kpi_protocol.h   [plain text]

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	@header kpi_protocol.h
	This header defines an API to interact with protocols in the kernel.
	The KPIs in this header file can be used to interact with protocols
	that already exist in the stack. These KPIs can be used to support
	existing protocols over media types that are not natively supported
	in the kernel, such as ATM.

#ifndef __KPI_PROTOCOL__
#define __KPI_PROTOCOL__
#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
#include <net/kpi_interface.h>


/* Protocol input/inject													*/

	@typedef protocol_input_handler
	@discussion protocol_input_handler is called to input a packet. If
		your protocol has specified a global lock, the lock will be held
		when this funciton is called.
	@pararm protocol The protocol this packet is intended for.
	@param packet The packet that should be input.
typedef void (*proto_input_handler)(protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t packet);

	@typedef proto_input_detached_handler
	@discussion proto_input_detached_handler is called to notify the
		protocol that it has been detached. When this function is
		called, the proto_input_handler will not be called again, making
		it safe to unload.
	@pararm protocol The protocol detached.
typedef void (*proto_input_detached_handler)(protocol_family_t protocol);

	@function proto_register_input
	@discussion Allows the caller to specify the functions called when a
		packet for a protocol is received.
	@param protocol The protocol family these functions will receive
		packets for.
	@param input The function called when a packet is input.
	@result A errno error on failure.
errno_t	proto_register_input(protocol_family_t protocol, proto_input_handler input,
							 proto_input_detached_handler detached);

	@function proto_unregister_input
	@discussion Allows the caller to unregister the input and inject
		functions for a protocol. The input/inject functions may not be
		unregistered immediately if there is a chance they are in use.
		To notify the owner when the functions are no longer in use, the
		proto_detached_handler function will be called. It is not safe
		to unload until the proto_detached_handler is called.
	@param protocol The protocol family these functions will receive
		packets for.
	@param input The function called when a packet is input.
	@param inject The function to called when a packet is injected (not
		on the normal input path).
	@result A errno error on failure.
void	proto_unregister_input(protocol_family_t protocol);

	@function proto_input
	@discussion Inputs a packet on the specified protocol from the input
	@param protocol The protocol of the packet.
	@param packet The first packet in a chain of packets to be input.
	@result A errno error on failure. Unless proto_input returns zero,
		the caller is responsible for freeing the mbuf.
errno_t	proto_input(protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t packet);

	@function proto_inject
	@discussion Injects a packet on the specified protocol from
		anywhere. To avoid recursion, the protocol may need to queue the
		packet to be handled later.
	@param protocol The protocol of the packet.
	@param packet The first packet in a chain of packets to be injected.
	@result A errno error on failure. Unless proto_inject returns zero,
		the caller is responsible for freeing the mbuf.
errno_t	proto_inject(protocol_family_t protocol, mbuf_t packet);

/* Protocol plumbing														*/

	@typedef proto_plumb_handler
	@discussion proto_plumb_handler is called to attach a protocol to an
		interface. A typical protocol plumb function would fill out an
		ifnet_attach_proto_param and call ifnet_attach_protocol.
	@param ifp The interface the protocol should be attached to.
	@param protocol_family The protocol that should be attached to the
		A non-zero value of the attach failed.
typedef errno_t (*proto_plumb_handler)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol);

	@typedef proto_unplumb_handler
	@discussion proto_unplumb_handler is called to detach a protocol
		from an interface. A typical unplumb function would call
		ifnet_detach_protocol and perform any necessary cleanup.
	@param ifp The interface the protocol should be detached from.
	@param protocol_family The protocol that should be detached from the
typedef void (*proto_unplumb_handler)(ifnet_t ifp, protocol_family_t protocol);

	@function proto_register_plumber
	@discussion Allows the caller to specify the functions called when a protocol
		is attached to an interface belonging to the specified family and when
		that protocol is detached.
	@param proto_fam The protocol family these plumbing functions will
	@param if_fam The interface family these plumbing functions will
	@param plumb The function to call to attach the protocol to an
	@param unplumb The function to call to detach the protocol to an
		interface, may be NULL in which case ifnet_detach_protocol will
		be used to detach the protocol.
	@result A non-zero value of the attach failed.
errno_t	proto_register_plumber(protocol_family_t proto_fam, ifnet_family_t if_fam,
							   proto_plumb_handler plumb, proto_unplumb_handler unplumb);

	@function proto_unregister_plumber
	@discussion Unregisters a previously registered plumbing function.
	@param proto_fam The protocol family these plumbing functions
	@param if_fam The interface family these plumbing functions handle.
void	proto_unregister_plumber(protocol_family_t proto_fam, ifnet_family_t if_fam);

