LUDictionary.m   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * LUDictionary.m
 * Property list / dictionary abstraction.
 * Copyright (c) 1995, NeXT Computer Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Written by Marc Majka

#import "LUDictionary.h"
#import "LUPrivate.h"
#import "LUAgent.h"
#import <NetInfo/dsutil.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <sys/types.h>

typedef struct {
	LUCategory cat;
	time_t ttl;
	struct timeval access;
	unsigned int hits;
} _private_data;

dsrecord *
dictToDSRecord(LUDictionary *dict)
	dsrecord *r;
	int i, j, len;
	char *key, *sk;
	char **vals;
	dsdata *d;
	dsattribute *a;
	int asel;

	if (dict == nil) return NULL;

	len = [dict count];
	if (len == 0) return NULL;

	r = dsrecord_new();
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		key = [dict keyAtIndex:i];
		if (key == NULL) continue;

		sk = key;

		if (key[0] == '_')
			sk = key + 1;

		d = cstring_to_dsdata(sk);
		a = dsattribute_new(d);
		vals = [dict valuesAtIndex:i];
		if (vals == NULL) continue;

		for (j = 0; vals[j] != NULL; j++)
			d = cstring_to_dsdata(vals[j]);
			dsattribute_append(a, d);

		dsrecord_append_attribute(r, a, asel);

	return r;

@implementation LUDictionary

- (LUDictionary *)init
	char str[64];

	[super init];
	count = 0;
	prop = (lu_property *)malloc(sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1));

	_data = (void *)malloc(sizeof(_private_data));

	((_private_data *)_data)->cat = LUCategoryNull;
	((_private_data *)_data)->ttl = 0;
	((_private_data *)_data)->hits = 0;

	sprintf(str, "D-0x%08x", (int)self);
	[self setBanner:str];

	negative = NO;

	memset(&(((_private_data *)_data)->access), 0, sizeof(struct timeval));

	return self;

- (LUDictionary *)initTimeStamped
	char str[64];

	[super init];
	count = 0;
	prop = (lu_property *)malloc(sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1));

	_data = (void *)malloc(sizeof(_private_data));

	((_private_data *)_data)->cat = LUCategoryNull;
	((_private_data *)_data)->ttl = 0;
	((_private_data *)_data)->hits = 0;

	sprintf(str, "D-0x%08x", (int)self);
	[self setBanner:str];

	negative = NO;

	gettimeofday(&(((_private_data *)_data)->access), (struct timezone *)NULL);

	return self;

- (LUDictionary *)initWithTime:(struct timeval)t
	char str[64];

	[super init];
	count = 0;
	prop = (lu_property *)malloc(sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1));

	_data = (void *)malloc(sizeof(_private_data));

	((_private_data *)_data)->cat = LUCategoryNull;
	((_private_data *)_data)->ttl = 0;
	((_private_data *)_data)->hits = 0;

	sprintf(str, "D-0x%08x", (int)self);
	[self setBanner:str];

	negative = NO;

	((_private_data *)_data)->access = t;

	return self;

- (void)setCategory:(LUCategory)category
	((_private_data *)_data)->cat = category;

- (LUCategory)category
	return ((_private_data *)_data)->cat;

- (BOOL)isEqual:(LUDictionary *)dict
	int i, j, alen, blen;
	char **avals, **bvals;
	if (![dict isMemberOf:[LUDictionary class]]) return NO;
	if (self == dict) return YES;
	if (count != [dict count]) return NO;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (strcmp(prop[i].key, [dict keyAtIndex:i])) return NO;
		alen = prop[i].len;
		blen = [dict countAtIndex:i];
		if (alen != blen) return NO;
		avals = prop[i].val;
		bvals = [dict valuesAtIndex:i];
		for (j = 0; j < alen; j++) if (strcmp(avals[j], bvals[j])) return NO;
	return YES;

- (LUDictionary *)copy
	int i;
	LUDictionary *c;

	c = [[LUDictionary alloc] init];

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		[c addValues:prop[i].val forKey:prop[i].key count:prop[i].len];

	return c;

- (unsigned int)cacheHits
	return ((_private_data *)_data)->hits;

- (void)setCacheHits:(unsigned int)n
	((_private_data *)_data)->hits = n;

- (unsigned int)cacheHit
	return ((_private_data *)_data)->hits++;

- (time_t)timeToLive
	return ((_private_data *)_data)->ttl;

- (void)setTimeToLive:(time_t)seconds
	((_private_data *)_data)->ttl = seconds;

- (void)setNegative:(BOOL)neg
	negative = neg;

- (BOOL)isNegative
	return negative;

- (void)dealloc
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		prop[i].val = NULL;
		prop[i].key = NULL;
		prop[i].len = 0;
	if (prop != NULL) free(prop);
	prop = NULL;


	[super dealloc];

- (unsigned int)indexForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int top, bot, mid, range;
	int comp;

	if (count == 0) return IndexNull;
	top = count - 1;
	bot = 0;
	mid = top / 2;

	range = top - bot;
	while (range > 1)
		comp = strcmp(key, prop[mid].key);
		if (comp == 0) return mid;
		else if (comp < 0) top = mid;
		else bot = mid;

		range = top - bot;
		mid = bot + (range / 2);

	if (strcmp(key, prop[top].key) == 0) return top;
	if (strcmp(key, prop[bot].key) == 0) return bot;
	return IndexNull;

- (unsigned int)addKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int top, bot, mid, range;
	int comp, i;

	if (key == NULL) return IndexNull;
	if (key[0] == '\0') return IndexNull;

	if (count == 0)
		prop = (lu_property *)realloc(prop, sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1));
		prop[0].key = copyString(key);
		prop[0].val = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
		prop[0].val[0] = NULL;
		prop[0].len = 0;
		return 0;

	top = count - 1;
	bot = 0;
	mid = top / 2;

	range = top - bot;
	while (range > 1)
		comp = strcmp(key, prop[mid].key);
		if (comp == 0) return mid;
		else if (comp < 0) top = mid;
		else bot = mid;

		range = top - bot;
		mid = bot + (range / 2);

	if (strcmp(key, prop[top].key) == 0) return top;
	if (strcmp(key, prop[bot].key) == 0) return bot;

	if (strcmp(key, prop[bot].key) < 0) mid = bot;
	else if (strcmp(key, prop[top].key) > 0) mid = top + 1;
	else mid = top;

	prop = (lu_property *)realloc(prop, sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1));
	for (i = count; i > mid; i--) prop[i] = prop[i - 1];
	prop[mid].key = copyString(key);
	prop[mid].val = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
	prop[mid].val[0] = NULL;
	prop[mid].len = 0;

	return mid;

- (void)mergeKey:(char *)key from:(LUDictionary *)dict
	char **p;

	if (dict == nil) return;

	p = [dict valuesForKey:key];
	if (p != NULL) [self mergeValues:p forKey:key];

- (BOOL)hasValue:(char *)value forKey:(char *)key
	char **vals, **p;

	if ((value == NULL) || (*value == '\0')) return YES;

	vals = [self valuesForKey:key];
	if ((vals == NULL) || (*value == '-')) return NO;

	for (p = vals; *p != NULL; p++)
		if (streq(*p, value)) return YES;

	return NO;

- (char *)keyAtIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return NULL;
	if (where >= count) return NULL;
	return prop[where].key;

- (unsigned int)count
	return count;

- (void)setValue:(char *)val forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;

	where = [self addKey:key];

	if (val == NULL) return;
	[self setValue:val atIndex:where];

- (void)setValue:(char *)val atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	if (prop[where].len == 1)
		if (val == NULL)
			[self removeValuesAtIndex:where];
		prop[where].val[0] = copyString(val);

	[self removeValuesAtIndex:where];
	[self addValue:val atIndex:where];
- (void)setValues:(char **)vals forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self setValues:vals atIndex:where];

- (void)setValues:(char **)vals atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int i, n;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	n = prop[where].len;
	[self removeValuesAtIndex:where];

	if (vals == NULL) return;

	for (n = 0; vals[n] != NULL; n++);
	prop[where].val = (char **)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char *));
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) prop[where].val[i] = copyString(vals[i]);
	prop[where].val[n] = NULL;

	prop[where].len = n;
- (void)addValues:(char **)vals forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self addValues:vals atIndex:where];

- (void)addValues:(char **)vals atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int i, l, n;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;
	if (vals == NULL) return;

	l = prop[where].len;
	for (n = 0; vals[n] != NULL; n++);
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (l + n + 1));

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) prop[where].val[l + i] = copyString(vals[i]);
	prop[where].val[l + n] = NULL;
	prop[where].len = l + n;
- (void)setValues:(char **)vals forKey:(char *)key count:(unsigned int)len
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self setValues:vals atIndex:where count:len];

- (void)setValues:(char **)vals
	atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	count:(unsigned int)len
	int i;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	[self removeValuesAtIndex:where];

	if (vals == NULL) return;
	if (len == 0) return;

	prop[where].val = (char **)malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(char *));
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) prop[where].val[i] = copyString(vals[i]);
	prop[where].val[len] = NULL;
	prop[where].len = len;
- (void)addValues:(char **)vals forKey:(char *)key count:(unsigned int)len
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self addValues:vals atIndex:where count:len];

- (void)addValues:(char **)vals
	atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	count:(unsigned int)len
	int i, l;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;
	if (vals == NULL) return;

	l = prop[where].len;
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (l + len + 1));

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) prop[where].val[i+l] = copyString(vals[i]);
	prop[where].val[l + len] = NULL;
	prop[where].len = l + len;
- (void)removeKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	[self removeIndex:where];

- (void)removeIndex:(unsigned int)where
	unsigned int i;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	prop[where].key = NULL;

	for (i = where + 1; i < count; i++) prop[i - 1] = prop[i];
	prop = (lu_property *)realloc(prop, (sizeof(lu_property) * (count + 1)));

- (void)addValue:(char *)val forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self addValue:val atIndex:where];

- (void)addValue:(char *)val atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int l;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;

	l = prop[where].len;
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (l + 1 + 1));

	prop[where].val[l] = copyString(val);
	prop[where].val[l + 1] = NULL;
	prop[where].len = l + 1;

- (void)swapValuesAtIndex:(unsigned int)a
	andIndex:(unsigned int)b
	forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self swapValuesAtIndex:a andIndex:b atIndex:where];

- (void)swapValuesAtIndex:(unsigned int)a
	andIndex:(unsigned int)b
	atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	char *t;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;
	if (a > prop[where].len) return;
	if (b > prop[where].len) return;
	if (a == b) return;
	t = prop[where].val[a];
	prop[where].val[a] = prop[where].val[b];
	prop[where].val[b] = t;

- (void)insertValue:(char *)val forKey:(char *)key atIndex:(unsigned int)x
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self insertValue:val atIndex:where atIndex:x];

- (void)insertValue:(char *)val
	atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	atIndex:(unsigned int)x
	unsigned int l, i;

	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;

	l = prop[where].len;
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (l + 1 + 1));

	prop[where].val[l + 1] = NULL;
	for (i = l; i > x; i--) prop[where].val[l] = prop[where].val[l - 1];
	prop[where].val[x] = copyString(val);

	prop[where].len = l + 1;

- (void)mergeValues:(char **)vals forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self mergeValues:vals atIndex:where];

- (void)mergeValues:(char **)vals atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int i, len;

	if (vals == NULL) return;
	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	len = listLength(vals);

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		[self mergeValue:vals[i] atIndex:where];

- (void)mergeValue:(char *)val forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;
	where = [self addKey:key];

	[self mergeValue:val atIndex:where];

- (void)mergeValue:(char *)val atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int i, len;

	if (val == NULL) return;
	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	len = prop[where].len;

	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		if (strcmp(prop[where].val[i], val) == 0) return;

	len = prop[where].len;
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (len + 1 + 1));

	prop[where].val[len] = copyString(val);
	prop[where].val[len + 1] = NULL;
	prop[where].len = len + 1;

- (void)removeValue:(char *)val forKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return;
	if (val == NULL) return;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	[self removeValue:val atIndex:where];

- (void)removeValue:(char *)val atIndex:(unsigned int)where
	int i, n, x;

	if (val == NULL) return;
	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	n = prop[where].len;
	x = -1;

	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (strcmp(prop[where].val[i], val))
			x = i;

	if (x < 0) return;

	prop[where].val[x] = NULL;

	for (i = x + 1; i < n; i++) prop[where].val[i - 1] = prop[where].val[i];
	n = prop[where].len;
	prop[where].val =
		(char **)realloc(prop[where].val, sizeof(char *) * (n + 1));

- (void)removeValuesForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	[self removeValuesAtIndex:where];

- (void)removeValuesAtIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return;
	if (where >= count) return;

	if (prop[where].len > 0)
		prop[where].val = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *));
		prop[where].val[0] = NULL;
		prop[where].len = 0;

- (char **)valuesForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return NULL;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	return [self valuesAtIndex:where];
- (char **)valuesAtIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return NULL;
	if (where >= count) return NULL;
	if (prop[where].len == 0) return NULL;
	return prop[where].val;

- (int)intForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return 0;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	if (where == IndexNull) return 0;
	if (where >= count) return 0;
	if (prop[where].len == 0) return 0;
	if (prop[where].val[0] == NULL) return 0;
	return atoi(prop[where].val[0]);

- (void)setInt:(int)i forKey:(char *)key
	char s[64];

	if (key == NULL) return;

	sprintf(s, "%d", i);
	[self setValue:s forKey:key];

- (void)setUnsignedLong:(unsigned long)i forKey:(char *)key
	char s[64];

	if (key == NULL) return;

	sprintf(s, "%lu", i);
	[self setValue:s forKey:key];

- (unsigned long)unsignedLongForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;
	unsigned long l;

	if (key == NULL) return 0;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	if (where == IndexNull) return 0;
	if (where >= count) return 0;
	if (prop[where].len == 0) return 0;
	if (prop[where].val[0] == NULL) return 0;
	l = atoi(prop[where].val[0]);
	return l;
- (char *)valueForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return NULL;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	return [self valueAtIndex:where];
- (char *)valueAtIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return NULL;
	if (where >= count) return NULL;
	if (prop[where].len == 0) return NULL;
	return prop[where].val[0];

- (unsigned int)countForKey:(char *)key
	unsigned int where;

	if (key == NULL) return IndexNull;
	where = [self indexForKey:key];
	return [self countAtIndex:where];
- (unsigned int)countAtIndex:(unsigned int)where
	if (where == IndexNull) return IndexNull;
	if (where >= count) return IndexNull;
	return prop[where].len;

- (void)resetAge
	gettimeofday(&(((_private_data *)_data)->access), (struct timezone *)NULL);

- (time_t)age
	struct timeval now;	
	time_t age;

	gettimeofday(&now, (struct timezone *)NULL);

	age = now.tv_sec - ((_private_data *)_data)->access.tv_sec;
	return age;

- (time_t)dob
	time_t dob;

	dob = ((_private_data *)_data)->access.tv_sec;
	return dob;

- (char *)description
	unsigned int i, j, len, slen;
	char **p, *out;

	slen = strlen(banner) + 8;

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		slen += 2; /* () */
		slen += strlen([self keyAtIndex:i]);
		slen += 1; /* " " */
		p = [self valuesAtIndex:i];
		len = [self countAtIndex:i];
		slen += len; /* " " */
		for (j = 0; j < len; j++) slen += strlen(p[j]);
		slen += 1; /* " " */

	out = malloc(slen);
	memset(out, 0, slen);
	strcat(out, banner);
	strcat(out, ": ");

	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		strcat(out, "(");
		strcat(out, [self keyAtIndex:i]);
		strcat(out, " ");

		p = [self valuesAtIndex:i];
		len = [self countAtIndex:i];
		for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
			strcat(out, p[j]);
			if ((j + 1) < len) strcat(out, " ");
		strcat(out, ")");
		if ((i + 1) < count) strcat(out, " ");

	return out;

- (void)print:(FILE *)f
	unsigned int i, j, len;
	time_t age, remaining;
	char **p;
	_private_data *pvt;

	pvt = (_private_data *)_data;

	fprintf(f, "Dictionary: \"%s\"\n", [self banner]);
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		fprintf(f, "%s:", [self keyAtIndex:i]);
		p = [self valuesAtIndex:i];
		len = [self countAtIndex:i];
		for (j = 0; j < len; j++) fprintf(f, " %s", p[j]);
		fprintf(f, "\n");

	if (pvt->cat == LUCategoryNull)
		fprintf(f, "\n");

	fprintf(f, "+ Category: %s\n", [LUAgent categoryName:pvt->cat]);

	age = [self age];
	if (pvt->ttl == (time_t)-1)
		fprintf(f, "+ Time to live: -immortal-\n");
		fprintf(f, "+ Age: %lu\n", age);
		fprintf(f, "+ Time to live: %lu\n", pvt->ttl);

		if (age > pvt->ttl)
			fprintf(f, "+ Age: %lu (expired)\n", age);
			remaining = pvt->ttl - age;
			fprintf(f, "+ Age: %lu (expires in %lu seconds)\n",
				[self age], remaining);

	fprintf(f, "+ Negative: %s\n", negative ? "Yes" : "No");
	fprintf(f, "+ Cache hits: %u\n", pvt->hits);
	fprintf(f, "+ Retain count: %u\n", [self retainCount]);

	fprintf(f, "\n");

 * Test a dictionary against a pattern.
- (BOOL)match:(LUDictionary *)pattern
	unsigned int i, j, where, len;
	char *pkey;
	char **pvals, **vals;

	if (self == pattern) return YES;
	if (pattern == nil) return YES;
	len = [pattern count];
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		pkey = [pattern keyAtIndex:i];
		if (!strncmp(pkey, "_lookup_", 8)) continue;
		where = [self indexForKey:pkey];
		if (where == IndexNull) return NO;

		pvals = [pattern valuesAtIndex:i];
		if (pvals == NULL) continue;

		vals = [self valuesAtIndex:where];
		if (vals == NULL) return NO;

		for (j = 0; pvals[j] != NULL; j++)
			where = listIndex(pvals[j], vals);
			if (where == IndexNull) return NO;

	return YES;

- (unsigned int)memorySize
	unsigned int size, i, j;

	size = [super memorySize];
	size += 20;
	size += sizeof(_private_data);
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		size += (strlen(prop[i].key) + 1);
		for (j = 0; j < prop[i].len; j++) size += (strlen(prop[i].val[j]) + 1);
	return size;
