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<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Using entities with collections</title>
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<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Java API Tutorial - Entity</dl></h3></td>
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<h3 align=center>Using entities with collections</h3>
<p>In this example entity objects, rather than key and value objects, are
used for adding and enumerating the records in a collection.  Because fewer
classes and objects are involved, adding and enumerating is done more
conveniently and more simply than in the prior examples.</p>
<p>For adding and iterating entities, the collection of entities returned by
<a href="">Map.values</a>
 is used.  In general, when using an
entity binding, all Java collection methods that are passed or returned a value
object will be passed or returned an entity object instead.</p>
<hr size=1 noshade>
<p>The <b>Sample</b> class has been changed in this example to add
objects using the 
<a href="">Set.add</a>
 method rather than the
<a href="">Map.put</a>
 method that was used in the prior examples.
Entity objects are constructed and passed to 
<a href="">Set.add</a>
public class Sample
    private void addSuppliers()
<b>        Set suppliers = views.getSupplierSet();
        if (suppliers.isEmpty())
            System.out.println("Adding Suppliers");
            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S1", "Smith", 20, "London"));
            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S2", "Jones", 10, "Paris"));
            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S3", "Blake", 30, "Paris"));
            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S4", "Clark", 20, "London"));
            suppliers.add(new Supplier("S5", "Adams", 30, "Athens"));
</b>    }
    private void addParts()
<b>        Set parts = views.getPartSet();
        if (parts.isEmpty())
            System.out.println("Adding Parts");
            parts.add(new Part("P1", "Nut", "Red",
                      new Weight(12.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
            parts.add(new Part("P2", "Bolt", "Green",
                      new Weight(17.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Paris"));
            parts.add(new Part("P3", "Screw", "Blue",
                      new Weight(17.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Rome"));
            parts.add(new Part("P4", "Screw", "Red",
                      new Weight(14.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
            parts.add(new Part("P5", "Cam", "Blue",
                      new Weight(12.0, Weight.GRAMS), "Paris"));
            parts.add(new Part("P6", "Cog", "Red",
                      new Weight(19.0, Weight.GRAMS), "London"));
</b>    }
    private void addShipments()
<b>        Set shipments = views.getShipmentSet();
        if (shipments.isEmpty())
            System.out.println("Adding Shipments");
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P1", "S1", 300));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S1", 200));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P3", "S1", 400));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P4", "S1", 200));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P5", "S1", 100));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P6", "S1", 100));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P1", "S2", 300));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S2", 400));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S3", 200));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P2", "S4", 200));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P4", "S4", 300));
            shipments.add(new Shipment("P5", "S4", 400));
</b>    }
<hr size=1 noshade>
<p>Instead of printing the key/value pairs by iterating over the
<a href="">Map.entrySet</a>
 as done in the prior example, this
example iterates over the entities in the 
<a href="">Map.values</a>
import com.sleepycat.bdb.collection.StoredIterator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
public class Sample
    private class PrintDatabase implements TransactionWorker
        public void doWork()
            throws Exception
<b>            printValues("Parts",
</b>            printValues("Suppliers for City Paris",
<b>            printValues("Shipments",
</b>            printValues("Shipments for Part P1",
                                            new PartKey("P1")).iterator());
            printValues("Shipments for Supplier S1",
                                            new SupplierKey("S1")).iterator());
<hr size=1 noshade>
<p>The output of the example program is shown below.</p>
Adding Suppliers
Adding Parts
Adding Shipments
--- Parts ---
Part: number=P1 name=Nut color=Red weight=[12.0 grams] city=London
Part: number=P2 name=Bolt color=Green weight=[17.0 grams] city=Paris
Part: number=P3 name=Screw color=Blue weight=[17.0 grams] city=Rome
Part: number=P4 name=Screw color=Red weight=[14.0 grams] city=London
Part: number=P5 name=Cam color=Blue weight=[12.0 grams] city=Paris
Part: number=P6 name=Cog color=Red weight=[19.0 grams] city=London
--- Suppliers ---
Supplier: number=S1 name=Smith status=20 city=London
Supplier: number=S2 name=Jones status=10 city=Paris
Supplier: number=S3 name=Blake status=30 city=Paris
Supplier: number=S4 name=Clark status=20 city=London
Supplier: number=S5 name=Adams status=30 city=Athens
--- Suppliers for City Paris ---
Supplier: number=S2 name=Jones status=10 city=Paris
Supplier: number=S3 name=Blake status=30 city=Paris
--- Shipments ---
Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S2 quantity=300
Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S1 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S2 quantity=400
Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S3 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S4 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P3 supplier=S1 quantity=400
Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S1 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S4 quantity=300
Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S1 quantity=100
Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S4 quantity=400
Shipment: part=P6 supplier=S1 quantity=100
--- Shipments for Part P1 ---
Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S2 quantity=300
--- Shipments for Supplier S1 ---
Shipment: part=P1 supplier=S1 quantity=300
Shipment: part=P2 supplier=S1 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P3 supplier=S1 quantity=400
Shipment: part=P4 supplier=S1 quantity=200
Shipment: part=P5 supplier=S1 quantity=100
Shipment: part=P6 supplier=S1 quantity=100
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