uipc_mbuf.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
/* Copyright (c) 1995 NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
 * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1993
 *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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 *	@(#)uipc_mbuf.c	8.2 (Berkeley) 1/4/94
 * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
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#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/mbuf.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <sys/domain.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>

#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/simple_lock.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/cpu_number.h>

#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <libkern/libkern.h>

#include <IOKit/IOMapper.h>

#include <machine/limits.h>
#include <machine/machine_routines.h>

#include <security/mac_framework.h>
#endif /* MAC_NET */

#include <sys/mcache.h>

 * There is a total of 5 per-CPU caches:
 *	This is a cache of rudimentary objects of MSIZE in size; each
 *	object represents an mbuf structure.  This cache preserves only
 *	the m_type field of the mbuf during its transactions.
 * MC_CL:
 *	This is a cache of rudimentary objects of MCLBYTES in size; each
 *	object represents a mcluster structure.  This cache does not
 *	preserve the contents of the objects during its transactions.
 *	This is a cache of rudimentary objects of NBPG in size; each
 *	object represents a mbigcluster structure.  This cache does not
 *	preserve the contents of the objects during its transaction.
 *	This is a cache of mbufs each having a cluster attached to it.
 *	It is backed by MC_MBUF and MC_CL rudimentary caches.  Several
 *	fields of the mbuf related to the external cluster are preserved
 *	during transactions.
 *	This is a cache of mbufs each having a big cluster attached to it.
 *	It is backed by MC_MBUF and MC_BIGCL rudimentary caches.  Several
 *	fields of the mbuf related to the external cluster are preserved
 *	during transactions.
 * Allocation requests are handled first at the per-CPU (mcache) layer
 * before falling back to the slab layer.  Performance is optimal when
 * the request is satisfied at the CPU layer because global data/lock
 * never gets accessed.  When the slab layer is entered for allocation,
 * the slab freelist will be checked first for available objects before
 * the VM backing store is invoked.  Slab layer operations are serialized
 * for all of the caches as the mbuf global lock is held most of the time.
 * Allocation paths are different depending on the class of objects:
 * a. Rudimentary object:
 *	{ m_get_common(), m_clattach(), m_mclget(),
 *	  m_mclalloc(), m_bigalloc(), m_copym_with_hdrs(),
 *	  composite object allocation }
 *			|	^
 *			|	|
 *			|	+-----------------------+
 *			v				|
 *	   mcache_alloc/mcache_alloc_ext()	mbuf_slab_audit()
 *			|				^
 *			v				|
 *		   [CPU cache] ------->	(found?) -------+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		 mbuf_slab_alloc()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *	+---------> [freelist] ------->	(found?) -------+
 *	|		|
 *	|		v
 *	|	    m_clalloc()
 *	|		|
 *	|		v
 *	+---<<---- kmem_mb_alloc()
 * b. Composite object:
 *	{ m_getpackets_internal(), m_allocpacket_internal() }
 *			|	^
 *			|	|
 *			|	+------	(done) ---------+
 *			v				|
 *	   mcache_alloc/mcache_alloc_ext()	mbuf_cslab_audit()
 *			|				^
 *			v				|
 *		   [CPU cache] ------->	(found?) -------+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		 mbuf_cslab_alloc()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		    [freelist] ------->	(found?) -------+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		(rudimentary object)			|
 *	   mcache_alloc/mcache_alloc_ext() ------>>-----+
 * Auditing notes: If auditing is enabled, buffers will be subjected to
 * integrity checks by the audit routine.  This is done by verifying their
 * contents against DEADBEEF (free) pattern before returning them to caller.
 * As part of this step, the routine will also record the transaction and
 * pattern-fill the buffers with BADDCAFE (uninitialized) pattern.  It will
 * also restore any constructed data structure fields if necessary.
 * Freeing an object simply involves placing it into the CPU cache; this
 * pollutes the cache to benefit subsequent allocations.  The slab layer
 * will only be entered if the object is to be purged out of the cache.
 * During normal operations, this happens only when the CPU layer resizes
 * its bucket while it's adjusting to the allocation load.  Deallocation
 * paths are different depending on the class of objects:
 * a. Rudimentary object:
 *	{ m_free(), m_freem_list(), composite object deallocation }
 *			|	^
 *			|	|
 *			|	+------	(done) ---------+
 *			v				|
 *	   mcache_free/mcache_free_ext()		|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		mbuf_slab_audit()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		   [CPU cache] ---> (not purging?) -----+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		 mbuf_slab_free()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		    [freelist] ----------->>------------+
 *	 (objects never get purged to VM)
 * b. Composite object:
 *	{ m_free(), m_freem_list() }
 *			|	^
 *			|	|
 *			|	+------	(done) ---------+
 *			v				|
 *	   mcache_free/mcache_free_ext()		|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		mbuf_cslab_audit()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		   [CPU cache] ---> (not purging?) -----+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		 mbuf_cslab_free()			|
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		    [freelist] ---> (not purging?) -----+
 *			|				|
 *			v				|
 *		(rudimentary object)			|
 *	   mcache_free/mcache_free_ext() ------->>------+
 * Auditing notes: If auditing is enabled, the audit routine will save
 * any constructed data structure fields (if necessary) before filling the
 * contents of the buffers with DEADBEEF (free) pattern and recording the
 * transaction.  Buffers that are freed (whether at CPU or slab layer) are
 * expected to contain the free pattern.
 * Debugging can be enabled by adding "mbuf_debug=0x3" to boot-args; this
 * translates to the mcache flags (MCF_VERIFY | MCF_AUDIT).  Additionally,
 * the CPU layer cache can be disabled by setting the MCF_NOCPUCACHE flag,
 * i.e. modify the boot argument parameter to "mbuf_debug=0x13".  Note
 * that debugging consumes more CPU and memory.
 * Each object is associated with exactly one mcache_audit_t structure that
 * contains the information related to its last buffer transaction.  Given
 * an address of an object, the audit structure can be retrieved by finding
 * the position of the object relevant to the base address of the cluster:
 *	+------------+			+=============+
 *	| mbuf addr  |			| mclaudit[i] |
 *	+------------+			+=============+
 *	      |				| cl_audit[0] |
 *	i = MTOCL(addr)			+-------------+
 *	      |			+----->	| cl_audit[1] | -----> mcache_audit_t
 *	b = CLTOM(i)		|	+-------------+
 *	      |			|	|     ...     |
 *	x = MCLIDX(b, addr)	|	+-------------+
 *	      |			|	| cl_audit[7] |
 *	      +-----------------+	+-------------+
 *		 (e.g. x == 1)
 * The mclaudit[] array is allocated at initialization time, but its contents
 * get populated when the corresponding cluster is created.  Because a cluster
 * can be turned into NMBPCL number of mbufs, we preserve enough space for the
 * mbufs so that there is a 1-to-1 mapping between them.  A cluster that never
 * gets (or has not yet) turned into mbufs will use only cl_audit[0] with the
 * remaining entries unused.  For big clusters, only one entry is allocated
 * and used for the entire cluster pair.

/* TODO: should be in header file */
/* kernel translater */
extern vm_offset_t kmem_mb_alloc(vm_map_t, int);
extern ppnum_t pmap_find_phys(pmap_t pmap, addr64_t va);
extern vm_map_t mb_map;		/* special map */

/* Global lock */
static lck_mtx_t *mbuf_mlock;
static lck_attr_t *mbuf_mlock_attr;
static lck_grp_t *mbuf_mlock_grp;
static lck_grp_attr_t *mbuf_mlock_grp_attr;

/* Back-end (common) layer */
static void *mbuf_worker_run;	/* wait channel for worker thread */
static int mbuf_worker_ready;	/* worker thread is runnable */
static int mbuf_expand_mcl;	/* number of cluster creation requets */
static int mbuf_expand_big;	/* number of big cluster creation requests */
static int mbuf_expand_16k;	/* number of 16K cluster creation requests */
static int ncpu;		/* number of CPUs */
static int *mcl_paddr;		/* Array of cluster physical addresses */
static ppnum_t mcl_paddr_base;	/* Handle returned by IOMapper::iovmAlloc() */
static mcache_t *ref_cache;	/* Cache of cluster reference & flags */
static mcache_t *mcl_audit_con_cache; /* Audit contents cache */
static unsigned int mbuf_debug;	/* patchable mbuf mcache flags */
static unsigned int mb_normalized; /* number of packets "normalized" */

typedef enum {
	MC_MBUF = 0,	/* Regular mbuf */
	MC_CL,		/* Cluster */
	MC_BIGCL,	/* Large (4K) cluster */
	MC_16KCL,	/* Jumbo (16K) cluster */
	MC_MBUF_CL,	/* mbuf + cluster */
	MC_MBUF_BIGCL,	/* mbuf + large (4K) cluster */
	MC_MBUF_16KCL	/* mbuf + jumbo (16K) cluster */
} mbuf_class_t;

#define	MBUF_CLASS_VALID(c) \
	((int)(c) >= MBUF_CLASS_MIN && (int)(c) <= MBUF_CLASS_MAX)
	((int)(c) > MBUF_CLASS_LAST)

 * mbuf specific mcache allocation request flags.
#define	MCR_COMP	MCR_USR1 /* for MC_MBUF_{CL,BIGCL,16KCL} caches */

 * Per-cluster slab structure.
 * A slab is a cluster control structure that contains one or more object
 * chunks; the available chunks are chained in the slab's freelist (sl_head).
 * Each time a chunk is taken out of the slab, the slab's reference count
 * gets incremented.  When all chunks have been taken out, the empty slab
 * gets removed (SLF_DETACHED) from the class's slab list.  A chunk that is
 * returned to a slab causes the slab's reference count to be decremented;
 * it also causes the slab to be reinserted back to class's slab list, if
 * it's not already done.
 * Compartmentalizing of the object chunks into slabs allows us to easily
 * merge one or more slabs together when the adjacent slabs are idle, as
 * well as to convert or move a slab from one class to another; e.g. the
 * mbuf cluster slab can be converted to a regular cluster slab when all
 * mbufs in the slab have been freed.
 * A slab may also span across multiple clusters for chunks larger than
 * a cluster's size.  In this case, only the slab of the first cluster is
 * used.  The rest of the slabs are marked with SLF_PARTIAL to indicate
 * that they are part of the larger slab.
typedef struct mcl_slab {
	struct mcl_slab	*sl_next;	/* neighboring slab */
	u_int8_t	sl_class;	/* controlling mbuf class */
	int8_t		sl_refcnt;	/* outstanding allocations */
	int8_t		sl_chunks;	/* chunks (bufs) in this slab */
	u_int16_t	sl_flags;	/* slab flags (see below) */
	u_int16_t	sl_len;		/* slab length */
	void		*sl_base;	/* base of allocated memory */
	void		*sl_head;	/* first free buffer */
	TAILQ_ENTRY(mcl_slab) sl_link;	/* next/prev slab on freelist */
} mcl_slab_t;

#define	SLF_MAPPED	0x0001		/* backed by a mapped page */
#define	SLF_PARTIAL	0x0002		/* part of another slab */
#define	SLF_DETACHED	0x0004		/* not in slab freelist */

 * The array of slabs are broken into groups of arrays per 1MB of kernel
 * memory to reduce the footprint.  Each group is allocated on demand
 * whenever a new piece of memory mapped in from the VM crosses the 1MB
 * boundary.
#define	MBSHIFT		20				/* 1MB */
#define	NSLABSPMB	((1 << MBSHIFT) >> MCLSHIFT)	/* 512 slabs/grp */

typedef struct mcl_slabg {
	mcl_slab_t	slg_slab[NSLABSPMB];	/* group of slabs */
} mcl_slabg_t;

 * Per-cluster audit structure.
typedef struct {
	mcache_audit_t	*cl_audit[NMBPCL];	/* array of audits */
} mcl_audit_t;

static unsigned int maxmbufcl;

 * Size of data from the beginning of an mbuf that covers m_hdr, pkthdr
 * and m_ext structures.  If auditing is enabled, we allocate a shadow
 * mbuf structure of this size inside each audit structure, and the
 * contents of the real mbuf gets copied into it when the mbuf is freed.
 * This allows us to pattern-fill the mbuf for integrity check, and to
 * preserve any constructed mbuf fields (e.g. mbuf + cluster cache case).
 * Note that we don't save the contents of clusters when they are freed;
 * we simply pattern-fill them.
#if defined(__LP64__)
#endif /* __LP64__ */

 * mbuf specific mcache audit flags
#define	MB_INUSE	0x01	/* object has not been returned to slab */
#define	MB_COMP_INUSE	0x02	/* object has not been returned to cslab */
#define	MB_SCVALID	0x04	/* object has valid saved contents */

 * Each of the following two arrays hold up to nmbclusters elements.
static mcl_audit_t *mclaudit;	/* array of cluster audit information */
static mcl_slabg_t **slabstbl;	/* cluster slabs table */
static unsigned int maxslabgrp;	/* max # of entries in slabs table */
static unsigned int slabgrp;	/* # of entries in slabs table */

/* Globals */
int nclusters;			/* # of clusters for non-jumbo (legacy) sizes */
int njcl;			/* # of clusters for jumbo sizes */
int njclbytes;			/* size of a jumbo cluster */
union mcluster *mbutl;		/* first mapped cluster address */
union mcluster *embutl;		/* ending virtual address of mclusters */
int max_linkhdr;		/* largest link-level header */
int max_protohdr;		/* largest protocol header */
int max_hdr;			/* largest link+protocol header */
int max_datalen;		/* MHLEN - max_hdr */

/* TODO: should be in header file */
int do_reclaim = 0;

/* The minimum number of objects that are allocated, to start. */
#define	MINCL		32
#define	MINBIGCL	(MINCL >> 1)
#define	MIN16KCL	(MINCL >> 2)

/* Low watermarks (only map in pages once free counts go below) */

typedef struct {
	mbuf_class_t	mtbl_class;	/* class type */
	mcache_t	*mtbl_cache;	/* mcache for this buffer class */
	TAILQ_HEAD(mcl_slhead, mcl_slab) mtbl_slablist; /* slab list */
	mcache_obj_t	*mtbl_cobjlist;	/* composite objects freelist */
	mb_class_stat_t	*mtbl_stats;	/* statistics fetchable via sysctl */
	u_int32_t	mtbl_maxsize;	/* maximum buffer size */
	int		mtbl_minlimit;	/* minimum allowed */
	int		mtbl_maxlimit;	/* maximum allowed */
	u_int32_t	mtbl_wantpurge;	/* purge during next reclaim */
} mbuf_table_t;

#define	m_class(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_class
#define	m_cache(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_cache
#define	m_slablist(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_slablist
#define	m_cobjlist(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_cobjlist
#define	m_maxsize(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_maxsize
#define	m_minlimit(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_minlimit
#define	m_maxlimit(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_maxlimit
#define	m_wantpurge(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_wantpurge
#define	m_cname(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_cname
#define	m_size(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_size
#define	m_total(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_total
#define	m_active(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_active
#define	m_infree(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_infree
#define	m_slab_cnt(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_slab_cnt
#define	m_alloc_cnt(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_alloc_cnt
#define	m_free_cnt(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_free_cnt
#define	m_notified(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_notified
#define	m_purge_cnt(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_purge_cnt
#define	m_fail_cnt(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_fail_cnt
#define	m_ctotal(c)	mbuf_table[c].mtbl_stats->mbcl_ctotal

static mbuf_table_t mbuf_table[] = {
	 * The caches for mbufs, regular clusters and big clusters.
	    NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	    NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	    NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	    NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	 * The following are special caches; they serve as intermediate
	 * caches backed by the above rudimentary caches.  Each object
	 * in the cache is an mbuf with a cluster attached to it.  Unlike
	 * the above caches, these intermediate caches do not directly
	 * deal with the slab structures; instead, the constructed
	 * cached elements are simply stored in the freelists.
	{ MC_MBUF_CL, NULL, { NULL, NULL }, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	{ MC_MBUF_BIGCL, NULL, { NULL, NULL }, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
	{ MC_MBUF_16KCL, NULL, { NULL, NULL }, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 },

#define	NELEM(a)	(sizeof (a) / sizeof ((a)[0]))

static void *mb_waitchan = &mbuf_table;	/* wait channel for all caches */
static int mb_waiters;			/* number of sleepers */

/* The following are used to serialize m_clalloc() */
static boolean_t mb_clalloc_busy;
static void *mb_clalloc_waitchan = &mb_clalloc_busy;
static int mb_clalloc_waiters;

static int mbstat_sysctl SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS;
static int mb_stat_sysctl SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS;
static void mbuf_table_init(void);
static inline void m_incref(struct mbuf *);
static inline u_int32_t m_decref(struct mbuf *);
static int m_clalloc(const u_int32_t, const int, const u_int32_t);
static void mbuf_worker_thread_init(void);
static mcache_obj_t *slab_alloc(mbuf_class_t, int);
static void slab_free(mbuf_class_t, mcache_obj_t *);
static unsigned int mbuf_slab_alloc(void *, mcache_obj_t ***,
    unsigned int, int);
static void mbuf_slab_free(void *, mcache_obj_t *, int);
static void mbuf_slab_audit(void *, mcache_obj_t *, boolean_t);
static void mbuf_slab_notify(void *, u_int32_t);
static unsigned int cslab_alloc(mbuf_class_t, mcache_obj_t ***,
    unsigned int);
static unsigned int cslab_free(mbuf_class_t, mcache_obj_t *, int);
static unsigned int mbuf_cslab_alloc(void *, mcache_obj_t ***,
    unsigned int, int);
static void mbuf_cslab_free(void *, mcache_obj_t *, int);
static void mbuf_cslab_audit(void *, mcache_obj_t *, boolean_t);
static int freelist_populate(mbuf_class_t, unsigned int, int);
static boolean_t mbuf_cached_above(mbuf_class_t, int);
static boolean_t mbuf_steal(mbuf_class_t, unsigned int);
static void m_reclaim(mbuf_class_t, unsigned int, boolean_t);
static int m_howmany(int, size_t);
static void mbuf_worker_thread(void);
static boolean_t mbuf_sleep(mbuf_class_t, unsigned int, int);

static void mcl_audit_init(void *, mcache_audit_t **, mcache_obj_t **,
    size_t, unsigned int);
static mcache_audit_t *mcl_audit_buf2mca(mbuf_class_t, mcache_obj_t *);
static void mcl_audit_mbuf(mcache_audit_t *, void *, boolean_t, boolean_t);
static void mcl_audit_cluster(mcache_audit_t *, void *, size_t, boolean_t,
static void mcl_audit_restore_mbuf(struct mbuf *, mcache_audit_t *, boolean_t);
static void mcl_audit_save_mbuf(struct mbuf *, mcache_audit_t *);
static void mcl_audit_mcheck_panic(struct mbuf *);
static void mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(void *, mcache_audit_t *);

static mcl_slab_t *slab_get(void *);
static void slab_init(mcl_slab_t *, mbuf_class_t, u_int32_t,
    void *, void *, unsigned int, int, int);
static void slab_insert(mcl_slab_t *, mbuf_class_t);
static void slab_remove(mcl_slab_t *, mbuf_class_t);
static boolean_t slab_inrange(mcl_slab_t *, void *);
static void slab_nextptr_panic(mcl_slab_t *, void *);
static void slab_detach(mcl_slab_t *);
static boolean_t slab_is_detached(mcl_slab_t *);

 * This flag is set for all mbufs that come out of and into the composite
 * mbuf + cluster caches, i.e. MC_MBUF_CL and MC_MBUF_BIGCL.  mbufs that
 * are marked with such a flag have clusters attached to them, and will be
 * treated differently when they are freed; instead of being placed back
 * into the mbuf and cluster freelists, the composite mbuf + cluster objects
 * are placed back into the appropriate composite cache's freelist, and the
 * actual freeing is deferred until the composite objects are purged.  At
 * such a time, this flag will be cleared from the mbufs and the objects
 * will be freed into their own separate freelists.
#define	EXTF_COMPOSITE	0x1

#define	MEXT_RFA(m)		((m)->m_ext.ext_refflags)
#define	MEXT_REF(m)		(MEXT_RFA(m)->refcnt)
#define	MEXT_FLAGS(m)		(MEXT_RFA(m)->flags)
#define	MBUF_IS_COMPOSITE(m)	\

 * Macros used to verify the integrity of the mbuf.
#define	_MCHECK(m) {							\
	if ((m)->m_type != MT_FREE) {					\
		if (mclaudit == NULL)					\
			panic("MCHECK: m_type=%d m=%p",			\
			    (u_int16_t)(m)->m_type, m);			\
		else							\
			mcl_audit_mcheck_panic(m);			\
	}								\

#define	MBUF_IN_MAP(addr)						\
	((void *)(addr) >= (void *)mbutl && (void *)(addr) < (void *)embutl)

#define	MRANGE(addr) {							\
	if (!MBUF_IN_MAP(addr))						\
		panic("MRANGE: address out of range 0x%p", addr);	\

 * Macro version of mtod.
#define	MTOD(m, t)	((t)((m)->m_data))

 * Macros to obtain cluster index and base cluster address.
#define	MTOCL(x)	(((char *)(x) - (char *)mbutl) >> MCLSHIFT)
#define	CLTOM(x)	((union mcluster *)(mbutl + (x)))

 * Macro to find the mbuf index relative to the cluster base.
#define	MCLIDX(c, m)	(((char *)(m) - (char *)(c)) >> 8)

 * Macros used during mbuf and cluster initialization.
#define	MBUF_INIT(m, pkthdr, type) {					\
	_MCHECK(m);							\
	(m)->m_next = (m)->m_nextpkt = NULL;				\
	(m)->m_len = 0;							\
	(m)->m_type = type;						\
	if ((pkthdr) == 0) {						\
		(m)->m_data = (m)->m_dat;				\
		(m)->m_flags = 0;					\
	} else {							\
		(m)->m_data = (m)->m_pktdat;				\
		(m)->m_flags = M_PKTHDR;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.rcvif = NULL;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.len = 0;					\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.header = NULL;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.csum_flags = 0;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.csum_data = 0;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.reserved0 = NULL;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.vlan_tag = 0;				\
		(m)->m_pkthdr.socket_id = 0;				\
		m_tag_init(m);						\
	}								\

#define	MEXT_INIT(m, buf, size, free, arg, rfa, ref, flag) {		\
	(m)->m_data = (m)->m_ext.ext_buf = (buf);			\
	(m)->m_flags |= M_EXT;						\
	(m)->m_ext.ext_size = (size);					\
	(m)->m_ext.ext_free = (free);					\
	(m)->m_ext.ext_arg = (arg);					\
	(m)->m_ext.ext_refs.forward = (m)->m_ext.ext_refs.backward =	\
	    &(m)->m_ext.ext_refs;					\
	MEXT_RFA(m) = (rfa);						\
	MEXT_REF(m) = (ref);						\
	MEXT_FLAGS(m) = (flag);						\

#define	MBUF_CL_INIT(m, buf, rfa, ref, flag)	\
	MEXT_INIT(m, buf, m_maxsize(MC_CL), NULL, NULL, rfa, ref, flag)

#define	MBUF_BIGCL_INIT(m, buf, rfa, ref, flag)	\
	MEXT_INIT(m, buf, m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL), m_bigfree, NULL, rfa, ref, flag)

#define	MBUF_16KCL_INIT(m, buf, rfa, ref, flag)	\
	MEXT_INIT(m, buf, m_maxsize(MC_16KCL), m_16kfree, NULL, rfa, ref, flag)

 * Macro to convert BSD malloc sleep flag to mcache's
#define	MSLEEPF(f)	((!((f) & M_DONTWAIT)) ? MCR_SLEEP : MCR_NOSLEEP)

 * The structure that holds all mbuf class statistics exportable via sysctl.
 * Similar to mbstat structure, the mb_stat structure is protected by the
 * global mbuf lock.  It contains additional information about the classes
 * that allows for a more accurate view of the state of the allocator.
struct mb_stat *mb_stat;

#define	MB_STAT_SIZE(n) \
	((size_t)(&((mb_stat_t *)0)->mbs_class[n]))

 * The legacy structure holding all of the mbuf allocation statistics.
 * The actual statistics used by the kernel are stored in the mbuf_table
 * instead, and are updated atomically while the global mbuf lock is held.
 * They are mirrored in mbstat to support legacy applications (e.g. netstat).
 * Unlike before, the kernel no longer relies on the contents of mbstat for
 * its operations (e.g. cluster expansion) because the structure is exposed
 * to outside and could possibly be modified, therefore making it unsafe.
 * With the exception of the mbstat.m_mtypes array (see below), all of the
 * statistics are updated as they change.
struct mbstat mbstat;

	(sizeof (mbstat.m_mtypes) / sizeof (mbstat.m_mtypes[0]))

 * Allocation statistics related to mbuf types (up to MT_MAX-1) are updated
 * atomically and stored in a per-CPU structure which is lock-free; this is
 * done in order to avoid writing to the global mbstat data structure which
 * would cause false sharing.  During sysctl request for kern.ipc.mbstat,
 * the statistics across all CPUs will be converged into the mbstat.m_mtypes
 * array and returned to the application.  Any updates for types greater or
 * equal than MT_MAX would be done atomically to the mbstat; this slows down
 * performance but is okay since the kernel uses only up to MT_MAX-1 while
 * anything beyond that (up to type 255) is considered a corner case.
typedef struct {
	unsigned int	cpu_mtypes[MT_MAX];
} __attribute__((aligned(CPU_CACHE_SIZE), packed)) mtypes_cpu_t;

typedef struct {
	mtypes_cpu_t	mbs_cpu[1];
} mbuf_mtypes_t;

static mbuf_mtypes_t *mbuf_mtypes;	/* per-CPU statistics */

#define	MBUF_MTYPES_SIZE(n) \
	((size_t)(&((mbuf_mtypes_t *)0)->mbs_cpu[n]))

#define	MTYPES_CPU(p) \
	((mtypes_cpu_t *)((char *)(p) + MBUF_MTYPES_SIZE(cpu_number())))

/* This should be in a header file */
#define	atomic_add_32(a, n)	((void) OSAddAtomic(n, (volatile SInt32 *)a))

#define	mtype_stat_add(type, n) {					\
	if ((unsigned)(type) < MT_MAX) {				\
		mtypes_cpu_t *mbs = MTYPES_CPU(mbuf_mtypes);		\
		atomic_add_32(&mbs->cpu_mtypes[type], n);		\
	} else if ((unsigned)(type) < MBSTAT_MTYPES_MAX) {		\
		atomic_add_32(&mbstat.m_mtypes[type], n);		\
	}								\

#define	mtype_stat_sub(t, n)	mtype_stat_add(t, -(n))
#define	mtype_stat_inc(t)	mtype_stat_add(t, 1)
#define	mtype_stat_dec(t)	mtype_stat_sub(t, 1)

static int
#pragma unused(oidp, arg1, arg2)
	int m, n;
	mtypes_cpu_t mtc;

	bzero(&mtc, sizeof (mtc));
	for (m = 0; m < ncpu; m++) {
		mtypes_cpu_t *scp = &mbuf_mtypes->mbs_cpu[m];
		mtypes_cpu_t temp;

		bcopy(&scp->cpu_mtypes, &temp.cpu_mtypes,
		    sizeof (temp.cpu_mtypes));

		for (n = 0; n < MT_MAX; n++)
			mtc.cpu_mtypes[n] += temp.cpu_mtypes[n];
	for (n = 0; n < MT_MAX; n++)
		mbstat.m_mtypes[n] = mtc.cpu_mtypes[n];

	return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, &mbstat, sizeof (mbstat)));

static int
mb_stat_sysctl SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS
#pragma unused(oidp, arg1, arg2)
	mcache_t *cp;
	mcache_cpu_t *ccp;
	mb_class_stat_t *sp;
	int k, m, bktsize;

	for (k = 0; k < NELEM(mbuf_table); k++) {
		cp = m_cache(k);
		ccp = &cp->mc_cpu[0];
		bktsize = ccp->cc_bktsize;
		sp = mbuf_table[k].mtbl_stats;

		if (cp->mc_flags & MCF_NOCPUCACHE)
			sp->mbcl_mc_state = MCS_DISABLED;
		else if (cp->mc_purge_cnt > 0)
			sp->mbcl_mc_state = MCS_PURGING;
		else if (bktsize == 0)
			sp->mbcl_mc_state = MCS_OFFLINE;
			sp->mbcl_mc_state = MCS_ONLINE;

		sp->mbcl_mc_cached = 0;
		for (m = 0; m < ncpu; m++) {
			ccp = &cp->mc_cpu[m];
			if (ccp->cc_objs > 0)
				sp->mbcl_mc_cached += ccp->cc_objs;
			if (ccp->cc_pobjs > 0)
				sp->mbcl_mc_cached += ccp->cc_pobjs;
		sp->mbcl_mc_cached += (cp->mc_full.bl_total * bktsize);
		sp->mbcl_active = sp->mbcl_total - sp->mbcl_mc_cached -

		sp->mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt = cp->mc_waiter_cnt;
		sp->mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt = cp->mc_wretry_cnt;
		sp->mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt = cp->mc_nwretry_cnt;

		/* Calculate total count specific to each class */
		sp->mbcl_ctotal = sp->mbcl_total;
		switch (m_class(k)) {
		case MC_MBUF:
			/* Deduct mbufs used in composite caches */
			sp->mbcl_ctotal -= (m_total(MC_MBUF_CL) +

		case MC_CL:
			/* Deduct clusters used in composite cache and mbufs */
			sp->mbcl_ctotal -= (m_total(MC_MBUF_CL) +
			    (P2ROUNDUP(m_total(MC_MBUF), NMBPCL)/NMBPCL));

		case MC_BIGCL:
			/* Deduct clusters used in composite cache */
			sp->mbcl_ctotal -= m_total(MC_MBUF_BIGCL);

		case MC_16KCL:
			/* Deduct clusters used in composite cache */
			sp->mbcl_ctotal -= m_total(MC_MBUF_16KCL);


	return (SYSCTL_OUT(req, mb_stat, MB_STAT_SIZE(NELEM(mbuf_table))));

static inline void
m_incref(struct mbuf *m)
	UInt32 old, new;
	volatile UInt32 *addr = (volatile UInt32 *)&MEXT_REF(m);

	do {
		old = *addr;
		new = old + 1;
		ASSERT(new != 0);
	} while (!OSCompareAndSwap(old, new, addr));

static inline u_int32_t
m_decref(struct mbuf *m)
	UInt32 old, new;
	volatile UInt32 *addr = (volatile UInt32 *)&MEXT_REF(m);

	do {
		old = *addr;
		new = old - 1;
		ASSERT(old != 0);
	} while (!OSCompareAndSwap(old, new, addr));

	return (new);

static void
	int m;

	MALLOC(mb_stat, mb_stat_t *, MB_STAT_SIZE(NELEM(mbuf_table)),
	VERIFY(mb_stat != NULL);

	mb_stat->mbs_cnt = NELEM(mbuf_table);
	for (m = 0; m < NELEM(mbuf_table); m++)
		mbuf_table[m].mtbl_stats = &mb_stat->mbs_class[m];

	 * Set aside 1/3 of the mbuf cluster map for jumbo clusters; we do
	 * this only on platforms where jumbo cluster pool is enabled.
	njcl = nmbclusters / 3;
	njclbytes = M16KCLBYTES;
#endif /* CONFIG_MBUF_JUMBO */

	 * nclusters is going to be split in 2 to hold both the 2K
	 * and the 4K pools, so make sure each half is even.
	nclusters = P2ROUNDDOWN(nmbclusters - njcl, 4);
	if (njcl > 0) {
		 * Each jumbo cluster takes 8 2K clusters, so make
		 * sure that the pool size is evenly divisible by 8.
		njcl = P2ROUNDDOWN(nmbclusters - nclusters, 8);

	/* Only use 4k clusters if we're setting aside more than 256k */
	if (nmbclusters <= 128) {
		maxmbufcl = nmbclusters / 4;
	} else {
		/* Half to big clusters, half to small */
		maxmbufcl = (nmbclusters / 4) * 3;

	 * 1/2 of the map is reserved for 2K clusters.  Out of this, 1/16th
	 * of the total number of 2K clusters allocated is reserved and cannot
	 * be turned into mbufs.  It can only be used for pure cluster objects.
	m_minlimit(MC_CL) = (nclusters >> 5);
	m_maxlimit(MC_CL) = (nclusters >> 1);
	m_maxsize(MC_CL) = m_size(MC_CL) = MCLBYTES;
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_CL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "cl");

	 * The remaining (15/16th) can be turned into mbufs.
	m_minlimit(MC_MBUF) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_MBUF) = (m_maxlimit(MC_CL) - m_minlimit(MC_CL)) * NMBPCL;
	m_maxsize(MC_MBUF) = m_size(MC_MBUF) = MSIZE;
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_MBUF), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "mbuf");

	 * The other 1/2 of the map is reserved for 4K clusters.
	m_minlimit(MC_BIGCL) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL) = m_maxlimit(MC_CL) >> 1;
	m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) = m_size(MC_BIGCL) = NBPG;
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_BIGCL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "bigcl");

	 * Set limits for the composite classes.
	m_minlimit(MC_MBUF_CL) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_MBUF_CL) = m_maxlimit(MC_CL) - m_minlimit(MC_CL);
	m_maxsize(MC_MBUF_CL) = MCLBYTES;
	m_size(MC_MBUF_CL) = m_size(MC_MBUF) + m_size(MC_CL);
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_MBUF_CL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "mbuf_cl");

	m_minlimit(MC_MBUF_BIGCL) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_MBUF_BIGCL) = m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL);
	m_maxsize(MC_MBUF_BIGCL) = NBPG;
	m_size(MC_MBUF_BIGCL) = m_size(MC_MBUF) + m_size(MC_BIGCL);
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_MBUF_BIGCL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "mbuf_bigcl");

	 * And for jumbo classes.
	m_minlimit(MC_16KCL) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL) = (njcl >> 3);
	m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) = m_size(MC_16KCL) = M16KCLBYTES;
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_16KCL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "16kcl");

	m_minlimit(MC_MBUF_16KCL) = 0;
	m_maxlimit(MC_MBUF_16KCL) = m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL);
	m_maxsize(MC_MBUF_16KCL) = M16KCLBYTES;
	m_size(MC_MBUF_16KCL) = m_size(MC_MBUF) + m_size(MC_16KCL);
	(void) snprintf(m_cname(MC_MBUF_16KCL), MAX_MBUF_CNAME, "mbuf_16kcl");

	 * Initialize the legacy mbstat structure.
	bzero(&mbstat, sizeof (mbstat));
	mbstat.m_msize = m_maxsize(MC_MBUF);
	mbstat.m_mclbytes = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
	mbstat.m_minclsize = MINCLSIZE;
	mbstat.m_mlen = MLEN;
	mbstat.m_mhlen = MHLEN;
	mbstat.m_bigmclbytes = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);

__private_extern__ void
	unsigned int m;
	int initmcl = MINCL;
	int mcl_pages;
	void *buf;

	if (nmbclusters == 0)
		nmbclusters = NMBCLUSTERS;

	/* Setup the mbuf table */

	/* Global lock for common layer */
	mbuf_mlock_grp_attr = lck_grp_attr_alloc_init();
	mbuf_mlock_grp = lck_grp_alloc_init("mbuf", mbuf_mlock_grp_attr);
	mbuf_mlock_attr = lck_attr_alloc_init();
	mbuf_mlock = lck_mtx_alloc_init(mbuf_mlock_grp, mbuf_mlock_attr);

	/* Allocate cluster slabs table */
	maxslabgrp = P2ROUNDUP(nmbclusters, NSLABSPMB) / NSLABSPMB;
	MALLOC(slabstbl, mcl_slabg_t **, maxslabgrp * sizeof (mcl_slabg_t *),
	VERIFY(slabstbl != NULL);

	/* Allocate audit structures if needed */
	PE_parse_boot_arg("mbuf_debug", &mbuf_debug);
	mbuf_debug |= mcache_getflags();
	if (mbuf_debug & MCF_AUDIT) {
		MALLOC(mclaudit, mcl_audit_t *,
		    nmbclusters * sizeof (*mclaudit), M_TEMP,
		    M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
		VERIFY(mclaudit != NULL);

		mcl_audit_con_cache = mcache_create("mcl_audit_contents",
		VERIFY(mcl_audit_con_cache != NULL);

	/* Calculate the number of pages assigned to the cluster pool */
	mcl_pages = nmbclusters/(NBPG/CLBYTES);
	MALLOC(mcl_paddr, int *, mcl_pages * sizeof (int), M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
	VERIFY(mcl_paddr != NULL);

	/* Register with the I/O Bus mapper */
	mcl_paddr_base = IOMapperIOVMAlloc(mcl_pages);
	bzero((char *)mcl_paddr, mcl_pages * sizeof (int));

	embutl = (union mcluster *)
	    ((unsigned char *)mbutl + (nmbclusters * MCLBYTES));

	PE_parse_boot_arg("initmcl", &initmcl);


	if (m_clalloc(MAX(NBPG/CLBYTES, 1) * initmcl, M_WAIT, MCLBYTES) == 0)
		panic("mbinit: m_clalloc failed\n");


	(void) kernel_thread(kernel_task, mbuf_worker_thread_init);

	ref_cache = mcache_create("mext_ref", sizeof (struct ext_ref),
	    0, 0, MCR_SLEEP);

	/* Create the cache for each class */
	for (m = 0; m < NELEM(mbuf_table); m++) {
		void *allocfunc, *freefunc, *auditfunc;
		u_int32_t flags;

		flags = mbuf_debug;
		if (m_class(m) == MC_MBUF_CL || m_class(m) == MC_MBUF_BIGCL ||
		    m_class(m) == MC_MBUF_16KCL) {
			allocfunc = mbuf_cslab_alloc;
			freefunc = mbuf_cslab_free;
			auditfunc = mbuf_cslab_audit;
		} else {
			allocfunc = mbuf_slab_alloc;
			freefunc = mbuf_slab_free;
			auditfunc = mbuf_slab_audit;

		 * Disable per-CPU caches for jumbo classes if there
		 * is no jumbo cluster pool available in the system.
		 * The cache itself is still created (but will never
		 * be populated) since it simplifies the code.
		if ((m_class(m) == MC_MBUF_16KCL || m_class(m) == MC_16KCL) &&
		    njcl == 0)
			flags |= MCF_NOCPUCACHE;

		m_cache(m) = mcache_create_ext(m_cname(m), m_maxsize(m),
		    allocfunc, freefunc, auditfunc, mbuf_slab_notify,
		    (void *)m, flags, MCR_SLEEP);

	 * Allocate structure for per-CPU statistics that's aligned
	 * on the CPU cache boundary; this code assumes that we never
	 * uninitialize this framework, since the original address
	 * before alignment is not saved.
	ncpu = ml_get_max_cpus();
	VERIFY(buf != NULL);

	mbuf_mtypes = (mbuf_mtypes_t *)P2ROUNDUP((intptr_t)buf, CPU_CACHE_SIZE);
	bzero(mbuf_mtypes, MBUF_MTYPES_SIZE(ncpu));

	printf("mbinit: done\n");

 * Obtain a slab of object(s) from the class's freelist.
static mcache_obj_t *
slab_alloc(mbuf_class_t class, int wait)
	mcl_slab_t *sp;
	mcache_obj_t *buf;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	VERIFY(class != MC_16KCL || njcl > 0);

	/* This should always be NULL for us */
	VERIFY(m_cobjlist(class) == NULL);

	 * Treat composite objects as having longer lifespan by using
	 * a slab from the reverse direction, in hoping that this could
	 * reduce the probability of fragmentation for slabs that hold
	 * more than one buffer chunks (e.g. mbuf slabs).  For other
	 * slabs, this probably doesn't make much of a difference.
	if (class == MC_MBUF && (wait & MCR_COMP))
		sp = (mcl_slab_t *)TAILQ_LAST(&m_slablist(class), mcl_slhead);
		sp = (mcl_slab_t *)TAILQ_FIRST(&m_slablist(class));

	if (sp == NULL) {
		VERIFY(m_infree(class) == 0 && m_slab_cnt(class) == 0);
		/* The slab list for this class is empty */
		return (NULL);

	VERIFY(m_infree(class) > 0);
	VERIFY(sp->sl_class == class &&
	    (sp->sl_flags & (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL)) == SLF_MAPPED);
	buf = sp->sl_head;
	VERIFY(slab_inrange(sp, buf) && sp == slab_get(buf));

	if (class == MC_MBUF) {
		sp->sl_head = buf->obj_next;
		VERIFY(sp->sl_head != NULL || sp->sl_refcnt == (NMBPCL - 1));
	} else {
		sp->sl_head = NULL;
	if (sp->sl_head != NULL && !slab_inrange(sp, sp->sl_head)) {
		slab_nextptr_panic(sp, sp->sl_head);
		/* In case sl_head is in the map but not in the slab */
		VERIFY(slab_inrange(sp, sp->sl_head));

	/* Increment slab reference */

	if (mclaudit != NULL) {
		mcache_audit_t *mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(class, buf);
		mca->mca_uflags = 0;
		/* Save contents on mbuf objects only */
		if (class == MC_MBUF)
			mca->mca_uflags |= MB_SCVALID;

	if (class == MC_CL) {
		mbstat.m_clfree = (--m_infree(MC_CL)) + m_infree(MC_MBUF_CL);
		 * A 2K cluster slab can have at most 1 reference.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 1 && sp->sl_chunks == 1 &&
		    sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_CL) && sp->sl_head == NULL);
	} else if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		mcl_slab_t *nsp = sp->sl_next;
		mbstat.m_bigclfree = (--m_infree(MC_BIGCL)) +
		 * Increment 2nd slab.  A 4K big cluster takes
		 * 2 slabs, each having at most 1 reference.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 1 && sp->sl_chunks == 1 &&
		    sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) && sp->sl_head == NULL);
		/* Next slab must already be present */
		VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
		VERIFY(nsp->sl_class == MC_BIGCL &&
		    nsp->sl_flags == (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL) &&
		    nsp->sl_refcnt == 1 && nsp->sl_chunks == 0 &&
		    nsp->sl_len == 0 && nsp->sl_base == sp->sl_base &&
		    nsp->sl_head == NULL);
	} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		mcl_slab_t *nsp;
		int k;

		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 1 && sp->sl_chunks == 1 &&
		    sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) && sp->sl_head == NULL);
		 * Increment 2nd-8th slab.  A 16K big cluster takes
		 * 8 cluster slabs, each having at most 1 reference.
		for (nsp = sp, k = 1; k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
			nsp = nsp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_class == MC_16KCL &&
			    nsp->sl_flags == (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL) &&
			    nsp->sl_refcnt == 1 && nsp->sl_chunks == 0 &&
			    nsp->sl_len == 0 && nsp->sl_base == sp->sl_base &&
			    nsp->sl_head == NULL);
	} else {
		ASSERT(class == MC_MBUF);
		 * If auditing is turned on, this check is
		 * deferred until later in mbuf_slab_audit().
		if (mclaudit == NULL)
			_MCHECK((struct mbuf *)buf);
		 * Since we have incremented the reference count above,
		 * an mbuf slab (formerly a 2K cluster slab that was cut
		 * up into mbufs) must have a reference count between 1
		 * and NMBPCL at this point.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt >= 1 &&
		    (unsigned short)sp->sl_refcnt <= NMBPCL &&
		    sp->sl_chunks == NMBPCL && sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_CL));
		VERIFY((unsigned short)sp->sl_refcnt < NMBPCL ||
		    sp->sl_head == NULL);

	/* If empty, remove this slab from the class's freelist */
	if (sp->sl_head == NULL) {
		VERIFY(class != MC_MBUF || sp->sl_refcnt == NMBPCL);
		slab_remove(sp, class);

	return (buf);

 * Place a slab of object(s) back into a class's slab list.
static void
slab_free(mbuf_class_t class, mcache_obj_t *buf)
	mcl_slab_t *sp;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	VERIFY(class != MC_16KCL || njcl > 0);
	VERIFY(buf->obj_next == NULL);
	sp = slab_get(buf);
	VERIFY(sp->sl_class == class && slab_inrange(sp, buf) &&
	    (sp->sl_flags & (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL)) == SLF_MAPPED);

	/* Decrement slab reference */

	if (class == MC_CL || class == MC_BIGCL) {
		 * A 2K cluster slab can have at most 1 reference
		 * which must be 0 at this point.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_chunks == 1 &&
		    sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(class) && sp->sl_head == NULL);
		if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
			mcl_slab_t *nsp = sp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			/* Decrement 2nd slab reference */
			 * A 4K big cluster takes 2 slabs, both
			 * must now have 0 reference.
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_class == MC_BIGCL &&
			    (nsp->sl_flags & (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL)) &&
			    nsp->sl_refcnt == 0 && nsp->sl_chunks == 0 &&
			    nsp->sl_len == 0 && nsp->sl_base == sp->sl_base &&
			    nsp->sl_head == NULL);
	} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		mcl_slab_t *nsp;
		int k;
		 * A 16K cluster takes 8 cluster slabs, all must
		 * now have 0 reference.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_chunks == 1 &&
		    sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) && sp->sl_head == NULL);
		for (nsp = sp, k = 1; k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
			nsp = nsp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_class == MC_16KCL &&
			    (nsp->sl_flags & (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL)) &&
			    nsp->sl_refcnt == 0 && nsp->sl_chunks == 0 &&
			    nsp->sl_len == 0 && nsp->sl_base == sp->sl_base &&
			    nsp->sl_head == NULL);
	} else {
		 * An mbuf slab has a total of NMBPL reference counts.
		 * Since we have decremented the reference above, it
		 * must now be between 0 and NMBPCL-1.
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt >= 0 &&
		    (unsigned short)sp->sl_refcnt <= (NMBPCL - 1) &&
		    sp->sl_chunks == NMBPCL && sp->sl_len == m_maxsize(MC_CL));
		VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt < (NMBPCL - 1) ||
		    (slab_is_detached(sp) && sp->sl_head == NULL));

	 * When auditing is enabled, ensure that the buffer still
	 * contains the free pattern.  Otherwise it got corrupted
	 * while at the CPU cache layer.
	if (mclaudit != NULL) {
		mcache_audit_t *mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(class, buf);
		mcache_audit_free_verify(mca, buf, 0, m_maxsize(class));
		mca->mca_uflags &= ~MB_SCVALID;

	if (class == MC_CL) {
		mbstat.m_clfree = (++m_infree(MC_CL)) + m_infree(MC_MBUF_CL);
	} else if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		mbstat.m_bigclfree = (++m_infree(MC_BIGCL)) +
	} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
	} else {
		buf->obj_next = sp->sl_head;
	sp->sl_head = buf;

	/* All mbufs are freed; return the cluster that we stole earlier */
	if (sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && class == MC_MBUF) {
		int i = NMBPCL;

		m_total(MC_MBUF) -= NMBPCL;
		mbstat.m_mbufs = m_total(MC_MBUF);
		m_infree(MC_MBUF) -= NMBPCL;
		mtype_stat_add(MT_FREE, -NMBPCL);

		while (i--) {
			struct mbuf *m = sp->sl_head;
			VERIFY(m != NULL);
			sp->sl_head = m->m_next;
			m->m_next = NULL;
		VERIFY(sp->sl_head == NULL);

		/* Remove the slab from the mbuf class's slab list */
		slab_remove(sp, class);

		/* Reinitialize it as a 2K cluster slab */
		slab_init(sp, MC_CL, sp->sl_flags, sp->sl_base, sp->sl_base,
		    sp->sl_len, 0, 1);

		if (mclaudit != NULL)
			    (caddr_t)sp->sl_head, m_maxsize(MC_CL));

		mbstat.m_clfree = (++m_infree(MC_CL)) + m_infree(MC_MBUF_CL);

		/* And finally switch class */
		class = MC_CL;

	/* Reinsert the slab to the class's slab list */
	if (slab_is_detached(sp))
		slab_insert(sp, class);

 * Common allocator for rudimentary objects called by the CPU cache layer
 * during an allocation request whenever there is no available element in the
 * bucket layer.  It returns one or more elements from the appropriate global
 * freelist.  If the freelist is empty, it will attempt to populate it and
 * retry the allocation.
static unsigned int
mbuf_slab_alloc(void *arg, mcache_obj_t ***plist, unsigned int num, int wait)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	unsigned int need = num;
	mcache_obj_t **list = *plist;

	ASSERT(need > 0);


	for (;;) {
		if ((*list = slab_alloc(class, wait)) != NULL) {
			(*list)->obj_next = NULL;
			list = *plist = &(*list)->obj_next;

			if (--need == 0) {
				 * If the number of elements in freelist has
				 * dropped below low watermark, asynchronously
				 * populate the freelist now rather than doing
				 * it later when we run out of elements.
				if (!mbuf_cached_above(class, wait) &&
				    m_infree(class) < m_total(class) >> 5) {
					(void) freelist_populate(class, 1,
		} else {
			VERIFY(m_infree(class) == 0 || class == MC_CL);

			(void) freelist_populate(class, 1,
			    (wait & MCR_NOSLEEP) ? M_DONTWAIT : M_WAIT);

			if (m_infree(class) > 0)

			/* Check if there's anything at the cache layer */
			if (mbuf_cached_above(class, wait))

			/* We have nothing and cannot block; give up */
			if (wait & MCR_NOSLEEP) {
				if (!(wait & MCR_TRYHARD)) {

			 * If the freelist is still empty and the caller is
			 * willing to be blocked, sleep on the wait channel
			 * until an element is available.  Otherwise, if
			 * MCR_TRYHARD is set, do our best to satisfy the
			 * request without having to go to sleep.
			if (mbuf_worker_ready &&
			    mbuf_sleep(class, need, wait))

			lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	m_alloc_cnt(class) += num - need;

	return (num - need);

 * Common de-allocator for rudimentary objects called by the CPU cache
 * layer when one or more elements need to be returned to the appropriate
 * global freelist.
static void
mbuf_slab_free(void *arg, mcache_obj_t *list, __unused int purged)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	mcache_obj_t *nlist;
	unsigned int num = 0;
	int w;



	for (;;) {
		nlist = list->obj_next;
		list->obj_next = NULL;
		slab_free(class, list);
		if ((list = nlist) == NULL)
	m_free_cnt(class) += num;

	if ((w = mb_waiters) > 0)
		mb_waiters = 0;


	if (w != 0)

 * Common auditor for rudimentary objects called by the CPU cache layer
 * during an allocation or free request.  For the former, this is called
 * after the objects are obtained from either the bucket or slab layer
 * and before they are returned to the caller.  For the latter, this is
 * called immediately during free and before placing the objects into
 * the bucket or slab layer.
static void
mbuf_slab_audit(void *arg, mcache_obj_t *list, boolean_t alloc)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	mcache_audit_t *mca;


	while (list != NULL) {
		mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(class, list);

		/* Do the sanity checks */
		if (class == MC_MBUF) {
			mcl_audit_mbuf(mca, list, FALSE, alloc);
			ASSERT(mca->mca_uflags & MB_SCVALID);
		} else {
			mcl_audit_cluster(mca, list, m_maxsize(class),
			    alloc, TRUE);
			ASSERT(!(mca->mca_uflags & MB_SCVALID));
		/* Record this transaction */
		mcache_buffer_log(mca, list, m_cache(class));
		if (alloc)
			mca->mca_uflags |= MB_INUSE;
			mca->mca_uflags &= ~MB_INUSE;
		/* Unpair the object (unconditionally) */
		mca->mca_uptr = NULL;

		list = list->obj_next;

 * Common notify routine for all caches.  It is called by mcache when
 * one or more objects get freed.  We use this indication to trigger
 * the wakeup of any sleeping threads so that they can retry their
 * allocation requests.
static void
mbuf_slab_notify(void *arg, u_int32_t reason)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	int w;


	if (reason != MCN_RETRYALLOC)

	if ((w = mb_waiters) > 0) {
		mb_waiters = 0;

	if (w != 0)

 * Obtain object(s) from the composite class's freelist.
static unsigned int
cslab_alloc(mbuf_class_t class, mcache_obj_t ***plist, unsigned int num)
	unsigned int need = num;
	mcl_slab_t *sp, *clsp, *nsp;
	struct mbuf *m;
	mcache_obj_t **list = *plist;
	void *cl;

	VERIFY(need > 0);
	VERIFY(class != MC_MBUF_16KCL || njcl > 0);
	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	/* Get what we can from the freelist */
	while ((*list = m_cobjlist(class)) != NULL) {

		m = (struct mbuf *)*list;
		sp = slab_get(m);
		cl = m->m_ext.ext_buf;
		clsp = slab_get(cl);
		VERIFY(m->m_flags == M_EXT && cl != NULL);
		VERIFY(clsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL) {
			nsp = clsp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		} else if (class == MC_MBUF_16KCL) {
			int k;
			for (nsp = clsp, k = 1;
			    k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
				nsp = nsp->sl_next;
				/* Next slab must already be present */
				VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
				VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);

		if ((m_cobjlist(class) = (*list)->obj_next) != NULL &&
		    !MBUF_IN_MAP(m_cobjlist(class))) {
			slab_nextptr_panic(sp, m_cobjlist(class));
		(*list)->obj_next = NULL;
		list = *plist = &(*list)->obj_next;

		if (--need == 0)
	m_infree(class) -= (num - need);

	return (num - need);

 * Place object(s) back into a composite class's freelist.
static unsigned int
cslab_free(mbuf_class_t class, mcache_obj_t *list, int purged)
	mcache_obj_t *o, *tail;
	unsigned int num = 0;
	struct mbuf *m, *ms;
	mcache_audit_t *mca = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *ref_list = NULL;
	mcl_slab_t *clsp, *nsp;
	void *cl;

	VERIFY(class != MC_MBUF_16KCL || njcl > 0);
	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	o = tail = list;

	while ((m = ms = (struct mbuf *)o) != NULL) {
		mcache_obj_t *rfa, *nexto = o->obj_next;

		/* Do the mbuf sanity checks */
		if (mclaudit != NULL) {
			mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_MBUF, (mcache_obj_t *)m);
			mcache_audit_free_verify(mca, m, 0, m_maxsize(MC_MBUF));
			ms = (struct mbuf *)mca->mca_contents;

		/* Do the cluster sanity checks */
		cl = ms->m_ext.ext_buf;
		clsp = slab_get(cl);
		if (mclaudit != NULL) {
			size_t size;
			if (class == MC_MBUF_CL)
				size = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
			else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL)
				size = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);
				size = m_maxsize(MC_16KCL);
			    (mcache_obj_t *)cl), cl, 0, size);
		VERIFY(ms->m_type == MT_FREE);
		VERIFY(ms->m_flags == M_EXT);
		VERIFY(clsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL) {
			nsp = clsp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		} else if (class == MC_MBUF_16KCL) {
			int k;
			for (nsp = clsp, k = 1;
			    k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
				nsp = nsp->sl_next;
				/* Next slab must already be present */
				VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
				VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);

		 * If we're asked to purge, restore the actual mbuf using
		 * contents of the shadow structure (if auditing is enabled)
		 * and clear EXTF_COMPOSITE flag from the mbuf, as we are
		 * about to free it and the attached cluster into their caches.
		if (purged) {
			/* Restore constructed mbuf fields */
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_restore_mbuf(m, mca, TRUE);

			MEXT_REF(m) = 0;
			MEXT_FLAGS(m) = 0;

			rfa = (mcache_obj_t *)MEXT_RFA(m);
			rfa->obj_next = ref_list;
			ref_list = rfa;
			MEXT_RFA(m) = NULL;

			m->m_type = MT_FREE;
			m->m_flags = m->m_len = 0;
			m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

			/* Save mbuf fields and make auditing happy */
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_mbuf(mca, o, FALSE, FALSE);

			VERIFY(m_total(class) > 0);

			/* Free the mbuf */
			o->obj_next = NULL;
			slab_free(MC_MBUF, o);

			/* And free the cluster */
			((mcache_obj_t *)cl)->obj_next = NULL;
			if (class == MC_MBUF_CL)
				slab_free(MC_CL, cl);
			else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL)
				slab_free(MC_BIGCL, cl);
				slab_free(MC_16KCL, cl);

		tail = o;
		o = nexto;

	if (!purged) {
		tail->obj_next = m_cobjlist(class);
		m_cobjlist(class) = list;
		m_infree(class) += num;
	} else if (ref_list != NULL) {
		mcache_free_ext(ref_cache, ref_list);

	return (num);

 * Common allocator for composite objects called by the CPU cache layer
 * during an allocation request whenever there is no available element in
 * the bucket layer.  It returns one or more composite elements from the
 * appropriate global freelist.  If the freelist is empty, it will attempt
 * to obtain the rudimentary objects from their caches and construct them
 * into composite mbuf + cluster objects.
static unsigned int
mbuf_cslab_alloc(void *arg, mcache_obj_t ***plist, unsigned int needed,
    int wait)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	mcache_t *cp = NULL;
	unsigned int num = 0, cnum = 0, want = needed;
	mcache_obj_t *ref_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *mp_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *clp_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t **list;
	struct ext_ref *rfa;
	struct mbuf *m;
	void *cl;

	ASSERT(needed > 0);

	VERIFY(class != MC_MBUF_16KCL || njcl > 0);

	/* There should not be any slab for this class */
	VERIFY(m_slab_cnt(class) == 0 &&
	    m_slablist(class).tqh_first == NULL &&
	    m_slablist(class).tqh_last == NULL);


	/* Try using the freelist first */
	num = cslab_alloc(class, plist, needed);
	list = *plist;
	if (num == needed) {
		m_alloc_cnt(class) += num;
		return (needed);


	 * We could not satisfy the request using the freelist alone;
	 * allocate from the appropriate rudimentary caches and use
	 * whatever we can get to construct the composite objects.
	needed -= num;

	 * Mark these allocation requests as coming from a composite cache.
	 * Also, if the caller is willing to be blocked, mark the request
	 * with MCR_FAILOK such that we don't end up sleeping at the mbuf
	 * slab layer waiting for the individual object when one or more
	 * of the already-constructed composite objects are available.
	wait |= MCR_COMP;
	if (!(wait & MCR_NOSLEEP))
		wait |= MCR_FAILOK;

	needed = mcache_alloc_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF), &mp_list, needed, wait);
	if (needed == 0) {
		ASSERT(mp_list == NULL);
		goto fail;
	if (class == MC_MBUF_CL)
		cp = m_cache(MC_CL);
	else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL)
		cp = m_cache(MC_BIGCL);
		cp = m_cache(MC_16KCL);
	needed = mcache_alloc_ext(cp, &clp_list, needed, wait);
	if (needed == 0) {
		ASSERT(clp_list == NULL);
		goto fail;
	needed = mcache_alloc_ext(ref_cache, &ref_list, needed, wait);
	if (needed == 0) {
		ASSERT(ref_list == NULL);
		goto fail;

	 * By this time "needed" is MIN(mbuf, cluster, ref).  Any left
	 * overs will get freed accordingly before we return to caller.
	for (cnum = 0; cnum < needed; cnum++) {
		struct mbuf *ms;

		m = ms = (struct mbuf *)mp_list;
		mp_list = mp_list->obj_next;

		cl = clp_list;
		clp_list = clp_list->obj_next;
		((mcache_obj_t *)cl)->obj_next = NULL;

		rfa = (struct ext_ref *)ref_list;
		ref_list = ref_list->obj_next;
		((mcache_obj_t *)rfa)->obj_next = NULL;

		 * If auditing is enabled, construct the shadow mbuf
		 * in the audit structure instead of in the actual one.
		 * mbuf_cslab_audit() will take care of restoring the
		 * contents after the integrity check.
		if (mclaudit != NULL) {
			mcache_audit_t *mca, *cl_mca;
			size_t size;

			mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_MBUF, (mcache_obj_t *)m);
			ms = ((struct mbuf *)mca->mca_contents);
			cl_mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_CL, (mcache_obj_t *)cl);

			 * Pair them up.  Note that this is done at the time
			 * the mbuf+cluster objects are constructed.  This
			 * information should be treated as "best effort"
			 * debugging hint since more than one mbufs can refer
			 * to a cluster.  In that case, the cluster might not
			 * be freed along with the mbuf it was paired with.
			mca->mca_uptr = cl_mca;
			cl_mca->mca_uptr = mca;

			ASSERT(mca->mca_uflags & MB_SCVALID);
			ASSERT(!(cl_mca->mca_uflags & MB_SCVALID));

			/* Technically, they are in the freelist */
			mcache_set_pattern(MCACHE_FREE_PATTERN, m,
			if (class == MC_MBUF_CL)
				size = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
			else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL)
				size = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);
				size = m_maxsize(MC_16KCL);
			mcache_set_pattern(MCACHE_FREE_PATTERN, cl, size);

		MBUF_INIT(ms, 0, MT_FREE);
		if (class == MC_MBUF_16KCL) {
			MBUF_16KCL_INIT(ms, cl, rfa, 0, EXTF_COMPOSITE);
		} else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL) {
		} else {
			MBUF_CL_INIT(ms, cl, rfa, 0, EXTF_COMPOSITE);
		VERIFY(ms->m_flags == M_EXT);

		*list = (mcache_obj_t *)m;
		(*list)->obj_next = NULL;
		list = *plist = &(*list)->obj_next;

	 * Free up what's left of the above.
	if (mp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF), mp_list);
	if (clp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(cp, clp_list);
	if (ref_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(ref_cache, ref_list);

	if (num > 0 || cnum > 0) {
		m_total(class) += cnum;
		VERIFY(m_total(class) <= m_maxlimit(class));
		m_alloc_cnt(class) += num + cnum;
	if ((num + cnum) < want)
		m_fail_cnt(class) += (want - (num + cnum));

	return (num + cnum);

 * Common de-allocator for composite objects called by the CPU cache
 * layer when one or more elements need to be returned to the appropriate
 * global freelist.
static void
mbuf_cslab_free(void *arg, mcache_obj_t *list, int purged)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	unsigned int num;
	int w;



	num = cslab_free(class, list, purged);
	m_free_cnt(class) += num;

	if ((w = mb_waiters) > 0)
		mb_waiters = 0;


	if (w != 0)

 * Common auditor for composite objects called by the CPU cache layer
 * during an allocation or free request.  For the former, this is called
 * after the objects are obtained from either the bucket or slab layer
 * and before they are returned to the caller.  For the latter, this is
 * called immediately during free and before placing the objects into
 * the bucket or slab layer.
static void
mbuf_cslab_audit(void *arg, mcache_obj_t *list, boolean_t alloc)
	mbuf_class_t class = (mbuf_class_t)arg;
	mcache_audit_t *mca;
	struct mbuf *m, *ms;
	mcl_slab_t *clsp, *nsp;
	size_t size;
	void *cl;


	while ((m = ms = (struct mbuf *)list) != NULL) {
		/* Do the mbuf sanity checks and record its transaction */
		mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_MBUF, (mcache_obj_t *)m);
		mcl_audit_mbuf(mca, m, TRUE, alloc);
		mcache_buffer_log(mca, m, m_cache(class));
		if (alloc)
			mca->mca_uflags |= MB_COMP_INUSE;
			mca->mca_uflags &= ~MB_COMP_INUSE;

		 * Use the shadow mbuf in the audit structure if we are
		 * freeing, since the contents of the actual mbuf has been
		 * pattern-filled by the above call to mcl_audit_mbuf().
		if (!alloc)
			ms = (struct mbuf *)mca->mca_contents;

		/* Do the cluster sanity checks and record its transaction */
		cl = ms->m_ext.ext_buf;
		clsp = slab_get(cl);
		VERIFY(ms->m_flags == M_EXT && cl != NULL);
		VERIFY(clsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL) {
			nsp = clsp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
			VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);
		} else if (class == MC_MBUF_16KCL) {
			int k;
			for (nsp = clsp, k = 1;
			    k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
				nsp = nsp->sl_next;
				/* Next slab must already be present */
				VERIFY(nsp != NULL);
				VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 1);

		mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_CL, cl);
		if (class == MC_MBUF_CL)
			size = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
		else if (class == MC_MBUF_BIGCL)
			size = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);
			size = m_maxsize(MC_16KCL);
		mcl_audit_cluster(mca, cl, size, alloc, FALSE);
		mcache_buffer_log(mca, cl, m_cache(class));
		if (alloc)
			mca->mca_uflags |= MB_COMP_INUSE;
			mca->mca_uflags &= ~MB_COMP_INUSE;

		list = list->obj_next;

 * Allocate some number of mbuf clusters and place on cluster freelist.
static int
m_clalloc(const u_int32_t num, const int wait, const u_int32_t bufsize)
	int i;
	vm_size_t size = 0;
	int numpages = 0;
	vm_offset_t page = 0;
	mcache_audit_t *mca_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *con_list = NULL;
	mcl_slab_t *sp;

	VERIFY(bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL) ||
	    bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) || bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL));

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	 * Multiple threads may attempt to populate the cluster map one
	 * after another.  Since we drop the lock below prior to acquiring
	 * the physical page(s), our view of the cluster map may no longer
	 * be accurate, and we could end up over-committing the pages beyond
	 * the maximum allowed for each class.  To prevent it, this entire
	 * operation (including the page mapping) is serialized.
	while (mb_clalloc_busy) {
		(void) msleep(mb_clalloc_waitchan, mbuf_mlock,
		    (PZERO-1), "m_clalloc", NULL);
		lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	/* We are busy now; tell everyone else to go away */
	mb_clalloc_busy = TRUE;

	 * Honor the caller's wish to block or not block.  We have a way
	 * to grow the pool asynchronously using the mbuf worker thread.
	i = m_howmany(num, bufsize);
	if (i == 0 || (wait & M_DONTWAIT))
		goto out;


	size = round_page_32(i * bufsize);
	page = kmem_mb_alloc(mb_map, size);

	if (page == 0) {
		if (bufsize <= m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
			/* Try for 1 page if failed, only for 2KB/4KB request */
			size = NBPG;
			page = kmem_mb_alloc(mb_map, size);

		if (page == 0) {
			goto out;

	numpages = size / NBPG;

	/* If auditing is enabled, allocate the audit structures now */
	if (mclaudit != NULL) {
		int needed;

		 * Yes, I realize this is a waste of memory for clusters
		 * that never get transformed into mbufs, as we may end
		 * up with NMBPCL-1 unused audit structures per cluster.
		 * But doing so tremendously simplifies the allocation
		 * strategy, since at this point we are not holding the
		 * mbuf lock and the caller is okay to be blocked.  For
		 * the case of big clusters, we allocate one structure
		 * for each as we never turn them into mbufs.
		if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL)) {
			needed = numpages * 2 * NMBPCL;

			i = mcache_alloc_ext(mcl_audit_con_cache,
			    &con_list, needed, MCR_SLEEP);

			VERIFY(con_list != NULL && i == needed);
		} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
			needed = numpages;
		} else {
			needed = numpages / (M16KCLBYTES / NBPG);

		i = mcache_alloc_ext(mcache_audit_cache,
		    (mcache_obj_t **)&mca_list, needed, MCR_SLEEP);

		VERIFY(mca_list != NULL && i == needed);


	for (i = 0; i < numpages; i++, page += NBPG) {
		ppnum_t offset = ((char *)page - (char *)mbutl) / NBPG;
		ppnum_t new_page = pmap_find_phys(kernel_pmap,

		 * In the case of no mapper being available the following
		 * code noops and returns the input page; if there is a
		 * mapper the appropriate I/O page is returned.
		new_page = IOMapperInsertPage(mcl_paddr_base, offset, new_page);
		mcl_paddr[offset] = new_page << PGSHIFT;

		/* Pattern-fill this fresh page */
		if (mclaudit != NULL)
			    (caddr_t)page, NBPG);

		if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL)) {
			union mcluster *mcl = (union mcluster *)page;

			/* 1st cluster in the page */
			sp = slab_get(mcl);
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_init(mcl, &mca_list, &con_list,

			VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_flags == 0);
			slab_init(sp, MC_CL, SLF_MAPPED,
			    mcl, mcl, bufsize, 0, 1);

			/* Insert this slab */
			slab_insert(sp, MC_CL);

			/* Update stats now since slab_get() drops the lock */
			mbstat.m_clfree = ++m_infree(MC_CL) +
			mbstat.m_clusters = ++m_total(MC_CL);
			VERIFY(m_total(MC_CL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_CL));

			/* 2nd cluster in the page */
			sp = slab_get(++mcl);
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_init(mcl, &mca_list, &con_list,

			VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_flags == 0);
			slab_init(sp, MC_CL, SLF_MAPPED,
			    mcl, mcl, bufsize, 0, 1);

			/* Insert this slab */
			slab_insert(sp, MC_CL);

			/* Update stats now since slab_get() drops the lock */
			mbstat.m_clfree = ++m_infree(MC_CL) +
			mbstat.m_clusters = ++m_total(MC_CL);
			VERIFY(m_total(MC_CL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_CL));
		} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
			union mbigcluster *mbc = (union mbigcluster *)page;
			mcl_slab_t *nsp;

			/* One for the entire page */
			sp = slab_get(mbc);
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_init(mbc, &mca_list, NULL, 0, 1);

			VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_flags == 0);
			slab_init(sp, MC_BIGCL, SLF_MAPPED,
			    mbc, mbc, bufsize, 0, 1);

			/* 2nd cluster's slab is part of the previous one */
			nsp = slab_get(((union mcluster *)page) + 1);
			slab_init(nsp, MC_BIGCL, SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL,
			    mbc, NULL, 0, 0, 0);

			/* Insert this slab */
			slab_insert(sp, MC_BIGCL);

			/* Update stats now since slab_get() drops the lock */
			mbstat.m_bigclfree = ++m_infree(MC_BIGCL) +
			mbstat.m_bigclusters = ++m_total(MC_BIGCL);
			VERIFY(m_total(MC_BIGCL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL));
		} else if ((i % (M16KCLBYTES / NBPG)) == 0) {
			union m16kcluster *m16kcl = (union m16kcluster *)page;
			mcl_slab_t *nsp;
			int k;

			VERIFY(njcl > 0);
			/* One for the entire 16KB */
			sp = slab_get(m16kcl);
			if (mclaudit != NULL)
				mcl_audit_init(m16kcl, &mca_list, NULL, 0, 1);

			VERIFY(sp->sl_refcnt == 0 && sp->sl_flags == 0);
			slab_init(sp, MC_16KCL, SLF_MAPPED,
			    m16kcl, m16kcl, bufsize, 0, 1);

			/* 2nd-8th cluster's slab is part of the first one */
			for (k = 1; k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
				nsp = slab_get(((union mcluster *)page) + k);
				VERIFY(nsp->sl_refcnt == 0 &&
				    nsp->sl_flags == 0);
				slab_init(nsp, MC_16KCL,
				    m16kcl, NULL, 0, 0, 0);

			/* Insert this slab */
			slab_insert(sp, MC_16KCL);

			/* Update stats now since slab_get() drops the lock */
			VERIFY(m_total(MC_16KCL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL));
	VERIFY(mca_list == NULL && con_list == NULL);

	/* We're done; let others enter */
	mb_clalloc_busy = FALSE;
	if (mb_clalloc_waiters > 0) {
		mb_clalloc_waiters = 0;

	if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL))
		return (numpages << 1);
	else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
		return (numpages);

	VERIFY(bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL));
	return (numpages / (M16KCLBYTES / NBPG));

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	/* We're done; let others enter */
	mb_clalloc_busy = FALSE;
	if (mb_clalloc_waiters > 0) {
		mb_clalloc_waiters = 0;

	 * When non-blocking we kick a thread if we have to grow the
	 * pool or if the number of free clusters is less than requested.
	if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL)) {
		if (i > 0) {
			 * Remember total number of clusters needed
			 * at this time.
			i += m_total(MC_CL);
			if (i > mbuf_expand_mcl) {
				mbuf_expand_mcl = i;
				if (mbuf_worker_ready)

		if (m_infree(MC_CL) >= num)
			return (1);
	} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
		if (i > 0) {
			 * Remember total number of 4KB clusters needed
			 * at this time.
			i += m_total(MC_BIGCL);
			if (i > mbuf_expand_big) {
				mbuf_expand_big = i;
				if (mbuf_worker_ready)

		if (m_infree(MC_BIGCL) >= num)
			return (1);
	} else {
		if (i > 0) {
			 * Remember total number of 16KB clusters needed
			 * at this time.
			i += m_total(MC_16KCL);
			if (i > mbuf_expand_16k) {
				mbuf_expand_16k = i;
				if (mbuf_worker_ready)

		if (m_infree(MC_16KCL) >= num)
			return (1);
	return (0);

 * Populate the global freelist of the corresponding buffer class.
static int
freelist_populate(mbuf_class_t class, unsigned int num, int wait)
	mcache_obj_t *o = NULL;
	int i;

	VERIFY(class == MC_MBUF || class == MC_CL || class == MC_BIGCL ||
	    class == MC_16KCL);

	if ((mbstat.m_mbufs / NMBPCL) >= maxmbufcl) {
		static int printonce = 1;
		if (printonce == 1) {
			printonce = 0;
			printf("m_expand failed, allocated %ld out of %d "
			    "clusters\n", mbstat.m_mbufs / NMBPCL,
#endif /* DEBUG */
		return (0);

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	switch (class) {
	case MC_MBUF:
	case MC_CL:
		i = m_clalloc(num, wait, m_maxsize(MC_CL));

		/* Respect the 2K clusters minimum limit */
		if (m_total(MC_CL) == m_maxlimit(MC_CL) &&
		    m_infree(MC_CL) <= m_minlimit(MC_CL)) {
			if (class != MC_CL || (wait & MCR_COMP))
				return (0);
		if (class == MC_CL)
			return (i != 0);

	case MC_BIGCL:
	case MC_16KCL:
		return (m_clalloc(num, wait, m_maxsize(class)) != 0);


	/* Steal a cluster and cut it up to create NMBPCL mbufs */
	if ((o = slab_alloc(MC_CL, wait)) != NULL) {
		struct mbuf *m = (struct mbuf *)o;
		mcache_audit_t *mca = NULL;
		mcl_slab_t *sp = slab_get(o);

		VERIFY(slab_is_detached(sp) &&
		    (sp->sl_flags & (SLF_MAPPED | SLF_PARTIAL)) == SLF_MAPPED);

		/* Make sure that the cluster is unmolested while in freelist */
		if (mclaudit != NULL) {
			mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_CL, o);
			mcache_audit_free_verify(mca, o, 0, m_maxsize(MC_CL));

		/* Reinitialize it as an mbuf slab */
		slab_init(sp, MC_MBUF, sp->sl_flags, sp->sl_base, NULL,
		    sp->sl_len, 0, NMBPCL);

		VERIFY(m == (struct mbuf *)sp->sl_base);
		VERIFY(sp->sl_head == NULL);

		m_total(MC_MBUF) += NMBPCL;
		mbstat.m_mbufs = m_total(MC_MBUF);
		m_infree(MC_MBUF) += NMBPCL;
		mtype_stat_add(MT_FREE, NMBPCL);

		i = NMBPCL;
		while (i--) {
			 * If auditing is enabled, construct the shadow mbuf
			 * in the audit structure instead of the actual one.
			 * mbuf_slab_audit() will take care of restoring the
			 * contents after the integrity check.
			if (mclaudit != NULL) {
				struct mbuf *ms;
				mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_MBUF,
				    (mcache_obj_t *)m);
				ms = ((struct mbuf *)mca->mca_contents);
				ms->m_type = MT_FREE;
			} else {
				m->m_type = MT_FREE;
			m->m_next = sp->sl_head;
			sp->sl_head = (void *)m++;

		/* Insert it into the mbuf class's slab list */
		slab_insert(sp, MC_MBUF);

		if ((i = mb_waiters) > 0)
			mb_waiters = 0;
		if (i != 0)

		return (1);

	return (0);

 * (Inaccurately) check if it might be worth a trip back to the
 * mcache layer due the availability of objects there.  We'll
 * end up back here if there's nothing up there.
static boolean_t
mbuf_cached_above(mbuf_class_t class, int wait)
	switch (class) {
	case MC_MBUF:
		if (wait & MCR_COMP)
			return (!mcache_bkt_isempty(m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL)) ||

	case MC_CL:
		if (wait & MCR_COMP)
			return (!mcache_bkt_isempty(m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL)));

	case MC_BIGCL:
		if (wait & MCR_COMP)
			return (!mcache_bkt_isempty(m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL)));

	case MC_16KCL:
		if (wait & MCR_COMP)
			return (!mcache_bkt_isempty(m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL)));

	case MC_MBUF_CL:
	case MC_MBUF_16KCL:


	return (!mcache_bkt_isempty(m_cache(class)));

 * If possible, convert constructed objects to raw ones.
static boolean_t
mbuf_steal(mbuf_class_t class, unsigned int num)
	mcache_obj_t *top = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t **list = &top;
	unsigned int tot = 0;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	switch (class) {
	case MC_MBUF:
	case MC_CL:
	case MC_BIGCL:
	case MC_16KCL:
		return (FALSE);

	case MC_MBUF_CL:
	case MC_MBUF_16KCL:
		/* Get the required number of constructed objects if possible */
		if (m_infree(class) > m_minlimit(class)) {
			tot = cslab_alloc(class, &list,
			    MIN(num, m_infree(class)));

		/* And destroy them to get back the raw objects */
		if (top != NULL)
			(void) cslab_free(class, top, 1);


	return (tot == num);

static void
m_reclaim(mbuf_class_t class, unsigned int num, boolean_t comp)
	int m, bmap = 0;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	VERIFY(m_total(MC_CL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_CL));
	VERIFY(m_total(MC_BIGCL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL));
	VERIFY(m_total(MC_16KCL) <= m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL));

	 * This logic can be made smarter; for now, simply mark
	 * all other related classes as potential victims.
	switch (class) {
	case MC_MBUF:

	case MC_CL:
		if (!comp)

	case MC_BIGCL:
		if (!comp)

	case MC_16KCL:
		if (!comp)


	 * Run through each marked class and check if we really need to
	 * purge (and therefore temporarily disable) the per-CPU caches
	 * layer used by the class.  If so, remember the classes since
	 * we are going to drop the lock below prior to purging.
	for (m = 0; m < NELEM(mbuf_table); m++) {
		if (m_wantpurge(m) > 0) {
			m_wantpurge(m) = 0;
			 * Try hard to steal the required number of objects
			 * from the freelist of other mbuf classes.  Only
			 * purge and disable the per-CPU caches layer when
			 * we don't have enough; it's the last resort.
			if (!mbuf_steal(m, num))
				bmap |= (1 << m);


	if (bmap != 0) {
		/* drain is performed in pfslowtimo(), to avoid deadlocks */
		do_reclaim = 1;

		/* Sigh; we have no other choices but to ask mcache to purge */
		for (m = 0; m < NELEM(mbuf_table); m++) {
			if ((bmap & (1 << m)) &&
			    mcache_purge_cache(m_cache(m))) {
	} else {
		 * Request mcache to reap extra elements from all of its caches;
		 * note that all reaps are serialized and happen only at a fixed
		 * interval.

static inline struct mbuf *
m_get_common(int wait, short type, int hdr)
	struct mbuf *m;
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);

	/* Is this due to a non-blocking retry?  If so, then try harder */
	if (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP)
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	m = mcache_alloc(m_cache(MC_MBUF), mcflags);
	if (m != NULL) {
		MBUF_INIT(m, hdr, type);
		if (hdr && mac_init_mbuf(m, wait) != 0) {
			return (NULL);
#endif /* MAC_NET */
	return (m);

 * Space allocation routines; these are also available as macros
 * for critical paths.
#define	_M_GET(wait, type)	m_get_common(wait, type, 0)
#define	_M_GETHDR(wait, type)	m_get_common(wait, type, 1)
#define	_M_RETRY(wait, type)	_M_GET(wait, type)
#define	_M_RETRYHDR(wait, type)	_M_GETHDR(wait, type)
#define	_MGET(m, how, type)	((m) = _M_GET(how, type))
#define	_MGETHDR(m, how, type)	((m) = _M_GETHDR(how, type))

struct mbuf *
m_get(int wait, int type)
	return (_M_GET(wait, type));

struct mbuf *
m_gethdr(int wait, int type)
	return (_M_GETHDR(wait, type));

struct mbuf *
m_retry(int wait, int type)
	return (_M_RETRY(wait, type));

struct mbuf *
m_retryhdr(int wait, int type)
	return (_M_RETRYHDR(wait, type));

struct mbuf *
m_getclr(int wait, int type)
	struct mbuf *m;

	_MGET(m, wait, type);
	if (m != NULL)
		bzero(MTOD(m, caddr_t), MLEN);
	return (m);

struct mbuf *
m_free(struct mbuf *m)
	struct mbuf *n = m->m_next;

	if (m->m_type == MT_FREE)
		panic("m_free: freeing an already freed mbuf");

	/* Free the aux data and tags if there is any */
	if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
		m_tag_delete_chain(m, NULL);

	if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
		u_int32_t refcnt;
		u_int32_t flags;

		refcnt = m_decref(m);
		flags = MEXT_FLAGS(m);
		if (refcnt == 0 && flags == 0) {
			if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_CL), m->m_ext.ext_buf);
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree) {
			} else {
				    m->m_ext.ext_size, m->m_ext.ext_arg);
			mcache_free(ref_cache, MEXT_RFA(m));
			MEXT_RFA(m) = NULL;
		} else if (refcnt == 0 && (flags & EXTF_COMPOSITE)) {
			VERIFY(m->m_type != MT_FREE);


			m->m_type = MT_FREE;
			m->m_flags = M_EXT;
			m->m_len = 0;
			m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

			/* "Free" into the intermediate cache */
			if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL), m);
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL), m);
			} else {
				VERIFY(m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree);
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL), m);
			return (n);

	if (m->m_type != MT_FREE) {

	m->m_type = MT_FREE;
	m->m_flags = m->m_len = 0;
	m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

	mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF), m);

	return (n);

__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_clattach(struct mbuf *m, int type, caddr_t extbuf,
    void (*extfree)(caddr_t, u_int, caddr_t), u_int extsize, caddr_t extarg,
    int wait)
	struct ext_ref *rfa = NULL;

	if (m == NULL && (m = _M_GETHDR(wait, type)) == NULL)
		return (NULL);

	if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
		u_int32_t refcnt;
		u_int32_t flags;

		refcnt = m_decref(m);
		flags = MEXT_FLAGS(m);
		if (refcnt == 0 && flags == 0) {
			if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_CL), m->m_ext.ext_buf);
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree) {
			} else {
				    m->m_ext.ext_size, m->m_ext.ext_arg);
			/* Re-use the reference structure */
			rfa = MEXT_RFA(m);
		} else if (refcnt == 0 && (flags & EXTF_COMPOSITE)) {
			VERIFY(m->m_type != MT_FREE);


			m->m_type = MT_FREE;
			m->m_flags = M_EXT;
			m->m_len = 0;
			m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;
			/* "Free" into the intermediate cache */
			if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL), m);
			} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL), m);
			} else {
				VERIFY(m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree);
				mcache_free(m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL), m);
			 * Allocate a new mbuf, since we didn't divorce
			 * the composite mbuf + cluster pair above.
			if ((m = _M_GETHDR(wait, type)) == NULL)
				return (NULL);

	if (rfa == NULL &&
	    (rfa = mcache_alloc(ref_cache, MSLEEPF(wait))) == NULL) {
		return (NULL);

	MEXT_INIT(m, extbuf, extsize, extfree, extarg, rfa, 1, 0);

	return (m);

/* m_mclget() add an mbuf cluster to a normal mbuf */
struct mbuf *
m_mclget(struct mbuf *m, int wait)
	struct ext_ref *rfa;

	if ((rfa = mcache_alloc(ref_cache, MSLEEPF(wait))) == NULL)
		return (m);

	m->m_ext.ext_buf = m_mclalloc(wait);
	if (m->m_ext.ext_buf != NULL) {
		MBUF_CL_INIT(m, m->m_ext.ext_buf, rfa, 1, 0);
	} else {
		mcache_free(ref_cache, rfa);
	return (m);

/* Allocate an mbuf cluster */
m_mclalloc(int wait)
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);

	/* Is this due to a non-blocking retry?  If so, then try harder */
	if (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP)
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	return (mcache_alloc(m_cache(MC_CL), mcflags));

/* Free an mbuf cluster */
m_mclfree(caddr_t p)
	mcache_free(m_cache(MC_CL), p);

 * mcl_hasreference() checks if a cluster of an mbuf is referenced by
 * another mbuf
m_mclhasreference(struct mbuf *m)
	if (!(m->m_flags & M_EXT))
		return (0);


	return (MEXT_REF(m) > 1);

__private_extern__ caddr_t
m_bigalloc(int wait)
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);

	/* Is this due to a non-blocking retry?  If so, then try harder */
	if (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP)
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	return (mcache_alloc(m_cache(MC_BIGCL), mcflags));

__private_extern__ void
m_bigfree(caddr_t p, __unused u_int size, __unused caddr_t arg)
	mcache_free(m_cache(MC_BIGCL), p);

/* m_mbigget() add an 4KB mbuf cluster to a normal mbuf */
__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_mbigget(struct mbuf *m, int wait)
	struct ext_ref *rfa;

	if ((rfa = mcache_alloc(ref_cache, MSLEEPF(wait))) == NULL)
		return (m);

	m->m_ext.ext_buf =  m_bigalloc(wait);
	if (m->m_ext.ext_buf != NULL) {
		MBUF_BIGCL_INIT(m, m->m_ext.ext_buf, rfa, 1, 0);
	} else {
		mcache_free(ref_cache, rfa);
	return (m);

__private_extern__ caddr_t
m_16kalloc(int wait)
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);

	/* Is this due to a non-blocking retry?  If so, then try harder */
	if (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP)
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	return (mcache_alloc(m_cache(MC_16KCL), mcflags));

__private_extern__ void
m_16kfree(caddr_t p, __unused u_int size, __unused caddr_t arg)
	mcache_free(m_cache(MC_16KCL), p);

/* m_m16kget() add a 16KB mbuf cluster to a normal mbuf */
__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_m16kget(struct mbuf *m, int wait)
	struct ext_ref *rfa;

	if ((rfa = mcache_alloc(ref_cache, MSLEEPF(wait))) == NULL)
		return (m);

	m->m_ext.ext_buf =  m_16kalloc(wait);
	if (m->m_ext.ext_buf != NULL) {
		MBUF_16KCL_INIT(m, m->m_ext.ext_buf, rfa, 1, 0);
	} else {
		mcache_free(ref_cache, rfa);
	return (m);

/* */
m_copy_pkthdr(struct mbuf *to, struct mbuf *from)
	/* We will be taking over the tags of 'to' */
	if (to->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
		m_tag_delete_chain(to, NULL);
#endif /* MAC_NET */
	to->m_pkthdr = from->m_pkthdr;		/* especially tags */
	m_tag_init(from);			/* purge tags from src */
	to->m_flags = (from->m_flags & M_COPYFLAGS) | (to->m_flags & M_EXT);
	if ((to->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0)
		to->m_data = to->m_pktdat;

 * Duplicate "from"'s mbuf pkthdr in "to".
 * "from" must have M_PKTHDR set, and "to" must be empty.
 * In particular, this does a deep copy of the packet tags.
static int
m_dup_pkthdr(struct mbuf *to, struct mbuf *from, int how)
	if (to->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
		m_tag_delete_chain(to, NULL);
#endif /* MAC_NET */
	to->m_flags = (from->m_flags & M_COPYFLAGS) | (to->m_flags & M_EXT);
	if ((to->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0)
		to->m_data = to->m_pktdat;
	to->m_pkthdr = from->m_pkthdr;
	return (m_tag_copy_chain(to, from, how));

 * Return a list of mbuf hdrs that point to clusters.  Try for num_needed;
 * if wantall is not set, return whatever number were available.  Set up the
 * first num_with_pkthdrs with mbuf hdrs configured as packet headers; these
 * are chained on the m_nextpkt field.  Any packets requested beyond this
 * are chained onto the last packet header's m_next field.  The size of
 * the cluster is controlled by the parameter bufsize.
__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_getpackets_internal(unsigned int *num_needed, int num_with_pkthdrs,
    int wait, int wantall, size_t bufsize)
	struct mbuf *m;
	struct mbuf **np, *top;
	unsigned int pnum, needed = *num_needed;
	mcache_obj_t *mp_list = NULL;
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);
	u_int32_t flag;
	struct ext_ref *rfa;
	mcache_t *cp;
	void *cl;

	ASSERT(bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL) ||
	    bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) ||
	    bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL));

	 * Caller must first check for njcl because this
	 * routine is internal and not exposed/used via KPI.
	VERIFY(bufsize != m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) || njcl > 0);

	top = NULL;
	np = &top;
	pnum = 0;

	 * The caller doesn't want all the requested buffers; only some.
	 * Try hard to get what we can, but don't block.  This effectively
	 * overrides MCR_SLEEP, since this thread will not go to sleep
	 * if we can't get all the buffers.
	if (!wantall || (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP))
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	/* Allocate the composite mbuf + cluster elements from the cache */
	if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL))
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL);
	else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL);
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL);
	needed = mcache_alloc_ext(cp, &mp_list, needed, mcflags);

	for (pnum = 0; pnum < needed; pnum++) {
		m = (struct mbuf *)mp_list;
		mp_list = mp_list->obj_next;

		VERIFY(m->m_type == MT_FREE && m->m_flags == M_EXT);
		cl = m->m_ext.ext_buf;
		rfa = MEXT_RFA(m);

		ASSERT(cl != NULL && rfa != NULL);

		flag = MEXT_FLAGS(m);

		MBUF_INIT(m, num_with_pkthdrs, MT_DATA);
		if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL)) {
			MBUF_16KCL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);
		} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
			MBUF_BIGCL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);
		} else {
			MBUF_CL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);

		if (num_with_pkthdrs > 0) {
			if (mac_mbuf_label_init(m, wait) != 0) {
#endif /* MAC_NET */

		*np = m;
		if (num_with_pkthdrs > 0)
			np = &m->m_nextpkt;
			np = &m->m_next;
	ASSERT(pnum != *num_needed || mp_list == NULL);
	if (mp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(cp, mp_list);

	if (pnum > 0) {
		mtype_stat_add(MT_DATA, pnum);
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_FREE, pnum);

	if (wantall && (pnum != *num_needed)) {
		if (top != NULL)
		return (NULL);

	*num_needed = pnum;
	return (top);

 * Return list of mbuf linked by m_nextpkt.  Try for numlist, and if
 * wantall is not set, return whatever number were available.  The size of
 * each mbuf in the list is controlled by the parameter packetlen.  Each
 * mbuf of the list may have a chain of mbufs linked by m_next.  Each mbuf
 * in the chain is called a segment.  If maxsegments is not null and the
 * value pointed to is not null, this specify the maximum number of segments
 * for a chain of mbufs.  If maxsegments is zero or the value pointed to
 * is zero the caller does not have any restriction on the number of segments.
 * The actual  number of segments of a mbuf chain is return in the value
 * pointed to by maxsegments.
__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_allocpacket_internal(unsigned int *numlist, size_t packetlen,
    unsigned int *maxsegments, int wait, int wantall, size_t wantsize)
	struct mbuf **np, *top, *first = NULL;
	size_t bufsize, r_bufsize;
	unsigned int num = 0;
	unsigned int nsegs = 0;
	unsigned int needed, resid;
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);
	mcache_obj_t *mp_list = NULL, *rmp_list = NULL;
	mcache_t *cp = NULL, *rcp = NULL;

	if (*numlist == 0)
		return (NULL);

	top = NULL;
	np = &top;

	if (wantsize == 0) {
		if (packetlen <= MINCLSIZE) {
			bufsize = packetlen;
		} else if (packetlen > m_maxsize(MC_CL)) {
			/* Use 4KB if jumbo cluster pool isn't available */
			if (packetlen <= m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) || njcl == 0)
				bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);
				bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_16KCL);
		} else {
			bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
	} else if (wantsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL) ||
	    wantsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL) ||
	    (wantsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) && njcl > 0)) {
		bufsize = wantsize;
	} else {
		return (NULL);

	if (bufsize <= MHLEN) {
		nsegs = 1;
	} else if (bufsize <= MINCLSIZE) {
		if (maxsegments != NULL && *maxsegments == 1) {
			bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
			nsegs = 1;
		} else {
			nsegs = 2;
	} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL)) {
		VERIFY(njcl > 0);
		nsegs = ((packetlen - 1) >> (PGSHIFT + 2)) + 1;
	} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
		nsegs = ((packetlen - 1) >> PGSHIFT) + 1;
	} else {
		nsegs = ((packetlen - 1) >> MCLSHIFT) + 1;
	if (maxsegments != NULL) {
		if (*maxsegments && nsegs > *maxsegments) {
			*maxsegments = nsegs;
			return (NULL);
		*maxsegments = nsegs;

	 * The caller doesn't want all the requested buffers; only some.
	 * Try hard to get what we can, but don't block.  This effectively
	 * overrides MCR_SLEEP, since this thread will not go to sleep
	 * if we can't get all the buffers.
	if (!wantall || (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP))
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	 * Simple case where all elements in the lists/chains are mbufs.
	 * Unless bufsize is greater than MHLEN, each segment chain is made
	 * up of exactly 1 mbuf.  Otherwise, each segment chain is made up
	 * of 2 mbufs; the second one is used for the residual data, i.e.
	 * the remaining data that cannot fit into the first mbuf.
	if (bufsize <= MINCLSIZE) {
		/* Allocate the elements in one shot from the mbuf cache */
		ASSERT(bufsize <= MHLEN || nsegs == 2);
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF);
		needed = mcache_alloc_ext(cp, &mp_list,
		    (*numlist) * nsegs, mcflags);

		 * The number of elements must be even if we are to use an
		 * mbuf (instead of a cluster) to store the residual data.
		 * If we couldn't allocate the requested number of mbufs,
		 * trim the number down (if it's odd) in order to avoid
		 * creating a partial segment chain.
		if (bufsize > MHLEN && (needed & 0x1))

		while (num < needed) {
			struct mbuf *m;

			m = (struct mbuf *)mp_list;
			mp_list = mp_list->obj_next;
			ASSERT(m != NULL);

			MBUF_INIT(m, 1, MT_DATA);
			if (mac_init_mbuf(m, wait) != 0) {
#endif /* MAC_NET */
			if (bufsize > MHLEN) {
				/* A second mbuf for this segment chain */
				m->m_next = (struct mbuf *)mp_list;
				mp_list = mp_list->obj_next;
				ASSERT(m->m_next != NULL);

				MBUF_INIT(m->m_next, 0, MT_DATA);
			*np = m;
			np = &m->m_nextpkt;
		ASSERT(num != *numlist || mp_list == NULL);

		if (num > 0) {
			mtype_stat_add(MT_DATA, num);
			mtype_stat_sub(MT_FREE, num);
		num /= nsegs;

		/* We've got them all; return to caller */
		if (num == *numlist)
			return (top);

		goto fail;

	 * Complex cases where elements are made up of one or more composite
	 * mbufs + cluster, depending on packetlen.  Each N-segment chain can
	 * be illustrated as follows:
	 * [mbuf + cluster 1] [mbuf + cluster 2] ... [mbuf + cluster N]
	 * Every composite mbuf + cluster element comes from the intermediate
	 * cache (either MC_MBUF_CL or MC_MBUF_BIGCL).  For space efficiency,
	 * the last composite element will come from the MC_MBUF_CL cache,
	 * unless the residual data is larger than 2KB where we use the
	 * big cluster composite cache (MC_MBUF_BIGCL) instead.  Residual
	 * data is defined as extra data beyond the first element that cannot
	 * fit into the previous element, i.e. there is no residual data if
	 * the chain only has 1 segment.
	r_bufsize = bufsize;
	resid = packetlen > bufsize ? packetlen % bufsize : 0;
	if (resid > 0) {
		/* There is residual data; figure out the cluster size */
		if (wantsize == 0 && packetlen > MINCLSIZE) {
			 * Caller didn't request that all of the segments
			 * in the chain use the same cluster size; use the
			 * smaller of the cluster sizes.
			if (njcl > 0 && resid > m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
				r_bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_16KCL);
			else if (resid > m_maxsize(MC_CL))
				r_bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL);
				r_bufsize = m_maxsize(MC_CL);
		} else {
			/* Use the same cluster size as the other segments */
			resid = 0;

	needed = *numlist;
	if (resid > 0) {
		 * Attempt to allocate composite mbuf + cluster elements for
		 * the residual data in each chain; record the number of such
		 * elements that can be allocated so that we know how many
		 * segment chains we can afford to create.
		if (r_bufsize <= m_maxsize(MC_CL))
			rcp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL);
		else if (r_bufsize <= m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
			rcp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL);
			rcp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL);
		needed = mcache_alloc_ext(rcp, &rmp_list, *numlist, mcflags);

		if (needed == 0)
			goto fail;

		/* This is temporarily reduced for calculation */
		ASSERT(nsegs > 1);

	 * Attempt to allocate the rest of the composite mbuf + cluster
	 * elements for the number of segment chains that we need.
	if (bufsize <= m_maxsize(MC_CL))
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL);
	else if (bufsize <= m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL);
		cp = m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL);
	needed = mcache_alloc_ext(cp, &mp_list, needed * nsegs, mcflags);

	/* Round it down to avoid creating a partial segment chain */
	needed = (needed / nsegs) * nsegs;
	if (needed == 0)
		goto fail;

	if (resid > 0) {
		 * We're about to construct the chain(s); take into account
		 * the number of segments we have created above to hold the
		 * residual data for each chain, as well as restore the
		 * original count of segments per chain.
		ASSERT(nsegs > 0);
		needed += needed / nsegs;

	for (;;) {
		struct mbuf *m;
		u_int32_t flag;
		struct ext_ref *rfa;
		void *cl;
		int pkthdr;

		if (nsegs == 1 || (num % nsegs) != 0 || resid == 0) {
			m = (struct mbuf *)mp_list;
			mp_list = mp_list->obj_next;
		} else {
			m = (struct mbuf *)rmp_list;
			rmp_list = rmp_list->obj_next;
		ASSERT(m != NULL);
		VERIFY(m->m_type == MT_FREE && m->m_flags == M_EXT);
		VERIFY(m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL ||
		    m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree ||
		    m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree);

		cl = m->m_ext.ext_buf;
		rfa = MEXT_RFA(m);

		ASSERT(cl != NULL && rfa != NULL);

		flag = MEXT_FLAGS(m);

		pkthdr = (nsegs == 1 || (num % nsegs) == 1);
		if (pkthdr)
			first = m;
		MBUF_INIT(m, pkthdr, MT_DATA);
		if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree) {
			MBUF_16KCL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);
		} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
			MBUF_BIGCL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);
		} else {
			MBUF_CL_INIT(m, cl, rfa, 1, flag);
		if (pkthdr && mac_init_mbuf(m, wait) != 0) {
#endif /* MAC_NET */

		*np = m;
		if ((num % nsegs) == 0)
			np = &first->m_nextpkt;
			np = &m->m_next;

		if (num == needed)

	if (num > 0) {
		mtype_stat_add(MT_DATA, num);
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_FREE, num);

	num /= nsegs;

	/* We've got them all; return to caller */
	if (num == *numlist) {
		ASSERT(mp_list == NULL && rmp_list == NULL);
		return (top);

	/* Free up what's left of the above */
	if (mp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(cp, mp_list);
	if (rmp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(rcp, rmp_list);
	if (wantall && top != NULL) {
		return (NULL);
	*numlist = num;
	return (top);

 * Best effort to get a mbuf cluster + pkthdr.  Used by drivers to allocated
 * packets on receive ring.
__private_extern__ struct mbuf *
m_getpacket_how(int wait)
	unsigned int num_needed = 1;

	return (m_getpackets_internal(&num_needed, 1, wait, 1,

 * Best effort to get a mbuf cluster + pkthdr.  Used by drivers to allocated
 * packets on receive ring.
struct mbuf *
	unsigned int num_needed = 1;

	return (m_getpackets_internal(&num_needed, 1, M_WAIT, 1,

 * Return a list of mbuf hdrs that point to clusters.  Try for num_needed;
 * if this can't be met, return whatever number were available.  Set up the
 * first num_with_pkthdrs with mbuf hdrs configured as packet headers.  These
 * are chained on the m_nextpkt field.  Any packets requested beyond this are
 * chained onto the last packet header's m_next field.
struct mbuf *
m_getpackets(int num_needed, int num_with_pkthdrs, int how)
	unsigned int n = num_needed;

	return (m_getpackets_internal(&n, num_with_pkthdrs, how, 0,

 * Return a list of mbuf hdrs set up as packet hdrs chained together
 * on the m_nextpkt field
struct mbuf *
m_getpackethdrs(int num_needed, int how)
	struct mbuf *m;
	struct mbuf **np, *top;

	top = NULL;
	np = &top;

	while (num_needed--) {
		m = _M_RETRYHDR(how, MT_DATA);
		if (m == NULL)

		*np = m;
		np = &m->m_nextpkt;

	return (top);

 * Free an mbuf list (m_nextpkt) while following m_next.  Returns the count
 * for mbufs packets freed.  Used by the drivers.
m_freem_list(struct mbuf *m)
	struct mbuf *nextpkt;
	mcache_obj_t *mp_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *mcl_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *mbc_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *m16k_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *m_mcl_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *m_mbc_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *m_m16k_list = NULL;
	mcache_obj_t *ref_list = NULL;
	int pktcount = 0;
	int mt_free = 0, mt_data = 0, mt_header = 0, mt_soname = 0, mt_tag = 0;

	while (m != NULL) {

		nextpkt = m->m_nextpkt;
		m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

		while (m != NULL) {
			struct mbuf *next = m->m_next;
			mcache_obj_t *o, *rfa;
			u_int32_t refcnt, flags;

			if (m->m_type == MT_FREE)
				panic("m_free: freeing an already freed mbuf");

			if (m->m_type != MT_FREE)

			if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
				m_tag_delete_chain(m, NULL);

			if (!(m->m_flags & M_EXT))
				goto simple_free;

			o = (mcache_obj_t *)m->m_ext.ext_buf;
			refcnt = m_decref(m);
			flags = MEXT_FLAGS(m);
			if (refcnt == 0 && flags == 0) {
				if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
					o->obj_next = mcl_list;
					mcl_list = o;
				} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
					o->obj_next = mbc_list;
					mbc_list = o;
				} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree) {
					o->obj_next = m16k_list;
					m16k_list = o;
				} else {
				rfa = (mcache_obj_t *)MEXT_RFA(m);
				rfa->obj_next = ref_list;
				ref_list = rfa;
				MEXT_RFA(m) = NULL;
			} else if (refcnt == 0 && (flags & EXTF_COMPOSITE)) {
				VERIFY(m->m_type != MT_FREE);
				 * Amortize the costs of atomic operations
				 * by doing them at the end, if possible.
				if (m->m_type == MT_DATA)
				else if (m->m_type == MT_HEADER)
				else if (m->m_type == MT_SONAME)
				else if (m->m_type == MT_TAG)

				m->m_type = MT_FREE;
				m->m_flags = M_EXT;
				m->m_len = 0;
				m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

				/* "Free" into the intermediate cache */
				o = (mcache_obj_t *)m;
				if (m->m_ext.ext_free == NULL) {
					o->obj_next = m_mcl_list;
					m_mcl_list = o;
				} else if (m->m_ext.ext_free == m_bigfree) {
					o->obj_next = m_mbc_list;
					m_mbc_list = o;
				} else {
					VERIFY(m->m_ext.ext_free == m_16kfree);
					o->obj_next = m_m16k_list;
					m_m16k_list = o;
				m = next;
			 * Amortize the costs of atomic operations
			 * by doing them at the end, if possible.
			if (m->m_type == MT_DATA)
			else if (m->m_type == MT_HEADER)
			else if (m->m_type == MT_SONAME)
			else if (m->m_type == MT_TAG)
			else if (m->m_type != MT_FREE)

			m->m_type = MT_FREE;
			m->m_flags = m->m_len = 0;
			m->m_next = m->m_nextpkt = NULL;

			((mcache_obj_t *)m)->obj_next = mp_list;
			mp_list = (mcache_obj_t *)m;

			m = next;

		m = nextpkt;

	if (mt_free > 0)
		mtype_stat_add(MT_FREE, mt_free);
	if (mt_data > 0)
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_DATA, mt_data);
	if (mt_header > 0)
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_HEADER, mt_header);
	if (mt_soname > 0)
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_SONAME, mt_soname);
	if (mt_tag > 0)
		mtype_stat_sub(MT_TAG, mt_tag);

	if (mp_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF), mp_list);
	if (mcl_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_CL), mcl_list);
	if (mbc_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_BIGCL), mbc_list);
	if (m16k_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_16KCL), m16k_list);
	if (m_mcl_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF_CL), m_mcl_list);
	if (m_mbc_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF_BIGCL), m_mbc_list);
	if (m_m16k_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF_16KCL), m_m16k_list);
	if (ref_list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(ref_cache, ref_list);

	return (pktcount);

m_freem(struct mbuf *m)
	while (m != NULL)
		m = m_free(m);

 * Mbuffer utility routines.

 * Compute the amount of space available before the current start
 * of data in an mbuf.
m_leadingspace(struct mbuf *m)
	if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
			return (0);
		return (m->m_data - m->m_ext.ext_buf);
	if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
		return (m->m_data - m->m_pktdat);
	return (m->m_data - m->m_dat);

 * Compute the amount of space available after the end of data in an mbuf.
m_trailingspace(struct mbuf *m)
	if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
			return (0);
		return (m->m_ext.ext_buf + m->m_ext.ext_size -
		    (m->m_data + m->m_len));
	return (&m->m_dat[MLEN] - (m->m_data + m->m_len));

 * Lesser-used path for M_PREPEND: allocate new mbuf to prepend to chain,
 * copy junk along.  Does not adjust packet header length.
struct mbuf *
m_prepend(struct mbuf *m, int len, int how)
	struct mbuf *mn;

	_MGET(mn, how, m->m_type);
	if (mn == NULL) {
		return (NULL);
	if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
		M_COPY_PKTHDR(mn, m);
		m->m_flags &= ~M_PKTHDR;
	mn->m_next = m;
	m = mn;
	if (len < MHLEN)
		MH_ALIGN(m, len);
	m->m_len = len;
	return (m);

 * Replacement for old M_PREPEND macro: allocate new mbuf to prepend to
 * chain, copy junk along, and adjust length.
struct mbuf *
m_prepend_2(struct mbuf *m, int len, int how)
	if (M_LEADINGSPACE(m) >= len) {
		m->m_data -= len;
		m->m_len += len;
	} else {
		m = m_prepend(m, len, how);
	if ((m) && (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR))
		m->m_pkthdr.len += len;
	return (m);

 * Make a copy of an mbuf chain starting "off0" bytes from the beginning,
 * continuing for "len" bytes.  If len is M_COPYALL, copy to end of mbuf.
 * The wait parameter is a choice of M_WAIT/M_DONTWAIT from caller.
int MCFail;

struct mbuf *
m_copym(struct mbuf *m, int off0, int len, int wait)
	struct mbuf *n, *mhdr = NULL, **np;
	int off = off0;
	struct mbuf *top;
	int copyhdr = 0;

	if (off < 0 || len < 0)
		panic("m_copym: invalid offset %d or len %d", off, len);

	if (off == 0 && (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)) {
		mhdr = m;
		copyhdr = 1;

	while (off >= m->m_len) {
		if (m->m_next == NULL)
			panic("m_copym: invalid mbuf chain");
		off -= m->m_len;
		m = m->m_next;
	np = &top;
	top = NULL;

	while (len > 0) {
		if (m == NULL) {
			if (len != M_COPYALL)
				panic("m_copym: len != M_COPYALL");

		n = _M_RETRY(wait, m->m_type);
		*np = n;

		if (n == NULL)
			goto nospace;

		if (copyhdr != 0) {
			M_COPY_PKTHDR(n, mhdr);
			if (len == M_COPYALL)
				n->m_pkthdr.len -= off0;
				n->m_pkthdr.len = len;
			copyhdr = 0;
		if (len == M_COPYALL) {
			if (MIN(len, (m->m_len - off)) == len) {
				printf("m->m_len %ld - off %d = %ld, %ld\n",
				    m->m_len, off, m->m_len - off,
				    MIN(len, (m->m_len - off)));
		n->m_len = MIN(len, (m->m_len - off));
		if (n->m_len == M_COPYALL) {
			printf("n->m_len == M_COPYALL, fixing\n");
			n->m_len = MHLEN;
		if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
			n->m_ext = m->m_ext;
			n->m_data = m->m_data + off;
			n->m_flags |= M_EXT;
		} else {
			bcopy(MTOD(m, caddr_t)+off, MTOD(n, caddr_t),
		if (len != M_COPYALL)
			len -= n->m_len;
		off = 0;
		m = m->m_next;
		np = &n->m_next;

	if (top == NULL)

	return (top);

	return (NULL);

 * Equivalent to m_copym except that all necessary mbuf hdrs are allocated
 * within this routine also, the last mbuf and offset accessed are passed
 * out and can be passed back in to avoid having to rescan the entire mbuf
 * list (normally hung off of the socket)
struct mbuf *
m_copym_with_hdrs(struct mbuf *m, int off0, int len0, int wait,
    struct mbuf **m_last, int *m_off)
	struct mbuf *n, **np = NULL;
	int off = off0, len = len0;
	struct mbuf *top = NULL;
	int mcflags = MSLEEPF(wait);
	int copyhdr = 0;
	int type = 0;
	mcache_obj_t *list = NULL;
	int needed = 0;

	if (off == 0 && (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR))
		copyhdr = 1;

	if (*m_last != NULL) {
		m = *m_last;
		off = *m_off;
	} else {
		while (off >= m->m_len) {
			off -= m->m_len;
			m = m->m_next;

	n = m;
	while (len > 0) {
		ASSERT(n != NULL);
		len -= MIN(len, (n->m_len - ((needed == 1) ? off : 0)));
		n = n->m_next;
	len = len0;

	 * If the caller doesn't want to be put to sleep, mark it with
	 * MCR_TRYHARD so that we may reclaim buffers from other places
	 * before giving up.
	if (mcflags & MCR_NOSLEEP)
		mcflags |= MCR_TRYHARD;

	if (mcache_alloc_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF), &list, needed,
	    mcflags) != needed)
		goto nospace;

	needed = 0;
	while (len > 0) {
		n = (struct mbuf *)list;
		list = list->obj_next;
		ASSERT(n != NULL && m != NULL);

		type = (top == NULL) ? MT_HEADER : m->m_type;
		MBUF_INIT(n, (top == NULL), type);
		if (top == NULL && mac_mbuf_label_init(n, wait) != 0) {
			goto nospace;
#endif /* MAC_NET */

		if (top == NULL) {
			top = n;
			np = &top->m_next;
		} else {
			*np = n;

		if (copyhdr) {
			M_COPY_PKTHDR(n, m);
			n->m_pkthdr.len = len;
			copyhdr = 0;
		n->m_len = MIN(len, (m->m_len - off));

		if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
			n->m_ext = m->m_ext;
			n->m_data = m->m_data + off;
			n->m_flags |= M_EXT;
		} else {
			bcopy(MTOD(m, caddr_t)+off, MTOD(n, caddr_t),
		len -= n->m_len;

		if (len == 0) {
			if ((off + n->m_len) == m->m_len) {
				*m_last = m->m_next;
				*m_off  = 0;
			} else {
				*m_last = m;
				*m_off  = off + n->m_len;
		off = 0;
		m = m->m_next;
		np = &n->m_next;

	mtype_stat_add(type, needed);
	mtype_stat_sub(MT_FREE, needed + 1);

	ASSERT(list == NULL);
	return (top);

	if (list != NULL)
		mcache_free_ext(m_cache(MC_MBUF), list);
	if (top != NULL)
	return (NULL);

 * Copy data from an mbuf chain starting "off" bytes from the beginning,
 * continuing for "len" bytes, into the indicated buffer.
m_copydata(struct mbuf *m, int off, int len, caddr_t cp)
	unsigned count;

	if (off < 0 || len < 0)
		panic("m_copydata: invalid offset %d or len %d", off, len);

	while (off > 0) {
		if (m == NULL)
			panic("m_copydata: invalid mbuf chain");
		if (off < m->m_len)
		off -= m->m_len;
		m = m->m_next;
	while (len > 0) {
		if (m == NULL)
			panic("m_copydata: invalid mbuf chain");
		count = MIN(m->m_len - off, len);
		bcopy(MTOD(m, caddr_t) + off, cp, count);
		len -= count;
		cp += count;
		off = 0;
		m = m->m_next;

 * Concatenate mbuf chain n to m.  Both chains must be of the same type
 * (e.g. MT_DATA).  Any m_pkthdr is not updated.
m_cat(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf *n)
	while (m->m_next)
		m = m->m_next;
	while (n) {
		if ((m->m_flags & M_EXT) ||
		    m->m_data + m->m_len + n->m_len >= &m->m_dat[MLEN]) {
			/* just join the two chains */
			m->m_next = n;
		/* splat the data from one into the other */
		bcopy(MTOD(n, caddr_t), MTOD(m, caddr_t) + m->m_len,
		m->m_len += n->m_len;
		n = m_free(n);

m_adj(struct mbuf *mp, int req_len)
	int len = req_len;
	struct mbuf *m;
	int count;

	if ((m = mp) == NULL)
	if (len >= 0) {
		 * Trim from head.
		while (m != NULL && len > 0) {
			if (m->m_len <= len) {
				len -= m->m_len;
				m->m_len = 0;
				m = m->m_next;
			} else {
				m->m_len -= len;
				m->m_data += len;
				len = 0;
		m = mp;
		if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
			m->m_pkthdr.len -= (req_len - len);
	} else {
		 * Trim from tail.  Scan the mbuf chain,
		 * calculating its length and finding the last mbuf.
		 * If the adjustment only affects this mbuf, then just
		 * adjust and return.  Otherwise, rescan and truncate
		 * after the remaining size.
		len = -len;
		count = 0;
		for (;;) {
			count += m->m_len;
			if (m->m_next == (struct mbuf *)0)
			m = m->m_next;
		if (m->m_len >= len) {
			m->m_len -= len;
			m = mp;
			if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
				m->m_pkthdr.len -= len;
		count -= len;
		if (count < 0)
			count = 0;
		 * Correct length for chain is "count".
		 * Find the mbuf with last data, adjust its length,
		 * and toss data from remaining mbufs on chain.
		m = mp;
		if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
			m->m_pkthdr.len = count;
		for (; m; m = m->m_next) {
			if (m->m_len >= count) {
				m->m_len = count;
			count -= m->m_len;
		while ((m = m->m_next))
			m->m_len = 0;

 * Rearange an mbuf chain so that len bytes are contiguous
 * and in the data area of an mbuf (so that mtod and dtom
 * will work for a structure of size len).  Returns the resulting
 * mbuf chain on success, frees it and returns null on failure.
 * If there is room, it will add up to max_protohdr-len extra bytes to the
 * contiguous region in an attempt to avoid being called next time.
int MPFail;

struct mbuf *
m_pullup(struct mbuf *n, int len)
	struct mbuf *m;
	int count;
	int space;

	 * If first mbuf has no cluster, and has room for len bytes
	 * without shifting current data, pullup into it,
	 * otherwise allocate a new mbuf to prepend to the chain.
	if ((n->m_flags & M_EXT) == 0 &&
	    n->m_data + len < &n->m_dat[MLEN] && n->m_next) {
		if (n->m_len >= len)
			return (n);
		m = n;
		n = n->m_next;
		len -= m->m_len;
	} else {
		if (len > MHLEN)
			goto bad;
		_MGET(m, M_DONTWAIT, n->m_type);
		if (m == 0)
			goto bad;
		m->m_len = 0;
		if (n->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
			M_COPY_PKTHDR(m, n);
			n->m_flags &= ~M_PKTHDR;
	space = &m->m_dat[MLEN] - (m->m_data + m->m_len);
	do {
		count = MIN(MIN(MAX(len, max_protohdr), space), n->m_len);
		bcopy(MTOD(n, caddr_t), MTOD(m, caddr_t) + m->m_len,
		len -= count;
		m->m_len += count;
		n->m_len -= count;
		space -= count;
		if (n->m_len)
			n->m_data += count;
			n = m_free(n);
	} while (len > 0 && n);
	if (len > 0) {
		(void) m_free(m);
		goto bad;
	m->m_next = n;
	return (m);
	return (0);

 * Partition an mbuf chain in two pieces, returning the tail --
 * all but the first len0 bytes.  In case of failure, it returns NULL and
 * attempts to restore the chain to its original state.
struct mbuf *
m_split(struct mbuf *m0, int len0, int wait)
	struct mbuf *m, *n;
	unsigned len = len0, remain;

	for (m = m0; m && len > m->m_len; m = m->m_next)
		len -= m->m_len;
	if (m == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	remain = m->m_len - len;
	if (m0->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) {
		_MGETHDR(n, wait, m0->m_type);
		if (n == NULL)
			return (NULL);
		n->m_pkthdr.rcvif = m0->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
		n->m_pkthdr.len = m0->m_pkthdr.len - len0;
		m0->m_pkthdr.len = len0;
		if (m->m_flags & M_EXT)
			goto extpacket;
		if (remain > MHLEN) {
			/* m can't be the lead packet */
			MH_ALIGN(n, 0);
			n->m_next = m_split(m, len, wait);
			if (n->m_next == NULL) {
				(void) m_free(n);
				return (NULL);
			} else
				return (n);
		} else
			MH_ALIGN(n, remain);
	} else if (remain == 0) {
		n = m->m_next;
		m->m_next = NULL;
		return (n);
	} else {
		_MGET(n, wait, m->m_type);
		if (n == NULL)
			return (NULL);
		M_ALIGN(n, remain);
	if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
		n->m_flags |= M_EXT;
		n->m_ext = m->m_ext;
		n->m_data = m->m_data + len;
	} else {
		bcopy(MTOD(m, caddr_t) + len, MTOD(n, caddr_t), remain);
	n->m_len = remain;
	m->m_len = len;
	n->m_next = m->m_next;
	m->m_next = NULL;
	return (n);

 * Routine to copy from device local memory into mbufs.
struct mbuf *
m_devget(char *buf, int totlen, int off0, struct ifnet *ifp,
    void (*copy)(const void *, void *, size_t))
	struct mbuf *m;
	struct mbuf *top = NULL, **mp = &top;
	int off = off0, len;
	char *cp;
	char *epkt;

	cp = buf;
	epkt = cp + totlen;
	if (off) {
		 * If 'off' is non-zero, packet is trailer-encapsulated,
		 * so we have to skip the type and length fields.
		cp += off + 2 * sizeof (u_int16_t);
		totlen -= 2 * sizeof (u_int16_t);
	if (m == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
	m->m_pkthdr.len = totlen;
	m->m_len = MHLEN;

	while (totlen > 0) {
		if (top != NULL) {
			if (m == NULL) {
				return (NULL);
			m->m_len = MLEN;
		len = MIN(totlen, epkt - cp);
		if (len >= MINCLSIZE) {
			if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
				m->m_len = len = MIN(len, m_maxsize(MC_CL));
			} else {
				/* give up when it's out of cluster mbufs */
				if (top != NULL)
				return (NULL);
		} else {
			 * Place initial small packet/header at end of mbuf.
			if (len < m->m_len) {
				if (top == NULL &&
				    len + max_linkhdr <= m->m_len)
					m->m_data += max_linkhdr;
				m->m_len = len;
			} else {
				len = m->m_len;
		if (copy)
			copy(cp, MTOD(m, caddr_t), (unsigned)len);
			bcopy(cp, MTOD(m, caddr_t), (unsigned)len);
		cp += len;
		*mp = m;
		mp = &m->m_next;
		totlen -= len;
		if (cp == epkt)
			cp = buf;
	return (top);

 * Cluster freelist allocation check.
static int
m_howmany(int num, size_t bufsize)
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	u_int32_t m_clusters, m_bigclusters, m_16kclusters;
	u_int32_t m_clfree, m_bigclfree, m_16kclfree;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	m_clusters = m_total(MC_CL);
	m_bigclusters = m_total(MC_BIGCL);
	m_16kclusters = m_total(MC_16KCL);
	m_clfree = m_infree(MC_CL);
	m_bigclfree = m_infree(MC_BIGCL);
	m_16kclfree = m_infree(MC_16KCL);

	/* Bail if we've maxed out the mbuf memory map */
	if ((bufsize != m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) &&
	    (m_clusters + (m_bigclusters << 1) >= nclusters)) ||
	    (njcl > 0 && bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) &&
	    (m_16kclusters << 3) >= njcl)) {
		if (bufsize == MCLBYTES && num > m_clfree) {
			printf("m_howmany - out of small clusters, "
			    "%d short\n", num - mbstat.m_clfree);
#endif /* DEBUG */
		return (0);

	if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_CL)) {
		/* Under minimum */
		if (m_clusters < MINCL)
			return (MINCL - m_clusters);
		/* Too few (free < 1/16 total) and not over maximum */
		if (m_clusters < m_maxlimit(MC_CL)) {
			if (m_clfree >= MCL_LOWAT)
				return (0);
			if (num >= m_clfree)
				i = num - m_clfree;
			if (((m_clusters + num) >> 4) > m_clfree)
				j = ((m_clusters + num) >> 4) - m_clfree;
			i = MAX(i, j);
			if (i + m_clusters >= m_maxlimit(MC_CL))
				i = m_maxlimit(MC_CL) - m_clusters;
		VERIFY((m_total(MC_CL) + i) <= m_maxlimit(MC_CL));
	} else if (bufsize == m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL)) {
		/* Under minimum */
		if (m_bigclusters < MINBIGCL)
			return (MINBIGCL - m_bigclusters);
		/* Too few (free < 1/16 total) and not over maximum */
		if (m_bigclusters < m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL)) {
			if (m_bigclfree >= MBIGCL_LOWAT)
				return (0);
			if (num >= m_bigclfree)
				i = num - m_bigclfree;
			if (((m_bigclusters + num) >> 4) > m_bigclfree)
				j = ((m_bigclusters + num) >> 4) - m_bigclfree;
			i = MAX(i, j);
			if (i + m_bigclusters >= m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL))
				i = m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL) - m_bigclusters;
		VERIFY((m_total(MC_BIGCL) + i) <= m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL));
	} else {
		VERIFY(njcl > 0);
		/* Under minimum */
		if (m_16kclusters < MIN16KCL)
			return (MIN16KCL - m_16kclusters);
		/* Too few (free < 1/16 total) and not over maximum */
		if (m_16kclusters < m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL)) {
			if (m_16kclfree >= M16KCL_LOWAT)
				return (0);
			if (num >= m_16kclfree)
				i = num - m_16kclfree;
			if (((m_16kclusters + num) >> 4) > m_16kclfree)
				j = ((m_16kclusters + num) >> 4) - m_16kclfree;
			i = MAX(i, j);
			if (i + m_16kclusters >= m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL))
				i = m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL) - m_16kclusters;
		VERIFY((m_total(MC_16KCL) + i) <= m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL));

	return (i);

 * Copy data from a buffer back into the indicated mbuf chain,
 * starting "off" bytes from the beginning, extending the mbuf
 * chain if necessary.
m_copyback(struct mbuf *m0, int off, int len, caddr_t cp)
	int mlen;
	struct mbuf *m = m0, *n;
	int totlen = 0;

	if (m0 == NULL)
	while (off > (mlen = m->m_len)) {
		off -= mlen;
		totlen += mlen;
		if (m->m_next == NULL) {
			n = m_getclr(M_DONTWAIT, m->m_type);
			if (n == NULL)
				goto out;
			n->m_len = MIN(MLEN, len + off);
			m->m_next = n;
		m = m->m_next;
	while (len > 0) {
		mlen = MIN(m->m_len - off, len);
		bcopy(cp, off + MTOD(m, caddr_t), (unsigned)mlen);
		cp += mlen;
		len -= mlen;
		mlen += off;
		off = 0;
		totlen += mlen;
		if (len == 0)
		if (m->m_next == NULL) {
			n = _M_GET(M_DONTWAIT, m->m_type);
			if (n == NULL)
			n->m_len = MIN(MLEN, len);
			m->m_next = n;
		m = m->m_next;
	if (((m = m0)->m_flags & M_PKTHDR) && (m->m_pkthdr.len < totlen))
		m->m_pkthdr.len = totlen;

char *
mcl_to_paddr(char *addr)
	int base_phys;

	if (!MBUF_IN_MAP(addr))
		return (NULL);
	base_phys = mcl_paddr[(addr - (char *)mbutl) >> PGSHIFT];

	if (base_phys == 0)
		return (NULL);
	return ((char *)((int)base_phys | ((int)addr & PGOFSET)));

 * Dup the mbuf chain passed in.  The whole thing.  No cute additional cruft.
 * And really copy the thing.  That way, we don't "precompute" checksums
 * for unsuspecting consumers.  Assumption: m->m_nextpkt == 0.  Trick: for
 * small packets, don't dup into a cluster.  That way received  packets
 * don't take up too much room in the sockbuf (cf. sbspace()).
int MDFail;

struct mbuf *
m_dup(struct mbuf *m, int how)
	struct mbuf *n, **np;
	struct mbuf *top;
	int copyhdr = 0;

	np = &top;
	top = NULL;
	if (m->m_flags & M_PKTHDR)
		copyhdr = 1;

	 * Quick check: if we have one mbuf and its data fits in an
	 *  mbuf with packet header, just copy and go.
	if (m->m_next == NULL) {
		/* Then just move the data into an mbuf and be done... */
		if (copyhdr) {
			if (m->m_pkthdr.len <= MHLEN && m->m_len <= MHLEN) {
				if ((n = _M_GETHDR(how, m->m_type)) == NULL)
					return (NULL);
				n->m_len = m->m_len;
				m_dup_pkthdr(n, m, how);
				bcopy(m->m_data, n->m_data, m->m_len);
				return (n);
		} else if (m->m_len <= MLEN) {
			if ((n = _M_GET(how, m->m_type)) == NULL)
				return (NULL);
			bcopy(m->m_data, n->m_data, m->m_len);
			n->m_len = m->m_len;
			return (n);
	while (m != NULL) {
		kprintf("<%x: %x, %x, %x\n", m, m->m_flags, m->m_len,
		if (copyhdr)
			n = _M_GETHDR(how, m->m_type);
			n = _M_GET(how, m->m_type);
		if (n == NULL)
			goto nospace;
		if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) {
			if (m->m_len <= m_maxsize(MC_CL))
				MCLGET(n, how);
			else if (m->m_len <= m_maxsize(MC_BIGCL))
				n = m_mbigget(n, how);
			else if (m->m_len <= m_maxsize(MC_16KCL) && njcl > 0)
				n = m_m16kget(n, how);
			if (!(n->m_flags & M_EXT)) {
				(void) m_free(n);
				goto nospace;
		*np = n;
		if (copyhdr) {
			/* Don't use M_COPY_PKTHDR: preserve m_data */
			m_dup_pkthdr(n, m, how);
			copyhdr = 0;
			if (!(n->m_flags & M_EXT))
				n->m_data = n->m_pktdat;
		n->m_len = m->m_len;
		 * Get the dup on the same bdry as the original
		 * Assume that the two mbufs have the same offset to data area
		 * (up to word boundaries)
		bcopy(MTOD(m, caddr_t), MTOD(n, caddr_t), (unsigned)n->m_len);
		m = m->m_next;
		np = &n->m_next;
		kprintf(">%x: %x, %x, %x\n", n, n->m_flags, n->m_len,

	if (top == NULL)
	return (top);

	return (NULL);

#define	MBUF_MULTIPAGES(m)						\
	(((m)->m_flags & M_EXT) &&					\
	((IS_P2ALIGNED((m)->m_data, NBPG) && (m)->m_len > NBPG) ||	\
	(!IS_P2ALIGNED((m)->m_data, NBPG) &&				\
	P2ROUNDUP((m)->m_data, NBPG) < ((uintptr_t)(m)->m_data + (m)->m_len))))

static struct mbuf *
m_expand(struct mbuf *m, struct mbuf **last)
	struct mbuf *top = NULL;
	struct mbuf **nm = &top;
	uintptr_t data0, data;
	unsigned int len0, len;

	VERIFY(m->m_next == NULL);
	data0 = (uintptr_t)m->m_data;
	len0 = m->m_len;
	*last = top;

	for (;;) {
		struct mbuf *n;

		data = data0;
		if (IS_P2ALIGNED(data, NBPG) && len0 > NBPG)
			len = NBPG;
		else if (!IS_P2ALIGNED(data, NBPG) &&
		    P2ROUNDUP(data, NBPG) < (data + len0))
			len = P2ROUNDUP(data, NBPG) - data;
			len = len0;

		VERIFY(len > 0);
		VERIFY(m->m_flags & M_EXT);
		m->m_data = (void *)data;
		m->m_len = len;

		*nm = *last = m;
		nm = &m->m_next;
		m->m_next = NULL;

		data0 += len;
		len0 -= len;
		if (len0 == 0)

		if (n == NULL) {
			top = *last = NULL;

		n->m_ext = m->m_ext;
		n->m_flags |= M_EXT;
		m = n;
	return (top);

struct mbuf *
m_normalize(struct mbuf *m)
	struct mbuf *top = NULL;
	struct mbuf **nm = &top;
	boolean_t expanded = FALSE;

	while (m != NULL) {
		struct mbuf *n;

		n = m->m_next;
		m->m_next = NULL;

		/* Does the data cross one or more page boundaries? */
			struct mbuf *last;
			if ((m = m_expand(m, &last)) == NULL) {
				top = NULL;
			*nm = m;
			nm = &last->m_next;
			expanded = TRUE;
		} else {
			*nm = m;
			nm = &m->m_next;
		m = n;
	if (expanded)
		atomic_add_32(&mb_normalized, 1);
	return (top);

m_mchtype(struct mbuf *m, int t)
	(m)->m_type = t;

void *
m_mtod(struct mbuf *m)
	return (MTOD(m, void *));

struct mbuf *
m_dtom(void *x)
	return ((struct mbuf *)((u_long)(x) & ~(MSIZE-1)));

m_mcheck(struct mbuf *m)

 * Inform the corresponding mcache(s) that there's a waiter below.
static void
mbuf_waiter_inc(mbuf_class_t class, boolean_t comp)
	if (comp) {
		if (class == MC_CL) {
		} else if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		} else {

 * Inform the corresponding mcache(s) that there's no more waiter below.
static void
mbuf_waiter_dec(mbuf_class_t class, boolean_t comp)
	if (comp) {
		if (class == MC_CL) {
		} else if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		} else {

 * Called during blocking allocation.  Returns TRUE if one or more objects
 * are available at the per-CPU caches layer and that allocation should be
 * retried at that level.
static boolean_t
mbuf_sleep(mbuf_class_t class, unsigned int num, int wait)
	boolean_t mcache_retry = FALSE;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	/* Check if there's anything at the cache layer */
	if (mbuf_cached_above(class, wait)) {
		mcache_retry = TRUE;
		goto done;

	/* Nothing?  Then try hard to get it from somewhere */
	m_reclaim(class, num, (wait & MCR_COMP));

	/* We tried hard and got something? */
	if (m_infree(class) > 0) {
		goto done;
	} else if (mbuf_cached_above(class, wait)) {
		mcache_retry = TRUE;
		goto done;
	} else if (wait & MCR_TRYHARD) {
		mcache_retry = TRUE;
		goto done;

	 * There's really nothing for us right now; inform the
	 * cache(s) that there is a waiter below and go to sleep.
	mbuf_waiter_inc(class, (wait & MCR_COMP));

	(void) msleep(mb_waitchan, mbuf_mlock, (PZERO-1), m_cname(class), NULL);

	/* We are now up; stop getting notified until next round */
	mbuf_waiter_dec(class, (wait & MCR_COMP));

	/* We waited and got something */
	if (m_infree(class) > 0) {
		goto done;
	} else if (mbuf_cached_above(class, wait)) {
		mcache_retry = TRUE;
	return (mcache_retry);

static void
	int mbuf_expand;

	while (1) {

		mbuf_expand = 0;
		if (mbuf_expand_mcl) {
			int n;

			/* Adjust to current number of cluster in use */
			n = mbuf_expand_mcl -
			    (m_total(MC_CL) - m_infree(MC_CL));
			if ((n + m_total(MC_CL)) > m_maxlimit(MC_CL))
				n = m_maxlimit(MC_CL) - m_total(MC_CL);
			mbuf_expand_mcl = 0;

			if (n > 0 && freelist_populate(MC_CL, n, M_WAIT) > 0)
		if (mbuf_expand_big) {
			int n;

			/* Adjust to current number of 4 KB cluster in use */
			n = mbuf_expand_big -
			    (m_total(MC_BIGCL) - m_infree(MC_BIGCL));
			if ((n + m_total(MC_BIGCL)) > m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL))
				n = m_maxlimit(MC_BIGCL) - m_total(MC_BIGCL);
			mbuf_expand_big = 0;

			if (n > 0 && freelist_populate(MC_BIGCL, n, M_WAIT) > 0)
		if (mbuf_expand_16k) {
			int n;

			/* Adjust to current number of 16 KB cluster in use */
			n = mbuf_expand_16k -
			    (m_total(MC_16KCL) - m_infree(MC_16KCL));
			if ((n + m_total(MC_16KCL)) > m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL))
				n = m_maxlimit(MC_16KCL) - m_total(MC_16KCL);
			mbuf_expand_16k = 0;

			if (n > 0)
				(void) freelist_populate(MC_16KCL, n, M_WAIT);

		 * Because we can run out of memory before filling the mbuf
		 * map, we should not allocate more clusters than they are
		 * mbufs -- otherwise we could have a large number of useless
		 * clusters allocated.
		if (mbuf_expand) {
			while (m_total(MC_MBUF) <
			    (m_total(MC_BIGCL) + m_total(MC_CL))) {
				if (freelist_populate(MC_MBUF, 1, M_WAIT) == 0)


		assert_wait(&mbuf_worker_run, THREAD_UNINT);
		(void) thread_block((thread_continue_t)mbuf_worker_thread);

static void

static mcl_slab_t *
slab_get(void *buf)
	mcl_slabg_t *slg;
	unsigned int ix, k;

	lck_mtx_assert(mbuf_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	ix = ((char *)buf - (char *)mbutl) >> MBSHIFT;
	VERIFY(ix < maxslabgrp);

	if ((slg = slabstbl[ix]) == NULL) {
		 * In the current implementation, we never shrink the memory
		 * pool (hence the cluster map); if we attempt to reallocate
		 * a cluster group when it's already allocated, panic since
		 * this is a sign of a memory corruption (slabstbl[ix] got
		 * nullified).  This also means that there shouldn't be any
		 * hole in the kernel sub-map for the mbuf pool.
		VERIFY(ix < slabgrp);
		 * Slabs expansion can only be done single threaded; when
		 * we get here, it must be as a result of m_clalloc() which
		 * is serialized and therefore mb_clalloc_busy must be set.

		/* This is a new buffer; create the slabs group for it */
		MALLOC(slg, mcl_slabg_t *, sizeof (*slg), M_TEMP,
		    M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
		VERIFY(slg != NULL);

		 * No other thread could have gone into m_clalloc() after
		 * we dropped the lock above, so verify that it's true.

		slabstbl[ix] = slg;

		/* Chain each slab in the group to its forward neighbor */
		for (k = 1; k < NSLABSPMB; k++)
			slg->slg_slab[k - 1].sl_next = &slg->slg_slab[k];
		VERIFY(slg->slg_slab[NSLABSPMB - 1].sl_next == NULL);

		/* And chain the last slab in the previous group to this */
		if (ix > 0) {
			VERIFY(slabstbl[ix - 1]->
			    slg_slab[NSLABSPMB - 1].sl_next == NULL);
			slabstbl[ix - 1]->slg_slab[NSLABSPMB - 1].sl_next =

	ix = MTOCL(buf) % NSLABSPMB;

	return (&slg->slg_slab[ix]);

static void
slab_init(mcl_slab_t *sp, mbuf_class_t class, u_int32_t flags,
    void *base, void *head, unsigned int len, int refcnt, int chunks)
	sp->sl_class = class;
	sp->sl_flags = flags;
	sp->sl_base = base;
	sp->sl_head = head;
	sp->sl_len = len;
	sp->sl_refcnt = refcnt;
	sp->sl_chunks = chunks;

static void
slab_insert(mcl_slab_t *sp, mbuf_class_t class)
	TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&m_slablist(class), sp, sl_link);
	sp->sl_flags &= ~SLF_DETACHED;
	if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		sp = sp->sl_next;
		/* Next slab must already be present */
		VERIFY(sp != NULL);
		sp->sl_flags &= ~SLF_DETACHED;
	} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		int k;
		for (k = 1; k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
			sp = sp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(sp != NULL);
			sp->sl_flags &= ~SLF_DETACHED;

static void
slab_remove(mcl_slab_t *sp, mbuf_class_t class)
	VERIFY(m_slab_cnt(class) > 0);
	TAILQ_REMOVE(&m_slablist(class), sp, sl_link);
	if (class == MC_BIGCL) {
		sp = sp->sl_next;
		/* Next slab must already be present */
		VERIFY(sp != NULL);
	} else if (class == MC_16KCL) {
		int k;
		for (k = 1; k < (M16KCLBYTES / MCLBYTES); k++) {
			sp = sp->sl_next;
			/* Next slab must already be present */
			VERIFY(sp != NULL);

static boolean_t
slab_inrange(mcl_slab_t *sp, void *buf)
	return ((uintptr_t)buf >= (uintptr_t)sp->sl_base &&
	    (uintptr_t)buf < ((uintptr_t)sp->sl_base + sp->sl_len));

#undef panic(...)

static void
slab_nextptr_panic(mcl_slab_t *sp, void *addr)
	int i;
	unsigned int chunk_len = sp->sl_len / sp->sl_chunks;
	uintptr_t buf = (uintptr_t)sp->sl_base;

	for (i = 0; i < sp->sl_chunks; i++, buf += chunk_len) {
		void *next = ((mcache_obj_t *)buf)->obj_next;
		if (next != addr)
		if (mclaudit == NULL) {
			if (next != NULL && !MBUF_IN_MAP(next)) {
				mcache_t *cp = m_cache(sp->sl_class);
				panic("%s: %s buffer %p in slab %p modified "
				    "after free at offset 0: %p out of range "
				    "[%p-%p)\n", __func__, cp->mc_name,
				    (void *)buf, sp, next, mbutl, embutl);
				/* NOTREACHED */
		} else {
			mcache_audit_t *mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(sp->sl_class,
			    (mcache_obj_t *)buf);
			mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(next, mca);

static void
slab_detach(mcl_slab_t *sp)
	sp->sl_link.tqe_next = (mcl_slab_t *)-1;
	sp->sl_link.tqe_prev = (mcl_slab_t **)-1;
	sp->sl_flags |= SLF_DETACHED;

static boolean_t
slab_is_detached(mcl_slab_t *sp)
	return ((intptr_t)sp->sl_link.tqe_next == -1 &&
	    (intptr_t)sp->sl_link.tqe_prev == -1 &&
	    (sp->sl_flags & SLF_DETACHED));

static void
mcl_audit_init(void *buf, mcache_audit_t **mca_list,
    mcache_obj_t **con_list, size_t con_size, unsigned int num)
	mcache_audit_t *mca, *mca_tail;
	mcache_obj_t *con = NULL;
	boolean_t save_contents = (con_list != NULL);
	unsigned int i, ix;

	ASSERT(con_list == NULL || con_size != 0);

	ix = MTOCL(buf);
	/* Make sure we haven't been here before */
	for (i = 0; i < NMBPCL; i++)
		VERIFY(mclaudit[ix].cl_audit[i] == NULL);

	mca = mca_tail = *mca_list;
	if (save_contents)
		con = *con_list;

	for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
		mcache_audit_t *next;

		next = mca->mca_next;
		bzero(mca, sizeof (*mca));
		mca->mca_next = next;
		mclaudit[ix].cl_audit[i] = mca;

		/* Attach the contents buffer if requested */
		if (save_contents) {
			VERIFY(con != NULL);
			mca->mca_contents_size = con_size;
			mca->mca_contents = con;
			con = con->obj_next;
			bzero(mca->mca_contents, mca->mca_contents_size);

		mca_tail = mca;
		mca = mca->mca_next;

	if (save_contents)
		*con_list = con;

	*mca_list = mca_tail->mca_next;
	mca_tail->mca_next = NULL;

 * Given an address of a buffer (mbuf/cluster/big cluster), return
 * the corresponding audit structure for that buffer.
static mcache_audit_t *
mcl_audit_buf2mca(mbuf_class_t class, mcache_obj_t *o)
	mcache_audit_t *mca = NULL;
	int ix = MTOCL(o);

	VERIFY(IS_P2ALIGNED(o, MIN(m_maxsize(class), NBPG)));

	switch (class) {
	case MC_MBUF:
		 * For the mbuf case, find the index of the cluster
		 * used by the mbuf and use that index to locate the
		 * base address of the cluster.  Then find out the
		 * mbuf index relative to the cluster base and use
		 * it to locate the audit structure.
		mca = mclaudit[ix].cl_audit[MCLIDX(CLTOM(ix), o)];

	case MC_CL:
	case MC_BIGCL:
	case MC_16KCL:
		 * Same as above, but only return the first element.
		mca = mclaudit[ix].cl_audit[0];


	return (mca);

static void
mcl_audit_mbuf(mcache_audit_t *mca, void *addr, boolean_t composite,
    boolean_t alloc)
	struct mbuf *m = addr;
	mcache_obj_t *next = ((mcache_obj_t *)m)->obj_next;

	VERIFY(mca->mca_contents != NULL &&
	    mca->mca_contents_size == AUDIT_CONTENTS_SIZE);

	mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(next, mca);

	if (!alloc) {
		/* Save constructed mbuf fields */
		mcl_audit_save_mbuf(m, mca);
		mcache_set_pattern(MCACHE_FREE_PATTERN, m, m_maxsize(MC_MBUF));
		((mcache_obj_t *)m)->obj_next = next;

	/* Check if the buffer has been corrupted while in freelist */
	mcache_audit_free_verify_set(mca, addr, 0, m_maxsize(MC_MBUF));

	/* Restore constructed mbuf fields */
	mcl_audit_restore_mbuf(m, mca, composite);

static void
mcl_audit_restore_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, mcache_audit_t *mca, boolean_t composite)
	struct mbuf *ms = (struct mbuf *)mca->mca_contents;

	if (composite) {
		struct mbuf *next = m->m_next;
		VERIFY(ms->m_flags == M_EXT && MEXT_RFA(ms) != NULL &&
		 * We could have hand-picked the mbuf fields and restore
		 * them individually, but that will be a maintenance
		 * headache.  Instead, restore everything that was saved;
		 * the mbuf layer will recheck and reinitialize anyway.
		bcopy(ms, m, mca->mca_contents_size);
		m->m_next = next;
	} else {
		 * For a regular mbuf (no cluster attached) there's nothing
		 * to restore other than the type field, which is expected
		 * to be MT_FREE.
		m->m_type = ms->m_type;

static void
mcl_audit_save_mbuf(struct mbuf *m, mcache_audit_t *mca)
	bcopy(m, mca->mca_contents, mca->mca_contents_size);

static void
mcl_audit_cluster(mcache_audit_t *mca, void *addr, size_t size, boolean_t alloc,
    boolean_t save_next)
	mcache_obj_t *next = ((mcache_obj_t *)addr)->obj_next;

	if (!alloc) {
		mcache_set_pattern(MCACHE_FREE_PATTERN, addr, size);
		if (save_next) {
			mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(next, mca);
			((mcache_obj_t *)addr)->obj_next = next;
	} else {
		/* Check if the buffer has been corrupted while in freelist */
		mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(next, mca);
		mcache_audit_free_verify_set(mca, addr, 0, size);

static void
mcl_audit_mcheck_panic(struct mbuf *m)
	mcache_audit_t *mca;

	mca = mcl_audit_buf2mca(MC_MBUF, (mcache_obj_t *)m);

	panic("mcl_audit: freed mbuf %p with type 0x%x (instead of 0x%x)\n%s\n",
	    m, (u_int16_t)m->m_type, MT_FREE, mcache_dump_mca(mca));

static void
mcl_audit_verify_nextptr(void *next, mcache_audit_t *mca)
	if (next != NULL && next != (void *)MCACHE_FREE_PATTERN &&
	    !MBUF_IN_MAP(next)) {
		panic("mcl_audit: buffer %p modified after free at offset 0: "
		    "%p out of range [%p-%p)\n%s\n",
		    mca->mca_addr, next, mbutl, embutl, mcache_dump_mca(mca));

    0, 0, mbstat_sysctl, "S,mbstat", "");
    0, 0, mb_stat_sysctl, "S,mb_stat", "");
    &mb_normalized, 0, "");