emitter.c   [plain text]

 * emitter.c
 * $Author: why $
 * $Date: 2004/05/16 16:09:40 $
 * Copyright (C) 2003 why the lucky stiff
 * All Base64 code from Ruby's pack.c.
 * Ruby is Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Yukihiro Matsumoto 
#include "ruby.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "syck.h"

#define DEFAULT_ANCHOR_FORMAT "id%03d"

static char b64_table[] =

struct adjust_arg {
    /* Position to start adjusting */
    long startpos;
    /* Adjusting by an offset */
    int offset;

 * Built-in base64 (from Ruby's pack.c)
char *
syck_base64enc( char *s, long len )
    long i = 0;
    int padding = '=';
    char *buff = S_ALLOCA_N(char, len * 4 / 3 + 6);

    while (len >= 3) {
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (*s >> 2)];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (((*s << 4) & 060) | ((s[1] >> 4) & 017))];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (((s[1] << 2) & 074) | ((s[2] >> 6) & 03))];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & s[2]];
        s += 3;
        len -= 3;
    if (len == 2) {
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (*s >> 2)];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (((*s << 4) & 060) | ((s[1] >> 4) & 017))];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (((s[1] << 2) & 074) | (('\0' >> 6) & 03))];
        buff[i++] = padding;
    else if (len == 1) {
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (*s >> 2)];
        buff[i++] = b64_table[077 & (((*s << 4) & 060) | (('\0' >> 4) & 017))];
        buff[i++] = padding;
        buff[i++] = padding;
    buff[i++] = '\n';
    return buff;

char *
syck_base64dec( char *s, long len )
    int a = -1,b = -1,c = 0,d;
    static int first = 1;
    static int b64_xtable[256];
    char *ptr = syck_strndup( s, len );
    char *end = ptr;
    char *send = s + len;

    if (first) {
        int i;
        first = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        b64_xtable[i] = -1;
        for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        b64_xtable[(int)b64_table[i]] = i;
    while (s < send) {
        while (s[0] == '\r' || s[0] == '\n') { s++; }
        if ((a = b64_xtable[(int)s[0]]) == -1) break;
        if ((b = b64_xtable[(int)s[1]]) == -1) break;
        if ((c = b64_xtable[(int)s[2]]) == -1) break;
        if ((d = b64_xtable[(int)s[3]]) == -1) break;
        *end++ = a << 2 | b >> 4;
        *end++ = b << 4 | c >> 2;
        *end++ = c << 6 | d;
        s += 4;
    if (a != -1 && b != -1) {
        if (s + 2 < send && s[2] == '=')
        *end++ = a << 2 | b >> 4;
        if (c != -1 && s + 3 < send && s[3] == '=') {
        *end++ = a << 2 | b >> 4;
        *end++ = b << 4 | c >> 2;
    *end = '\0';
    /*RSTRING(buf)->len = ptr - RSTRING(buf)->ptr;*/
    return ptr;

 * Allocate an emitter
SyckEmitter *
    SyckEmitter *e;
    e = S_ALLOC( SyckEmitter );
    e->headless = 0;
    e->seq_map = 0;
    e->use_header = 0;
    e->use_version = 0;
    e->sort_keys = 0;
    e->anchor_format = NULL;
    e->explicit_typing = 0;
    e->best_width = 80;
    e->block_style = block_arbitrary;
    e->stage = doc_open;
    e->indent = 2;
    e->level = -1;
    e->ignore_id = 0;
    e->anchors = NULL;
    e->markers = NULL;
    e->bufsize = SYCK_BUFFERSIZE;
    e->buffer = NULL;
    e->marker = NULL;
    e->bufpos = 0;
    e->handler = NULL;
    e->bonus = NULL;
    return e;

syck_st_free_anchors( char *key, char *name, char *arg )
    S_FREE( name );
    return ST_CONTINUE;

syck_st_free_markers( char *key, SyckEmitterNode *n, char *arg )
    S_FREE( n );
    return ST_CONTINUE;

syck_emitter_st_free( SyckEmitter *e )
     * Free the anchor tables
    if ( e->anchors != NULL )
        st_foreach( e->anchors, syck_st_free_anchors, 0 );
        st_free_table( e->anchors );
        e->anchors = NULL;

     * Free the markers tables
    if ( e->markers != NULL )
        st_foreach( e->markers, syck_st_free_markers, 0 );
        st_free_table( e->markers );
        e->markers = NULL;

syck_emitter_ignore_id( SyckEmitter *e, SYMID id )
    e->ignore_id = id;

syck_emitter_handler( SyckEmitter *e, SyckOutputHandler hdlr )
    e->handler = hdlr;

syck_free_emitter( SyckEmitter *e )
     * Free tables
    syck_emitter_st_free( e );
    if ( e->buffer != NULL )
        S_FREE( e->buffer );
    S_FREE( e );

syck_emitter_clear( SyckEmitter *e )
    if ( e->buffer == NULL )
        e->buffer = S_ALLOC_N( char, e->bufsize );
        S_MEMZERO( e->buffer, char, e->bufsize );
    e->buffer[0] = '\0';
    e->marker = e->buffer;
    e->bufpos = 0;

 * Raw write to the emitter buffer.
syck_emitter_write( SyckEmitter *e, char *str, long len )
    long at;
    ASSERT( str != NULL )
    if ( e->buffer == NULL )
        syck_emitter_clear( e );
     * Flush if at end of buffer
    at = e->marker - e->buffer;
    if ( len + at >= e->bufsize )
        syck_emitter_flush( e, 0 );
	for (;;) {
	    long rest = e->bufsize - (e->marker - e->buffer);
	    if (len <= rest) break;
	    S_MEMCPY( e->marker, str, char, rest );
	    e->marker += rest;
	    str += rest;
	    len -= rest;
	    syck_emitter_flush( e, 0 );

     * Write to buffer
    S_MEMCPY( e->marker, str, char, len );
    e->marker += len;

 * Write a chunk of data out.
syck_emitter_flush( SyckEmitter *e, long check_room )
     * Check for enough space in the buffer for check_room length.
    if ( check_room > 0 )
        if ( e->bufsize > ( e->marker - e->buffer ) + check_room )
        check_room = e->bufsize;

     * Determine headers.
    if ( ( e->stage == doc_open && ( e->headless == 0 || e->use_header == 1 ) ) || 
         e->stage == doc_need_header )
        if ( e->use_version == 1 )
            char *header = S_ALLOC_N( char, 64 );
            S_MEMZERO( header, char, 64 );
            sprintf( header, "--- %%YAML:%d.%d ", SYCK_YAML_MAJOR, SYCK_YAML_MINOR );
            (e->handler)( e, header, strlen( header ) );
            S_FREE( header );
            (e->handler)( e, "--- ", 4 );
        e->stage = doc_processing;

     * Commit buffer.
    if ( check_room > e->marker - e->buffer )
        check_room = e->marker - e->buffer;
    (e->handler)( e, e->buffer, check_room );
    e->bufpos += check_room;
    e->marker -= check_room;

 * Emit a simple, unquoted string.
syck_emitter_simple( SyckEmitter *e, char *str, long len )
    e->seq_map = 0;
    syck_emitter_write( e, str, len );

 * Shift the offsets of all applicable anchors
syck_adjust_anchors( char *key, SyckEmitterNode *n, struct adjust_arg *arg )
    if ( arg->startpos < n->pos )
        n->pos += arg->offset;
    return ST_CONTINUE;

 * call on start of an object's marshalling
 * (handles anchors, returns an alias)
char *
syck_emitter_start_obj( SyckEmitter *e, SYMID oid )
    SyckEmitterNode *n = NULL;
    char *anchor_name = NULL;

    if ( oid != e->ignore_id )
         * Look for anchors
        if ( e->markers == NULL )
            e->markers = st_init_numtable();

         * Markers table initially marks the string position of the
         * object.  Doesn't yet create an anchor, simply notes the
         * position.
        if ( ! st_lookup( e->markers, (st_data_t)oid, (st_data_t *)&n ) )
             * Store all markers
            n = S_ALLOC( SyckEmitterNode );
            n->is_shortcut = 0;
            n->indent = e->level * e->indent;
            n->pos = e->bufpos + ( e->marker - e->buffer );
            st_insert( e->markers, (st_data_t)oid, (st_data_t)n );
            if ( e->anchors == NULL )
                e->anchors = st_init_numtable();

            if ( ! st_lookup( e->anchors, (st_data_t)oid, (st_data_t *)&anchor_name ) )
                int idx = 0;
                 * Second time hitting this object, let's give it an anchor
                idx = e->anchors->num_entries + 1;

                 * Create the anchor tag
                if ( n->pos >= e->bufpos )
                    int alen;
                    struct adjust_arg *args = S_ALLOC( struct adjust_arg );
                    char *start = e->buffer + ( n->pos - e->bufpos );

                    char *anc = ( e->anchor_format == NULL ? DEFAULT_ANCHOR_FORMAT : e->anchor_format );
                    anchor_name = S_ALLOC_N( char, strlen( anc ) + 10 );
                    S_MEMZERO( anchor_name, char, strlen( anc ) + 10 );
                    sprintf( anchor_name, anc, idx );

                     * Need to flush the buffer some, if there is not room for the anchor.
                    alen = strlen( anchor_name ) + 2;
                    syck_emitter_flush( e, alen );

                     * Write the anchor into the buffer
                    S_MEMMOVE( start + alen, start, char, e->marker - start );
                    S_MEMCPY( start + 1, anchor_name, char, strlen( anchor_name ) );
                    start[0] = '&';
                    start[alen - 1] = ' ';
                    e->marker += alen;

                     * Cycle through anchors, modify for the size of the anchor.
                    args->startpos = n->pos;
                    args->offset = alen;
                    st_foreach( e->markers, syck_adjust_anchors, (st_data_t)args );
                    S_FREE( args );

                     * Insert into anchors table
                    st_insert( e->anchors, (st_data_t)oid, (st_data_t)anchor_name );


    return anchor_name;

 * call on completion of an object's marshalling
syck_emitter_end_obj( SyckEmitter *e )