[plain text]

If the build* function is passed the compiler argument, for example, 'llvm-gcc',
it is passed as a make variable to the make command.  Otherwise, we check the
LLDB_CC environment variable; if it is defined, it is passed as a make variable
to the make command.

If neither the compiler keyword argument nor the LLDB_CC environment variable is
specified, no CC make variable is passed to the make command.  The Makefile gets
to define the default CC being used.

Same idea holds for LLDB_ARCH environment variable, which maps to the ARCH make

import os
import lldbtest

def getArchitecture():
    """Returns the architecture in effect the test suite is running with."""
    return os.environ["ARCH"] if "ARCH" in os.environ else ""

def getCompiler():
    """Returns the compiler in effect the test suite is running with."""
    return os.environ["CC"] if "CC" in os.environ else "clang"

def getArchSpec(architecture):
    Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the architecture
    used for the make system.
    arch = architecture if architecture else None
    if not arch and "ARCH" in os.environ:
        arch = os.environ["ARCH"]

    # Note the leading space character.
    return (" ARCH=" + arch) if arch else ""

def getCCSpec(compiler):
    Helper function to return the key-value string to specify the compiler
    used for the make system.
    cc = compiler if compiler else None
    if not cc and "CC" in os.environ:
        cc = os.environ["CC"]

    # Note the leading space character.
    return (" CC=" + cc) if cc else ""

def getCmdLine(d):
    Helper function to return a properly formatted command line argument(s)
    string used for the make system.

    # If d is None or an empty mapping, just return an empty string.
    if not d:
        return ""

    cmdline = " ".join(["%s='%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in d.items()])

    # Note the leading space character.
    return " " + cmdline

def buildDefault(sender=None, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None, clean=True):
    """Build the binaries the default way."""
    if clean:
        lldbtest.system(["/bin/sh", "-c",
                         "make clean" + getCmdLine(dictionary) + "; make"
                         + getArchSpec(architecture) + getCCSpec(compiler)
                         + getCmdLine(dictionary)],
        lldbtest.system(["/bin/sh", "-c",
                         "make" + getArchSpec(architecture) + getCCSpec(compiler)
                         + getCmdLine(dictionary)],

    # True signifies that we can handle building default.
    return True

def buildDwarf(sender=None, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None, clean=True):
    """Build the binaries with dwarf debug info."""
    if clean:
        lldbtest.system(["/bin/sh", "-c",
                         "make clean" + getCmdLine(dictionary)
                         + "; make MAKE_DSYM=NO"
                         + getArchSpec(architecture) + getCCSpec(compiler)
                         + getCmdLine(dictionary)],
        lldbtest.system(["/bin/sh", "-c",
                         "make MAKE_DSYM=NO"
                         + getArchSpec(architecture) + getCCSpec(compiler)
                         + getCmdLine(dictionary)],

    # True signifies that we can handle building dwarf.
    return True

def cleanup(sender=None, dictionary=None):
    """Perform a platform-specific cleanup after the test."""
    if os.path.isfile("Makefile"):
        lldbtest.system(["/bin/sh", "-c", "make clean"+getCmdLine(dictionary)],

    # True signifies that we can handle cleanup.
    return True