#! @PATH_PERL@ -w die "perl5 needed\n" unless ($] > 5); use Getopt::Std; $opt_n = 1000; # How many tries before we give up? (10 min+) $opt_s = 6; # Seconds to sleep between tries (6s = 10/min) $opt_v = 0; # Be verbose? getopts('n:s:v'); $cmd = 'ntpq -c "rv 0"'; $| = 1; # Autoflush output. print "Waiting for ntpd to synchronize... " if ($opt_v); for ($i = 0; $i < $opt_n; ++$i) { open(Q, $cmd." 2>&1 |") || die "Can't start ntpq: $!"; while() { chomp; # the first line should be similar to: # associd=0 status=0645 leap_none, sync_ntp, ... if (/^associd=0 status=(\S{4}) (\S+), (\S+),/) { my $status = $1; my $leap = $2; my $sync = $3; # print $_; # print "status <$status>, leap <$leap>, sync <$sync>\n"; last if ($leap =~ /(sync|leap)_alarm/); if ($leap =~ /leap_(none|((add|del)_sec))/) { # We could check $sync here to make sure we like the source... print "\bOK!\n" if ($opt_v); exit 0; } print "\bUnexpected 'leap' status <$leap>\n"; exit 1; } if (/Connection refused/) { print "\bntpd is not running!\n" if ($opt_v); exit 1; } # Otherwise, we have a bigger problem. print "\bUnexpected first line <$_>\n"; exit 1; } close(Q); print "\b".substr("*+:.", $i % 4, 1) if ($opt_v); sleep($opt_s); } print "\bNo!\nntpd did not synchronize.\n" if ($opt_v); exit 1;