"""Test variable with function ptr type and that break on the function works.""" import os, time import unittest2 import lldb from lldbtest import * class FunctionTypesTestCase(TestBase): mydir = os.path.join("lang", "c", "function_types") @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin") @dsym_test def test_with_dsym(self): """Test 'callback' has function ptr type, then break on the function.""" self.buildDsym() self.function_types() @dwarf_test def test_with_dwarf(self): """Test 'callback' has function ptr type, then break on the function.""" self.buildDwarf() self.function_types() @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin") @dsym_test def test_pointers_with_dsym(self): """Test that a function pointer to 'printf' works and can be called.""" self.buildDsym() self.function_pointers() @dwarf_test def test_pointers_with_dwarf(self): """Test that a function pointer to 'printf' works and can be called.""" self.buildDwarf() self.function_pointers() def setUp(self): # Call super's setUp(). TestBase.setUp(self) # Find the line number to break inside main(). self.line = line_number('main.c', '// Set break point at this line.') def runToBreakpoint(self): exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) # Break inside the main. self.expect("breakpoint set -f main.c -l %d" % self.line, BREAKPOINT_CREATED, startstr = "Breakpoint created: 1: file ='main.c', line = %d, locations = 1" % self.line) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint. self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, substrs = ['stopped', 'stop reason = breakpoint']) # The breakpoint should have a hit count of 1. self.expect("breakpoint list -f", BREAKPOINT_HIT_ONCE, substrs = [' resolved, hit count = 1']) def function_types(self): """Test 'callback' has function ptr type, then break on the function.""" self.runToBreakpoint() # Check that the 'callback' variable display properly. self.expect("frame variable -T callback", VARIABLES_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY, startstr = '(int (*)(const char *)) callback =') # And that we can break on the callback function. self.runCmd("breakpoint set -n string_not_empty", BREAKPOINT_CREATED) self.runCmd("continue") # Check that we do indeed stop on the string_not_empty function. self.expect("process status", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, substrs = ['a.out`string_not_empty', 'stop reason = breakpoint']) def function_pointers(self): """Test that a function pointer to 'printf' works and can be called.""" self.runToBreakpoint() self.expect("expr string_not_empty", substrs = ['(int (*)(const char *)) $0 = ', '(a.out`']) if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): regexps = ['lib.*\.dylib`printf'] else: regexps = ['printf'] self.expect("expr (int (*)(const char*, ...))printf", substrs = ['(int (*)(const char *, ...)) $1 = '], patterns = regexps) self.expect("expr $1(\"Hello world\\n\")", startstr = '(int) $2 = 12') if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()