator * will always be read-only. * * @return a {@link StoredIterator} for this collection. * * @throws IllegalStateException if writeAllowed is true but the collection * is read-only. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. * * @see #isWriteAllowed */ public StoredIterator storedIterator(boolean writeAllowed) { try { return new StoredIterator(this, writeAllowed && isWriteAllowed(), null); } catch (Exception e) { throw StoredContainer.convertException(e); } } /** * @deprecated Please use {@link #storedIterator()} or {@link * #storedIterator(boolean)} instead. Because the iterator returned must * be closed, the method name {@code iterator} is confusing since standard * Java iterators do not need to be closed. */ public StoredIterator iterator(boolean writeAllowed) { return storedIterator(writeAllowed); } /** * Returns an array of all the elements in this collection. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#toArray()} interface. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public Object[] toArray() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StoredIterator i = storedIterator(); try { while (i.hasNext()) { list.add(i.next()); } } finally { i.close(); } return list.toArray(); } /** * Returns an array of all the elements in this collection whose runtime * type is that of the specified array. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#toArray(Object[])} * interface. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public Object[] toArray(Object[] a) { int j = 0; StoredIterator i = storedIterator(); try { while (j < a.length && i.hasNext()) { a[j++] = i.next(); } if (j < a.length) { a[j] = null; } else if (i.hasNext()) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(a)); while (i.hasNext()) { list.add(i.next()); } a = list.toArray(a); } } finally { i.close(); } return a; } /** * Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the * specified collection. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#containsAll} interface. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public boolean containsAll(Collection coll) { Iterator i = storedOrExternalIterator(coll); try { while (i.hasNext()) { if (!contains(i.next())) { return false; } } } finally { StoredIterator.close(i); } return true; } /** * Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection * (optional operation). * This method calls the {@link #add(Object)} method of the concrete * collection class, which may or may not be supported. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#addAll} interface. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the collection is read-only, or * if the collection is indexed, or if the add method is not supported by * the concrete collection. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public boolean addAll(Collection coll) { Iterator i = null; boolean doAutoCommit = beginAutoCommit(); try { i = storedOrExternalIterator(coll); boolean changed = false; while (i.hasNext()) { if (add(i.next())) { changed = true; } } StoredIterator.close(i); commitAutoCommit(doAutoCommit); return changed; } catch (Exception e) { StoredIterator.close(i); throw handleException(e, doAutoCommit); } } /** * Removes all this collection's elements that are also contained in the * specified collection (optional operation). * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#removeAll} interface. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the collection is read-only. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public boolean removeAll(Collection coll) { return removeAll(coll, true); } /** * Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the * specified collection (optional operation). * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#removeAll} interface. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the collection is read-only. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public boolean retainAll(Collection coll) { return removeAll(coll, false); } private boolean removeAll(Collection coll, boolean ifExistsInColl) { StoredIterator i = null; boolean doAutoCommit = beginAutoCommit(); try { boolean changed = false; i = storedIterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { if (ifExistsInColl == coll.contains(i.next())) { i.remove(); changed = true; } } i.close(); commitAutoCommit(doAutoCommit); return changed; } catch (Exception e) { if (i != null) { i.close(); } throw handleException(e, doAutoCommit); } } /** * Compares the specified object with this collection for equality. * A value comparison is performed by this method and the stored values * are compared rather than calling the equals() method of each element. * This method conforms to the {@link Collection#equals} interface. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Collection) { Collection otherColl = StoredCollection.copyCollection(other); StoredIterator i = storedIterator(); try { while (i.hasNext()) { if (!otherColl.remove(i.next())) { return false; } } return otherColl.isEmpty(); } finally { i.close(); } } else { return false; } } /* * Add this in to keep FindBugs from whining at us about implementing * equals(), but not hashCode(). */ public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } /** * Returns a copy of this collection as an ArrayList. This is the same as * {@link #toArray()} but returns a collection instead of an array. * * @return an {@link ArrayList} containing a copy of all elements in this * collection. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public List toList() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); StoredIterator i = storedIterator(); try { while (i.hasNext()) list.add(i.next()); return list; } finally { i.close(); } } /** * Converts the collection to a string representation for debugging. * WARNING: The returned string may be very large. * * @return the string representation. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("["); StoredIterator i = storedIterator(); try { while (i.hasNext()) { if (buf.length() > 1) buf.append(','); buf.append(i.next().toString()); } buf.append(']'); return buf.toString(); } finally { i.close(); } } // Inherit javadoc public int size() { boolean countDups = iterateDuplicates(); if (DbCompat.DATABASE_COUNT && countDups && !view.range.hasBound()) { try { return (int) DbCompat.getDatabaseCount(view.db); } catch (Exception e) { throw StoredContainer.convertException(e); } } else { int count = 0; CursorConfig cursorConfig = view.currentTxn.isLockingMode() ? CursorConfig.READ_UNCOMMITTED : null; DataCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = new DataCursor(view, false, cursorConfig); OperationStatus status = cursor.getFirst(false); while (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { if (countDups) { count += cursor.count(); } else { count += 1; } status = cursor.getNextNoDup(false); } } catch (Exception e) { throw StoredContainer.convertException(e); } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } return count; } } /** * Returns an iterator representing an equality join of the indices and * index key values specified. * This method does not exist in the standard {@link Collection} interface. * *

Warning: The iterator returned must be explicitly * closed using {@link StoredIterator#close()} or {@link * StoredIterator#close(java.util.Iterator)} to release the underlying * database cursor resources.

* *

The returned iterator supports only the two methods: hasNext() and * next(). All other methods will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

* * @param indices is an array of indices with elements corresponding to * those in the indexKeys array. * * @param indexKeys is an array of index key values identifying the * elements to be selected. * * @param joinConfig is the join configuration, or null to use the * default configuration. * * @return an iterator over the elements in this collection that match * all specified index key values. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this collection is indexed or if a * given index does not have the same store as this collection. * * @throws RuntimeExceptionWrapper if a {@link DatabaseException} is * thrown. */ public StoredIterator join(StoredContainer[] indices, Object[] indexKeys, JoinConfig joinConfig) { try { DataView[] indexViews = new DataView[indices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 1) { indexViews[i] = indices[i].view; } DataCursor cursor = view.join(indexViews, indexKeys, joinConfig); return new StoredIterator(this, false, cursor); } catch (Exception e) { throw StoredContainer.convertException(e); } } final Object getFirstOrLast(boolean doGetFirst) { DataCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = new DataCursor(view, false); OperationStatus status; if (doGetFirst) { status = cursor.getFirst(false); } else { status = cursor.getLast(false); } return (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) ? makeIteratorData(null, cursor) : null; } catch (Exception e) { throw StoredContainer.convertException(e); } finally { closeCursor(cursor); } } Object makeIteratorData(BaseIterator iterator, DataCursor cursor) { return makeIteratorData(iterator, cursor.getKeyThang(), cursor.getPrimaryKeyThang(), cursor.getValueThang()); } abstract Object makeIteratorData(BaseIterator iterator, DatabaseEntry keyEntry, DatabaseEntry priKeyEntry, DatabaseEntry valueEntry); abstract boolean hasValues(); boolean iterateDuplicates() { return true; } void checkIterAddAllowed() throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (!areDuplicatesAllowed()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("duplicates required"); } } int getIndexOffset() { return 0; } private static Collection copyCollection(Object other) { if (other instanceof StoredCollection) { return ((StoredCollection) other).toList(); } else { return new ArrayList((Collection) other); } } }