# Suppress building libgcc1.a, since the MIPS compiler port is complete # and does not need anything from libgcc1.a. LIBGCC1 = CROSS_LIBGCC1 = EXTRA_MULTILIB_PARTS = crtbegin.o crtend.o crti.o crtn.o # Don't let CTOR_LIST end up in sdata section. CRTSTUFF_T_CFLAGS = -G 0 # Assemble startup files. $(T)crti.o: $(srcdir)/config/mips/crti.asm $(GCC_PASSES) $(GCC_FOR_TARGET) $(GCC_CFLAGS) $(MULTILIB_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) \ -c -o $(T)crti.o -x assembler-with-cpp $(srcdir)/config/mips/crti.asm $(T)crtn.o: $(srcdir)/config/mips/crtn.asm $(GCC_PASSES) $(GCC_FOR_TARGET) $(GCC_CFLAGS) $(MULTILIB_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) \ -c -o $(T)crtn.o -x assembler-with-cpp $(srcdir)/config/mips/crtn.asm # We must build libgcc2.a with -G 0, in case the user wants to link # without the $gp register. TARGET_LIBGCC2_CFLAGS = -G 0 # Build the libraries for both hard and soft floating point MULTILIB_OPTIONS = MULTILIB_DIRNAMES = LIBGCC = stmp-multilib INSTALL_LIBGCC = install-multilib