chk.method   [plain text]

#!/bin/sh -
# $Id: chk.method,v 1.2 2004/03/30 01:24:47 jtownsen Exp $
# Check that DB doesn't call DB or DB_ENV methods internally.



echo ========================================================
echo "Check that DB doesn't call DB or DB_ENV methods internally."
echo ========================================================
m=`grep '(\*[a-z][_a-z]*)' $d/dbinc/ |
   sed -e 's/^[^(]*(\*//' \
       -e 's/).*//' \
       -e '/am_remove/d' \
       -e '/am_rename/d' \
       -e '/app_dispatch/d' \
       -e '/c_am_bulk/d' \
       -e '/c_am_close/d' \
       -e '/c_am_del/d' \
       -e '/c_am_destroy/d' \
       -e '/c_am_get/d' \
       -e '/c_am_put/d' \
       -e '/c_am_writelock/d' \
       -e '/db_append_recno/d' \
       -e '/db_errcall/d' \
       -e '/db_feedback/d' \
       -e '/db_free/d' \
       -e '/db_malloc/d' \
       -e '/db_paniccall/d' \
       -e '/db_realloc/d' \
       -e '/dup_compare/d' \
       -e '/s_callback/d' |
   sort -u`

(cd $d && for i in $m; do
	#echo "$i..." > /dev/stderr
	egrep -- "->$i\(" */*.[ch]
done) |
sed \
    -e '/Wrapper function for/d' \
    -e '/\/db.h:/d' \
    -e '/^[^:]*:[	 ]*\*[	 ]/d' \
    -e '/^common\/db_getlong.c:/d' \
    -e '/^common\/util_cache.c:/d' \
    -e '/^common\/util_log.c:/d' \
    -e '/^common\/util_sig.c:/d' \
    -e '/^db185\//d' \
    -e '/^db_archive\//d' \
    -e '/^db_checkpoint\//d' \
    -e '/^db_deadlock\//d' \
    -e '/^db_dump185\//d' \
    -e '/^db_dump\//d' \
    -e '/^db_load\//d' \
    -e '/^db_printlog\//d' \
    -e '/^db_recover\//d' \
    -e '/^db_stat\//d' \
    -e '/^db_upgrade\//d' \
    -e '/^db_verify\//d' \
    -e '/^dbm\//d' \
    -e '/^examples_c\//d' \
    -e '/^examples_cxx\//d' \
    -e '/^examples_java\//d' \
    -e '/^hsearch\//d' \
    -e '/^libdb_java\//d' \
    -e '/^tcl\//d' \
    -e '/^test\//d' \
    -e '/^test_perf\//d' \
    -e '/^test_purify\//d' \
    -e '/^test_server\//d' \
    -e '/^test_thread\//d' \
    -e '/^test_vxworks\//d' \
    -e '/^xa\//d' \
    -e '/closeme->close() is a wrapper;/d' \
    -e '/crypto.c.*db_cipher->close/d' \
    -e '/db_iface.c:.*(txn->commit(txn, nosync ? DB_TXN_NOSYNC : 0));/d' \
    -e '/db_iface.c:.*if ((t_ret = txn->abort(txn)) != 0)/d' \
    -e '/db_iface.c:.*return (dbenv->txn_begin(dbenv, NULL, txnidp, 0));/d' \
    -e '/rep_util.c:.*ret = dbenv->rep_send(dbenv, &cdbt, dbtp, &cntrl.lsn,/d' \

test -s $t && {
        cat $t
	echo "FAIL: found DB/DB_ENV method calls DB library."
	exit 1

exit 0