IOMultiMemoryDescriptor.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMultiMemoryDescriptor.h>

#define super IOMemoryDescriptor
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOMultiMemoryDescriptor, IOMemoryDescriptor)

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithAddress(
                                  void *      /* address       */ ,
                                  IOByteCount /* withLength    */ ,
                                  IODirection /* withDirection */ )
    return false;

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithAddress(
                                  vm_address_t /* address       */ ,
                                  IOByteCount  /* withLength    */ ,
                                  IODirection  /* withDirection */ ,
                                  task_t       /* withTask      */ )
    return false;

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalAddress(
                                  IOPhysicalAddress /* address       */ ,
                                  IOByteCount       /* withLength    */ ,
                                  IODirection       /* withDirection */ )
    return false;

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithPhysicalRanges(
                                  IOPhysicalRange * /* ranges        */ ,
                                  UInt32            /* withCount     */ ,
                                  IODirection       /* withDirection */ ,
                                  bool              /* asReference   */ )
    return false;

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithRanges(
                                  IOVirtualRange * /* ranges        */ ,
                                  UInt32           /* withCount     */ ,
                                  IODirection      /* withDirection */ ,
                                  task_t           /* withTask      */ ,
                                  bool             /* asReference   */ )
    return false;

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IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::withDescriptors(
                                  IOMemoryDescriptor ** descriptors,
                                  UInt32                withCount,
                                  IODirection           withDirection,
                                  bool                  asReference = false )
    // Create a new IOMultiMemoryDescriptor.  The "buffer" is made up of several
    // memory descriptors, that are to be chained end-to-end to make up a single
    // memory descriptor.
    // Passing the ranges as a reference will avoid an extra allocation.

    IOMultiMemoryDescriptor * me = new IOMultiMemoryDescriptor;
    if ( me && me->initWithDescriptors(
                                  /* descriptors   */ descriptors,
                                  /* withCount     */ withCount,
                                  /* withDirection */ withDirection,
                                  /* asReference   */ asReference ) == false )
	    me = 0;

    return me;

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bool IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::initWithDescriptors(
                                  IOMemoryDescriptor ** descriptors,
                                  UInt32                withCount,
                                  IODirection           withDirection,
                                  bool                  asReference = false )
    // Initialize an IOMultiMemoryDescriptor. The "buffer" is made up of several
    // memory descriptors, that are to be chained end-to-end to make up a single
    // memory descriptor.
    // Passing the ranges as a reference will avoid an extra allocation.


    // Ask our superclass' opinion.

    if ( super::init() == false )  return false;

    // Initialize our minimal state.

    _descriptors            = 0;
    _descriptorsCount       = withCount;
    _descriptorsIsAllocated = asReference ? false : true;
    _direction              = withDirection;
    _length                 = 0;
    _mappings               = 0;
    _tag                    = 0;

    if ( asReference )
        _descriptors = descriptors;
        _descriptors = IONew(IOMemoryDescriptor *, withCount);
        if ( _descriptors == 0 )  return false;

        bcopy( /* from  */ descriptors,
               /* to    */ _descriptors,
               /* bytes */ withCount * sizeof(IOMemoryDescriptor *) );

    for ( unsigned index = 0; index < withCount; index++ ) 
        _length += descriptors[index]->getLength();
        if ( _tag == 0 )  _tag = descriptors[index]->getTag();
        assert(descriptors[index]->getDirection() == withDirection);

    return true;

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void IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::free()
    // Free all of this object's outstanding resources.

    if ( _descriptors )
        for ( unsigned index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 

        if ( _descriptorsIsAllocated )
            IODelete(_descriptors, IOMemoryDescriptor *, _descriptorsCount);


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IOReturn IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::prepare(IODirection forDirection)
    // Prepare the memory for an I/O transfer.
    // This involves paging in the memory and wiring it down for the duration
    // of the transfer.  The complete() method finishes the processing of the
    // memory after the I/O transfer finishes.

    unsigned index;
    IOReturn status = kIOReturnInternalError;
    IOReturn statusUndo;

    if ( forDirection == kIODirectionNone )
        forDirection = _direction;

    for ( index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 
        status = _descriptors[index]->prepare(forDirection);
        if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )  break;

    if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )
        for ( unsigned indexUndo = 0; indexUndo <= index; indexUndo++ )
            statusUndo = _descriptors[index]->complete(forDirection);
            assert(statusUndo == kIOReturnSuccess);

    return status;

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IOReturn IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::complete(IODirection forDirection)
    // Complete processing of the memory after an I/O transfer finishes.
    // This method shouldn't be called unless a prepare() was previously issued;
    // the prepare() and complete() must occur in pairs, before and after an I/O
    // transfer.

    IOReturn status;
    IOReturn statusFinal = kIOReturnSuccess;

    if ( forDirection == kIODirectionNone )
        forDirection = _direction;

    for ( unsigned index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 
        status = _descriptors[index]->complete(forDirection);
        if ( status != kIOReturnSuccess )  statusFinal = status;
        assert(status == kIOReturnSuccess);

    return statusFinal;

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IOPhysicalAddress IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::getPhysicalSegment(
                                                       IOByteCount   offset,
                                                       IOByteCount * length )
    // This method returns the physical address of the byte at the given offset
    // into the memory,  and optionally the length of the physically contiguous
    // segment from that offset.

    assert(offset <= _length);

    for ( unsigned index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 
        if ( offset < _descriptors[index]->getLength() )
            return _descriptors[index]->getPhysicalSegment(offset, length);
        offset -= _descriptors[index]->getLength();

    if ( length )  *length = 0;

    return 0;

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void * IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::getVirtualSegment( IOByteCount   /* offset */ ,
                                                   IOByteCount * /* length */ )
    return 0;

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IOByteCount IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::readBytes( IOByteCount offset,
                                                void *      bytes,
                                                IOByteCount withLength )
    // Copies data from the memory descriptor's buffer at the given offset, to
    // the specified buffer.  Returns the number of bytes copied.

    IOByteCount bytesCopied = 0;
    unsigned    index;

    for ( index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 
        if ( offset < _descriptors[index]->getLength() )  break;
        offset -= _descriptors[index]->getLength();

    for ( ; index < _descriptorsCount && withLength; index++)
        IOByteCount copy   = min(_descriptors[index]->getLength(), withLength);
        IOByteCount copied = _descriptors[index]->readBytes(offset,bytes,copy);

        bytesCopied += copied;
        if ( copied != copy )  break;

        bytes = ((UInt8 *) bytes) + copied;
        withLength -= copied;
        offset = 0;

    return bytesCopied;

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IOByteCount IOMultiMemoryDescriptor::writeBytes( IOByteCount  offset,
                                                 const void * bytes,
                                                 IOByteCount  withLength )
    // Copies data to the memory descriptor's buffer at the given offset, from
    // the specified buffer.  Returns the number of bytes copied.

    IOByteCount bytesCopied = 0;
    unsigned    index;

    for ( index = 0; index < _descriptorsCount; index++ ) 
        if ( offset < _descriptors[index]->getLength() )  break;
        offset -= _descriptors[index]->getLength();

    for ( ; index < _descriptorsCount && withLength; index++)
        IOByteCount copy   = min(_descriptors[index]->getLength(), withLength);
        IOByteCount copied = _descriptors[index]->writeBytes(offset,bytes,copy);

        bytesCopied += copied;
        if ( copied != copy )  break;

        bytes = ((UInt8 *) bytes) + copied;
        withLength -= copied;
        offset = 0;

    return bytesCopied;