atomic_switch.s   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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#include	<ppc/asm.h>
#include	<ppc/proc_reg.h>
#include	<ppc/exception.h>
#include	<mach/ppc/vm_param.h>
#include	<assym.s>

 *	Classic atomic switch and fast trap code
 *	Written by: Mark Gorlinsky

** Blue Box Fast Trap entry
** The registers at entry are as hw_exceptions left them. Which means
** that the Blue Box data area is pointed to be R26.
** We exit here through the fast path exit point in hw_exceptions.  That means that
** upon exit, R4 must not change.  It is the savearea with the current user context
** to restore.
** Input registers are:
** r0  = Syscall number
** r4  = Current context savearea (do not modify)
** r13 = THREAD_TOP_ACT pointer
** r26 = base of ACT_MACH_BDA in kernel address space
** -- for Traps --
** r24 = Index into TWI table (x4)

ENTRY(atomic_switch_syscall, TAG_NO_FRAME_USED)
 *			Here's where we check for special Blue Box fast traps
 *			If we don't recognize the syscall, we'll go back to regular processing
			cmpwi	r0,-1								; Is it NKIsPreemptiveTask 
			beq-	isBBpretask 						; It is a fast syscall...
			cmpwi	r0,-2								; Is it kcNKIsPreemptiveTaskEnv 
			bne-	nofastSC							; Not a fast syscall...

		; kcNKIsPreemptiveTaskEnv return task.taskEnv in r0 

			lwz		r23, ACT_MACT_BTE(r13)				; Get the taskEnv
			stw		r23, saver0(r4)						; Return the taskEnv in R0

isBBpretask:											; answer the question is this a preemptive task ?
			rlwinm	r6,r26,0,0,19						; Start of page is bttd
			lwz		r1,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6)		; Get interrupt vector
			lwz		r6, savecr(r4)						; Get the current CCRs
			cmpwi	r1,0								; Is this a preemptive thread ?
			rlwinm	r6,r6,0,cr0_eq+1,cr0_eq-1			; Clear CR0 EQ bit
			bne		notpretask							; Only the cooperative thread has an interrupt vector
			oris	r6,r6,(0x8000 >> cr0_eq)			; Set CR0[eq] if task is preemptive.
			stw		r6, savecr(r4)						; Save the new current CCRs

			b       EXT(fastexit)						; Take the fast path exit...	

			b		.L_CallPseudoKernel

ENTRY(atomic_switch_trap, TAG_NO_FRAME_USED)

** functions 0-15 -> Call PseudoKernel
**             16 -> Exit PseudoKernel

			cmplwi	cr7,r24,BB_RFI_TRAP					; Is this an RFI?
			beq		cr7,.L_ExitPseudoKernel				; Yes...


 * void CallPseudoKernel ( int vector, thread_act_t * act, BEDA_t * beda, savearea *sv )
 * This op provides a means of invoking the BlueBox PseudoKernel from a
 * system (68k) or native (PPC) context while changing BlueBox interruption
 * state atomically.  As an added bonus, this op leaves all but R1/PC of the user 
 * state registers intact.  R1/PC are saved in a per thread save area, the base of
 * which is located in the bbDescAddr member of the thread_act structure.
 * This op is invoked from the Emulator Trap dispatch table or from a System
 * Call when Mach SCs have been disabled. A vectorindex is passed in to indicate
 * which vector should be taken.
 * If this op is invoked from the Emulator Trap dispatch table, the kernel is
 * aware of starting address of this table.  It used the users PC (SRR0) 
 * and the start of the Trap dispatch table address to verify the trap exception 
 * as a atomic_switch trap.  If a trap exception is verified as a atomic_switch
 * trap we enter here with the following registers loaded.
 * Input registers are:
 * r5	= Vector to take
 * r13 	= Current thread context data
 * r26	= Base address of BlueBox exception data area in kernel address space
 * r4	= Current context savearea (do not modify)


			rlwinm	r6,r26,0,0,19						; Start of page is bttd
			lwz		r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13)				; Get special flags 
			lwz		r1,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6)		; Get interrupt vector
			rlwinm	r7,r7,0,bbNoMachSCbit+1,bbNoMachSCbit-1	
														; Reactivate Mach SCs
			lwz		r8,BTTD_INTCONTROLWORD(r6)			; Get Interrupt Control Word
			cmpwi	r1,0								; Is this a preemptive thread ?
			stw		r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13)				; Update special flags
			beq		.L_CallFromPreemptiveThread			; No int vector means preemptive thread

														; Extract current Interrupt state
														; Clear current interrupt state
			xoris	r2,r1,SYSCONTEXTSTATE				; Setup for System Context check 
			lwz		r1,savecr(r4)						; Load current CR bits
			cmpwi	r2,0								; Check if state is System Context?
			oris	r8,r8,PSEUDOKERNELSTATE				; Update state for entering the PK
			bne		.L_CallFromAlternateContext			; No, then do not save CR2 bits

														; Insert live CR2 in ICW BackupCR2

			stw		r8,BTTD_INTCONTROLWORD(r6)			; Update ICW


			lwz		r1,savesrr0(r4)						; Get current PC
			lwz		r2,saver1(r4)						; Get current R1
			lwz		r3,savesrr1(r4)						; Get current MSR
			stw		r1,BEDA_SRR0(r26)					; Save current PC
			rlwinm	r3,r3,0,MSR_BE_BIT+1,MSR_SE_BIT-1				
														; Clear SE|BE bits in MSR
			stw		r2,BEDA_SPRG1(r26)					; Save current R1 
			stw		r3,savesrr1(r4)						; Load new MSR

			lwz		r1,BEDA_SPRG0(r26)					; Get replacement R1
			lwzx	r2,r5,r6							; Load vector address
			stw		r3,BEDA_SRR1(r26)					; Update saved MSR
			stw		r1,saver1(r4)						; Load up new R1
			stw		r2,savesrr0(r4)						; Save vector as PC

			b		EXT(fastexit)						; Go back and take the fast path exit...

 * void ExitPseudoKernel ( thread_act_t * act, BEDA_t * beda, savearea * sv  )
 * This op provides a means of exiting from the BlueBox PseudoKernel to a
 * user context.  This op attempts to simulate an RFI for the returning
 * Traps (atomic_switch_trap) and SysCalls (atomic_switch_syscall).  Only the
 * Blue Thread handling interrupts is allowed to atomically change
 * interruption state and handle pending interrupts.
 * If an interrupt is pending and we are returning to the alternate context,
 * the exit is aborted and we return to an pending interrupt handler in the
 * Blue Box pseudokernel.  
 * It also allows the MSR's FE0, FE1, BE and SE bits to updated for the user
 * and completes the PPC register loading.
 * Input registers are:
 * r4  = Current context savearea (do not modify)
 * r13 = Pointer to the current active thread's data
 * r26 = Base address of BlueBox Data in kernel address space 


			rlwinm	r6,r26,0,0,19						; Start of page is bttd
			lwz		r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13)				; Get special flags
			lwz		r2,BTTD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR(r6)		; Get the interrupt vector
			lwz		r1,BEDA_SPRG1(r26)					; Get saved CTR
			oris	r7,r7,(0x8000 >> bbNoMachSCbit)		; Disable Mach SCs for Blue Box

			cmpwi	r2,0								; Is this a preemptive thread
			stw		r1,savectr(r4)						; Update CTR
			beq		.L_ExitFromPreemptiveThread

			lwz		r8,BTTD_INTCONTROLWORD(r6)			; Get ICW
			lwz		r1,BTTD_NEWEXITSTATE(r6)			; New interrupt state
			lwz		r2,BTTD_TESTINTMASK(r6)				; Get pending interrupt mask
			lis		r3,SYSCONTEXTSTATE					; Setup for check in system context
														; Insert new state
			cmplw	cr1,r1,r3							; System context ?
			and.	r2,r8,r2							; Any pending interrupt?
			lwz		r1,savecr(r4)						; Get current CR
			beq		cr1,.L_ExitToSystemContext			; We are in system context
			beq		.L_ExitUpdateRuptControlWord		; We do not have a pending interrupt

			lwz		r2,saver1(r4)						; Get current R1
			lwz		r1,BEDA_SPRG0(r26)					; Get replacement R1
			stw		r2,BEDA_SPRG1(r26)					; Save current R1
			stw		r1,saver1(r4)						; Load up new R1
			lwz		r3,BTTD_PENDINGINT_VECTOR(r6)		; Get pending interrupt PC
			b		.L_ExitAbortExit					; Abort and Exit

														; Insert live CR2 into backup CR2
			stw		r8,BTTD_INTCONTROLWORD(r6)			; Update ICW
			stw		r1,savecr(r4)						; Update CR

			lwz		r2,savesrr1(r4)						; Get current MSR	
			lwz		r1,BEDA_SRR1(r26)					; Get new MSR
			stw		r7,ACT_MACT_SPF(r13)				; Update special flags
			rlwimi	r2,r1,0,MSR_FE0_BIT,MSR_FE1_BIT
														; Insert FE0,FE1,SE,BE bits
			lwz		r3,BEDA_SRR0(r26)					; Get new PC
			stw		r2,savesrr1(r4)						; Update MSR

			stw		r3,savesrr0(r4)						; Update PC

			b		EXT(fastexit)						; Go back and take the fast path exit...