#!/usr/bin/env python # # run_tests.py - run the tests in the regression test suite. # '''usage: python run_tests.py [--url=] [--fs-type=] [--verbose] [--cleanup] [--enable-sasl] [--parallel] [--http-library=] [--config-file=] [--server-minor-version=] The optional flags and the first two parameters are passed unchanged to the TestHarness constructor. All other parameters are names of test programs. ''' import os, re, sys import time import getopt try: my_getopt = getopt.gnu_getopt except AttributeError: my_getopt = getopt.getopt class TestHarness: '''Test harness for Subversion tests. ''' def __init__(self, abs_srcdir, abs_builddir, logfile, faillogfile, base_url=None, fs_type=None, http_library=None, server_minor_version=None, verbose=None, cleanup=None, enable_sasl=None, parallel=None, config_file=None, fsfs_sharding=None, fsfs_packing=None, list_tests=None, svn_bin=None): '''Construct a TestHarness instance. ABS_SRCDIR and ABS_BUILDDIR are the source and build directories. LOGFILE is the name of the log file. BASE_URL is the base url for DAV tests. FS_TYPE is the FS type for repository creation. HTTP_LIBRARY is the HTTP library for DAV-based communications. SERVER_MINOR_VERSION is the minor version of the server being tested. SVN_BIN is the path where the svn binaries are installed. ''' self.srcdir = abs_srcdir self.builddir = abs_builddir self.logfile = logfile self.faillogfile = faillogfile self.base_url = base_url self.fs_type = fs_type self.http_library = http_library self.server_minor_version = server_minor_version self.verbose = verbose self.cleanup = cleanup self.enable_sasl = enable_sasl self.parallel = parallel self.fsfs_sharding = fsfs_sharding self.fsfs_packing = fsfs_packing if fsfs_packing is not None and fsfs_sharding is None: raise Exception('--fsfs-packing requires --fsfs-sharding') self.config_file = None if config_file is not None: self.config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) self.list_tests = list_tests self.svn_bin = svn_bin self.log = None def run(self, list): 'Run all test programs given in LIST.' self._open_log('w') failed = 0 for cnt, prog in enumerate(list): failed = self._run_test(prog, cnt, len(list)) or failed self._open_log('r') log_lines = self.log.readlines() # Print summaries from least interesting to most interesting. skipped = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'SKIP: '] if skipped: print('At least one test was SKIPPED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in skipped: sys.stdout.write(x) xfailed = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'XFAIL:'] if xfailed: print('At least one test XFAILED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in xfailed: sys.stdout.write(x) failed_list = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'FAIL: '] if failed_list: print('At least one test FAILED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in failed_list: sys.stdout.write(x) xpassed = [x for x in log_lines if x[:6] == 'XPASS:'] if xpassed: print('At least one test XPASSED, checking ' + self.logfile) for x in xpassed: sys.stdout.write(x) if skipped or xfailed or failed_list or xpassed: print('Summary of test results:') if skipped: print(' %d test%s SKIPPED' % (len(skipped), 's'*min(len(skipped), 1))) if xfailed: print(' %d test%s XFAILED' % (len(xfailed), 's'*min(len(xfailed), 1))) if failed_list: print(' %d test%s FAILED' % (len(failed_list), 's'*min(len(failed_list), 1))) if xpassed: print(' %d test%s XPASSED' % (len(xpassed), 's'*min(len(xpassed), 1))) # Copy the truly interesting verbose logs to a separate file, for easier # viewing. if xpassed or failed_list: faillog = open(self.faillogfile, 'wb') last_start_lineno = None last_start_re = re.compile('^(FAIL|SKIP|XFAIL|PASS|START|CLEANUP|END):') for lineno, line in enumerate(log_lines): # Iterate the lines. If it ends a test we're interested in, dump that # test to FAILLOG. If it starts a test (at all), remember the line # number (in case we need it later). if line in xpassed or line in failed_list: faillog.write('[[[\n') faillog.writelines(log_lines[last_start_lineno : lineno+1]) faillog.write(']]]\n\n') if last_start_re.match(line): last_start_lineno = lineno + 1 faillog.close() elif os.path.exists(self.faillogfile): print("WARNING: no failures, but '%s' exists from a previous run." % self.faillogfile) self._close_log() return failed def _open_log(self, mode): 'Open the log file with the required MODE.' self._close_log() self.log = open(self.logfile, mode) def _close_log(self): 'Close the log file.' if not self.log is None: self.log.close() self.log = None def _run_test(self, prog, test_nr, total_tests): "Run a single test. Return the test's exit code." def quote(arg): if sys.platform == 'win32': return '"' + arg + '"' else: return arg progdir, progbase = os.path.split(prog) # Using write here because we don't want even a trailing space sys.stdout.write('Running all tests in %s [%d/%d]...' % ( progbase, test_nr + 1, total_tests)) self.log.write('START: %s\n' % progbase) self.log.flush() start_time = time.time() if progbase[-3:] == '.py': progname = sys.executable cmdline = [quote(progname), quote(os.path.join(self.srcdir, prog))] if self.base_url is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--url=' + self.base_url)) if self.enable_sasl is not None: cmdline.append('--enable-sasl') if self.parallel is not None: cmdline.append('--parallel') if self.config_file is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--config-file=' + self.config_file)) elif os.access(prog, os.X_OK): progname = './' + progbase cmdline = [quote(progname), quote('--srcdir=' + os.path.join(self.srcdir, progdir))] if self.config_file is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--config-file=' + self.config_file)) else: print('Don\'t know what to do about ' + progbase) sys.exit(1) if self.verbose is not None: cmdline.append('--verbose') if self.cleanup is not None: cmdline.append('--cleanup') if self.fs_type is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--fs-type=' + self.fs_type)) if self.http_library is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--http-library=' + self.http_library)) if self.server_minor_version is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--server-minor-version=' + self.server_minor_version)) if self.list_tests is not None: cmdline.append('--list') if self.svn_bin is not None: cmdline.append(quote('--bin=' + self.svn_bin)) if self.fsfs_sharding is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-sharding=%d' % self.fsfs_sharding) if self.fsfs_packing is not None: cmdline.append('--fsfs-packing') old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(progdir) failed = self._run_prog(progname, cmdline) except: os.chdir(old_cwd) raise else: os.chdir(old_cwd) # We always return 1 for failed tests, if some other failure than 1 # probably means the test didn't run at all and probably didn't # output any failure info. if failed == 1: print('FAILURE') elif failed: self.log.write('FAIL: %s: Unknown test failure see tests.log.\n\n' % progbase) self.log.flush() print('FAILURE') else: print('success') elapsed_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(time.time() - start_time)) if self.log: self.log.write('END: %s\n' % progbase) self.log.write('ELAPSED: %s %s\n\n' % (progbase, elapsed_time)) else: print('END: %s\n' % progbase) print('ELAPSED: %s %s\n' % (progbase, elapsed_time)) return failed def _run_prog(self, progname, arglist): '''Execute the file PROGNAME in a subprocess, with ARGLIST as its arguments (a list/tuple of arg0..argN), redirecting standard output and error to the log file. Return the command's exit code.''' def restore_streams(stdout, stderr): os.dup2(stdout, 1) os.dup2(stderr, 2) os.close(stdout) os.close(stderr) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self.log.flush() old_stdout = os.dup(1) old_stderr = os.dup(2) try: os.dup2(self.log.fileno(), 1) os.dup2(self.log.fileno(), 2) rv = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, progname, arglist) except: restore_streams(old_stdout, old_stderr) raise else: restore_streams(old_stdout, old_stderr) return rv def main(): try: opts, args = my_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'u:f:vc', ['url=', 'fs-type=', 'verbose', 'cleanup', 'http-library=', 'server-minor-version=', 'fsfs-packing', 'fsfs-sharding=', 'enable-sasl', 'parallel', 'config-file=']) except getopt.GetoptError: args = [] if len(args) < 3: print(__doc__) sys.exit(2) base_url, fs_type, verbose, cleanup, enable_sasl, http_library, \ server_minor_version, fsfs_sharding, fsfs_packing, parallel, \ config_file = \ None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None for opt, val in opts: if opt in ['-u', '--url']: base_url = val elif opt in ['-f', '--fs-type']: fs_type = val elif opt in ['--http-library']: http_library = val elif opt in ['--fsfs-sharding']: fsfs_sharding = int(val) elif opt in ['--fsfs-packing']: fsfs_packing = 1 elif opt in ['--server-minor-version']: server_minor_version = val elif opt in ['-v', '--verbose']: verbose = 1 elif opt in ['-c', '--cleanup']: cleanup = 1 elif opt in ['--enable-sasl']: enable_sasl = 1 elif opt in ['--parallel']: parallel = 1 elif opt in ['--config-file']: config_file = val else: raise getopt.GetoptError th = TestHarness(args[0], args[1], os.path.abspath('tests.log'), os.path.abspath('fails.log'), base_url, fs_type, http_library, server_minor_version, verbose, cleanup, enable_sasl, parallel, config_file, fsfs_sharding, fsfs_packing) failed = th.run(args[2:]) if failed: sys.exit(1) # Run main if not imported as a module if __name__ == '__main__': main()