cxx_seq.cpp   [plain text]

 * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
 * Copyright (c) 1997,2007 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
 * $Id: cxx_seq.cpp,v 12.9 2007/05/17 17:23:26 bostic Exp $

#include "db_config.h"

#include "db_int.h"

#include "db_cxx.h"
#include "dbinc/cxx_int.h"

// Helper macro for simple methods that pass through to the
// underlying C method. It may return an error or raise an exception.
// Note this macro expects that input _argspec is an argument
// list element (e.g., "char *arg") and that _arglist is the arguments
// that should be passed through to the C method (e.g., "(db, arg)")
#define	DBSEQ_METHOD(_name, _argspec, _arglist, _destructor)		\
int DbSequence::_name _argspec						\
{									\
	int ret;							\
	DB_SEQUENCE *seq = unwrap(this);				\
	DbEnv *dbenv = DbEnv::get_DbEnv(seq->seq_dbp->dbenv);		\
	ret = seq->_name _arglist;					\
	if (_destructor)						\
		imp_ = 0;						\
	if (!DB_RETOK_STD(ret))						\
		DB_ERROR(dbenv,						\
		    "DbSequence::" # _name, ret, ON_ERROR_UNKNOWN);	\
	return (ret);							\

DbSequence::DbSequence(Db *db, u_int32_t flags)
:	imp_(0)
	int ret;

	if ((ret = db_sequence_create(&seq, unwrap(db), flags)) != 0)
		DB_ERROR(db->get_env(), "DbSequence::DbSequence", ret,
	else {
		imp_ = seq;
		seq->api_internal = this;

DbSequence::DbSequence(DB_SEQUENCE *seq)
:	imp_(seq)
	seq->api_internal = this;


	seq = unwrap(this);
	if (seq != NULL)
		(void)seq->close(seq, 0);

DBSEQ_METHOD(open, (DbTxn *txnid, Dbt *key, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), key, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(initial_value, (db_seq_t value), (seq, value), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(close, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 1)
DBSEQ_METHOD(remove, (DbTxn *txnid, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), flags), 1)
DBSEQ_METHOD(stat, (DB_SEQUENCE_STAT **sp, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, sp, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(stat_print, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 0)

    (DbTxn  *txnid, int32_t delta, db_seq_t *retp, u_int32_t flags),
    (seq, unwrap(txnid), delta, retp, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(get_cachesize, (int32_t *sizep), (seq, sizep), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(set_cachesize, (int32_t size), (seq, size), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(get_flags, (u_int32_t *flagsp), (seq, flagsp), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(set_flags, (u_int32_t flags), (seq, flags), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(get_range, (db_seq_t *minp, db_seq_t *maxp), (seq, minp, maxp), 0)
DBSEQ_METHOD(set_range, (db_seq_t min, db_seq_t max), (seq, min, max), 0)

Db *DbSequence::get_db()
	DB_SEQUENCE *seq = unwrap(this);
	DB *db;
	(void)seq->get_db(seq, &db);
	return Db::get_Db(db);

Dbt *DbSequence::get_key()
	DB_SEQUENCE *seq = unwrap(this);
	memset(&key_, 0, sizeof(DBT));
	(void)seq->get_key(seq, &key_);
	return Dbt::get_Dbt(&key_);

// static method
DbSequence *DbSequence::wrap_DB_SEQUENCE(DB_SEQUENCE *seq)
	DbSequence *wrapped_seq = get_DbSequence(seq);
	return (wrapped_seq != NULL) ? wrapped_seq : new DbSequence(seq);