m4.db   [plain text]

dnl $Id: m4.db,v 10.188 2007/07/12 18:27:43 bostic Exp $

ifelse(M4PRODUCT, XML, [include(m4/m4.xml)])
ifelse(M4PRODUCT, XML, [include(m4/m4.xmllinks)])

dnl Product names
define(m4_am, m4_db Data Store)
define(m4_cam, m4_db Concurrent Data Store)
define(m4_ha, m4_db High Availability)
define(m4_tam, m4_db Transactional Data Store)
define(m4_xml, m4_db XML)
define(m4_sxml, BDB XML)

dnl Standards
define(m4_ansic_name, [ANSI C X3.159-1989 (ANSI C)])
define(m4_posix1_name, [IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX)])

dnl m4_incextra --
dnl	API "includes".  C/C++ have standard includes (although the
dnl	XML's header file includes the standard C++ header for you).
dnl	$1: "XML" use the XML include rather than the C++ one.
dnl	    else, if it's C/C++ it's a leading #define, it comes first.
define(m4_incextra, [dnl
ifelse(M4API, CXX_API, [dnl
ifelse($1, XML, [m4_include(DbXml.hpp)], [$1

dnl Build the reference, and append the word "method".
dnl	$1: name
define(m4_refT, [m4_ref($1) method])

dnl Build the reference, and append the correct word "structure" or "object".
dnl	$1: name
define(m4_refO, [m4_ref($1) ifelse(M4API, CXX_API, object, structure)])

dnl Some methods aren't available in C++.
dnl	$1: method
define(m4_no_such_method, [dnl
m4_p([The m4_refT($1) is not included in the m4_db C++ API.])
define(m4_no_such_class, [dnl
m4_p([The $1 class is not included in the m4_db C++ API.])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl	#1: the allocated object
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_alloc, [m4_p([dnl
$1 are stored in allocated memory.  If application-specific allocation
routines have been declared (see m4_ref(dbenv_set_alloc) for more
information), they are used to allocate the memory; otherwise, the
standard C library m4_manref(malloc, 3) is used.  The caller is
responsible for deallocating the memory.  To deallocate the memory, free
the memory reference; references inside the returned memory need not be
individually freed.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_bulk_mem, [dnl
The buffer to which the m4_arg(data) parameter refers must be provided
from user memory (see m4_ref(DB_DBT_USERMEM)).  The buffer must be at
least as large as the page size of the underlying database, aligned for
unsigned integer access, and be a multiple of 1024 bytes in size.  If
the buffer size is insufficient, then upon return from the call the size
field of the m4_arg(data) parameter will have been set to an estimated
buffer size, m4_err_mem_insufficient.  (The size is an estimate as the
exact size needed may not be known until all entries are read.  It is
best to initially provide a relatively large buffer, but applications
should be prepared to resize the buffer as necessary and repeatedly call
the method.)])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl DB_HOME/set_data_dir
dnl	#1: the function name
dnl	#2: "0" if DB_ENV function, "1" if DB function.
dnl Several DB_ENV/DB functions are affected by DB_HOME and the data
dnl directory value.
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_data_location, [m4_p([ifelse([$2], 0, [The ], [dnl
If the database was opened within a database environment, the])
environment variable m4_envvar(DB_HOME) may be used as the path of the
database environment home.])
m4_p([m4_ref($1) is affected by any database directory specified using
the m4_refT(dbenv_set_data_dir), or by setting the "set_data_dir" string
in the environment's m4_path(DB_CONFIG) file.])])

dnl When the method has a corresponding DB_CONFIG file entry.
dnl	#1: method
dnl	#2: value
dnl	#3: matching string
dnl	#4: syntax
dnl	#5: "no" if doesn't overrule other configuration.
define(m4_env_config, [m4_p([dnl
The database environment's $2 may also be configured using the
environment's m4_path(DB_CONFIG) file.  The syntax of the entry in that
file is a single line with the string "$3", one or more whitespace
characters, and $4.
ifelse([$5], no,, [dnl
Because the m4_path(DB_CONFIG) file is read when the database
environment is opened, it will silently overrule configuration done
before that time.])])])

define(m4_env_flags, [dnl
m4_idefz([use @environment constants in naming])
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_USE_ENVIRON), [dnl
The m4_db process' environment may be permitted to specify information
to be used when naming files; see m4_link(M4RELDIR/ref/env/naming,
[m4_db File Naming]).  Because permitting users to specify which files
are used can create security problems, environment information will be
used in file naming for all users only if the DB_USE_ENVIRON
flag is set.])
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT), [dnl
The m4_db process' environment may be permitted to specify information
to be used when naming files; see m4_link(M4RELDIR/ref/env/naming,
[m4_db File Naming]).  Because permitting users to specify which files
are used can create security problems, if the
DB_USE_ENVIRON_ROOT flag is set, environment information will
be used for file naming only for users with appropriate permissions (for
example, users with a user-ID of 0 on UNIX systems).])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl m4_underfunc --
dnl	#1 function name
dnl	#2 underlying function name
dnl	#3 utility name
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_underfunc, [dnl
ifelse(M4API, C_API, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) is the underlying method used by the m4_ref($3) utility.
See the m4_ref($3) utility source code for an example of using m4_ref($2)
in a m4_posix1_name environment.])])
ifelse(M4API, UTILITY, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) is the underlying method used by the m4_ref($3) utility.
See the m4_ref($3) utility source code for an example of using m4_ref($2)
in a m4_posix1_name environment.])])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl m4_really_dbenv --
dnl	#1 DB function name
dnl	#2 DB_ENV function name
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_really_dbenv, [m4_p([dnl
For m4_ref(Db) handles opened inside of m4_db environments, calling the
m4_refT($1) affects the entire environment and is equivalent to calling
the m4_refT($2).])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Jump functions
dnl m4_ansi_func	ANSI C function replacement.
dnl m4_posix_func	POSIX standard
dnl m4_ret_internal	Return value.
dnl	#1: function name
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_ansi_func, [m4_p([dnl
Replace m4_db calls to the ANSI C X3.159-1989 (ANSI C) standard
m4_bold($1) function with m4_arg(func_$1), which must conform to the
standard interface specification.])])

define(m4_posix_func, [m4_p([dnl
Replace m4_db calls to the m4_posix1_name m4_bold($1) function with
m4_arg(func_$1), which must conform to the standard interface

define(m4_ret_internal, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_arg($1) function must return the value of m4_envvar(errno) on
failure and 0 on success.])])

define(m4_param_replace, [dnl
m4_param([$1], [dnl
The m4_arg([$1]) parameter is the replacement function.  It must conform
to the standard interface specification.])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Stat print functions
dnl	#1: function
dnl	#2: type of statistics
dnl	#3: stat function that lists the default fields
dnl	#4: "no" if m4_pf_description call isn't needed
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_stat_print, [dnl
ifelse($4, no,, m4_pf_description(m4_ref($1)))
The m4_refT($1) displays the
ifelse($2,, [default statistical information.],
[$2 statistical information, as described for the m4_refT($3).])
The information is printed to a specified output channel (see the
m4_refT(dbenv_set_msgfile) for more information), or passed to an
application callback function (see the m4_refT(dbenv_set_msgcall) for
more information).])
ifelse($1, dbh_stat_print, m4_when_after_dbopen($1), m4_when_after_envopen($1))
m4_return($1, std)
m4_param(flags, [dnl
ifelse($1, dbh_stat_print, [dnl
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_FAST_STAT), [dnl
Return only the values which do not require traversal of the database.
Among other things, this flag makes it possible for applications to
request key and record counts without incurring the performance penalty
of traversing the entire database.])])
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_STAT_ALL), [dnl
Display all available information.])
ifelse($1, dbh_stat_print,, [dnl
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_STAT_CLEAR), [dnl
Reset statistics after displaying their values.])])
ifelse($1, lock_stat_print, [dnl
m4_tagns(m4_idef(DB_STAT_LOCK_CONF), [dnl
Display the lock conflict matrix.])
m4_tagns(m4_idef(DB_STAT_LOCK_LOCKERS), [dnl
Display the lockers within hash chains.])
m4_tagns(m4_idef(DB_STAT_LOCK_OBJECTS), [dnl
Display the lock objects within hash chains.])
m4_tagns(m4_idef(DB_STAT_LOCK_PARAMS), [dnl
Display the locking subsystem parameters.])])
ifelse($1, memp_stat_print, [dnl
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_STAT_MEMP_HASH), [dnl
Display the buffers with hash chains.])])
ifelse($1, dbenv_stat_print, [dnl
m4_tag(m4_idef(DB_STAT_SUBSYSTEM), [dnl
Display information for all configured subsystems.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Common destructor language.
dnl	#1: handle
dnl	#2: method
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_destructor, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_ref($1) handle may not be accessed again after m4_ref($2) is
called, regardless of its return.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl The scope of the configuration method.
dnl	#1: method
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_scope_process, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures all operations performed by a process and
all of its threads of control, not operations confined to a single
database environment.])])
define(m4_scope_dbenv, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures operations performed using the specified
m4_ref(DbEnv) handle, not all operations performed on the underlying
database environment.])])
define(m4_scope_env, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures a database environment, not only operations
performed using the specified m4_ref(DbEnv) handle.])])
define(m4_scope_mpf, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures a file in the memory pool, not only
operations performed using the specified m4_ref(DbMpoolFile) handle.])])
define(m4_scope_mpf_flags, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_ref($1) flag configures a file in the memory pool, not only
operations performed using the specified m4_ref(DbMpoolFile) handle.])])
define(m4_scope_db, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures a database, not only operations performed
using the specified m4_ref(Db) handle.])])
define(m4_scope_dbh, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures operations performed using the specified
m4_ref(Db) handle, not all operations performed on the underlying
define(m4_scope_tx, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) configures operations performed on the underlying
transaction, not only operations performed using the specified
m4_ref(DbTxn) handle.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl When the configuration methods can be called.
dnl	#1: method
dnl	#2: what happens if config info doesn't match existing object.
dnl	    (error, ignored, corrupt, overwrite)
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_when_any, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may be called at any time during the life of the

define(m4_when_init, [m4_p([dnl
Although the m4_refT($1) may be called at any time during the life of
the application, it should normally be called before making calls to the
m4_ref(dbenv_create) or m4_refT(dbh_create)s.])])

define(m4_when_envopen, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may not be called after the m4_refT(dbenv_open) is
ifelse($2, error, [If the database environment already exists when
m4_ref(dbenv_open) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1)
must be consistent with the existing environment or an error will be
ifelse($2, ignored, [If the database environment already exists when
m4_ref(dbenv_open) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1)
will be ignored.])
ifelse($2, corrupt, [If the database environment already exists when
m4_ref(dbenv_open) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1)
must be consistent with the existing environment or corruption can

define(m4_when_after_envopen, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may not be called before the m4_refT(dbenv_open) has
been called.])])

define(m4_when_mpfopen, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may not be called after the m4_refT(memp_fopen) is
ifelse($2, error, [If the file is already open in the memory pool when
m4_ref(memp_fopen) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1)
must be consistent with the existing file or an error will be
ifelse($2, overwrite, [If the file is already open in the memory pool when
m4_ref(memp_fopen) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1)
will replace the existing information.])])])

define(m4_when_dbopen, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may not be called after the m4_refT(dbh_open) is called.
ifelse($2, ignored, [If the database already exists when
m4_ref(dbh_open) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1) will
be ignored.])
ifelse($2, corrupt, [If the database already exists when
m4_ref(dbh_open) is called, the information specified to m4_ref($1) must
be the same as that historically used to create the database or
corruption can occur.])])])

define(m4_when_after_dbopen, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) may not be called before the m4_refT(dbh_open) has been

define(m4_when_before_repmgr_start, [m4_p([dnl
The m4_refT($1) must be called before the m4_refT(repmgr_start) has been

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Common getter language.
dnl	#1 method name
dnl	#2 method description
dnl	#3 text description for the variable (empty if same as #2)
dnl	#4 C/C++ variable name
dnl	#5 "reference" if it's a reference to an object, not a value
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_pf_getter, [dnl
m4_getter([$1], [$2], [$3], [$4], [$5])])

define(m4_getter, [dnl
m4_p([The m4_refT($1) returns the [$2].])
[$1], dbenv_get_open_flags, m4_when_after_envopen([$1]),
[$1], dbh_get_open_flags, m4_when_after_dbopen([$1]), m4_when_any($1))
ifelse([$4],,, [dnl
ifelse([$1], dbh_getenv,, [m4_return($1, std)])
[The m4_refT($1) returns ifelse([$5], reference, a reference to) the
ifelse([$3],, [$2], [$3]) in m4_arg([$4]).])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Stat fields.
dnl	#1 C/C++ type
dnl	#2 field name
dnl	#3 description
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_field, [m4_tagns([$1] [$2];, [$3])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Parameters:
dnl m4_parambegin/end
dnl m4_param
dnl	#1 C/C++ argument name
dnl	#2 description
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_parambegin, [dnl
define(m4_paramend, m4_tagend)
define(m4_param, [dnl
define([__paramname], [$1])
m4_tag(m4_arg(__paramname), [$2])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl File/Directory parameters get standard Windows UTF-8 language.
dnl	#1: argument name
dnl	#2: argument text
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_param_utf8, [dnl
m4_param([$1], [$2])
When using a Unicode build on Windows (the default), the m4_arg([$1])
argument will be interpreted as a UTF-8 string, which is equivalent to
ASCII for Latin characters.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl	Standard copy-out language.
dnl m4_param_co --
dnl	#1: argument
dnl	#2: copied thing
dnl	#3: REF, if it's a reference to the object.
dnl	#4: additional text
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_param_co, [m4_param([$1], [dnl
The m4_arg([$1]) parameter references memory into which
ifelse([$3], REF, a pointer to) the $2 is copied.]) $4])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl Standard not reentrant language.
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_not_reentrant, [m4_p([dnl
m4_db is not re-entrant.  Callback functions should not attempt to make
library calls (for example, to release locks or close open handles).
Re-entering m4_db is not guaranteed to work correctly, and the results
are undefined.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl The key/data argument language.
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_param_key, [m4_param(key, [The key m4_ref(Dbt) operated on.])])
define(m4_param_data, [m4_param(data, [The data m4_ref(Dbt) operated on.])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl The filesystem mode argument language.
dnl	#1: the subsystem name.
dnl ###################################################################
define(m4_param_filemode, [dnl
m4_param(mode, [dnl
On Windows systems, the mode parameter is ignored.
On UNIX systems or in m4_posix1_name environments, files created by $1
are created with mode m4_arg(mode) (as described in m4_manref(chmod, 2))
and modified by the process' umask value at the time of creation (see
m4_manref(umask, 2)).  Created files are owned by the process owner; the
group ownership of created files is based on the system and directory
defaults, and is not further specified by m4_db.  System shared memory
segments created by $1 are created with mode m4_arg(mode), unmodified
by the process' umask value.  If m4_arg(mode) is 0, $1 will use a
default mode of readable and writable by both owner and group.])])])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl	Transaction ID arguments.
dnl m4_param_txn --
dnl	#1: method
dnl	#2: "auto" if there's an auto-commit flag.
dnl	#2: "env" if an environment operation.
dnl	#2: "ro" if a read-only operation
dnl	#3: additional wording
dnl ###################################################################
[m4_param(txnid, [dnl
If the operation is part of an application-specified transaction, the
m4_arg(txnid) parameter is a transaction handle returned from
m4_ref(txn_begin); if the operation is part of a m4_cam group, the
m4_arg(txnid) parameter is a handle returned from
m4_ref(cdsgroup_begin); otherwise NULL.
ifelse([$2], ro,, [dnl
If no transaction handle is
specified, but the
ifelse([$2], auto, [DB_AUTO_COMMIT flag is specified],
[operation occurs in a transactional
ifelse([$2], env, database environment, database)]),
the operation will be implicitly transaction protected.])

dnl ###################################################################
dnl	Replication lower-level API wording.
dnl m4_repl_lower --
dnl	#1: method
dnl ###################################################################
[m4_p([The m4_ref($1) method is not called by most replication
applications.  It should only be called by applications implementing
their own network transport layer, explicitly holding replication group
elections and handling replication messages outside of the replication
manager framework.])])

dnl #################################################################
dnl m4_linkjavadoc and supporting macros:
dnl	Link to specific javadoc location in any page.
dnl	#1: package
dnl	#2: class (optional)
dnl	#3: method (optional)
dnl #################################################################
dnl __m4_javasrcref
dnl	#1: package
define(__m4_javasrcref, [dnl
ifelse(index($1, com.sleepycat), 0, dnl
[../../java/translit($1, ., /)], dnl
ifelse(index($1, java), 0, dnl
[http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/translit($1, ., /)], $1))])

define(m4_linkjavadoc, [dnl
ifelse($#, 3,dnl
[<a href="__m4_javasrcref($1)/$2.html__OCT__[pathsubst($3, ' ', '%20')]">$2.$3</a>],dnl
$#, 2,dnl
[<a href="__m4_javasrcref($1)/$2.html">$2</a>],dnl
[<a href="__m4_javasrcref($1)/package-summary.html">$1</a>])])