enableridalgorithm.xml   [plain text]

<samba:parameter name="enable rid algorithm"
                 advanced="1" developer="1" hide="1"
	<para>This option is used to control whether or not smbd in Samba 3.0 should fallback
	to the algorithm used by Samba 2.2 to generate user and group RIDs.  The longterm
	development goal is to remove the algorithmic mappings of RIDs altogether, but 
	this has proved to be difficult.  This parameter is mainly provided so that
	developers can turn the algorithm on and off and see what breaks.  This parameter
	should not be disabled by non-developers because certain features in Samba will fail 
	to work without it.

	<para>Default: <command moreinfo="none">enable rid algorithm = &lt;yes&gt;</command></para>