kern_synch.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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/* Copyright (c) 1995-2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved */
 *	pthread_support.c

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/resourcevar.h>
//#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/kauth.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/acct.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/signalvar.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/lock.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
//#include <sys/sysproto.h>
//#include <sys/pthread_internal.h>
#include <sys/vm.h>
#include <sys/user.h>

#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/vm_prot.h>
#include <mach/semaphore.h>
#include <mach/sync_policy.h>
#include <mach/task.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/clock.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/thread_call.h>
#include <kern/kalloc.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
//#include <kern/mach_param.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
#include <mach/mach_param.h>
#include <mach/thread_policy.h>
#include <mach/message.h>
#include <mach/port.h>
//#include <vm/vm_protos.h>
#include <vm/vm_map.h>
#include <mach/vm_region.h>

#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>

#include <pexpert/pexpert.h>
#include <sys/pthread_shims.h>

#include "kern_internal.h"
#include "synch_internal.h"
#include "kern_trace.h"

typedef struct uthread *uthread_t;

//#define __FAILEDUSERTEST__(s) do { panic(s); } while (0)
#define __FAILEDUSERTEST__(s) do { printf("PSYNCH: pid[%d]: %s\n", proc_pid(current_proc()), s); } while (0)

#define ECVCERORR	256
#define ECVPERORR	512

lck_mtx_t *pthread_list_mlock;

#define PTH_HASHSIZE 100

static LIST_HEAD(pthhashhead, ksyn_wait_queue) *pth_glob_hashtbl;
static unsigned long pthhash;

static LIST_HEAD(, ksyn_wait_queue) pth_free_list;

static zone_t kwq_zone; /* zone for allocation of ksyn_queue */
static zone_t kwe_zone;	/* zone for allocation of ksyn_waitq_element */

#define SEQFIT 0
#define FIRSTFIT 1

struct ksyn_queue {
	TAILQ_HEAD(ksynq_kwelist_head, ksyn_waitq_element) ksynq_kwelist;
	uint32_t	ksynq_count;		/* number of entries in queue */
	uint32_t	ksynq_firstnum;		/* lowest seq in queue */
	uint32_t	ksynq_lastnum;		/* highest seq in queue */
typedef struct ksyn_queue *ksyn_queue_t;

enum {

struct ksyn_wait_queue {
	LIST_ENTRY(ksyn_wait_queue) kw_hash;
	LIST_ENTRY(ksyn_wait_queue) kw_list;
	user_addr_t kw_addr;
	uint64_t kw_owner;
	uint64_t kw_object;		/* object backing in shared mode */
	uint64_t kw_offset;		/* offset inside the object in shared mode */
	int	kw_pflags;		/* flags under listlock protection */
	struct timeval kw_ts;		/* timeval need for upkeep before free */
	int	kw_iocount;		/* inuse reference */
	int 	kw_dropcount;		/* current users unlocking... */
	int	kw_type;		/* queue type like mutex, cvar, etc */
	uint32_t kw_inqueue;		/* num of waiters held */
	uint32_t kw_fakecount;		/* number of error/prepost fakes */
	uint32_t kw_highseq;		/* highest seq in the queue */
	uint32_t kw_lowseq;		/* lowest seq in the queue */
	uint32_t kw_lword;		/* L value from userland */
	uint32_t kw_uword;		/* U world value from userland */
	uint32_t kw_sword;		/* S word value from userland */
	uint32_t kw_lastunlockseq;	/* the last seq that unlocked */
	/* for CV to be used as the seq kernel has seen so far */
#define kw_cvkernelseq kw_lastunlockseq
	uint32_t kw_lastseqword;		/* the last seq that unlocked */
	/* for mutex and cvar we need to track I bit values */
	uint32_t kw_nextseqword;	/* the last seq that unlocked; with num of waiters */
	uint32_t kw_overlapwatch;	/* chance for overlaps */
	uint32_t kw_pre_rwwc;		/* prepost count */
	uint32_t kw_pre_lockseq;	/* prepost target seq */
	uint32_t kw_pre_sseq;		/* prepost target sword, in cvar used for mutexowned */
	uint32_t kw_pre_intrcount;	/* prepost of missed wakeup due to intrs */
	uint32_t kw_pre_intrseq;	/* prepost of missed wakeup limit seq */
	uint32_t kw_pre_intrretbits;	/* return bits value for missed wakeup threads */
	uint32_t kw_pre_intrtype;	/* type of failed wakueps*/
	int 	kw_kflags;
	int		kw_qos_override;	/* QoS of max waiter during contention period */
	struct ksyn_queue kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_MAX];	/* queues to hold threads */
	lck_mtx_t kw_lock;		/* mutex lock protecting this structure */
typedef struct ksyn_wait_queue * ksyn_wait_queue_t;

#define TID_ZERO (uint64_t)0

/* bits needed in handling the rwlock unlock */
#define PTH_RW_TYPE_READ	0x01
#define PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE	0x04
#define PTH_RW_TYPE_MASK	0xff

#define PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_READ	0x0100
#define PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_WRITE	0x0400
#define PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_MASK	0xff00

 * Mutex pshared attributes

 * Mutex policy attributes
#define _PTHREAD_MUTEX_POLICY_FAIRSHARE		0x040	/* 1 */
#define _PTHREAD_MUTEX_POLICY_FIRSTFIT		0x080	/* 2 */
#define _PTHREAD_MUTEX_POLICY_REALTIME		0x0c0	/* 3 */
#define _PTHREAD_MUTEX_POLICY_ADAPTIVE		0x100	/* 4 */

/* pflags */
#define KSYN_WQ_INHASH	2
#define KSYN_WQ_SHARED	4
#define KSYN_WQ_WAITING 8	/* threads waiting for this wq to be available */
#define KSYN_WQ_FLIST 	0X10	/* in free list to be freed after a short delay */

/* kflags */
#define KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED	1	/* the init status found and preposts cleared */
#define KSYN_KWF_ZEROEDOUT	2	/* the lword, etc are inited to 0 */
#define KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED	4	/* QoS override applied to owner */

static int psynch_cleanupset;
thread_call_t psynch_thcall;

#define KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT	0x1000
#define KSYN_WQTYPE_INDROP	0x2000
#define KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX		0x01
#define KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR	0x02
#define KSYN_WQTYPE_SEMA	0x08
#define KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK	0xff


#define KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST 		0x01

static void
CLEAR_PREPOST_BITS(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	kwq->kw_pre_lockseq = 0;
	kwq->kw_pre_sseq = PTHRW_RWS_INIT;
	kwq->kw_pre_rwwc = 0;

static void
CLEAR_INTR_PREPOST_BITS(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	kwq->kw_pre_intrcount = 0;
	kwq->kw_pre_intrseq = 0;
	kwq->kw_pre_intrretbits = 0;
	kwq->kw_pre_intrtype = 0;

static void
CLEAR_REINIT_BITS(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	if ((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR) {
		if (kwq->kw_inqueue != 0 && kwq->kw_inqueue != kwq->kw_fakecount) {
			panic("CV:entries in queue durinmg reinit %d:%d\n",kwq->kw_inqueue, kwq->kw_fakecount);
	if ((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK) {
		kwq->kw_nextseqword = PTHRW_RWS_INIT;
		kwq->kw_overlapwatch = 0;
	kwq->kw_lastunlockseq = PTHRW_RWL_INIT;
	kwq->kw_lastseqword = PTHRW_RWS_INIT;
	kwq->kw_lword = 0;
	kwq->kw_uword = 0;
	kwq->kw_sword = PTHRW_RWS_INIT;

static int ksyn_wq_hash_lookup(user_addr_t uaddr, proc_t p, int flags, ksyn_wait_queue_t *kwq, struct pthhashhead **hashptr, uint64_t *object, uint64_t *offset);
static int ksyn_wqfind(user_addr_t mutex, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, int wqtype , ksyn_wait_queue_t *wq);
static void ksyn_wqrelease(ksyn_wait_queue_t mkwq, int qfreenow, int wqtype);
static int ksyn_findobj(user_addr_t uaddr, uint64_t *objectp, uint64_t *offsetp);

static int _wait_result_to_errno(wait_result_t result);

static int ksyn_wait(ksyn_wait_queue_t, int, uint32_t, int, uint64_t, thread_continue_t);
static kern_return_t ksyn_signal(ksyn_wait_queue_t, int, ksyn_waitq_element_t, uint32_t);
static void ksyn_freeallkwe(ksyn_queue_t kq);

static kern_return_t ksyn_mtxsignal(ksyn_wait_queue_t, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, uint32_t);
static void ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t, uint64_t tid, boolean_t prepost);
static void ksyn_mtx_transfer_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t, ksyn_waitq_element_t);
static void ksyn_mtx_drop_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t);

static int kwq_handle_unlock(ksyn_wait_queue_t, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t rw_wc, uint32_t *updatep, int flags, int *blockp, uint32_t premgen);

static void ksyn_queue_init(ksyn_queue_t kq);
static int ksyn_queue_insert(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int kqi, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, uint32_t mgen, int firstfit);
static void ksyn_queue_remove_item(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe);
static void ksyn_queue_free_items(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int kqi, uint32_t upto, int all);

static void update_low_high(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t lockseq);
static uint32_t find_nextlowseq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq);
static uint32_t find_nexthighseq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq);
static int find_seq_till(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t upto, uint32_t nwaiters, uint32_t *countp);

static uint32_t ksyn_queue_count_tolowest(ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t upto);

static ksyn_waitq_element_t ksyn_queue_find_cvpreposeq(ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t cgen);
static void ksyn_handle_cvbroad(ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq, uint32_t upto, uint32_t *updatep);
static void ksyn_cvupdate_fixup(ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq, uint32_t *updatep);
static ksyn_waitq_element_t ksyn_queue_find_signalseq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t toseq, uint32_t lockseq);

static void psynch_cvcontinue(void *, wait_result_t);
static void psynch_mtxcontinue(void *, wait_result_t);

static int ksyn_wakeupreaders(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t limitread, int allreaders, uint32_t updatebits, int *wokenp);
static int kwq_find_rw_lowest(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int flags, uint32_t premgen, int *type, uint32_t lowest[]);
static ksyn_waitq_element_t ksyn_queue_find_seq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t seq);

static void
UPDATE_CVKWQ(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, uint32_t rw_wc)
	int sinit = ((rw_wc & PTH_RWS_CV_CBIT) != 0);
	// assert((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR);
	if ((kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_ZEROEDOUT) != 0) {
		/* the values of L,U and S are cleared out due to L==S in previous transition */
		kwq->kw_lword = mgen;
		kwq->kw_uword = ugen;
		kwq->kw_sword = rw_wc;
		kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_ZEROEDOUT;
	} else {
		if (is_seqhigher(mgen, kwq->kw_lword)) {
			kwq->kw_lword = mgen;
		if (is_seqhigher(ugen, kwq->kw_uword)) {
			kwq->kw_uword = ugen;
		if (sinit && is_seqhigher(rw_wc, kwq->kw_sword)) {
			kwq->kw_sword = rw_wc;
	if (sinit && is_seqlower(kwq->kw_cvkernelseq, rw_wc)) {
		kwq->kw_cvkernelseq = (rw_wc & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);

static void

static void

static void
ksyn_wqlock(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)

static void
ksyn_wqunlock(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)

/* routine to drop the mutex unlocks , used both for mutexunlock system call and drop during cond wait */
static uint32_t
_psynch_mutexdrop_internal(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, int flags)
	kern_return_t ret;
	uint32_t returnbits = 0;
	uint32_t nextgen = (ugen + PTHRW_INC);

	kwq->kw_lastunlockseq = (ugen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	uint32_t updatebits = (kwq->kw_highseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) | (PTH_RWL_EBIT | PTH_RWL_KBIT);

	if (firstfit) {
		if (kwq->kw_inqueue == 0) {
			// not set or the new lock sequence is higher
			if (kwq->kw_pre_rwwc == 0 || is_seqhigher(mgen, kwq->kw_pre_lockseq)) {
				kwq->kw_pre_lockseq = (mgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
			kwq->kw_pre_rwwc = 1;
			kwq->kw_owner = 0;
			// indicate prepost content in kernel
			returnbits = mgen | PTH_RWL_PBIT;
		} else {
			// signal first waiter
			ret = ksyn_mtxsignal(kwq, NULL, updatebits);
			if (ret == KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
				goto redrive;
	} else {	
		int prepost = 0;
		if (kwq->kw_inqueue == 0) {
			// No waiters in the queue.
			prepost = 1;
		} else {
			uint32_t low_writer = (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_firstnum & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
			if (low_writer == nextgen) {
				/* next seq to be granted found */
				/* since the grant could be cv, make sure mutex wait is set incase the thread interrupted out */
				ret = ksyn_mtxsignal(kwq, NULL, updatebits | PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT);
				if (ret == KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
					/* interrupt post */
					kwq->kw_pre_intrcount = 1;
					kwq->kw_pre_intrseq = nextgen;
					kwq->kw_pre_intrretbits = updatebits;
					kwq->kw_pre_intrtype = PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE;
			} else if (is_seqhigher(low_writer, nextgen)) {
				prepost = 1;
			} else {
				//__FAILEDUSERTEST__("psynch_mutexdrop_internal: FS mutex unlock sequence higher than the lowest one is queue\n");
				ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
				kwe = ksyn_queue_find_seq(kwq, &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER], nextgen);
				if (kwe != NULL) {
					/* next seq to be granted found */
					/* since the grant could be cv, make sure mutex wait is set incase the thread interrupted out */
					ret = ksyn_mtxsignal(kwq, kwe, updatebits | PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT);
					if (ret == KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
						goto redrive;
				} else {
					prepost = 1;
		if (prepost) {
			kwq->kw_owner = 0;
			if (++kwq->kw_pre_rwwc > 1) {
				__FAILEDUSERTEST__("_psynch_mutexdrop_internal: multiple preposts\n");
			} else {
				kwq->kw_pre_lockseq = (nextgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 1, KSYN_WQTYPE_MUTEXDROP);
	return returnbits;

static int
_ksyn_check_init(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t lgenval)
	int res = (lgenval & PTHRW_RWL_INIT) != 0;
	if (res) {
		if ((kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED) == 0) {
			/* first to notice the reset of the lock, clear preposts */
			kwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED;
	return res;

static int
_ksyn_handle_missed_wakeups(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
			    uint32_t type,
			    uint32_t lockseq,
			    uint32_t *retval)
	int res = 0;
	if (kwq->kw_pre_intrcount != 0 &&
		kwq->kw_pre_intrtype == type &&
		(kwq->kw_pre_intrseq == 0 || is_seqlower_eq(lockseq, kwq->kw_pre_intrseq))) {
		*retval = kwq->kw_pre_intrretbits;
		if (kwq->kw_pre_intrcount == 0) {
		res = 1;
	return res;

static int
_ksyn_handle_overlap(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
		     uint32_t lgenval,
		     uint32_t rw_wc,
		     uint32_t *retval)
	int res = 0;

	// check for overlap and no pending W bit (indicates writers)
	if (kwq->kw_overlapwatch != 0 &&
	    (rw_wc & PTHRW_RWS_SAVEMASK) == 0 &&
	    (lgenval & PTH_RWL_WBIT) == 0) {
		/* overlap is set, so no need to check for valid state for overlap */

		if (is_seqlower_eq(rw_wc, kwq->kw_nextseqword) || is_seqhigher_eq(kwq->kw_lastseqword, rw_wc)) {
			/* increase the next expected seq by one */
			kwq->kw_nextseqword += PTHRW_INC;
			/* set count by one & bits from the nextseq and add M bit */
			*retval = PTHRW_INC | ((kwq->kw_nextseqword & PTHRW_BIT_MASK) | PTH_RWL_MBIT);
			res = 1;
	return res;

static int
_ksyn_handle_prepost(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
		     uint32_t type,
		     uint32_t lockseq,
		     uint32_t *retval)
	int res = 0;
	if (kwq->kw_pre_rwwc != 0 && is_seqlower_eq(lockseq, kwq->kw_pre_lockseq)) {
		if (kwq->kw_pre_rwwc == 0) {
			uint32_t preseq = kwq->kw_pre_lockseq;
			uint32_t prerw_wc = kwq->kw_pre_sseq;
			if ((kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED) != 0){
				kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED;

			int error, block;
			uint32_t updatebits;
			error = kwq_handle_unlock(kwq, preseq, prerw_wc, &updatebits, (type|KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST), &block, lockseq);
			if (error != 0) {
				panic("kwq_handle_unlock failed %d\n", error);

			if (block == 0) {
				*retval = updatebits;
				res = 1;
	return res;

/* Helpers for QoS override management. Only applies to mutexes */
static void ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint64_t tid, boolean_t prepost)
	if (!(kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_SHARED)) {
		boolean_t wasboosted = (kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
		int waiter_qos = pthread_kern->proc_usynch_get_requested_thread_qos(current_uthread());
		kwq->kw_qos_override = MAX(waiter_qos, kwq->kw_qos_override);
		if (prepost && kwq->kw_inqueue == 0) {
			// if there are no more waiters in the queue after the new (prepost-receiving) owner, we do not set an
			// override, because the receiving owner may not re-enter the kernel to signal someone else if it is
			// the last one to unlock. If other waiters end up entering the kernel, they will boost the owner
			tid = 0;
		if (tid != 0) {
			if ((tid == kwq->kw_owner) && (kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED)) {
				// hint continues to be accurate, and a boost was already applied
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_add_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, tid, kwq->kw_qos_override, FALSE, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
			} else {
				// either hint did not match previous owner, or hint was accurate but mutex was not contended enough for a boost previously
				boolean_t boostsucceded;
				boostsucceded = pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_add_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, tid, kwq->kw_qos_override, TRUE, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
				if (boostsucceded) {
					kwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED;

				if (wasboosted && (tid != kwq->kw_owner) && (kwq->kw_owner != 0)) {
					// the hint did not match the previous owner, so drop overrides
					PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, kwq->kw_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0);
					pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, kwq->kw_owner, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
		} else {
			// new hint tells us that we don't know the owner, so drop any existing overrides
			kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED;
			kwq->kw_qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;

			if (wasboosted && (kwq->kw_owner != 0)) {
				// the hint did not match the previous owner, so drop overrides
				PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, kwq->kw_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, kwq->kw_owner, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);

static void ksyn_mtx_transfer_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe)
	if (!(kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_SHARED)) {
		boolean_t wasboosted = (kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
		if (kwq->kw_inqueue > 1) {
			boolean_t boostsucceeded;
			// More than one waiter, so resource will still be contended after handing off ownership
			boostsucceeded = pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_add_override_for_resource(current_task(), kwe->kwe_uth, 0, kwq->kw_qos_override, TRUE, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
			if (boostsucceeded) {
				kwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED;
		} else {
			// kw_inqueue == 1 to get to this point, which means there will be no contention after this point
			kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED;
			kwq->kw_qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;

		// Remove the override that was applied to kw_owner. There may have been a race,
		// in which case it may not match the current thread
		if (wasboosted) {
			if (kwq->kw_owner == 0) {
				PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			} else if (thread_tid(current_thread()) != kwq->kw_owner) {
				PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, kwq->kw_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, kwq->kw_owner, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
			} else {
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), current_uthread(), 0, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);

static void ksyn_mtx_drop_qos_override(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	if (!(kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_SHARED)) {
		boolean_t wasboosted = (kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED) ? TRUE : FALSE;
		// assume nobody else in queue if this routine was called
		kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_QOS_APPLIED;
		kwq->kw_qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
		// Remove the override that was applied to kw_owner. There may have been a race,
		// in which case it may not match the current thread
		if (wasboosted) {
			if (kwq->kw_owner == 0) {
				PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			} else if (thread_tid(current_thread()) != kwq->kw_owner) {
				PTHREAD_TRACE(TRACE_psynch_ksyn_incorrect_owner, kwq->kw_owner, 0, 0, 0, 0);
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), NULL, kwq->kw_owner, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);
			} else {
				pthread_kern->proc_usynch_thread_qos_remove_override_for_resource(current_task(), current_uthread(), 0, kwq->kw_addr, THREAD_QOS_OVERRIDE_TYPE_PTHREAD_MUTEX);

 * psynch_mutexwait: This system call is used for contended psynch mutexes to block.

_psynch_mutexwait(__unused proc_t p,
		  user_addr_t mutex,
		  uint32_t mgen,
		  uint32_t ugen,
		  uint64_t tid,
		  uint32_t flags,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	int error=0;
	int ins_flags;

	uint32_t updatebits = 0;

	uint32_t lockseq = (mgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	if (firstfit == 0) {
		ins_flags = SEQFIT;
	} else {
		/* first fit */
		ins_flags = FIRSTFIT;
	error = ksyn_wqfind(mutex, mgen, ugen, 0, flags, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT|KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX), &kwq);
	if (error != 0) {

	// mutexwait passes in an owner hint at the time userspace contended for the mutex, however, the
	// owner tid in the userspace data structure may be unset or SWITCHING (-1), or it may correspond
	// to a stale snapshot after the lock has subsequently been unlocked by another thread.
	if (tid == 0) {
		// contender came in before owner could write TID
		tid = 0;
	} else if (kwq->kw_lastunlockseq != PTHRW_RWL_INIT && is_seqlower(ugen, kwq->kw_lastunlockseq)) {
		// owner is stale, someone has come in and unlocked since this contended read the TID, so
		// assume what is known in the kernel is accurate
		tid = kwq->kw_owner;
	} else if (tid == PTHREAD_MTX_TID_SWITCHING) {
		// userspace didn't know the owner because it was being unlocked, but that unlocker hasn't
		// reached the kernel yet. So assume what is known in the kernel is accurate
		tid = kwq->kw_owner;
	} else {
		// hint is being passed in for a specific thread, and we have no reason not to trust
		// it (like the kernel unlock sequence being higher

	if (_ksyn_handle_missed_wakeups(kwq, PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE, lockseq, retval)) {
		ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override(kwq, thread_tid(current_thread()), TRUE);
		kwq->kw_owner = thread_tid(current_thread());

		goto out;
	if ((kwq->kw_pre_rwwc != 0) && ((ins_flags == FIRSTFIT) || ((lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) == (kwq->kw_pre_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) ))) {
		/* got preposted lock */
		if (kwq->kw_pre_rwwc == 0) {
			if (kwq->kw_inqueue == 0) {
				updatebits = lockseq | (PTH_RWL_KBIT | PTH_RWL_EBIT);
			} else {
				updatebits = (kwq->kw_highseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) | (PTH_RWL_KBIT | PTH_RWL_EBIT);
			updatebits &= ~PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT;
			if (updatebits == 0) {
				__FAILEDUSERTEST__("psynch_mutexwait(prepost): returning 0 lseq in mutexwait with no EBIT \n");
			ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override(kwq, thread_tid(current_thread()), TRUE);
			kwq->kw_owner = thread_tid(current_thread());
			*retval = updatebits;
			goto out;
		} else {
			__FAILEDUSERTEST__("psynch_mutexwait: more than one prepost\n");
			kwq->kw_pre_lockseq += PTHRW_INC; /* look for next one */
			error = EINVAL;
			goto out;
	ksyn_mtx_update_owner_qos_override(kwq, tid, FALSE);
	kwq->kw_owner = tid;

	error = ksyn_wait(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, mgen, ins_flags, 0, psynch_mtxcontinue);
	// ksyn_wait drops wait queue lock
	ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 1, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT|KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX));
	return error;

psynch_mtxcontinue(void *parameter, wait_result_t result)
	uthread_t uth = current_uthread();
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq = parameter;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
	int error = _wait_result_to_errno(result);
	if (error != 0) {
		if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue) {
			ksyn_queue_remove_item(kwq, &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER], kwe);
	} else {
		uint32_t updatebits = kwe->kwe_psynchretval & ~PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT;
		pthread_kern->uthread_set_returnval(uth, updatebits);
		if (updatebits == 0)
			__FAILEDUSERTEST__("psynch_mutexwait: returning 0 lseq in mutexwait with no EBIT \n");
	ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 1, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT|KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX));

 * psynch_mutexdrop: This system call is used for unlock postings on contended psynch mutexes.
_psynch_mutexdrop(__unused proc_t p,
		  user_addr_t mutex,
		  uint32_t mgen,
		  uint32_t ugen,
		  uint64_t tid __unused,
		  uint32_t flags,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	int res;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	res = ksyn_wqfind(mutex, mgen, ugen, 0, flags, KSYN_WQTYPE_MUTEXDROP, &kwq);
	if (res == 0) {
		uint32_t updateval = _psynch_mutexdrop_internal(kwq, mgen, ugen, flags);
		/* drops the kwq reference */
		if (retval) {
			*retval = updateval;

	return res;

static kern_return_t
ksyn_mtxsignal(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, uint32_t updateval)
	kern_return_t ret;

	if (!kwe) {
		kwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_kwelist);
		if (!kwe) {
			panic("ksyn_mtxsignal: panic signaling empty queue");

	ksyn_mtx_transfer_qos_override(kwq, kwe);
	kwq->kw_owner = kwe->kwe_tid;

	ret = ksyn_signal(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, kwe, updateval);

	// if waking the new owner failed, remove any overrides
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		kwq->kw_owner = 0;
	return ret;

static void
ksyn_prepost(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
	     ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe,
	     uint32_t state,
	     uint32_t lockseq)
	bzero(kwe, sizeof(*kwe));
	kwe->kwe_state = state;
	kwe->kwe_lockseq = lockseq;
	kwe->kwe_count = 1;
	(void)ksyn_queue_insert(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, kwe, lockseq, SEQFIT);

static void
ksyn_cvsignal(ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq,
	      thread_t th,
	      uint32_t uptoseq,
	      uint32_t signalseq,
	      uint32_t *updatebits,
	      int *broadcast,
	      ksyn_waitq_element_t *nkwep)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = NULL;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t nkwe = NULL;
	ksyn_queue_t kq = &ckwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER];
	uptoseq &= PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	// Find the specified thread to wake.
	if (th != THREAD_NULL) {
		uthread_t uth = pthread_kern->get_bsdthread_info(th);
		kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
		if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue != ckwq ||
		    is_seqhigher(kwe->kwe_lockseq, uptoseq)) {
			// Unless it's no longer waiting on this CV...
			kwe = NULL;
			// which case we post a broadcast instead.
			*broadcast = 1;
	// If no thread was specified, find any thread to wake (with the right
	// sequence number).
	while (th == THREAD_NULL) {
		if (kwe == NULL) {
			kwe = ksyn_queue_find_signalseq(ckwq, kq, uptoseq, signalseq);
		if (kwe == NULL && nkwe == NULL) {
			// No eligible entries; need to allocate a new
			// entry to prepost. Loop to rescan after
			// reacquiring the lock after allocation in
			// case anything new shows up.
			nkwe = (ksyn_waitq_element_t)pthread_kern->zalloc(kwe_zone);
		} else {
	if (kwe != NULL) {
		// If we found a thread to wake...
		if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			if (is_seqlower(kwe->kwe_lockseq, signalseq)) {
				 * A valid thread in our range, but lower than our signal.
				 * Matching it may leave our match with nobody to wake it if/when
				 * it arrives (the signal originally meant for this thread might
				 * not successfully wake it).
				 * Convert to broadcast - may cause some spurious wakeups
				 * (allowed by spec), but avoids starvation (better choice).
				*broadcast = 1;
			} else {
				(void)ksyn_signal(ckwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, kwe, PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT);
				*updatebits += PTHRW_INC;
		} else if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST) {
			// Merge with existing prepost at same uptoseq.
			kwe->kwe_count += 1;
		} else if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_BROADCAST) {
			// Existing broadcasts subsume this signal.
		} else {
			panic("unknown kwe state\n");
		if (nkwe) {
			 * If we allocated a new kwe above but then found a different kwe to
			 * use then we need to deallocate the spare one.
			pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, nkwe);
			nkwe = NULL;
	} else if (nkwe != NULL) {
		// ... otherwise, insert the newly allocated prepost.
		ksyn_prepost(ckwq, nkwe, KWE_THREAD_PREPOST, uptoseq);
		nkwe = NULL;
	} else {
		panic("failed to allocate kwe\n");
	*nkwep = nkwe;

static int
__psynch_cvsignal(user_addr_t cv,
		  uint32_t cgen,
		  uint32_t cugen,
		  uint32_t csgen,
		  uint32_t flags,
		  int broadcast,
		  mach_port_name_t threadport,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	int error = 0;
	thread_t th = THREAD_NULL;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	uint32_t uptoseq = cgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	uint32_t fromseq = (cugen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) + PTHRW_INC;
	// validate sane L, U, and S values
	if ((threadport == 0 && is_seqhigher(fromseq, uptoseq)) || is_seqhigher(csgen, uptoseq)) {
		__FAILEDUSERTEST__("cvbroad: invalid L, U and S values\n");
		return EINVAL;
	if (threadport != 0) {
		th = port_name_to_thread((mach_port_name_t)threadport);
		if (th == THREAD_NULL) {
			return ESRCH;
	error = ksyn_wqfind(cv, cgen, cugen, csgen, flags, (KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR | KSYN_WQTYPE_INDROP), &kwq);
	if (error == 0) {
		uint32_t updatebits = 0;
		ksyn_waitq_element_t nkwe = NULL;
		// update L, U and S...
		UPDATE_CVKWQ(kwq, cgen, cugen, csgen);
		if (!broadcast) {
			// No need to signal if the CV is already balanced.
			if (diff_genseq(kwq->kw_lword, kwq->kw_sword)) {
				ksyn_cvsignal(kwq, th, uptoseq, fromseq, &updatebits, &broadcast, &nkwe);
		if (broadcast) {
			ksyn_handle_cvbroad(kwq, uptoseq, &updatebits);
		kwq->kw_sword += (updatebits & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
		// set C or P bits and free if needed
		ksyn_cvupdate_fixup(kwq, &updatebits);
		*retval = updatebits;
		if (nkwe != NULL) {
			pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, nkwe);
		ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 1, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INDROP | KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR));
	if (th != NULL) {
	return error;

 * psynch_cvbroad: This system call is used for broadcast posting on blocked waiters of psynch cvars.
_psynch_cvbroad(__unused proc_t p,
		user_addr_t cv,
		uint64_t cvlsgen,
		uint64_t cvudgen,
		uint32_t flags,
		__unused user_addr_t mutex,
		__unused uint64_t mugen,
		__unused uint64_t tid,
		uint32_t *retval)
	uint32_t diffgen = cvudgen & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t count = diffgen >> PTHRW_COUNT_SHIFT;
	if (count > pthread_kern->get_task_threadmax()) {
		__FAILEDUSERTEST__("cvbroad: difference greater than maximum possible thread count\n");
		return EBUSY;
	uint32_t csgen = (cvlsgen >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t cgen = cvlsgen & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t cugen = (cvudgen >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
	return __psynch_cvsignal(cv, cgen, cugen, csgen, flags, 1, 0, retval);

 * psynch_cvsignal: This system call is used for signalling the blocked waiters of psynch cvars.
_psynch_cvsignal(__unused proc_t p,
		 user_addr_t cv,
		 uint64_t cvlsgen,
		 uint32_t cvugen,
		 int threadport,
		 __unused user_addr_t mutex,
		 __unused uint64_t mugen,
		 __unused uint64_t tid,
		 uint32_t flags,
		 uint32_t *retval)
	uint32_t csgen = (cvlsgen >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t cgen = cvlsgen & 0xffffffff;
	return __psynch_cvsignal(cv, cgen, cvugen, csgen, flags, 0, threadport, retval);

 * psynch_cvwait: This system call is used for psynch cvar waiters to block in kernel.
_psynch_cvwait(__unused proc_t p,
	       user_addr_t cv,
	       uint64_t cvlsgen,
	       uint32_t cvugen,
	       user_addr_t mutex,
	       uint64_t mugen,
	       uint32_t flags,
	       int64_t sec,
	       uint32_t nsec,
	       uint32_t *retval)
	int error = 0;
	uint32_t updatebits = 0;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq = NULL;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, nkwe = NULL;
	/* for conformance reasons */
	uint32_t csgen = (cvlsgen >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t cgen = cvlsgen & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t ugen = (mugen >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t mgen = mugen & 0xffffffff;
	uint32_t lockseq = (cgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	 * In cvwait U word can be out of range as cv could be used only for
	 * timeouts. However S word needs to be within bounds and validated at
	 * user level as well.
	if (is_seqhigher_eq(csgen, lockseq) != 0) {
		__FAILEDUSERTEST__("psync_cvwait; invalid sequence numbers\n");
		return EINVAL;
	error = ksyn_wqfind(cv, cgen, cvugen, csgen, flags, KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR | KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT, &ckwq);
	if (error != 0) {
		return error;
	if (mutex != 0) {
		error = _psynch_mutexdrop(NULL, mutex, mgen, ugen, 0, flags, NULL);
		if (error != 0) {
			goto out;
	// update L, U and S...
	UPDATE_CVKWQ(ckwq, cgen, cvugen, csgen);
	/* Look for the sequence for prepost (or conflicting thread */
	ksyn_queue_t kq = &ckwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER];
	kwe = ksyn_queue_find_cvpreposeq(kq, lockseq);
	if (kwe != NULL) {
		if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST) {
			if ((kwe->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) == lockseq) {
				/* we can safely consume a reference, so do so */
				if (--kwe->kwe_count == 0) {
					ksyn_queue_remove_item(ckwq, kq, kwe);
					nkwe = kwe;
			} else {
				 * consuming a prepost higher than our lock sequence is valid, but
				 * can leave the higher thread without a match. Convert the entry
				 * to a broadcast to compensate for this.
				ksyn_handle_cvbroad(ckwq, kwe->kwe_lockseq, &updatebits);
				if (updatebits != 0)
					panic("psync_cvwait: convert pre-post to broadcast: woke up %d threads that shouldn't be there\n", updatebits);
#endif /* __TESTPANICS__ */
		} else if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_BROADCAST) {
			// XXX
			// Nothing to do.
		} else if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			__FAILEDUSERTEST__("cvwait: thread entry with same sequence already present\n");
			error = EBUSY;
		} else {
			panic("psync_cvwait: unexpected wait queue element type\n");
		if (error == 0) {
			updatebits = PTHRW_INC;
			ckwq->kw_sword += PTHRW_INC;
			/* set C or P bits and free if needed */
			ksyn_cvupdate_fixup(ckwq, &updatebits);
			*retval = updatebits;
	} else {
		uint64_t abstime = 0;

		if (sec != 0 || (nsec & 0x3fffffff) != 0) {
			struct timespec ts;
			ts.tv_sec = (__darwin_time_t)sec;
			ts.tv_nsec = (nsec & 0x3fffffff);
			nanoseconds_to_absolutetime((uint64_t)ts.tv_sec * NSEC_PER_SEC + ts.tv_nsec, &abstime);
			clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(abstime, &abstime);
		error = ksyn_wait(ckwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, cgen, SEQFIT, abstime, psynch_cvcontinue);
		// ksyn_wait drops wait queue lock
	if (nkwe != NULL) {
		pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, nkwe);
	ksyn_wqrelease(ckwq, 1, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT | KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR));
	return error;

psynch_cvcontinue(void *parameter, wait_result_t result)
	uthread_t uth = current_uthread();
	ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq = parameter;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
	int error = _wait_result_to_errno(result);
	if (error != 0) {
		/* just in case it got woken up as we were granting */
		pthread_kern->uthread_set_returnval(uth, kwe->kwe_psynchretval);

		if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue) {
			ksyn_queue_remove_item(ckwq, &ckwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER], kwe);
		if ((kwe->kwe_psynchretval & PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT) != 0) {
			/* the condition var granted.
			 * reset the error so that the thread returns back.
			error = 0;
			/* no need to set any bits just return as cvsig/broad covers this */
		} else {
			ckwq->kw_sword += PTHRW_INC;
			/* set C and P bits, in the local error */
			if ((ckwq->kw_lword & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) == (ckwq->kw_sword & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK)) {
				error |= ECVCERORR;
				if (ckwq->kw_inqueue != 0) {
					ksyn_queue_free_items(ckwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, ckwq->kw_lword, 1);
				ckwq->kw_lword = ckwq->kw_uword = ckwq->kw_sword = 0;
				ckwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_ZEROEDOUT;
			} else {
				/* everythig in the queue is a fake entry ? */
				if (ckwq->kw_inqueue != 0 && ckwq->kw_fakecount == ckwq->kw_inqueue) {
					error |= ECVPERORR;
	} else {
		int val = 0;
		// PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT is removed
		if ((kwe->kwe_psynchretval & PTH_RWS_CV_MBIT) != 0) {
		pthread_kern->uthread_set_returnval(uth, val);
	ksyn_wqrelease(ckwq, 1, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT | KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR));

 * psynch_cvclrprepost: This system call clears pending prepost if present.
_psynch_cvclrprepost(__unused proc_t p,
		     user_addr_t cv,
		     uint32_t cvgen,
		     uint32_t cvugen,
		     uint32_t cvsgen,
		     __unused uint32_t prepocnt,
		     uint32_t preposeq,
		     uint32_t flags,
		     int *retval)
	int error = 0;
	int mutex = (flags & _PTHREAD_MTX_OPT_MUTEX);
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq = NULL;
	*retval = 0;
	error = ksyn_wqfind(cv, cvgen, cvugen, mutex ? 0 : cvsgen, flags, wqtype, &kwq);
	if (error != 0) {
		return error;
	if (mutex) {
		if (firstfit && kwq->kw_pre_rwwc != 0) {
			if (is_seqlower_eq(kwq->kw_pre_lockseq, cvgen)) {
				// clear prepost
				kwq->kw_pre_rwwc = 0;
				kwq->kw_pre_lockseq = 0;
	} else {
		ksyn_queue_free_items(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, preposeq, 0);
	ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 1, wqtype);
	return error;

/* ***************** pthread_rwlock ************************ */

static int
__psynch_rw_lock(int type,
		 user_addr_t rwlock,
		 uint32_t lgenval,
		 uint32_t ugenval,
		 uint32_t rw_wc,
		 int flags,
		 uint32_t *retval)
	int prepost_type, kqi;

	if (type == PTH_RW_TYPE_READ) {
	} else {
		prepost_type = KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_WRLOCK;

	uint32_t lockseq = lgenval & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;

	int error;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	error = ksyn_wqfind(rwlock, lgenval, ugenval, rw_wc, flags, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT|KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK), &kwq);
	if (error == 0) {
		_ksyn_check_init(kwq, lgenval);
		if (_ksyn_handle_missed_wakeups(kwq, type, lockseq, retval) ||
		    // handle overlap first as they are not counted against pre_rwwc
		    (type == PTH_RW_TYPE_READ && _ksyn_handle_overlap(kwq, lgenval, rw_wc, retval)) ||
		    _ksyn_handle_prepost(kwq, prepost_type, lockseq, retval)) {
		} else {
			error = ksyn_wait(kwq, kqi, lgenval, SEQFIT, 0, THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL);
			// ksyn_wait drops wait queue lock
			if (error == 0) {
				uthread_t uth = current_uthread();
				ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
				*retval = kwe->kwe_psynchretval;
		ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 0, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INWAIT|KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK));
	return error;

 * psynch_rw_rdlock: This system call is used for psync rwlock readers to block.
_psynch_rw_rdlock(__unused proc_t p,
		  user_addr_t rwlock,
		  uint32_t lgenval,
		  uint32_t ugenval,
		  uint32_t rw_wc,
		  int flags,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	return __psynch_rw_lock(PTH_RW_TYPE_READ, rwlock, lgenval, ugenval, rw_wc, flags, retval);

 * psynch_rw_longrdlock: This system call is used for psync rwlock long readers to block.
_psynch_rw_longrdlock(__unused proc_t p,
		      __unused user_addr_t rwlock,
		      __unused uint32_t lgenval,
		      __unused uint32_t ugenval,
		      __unused uint32_t rw_wc,
		      __unused int flags,
		      __unused uint32_t *retval)
	return ESRCH;

 * psynch_rw_wrlock: This system call is used for psync rwlock writers to block.
_psynch_rw_wrlock(__unused proc_t p,
		  user_addr_t rwlock,
		  uint32_t lgenval,
		  uint32_t ugenval,
		  uint32_t rw_wc,
		  int flags,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	return __psynch_rw_lock(PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE, rwlock, lgenval, ugenval, rw_wc, flags, retval);

 * psynch_rw_yieldwrlock: This system call is used for psync rwlock yielding writers to block.
_psynch_rw_yieldwrlock(__unused proc_t p,
		       __unused user_addr_t rwlock,
		       __unused uint32_t lgenval,
		       __unused uint32_t ugenval,
		       __unused uint32_t rw_wc,
		       __unused int flags,
		       __unused uint32_t *retval)
	return ESRCH;

 * psynch_rw_unlock: This system call is used for unlock state postings. This will grant appropriate
 *			reader/writer variety lock.
_psynch_rw_unlock(__unused proc_t p,
		  user_addr_t rwlock,
		  uint32_t lgenval,
		  uint32_t ugenval,
		  uint32_t rw_wc,
		  int flags,
		  uint32_t *retval)
	int error = 0;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	uint32_t updatebits = 0;
	int diff;
	uint32_t count = 0;
	uint32_t curgen = lgenval & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	int clearedkflags = 0;

	error = ksyn_wqfind(rwlock, lgenval, ugenval, rw_wc, flags, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INDROP | KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK), &kwq);
	if (error != 0) {
	int isinit = _ksyn_check_init(kwq, lgenval);

	/* if lastunlock seq is set, ensure the current one is not lower than that, as it would be spurious */
	if ((kwq->kw_lastunlockseq != PTHRW_RWL_INIT) && (is_seqlower(ugenval, kwq->kw_lastunlockseq)!= 0)) {
		error = 0;
		goto out;
	/* If L-U != num of waiters, then it needs to be preposted or spr */
	diff = find_diff(lgenval, ugenval);
	if (find_seq_till(kwq, curgen, diff, &count) == 0) {
		if ((count == 0) || (count < (uint32_t)diff))
			goto prepost;
	/* no prepost and all threads are in place, reset the bit */
	if ((isinit != 0) && ((kwq->kw_kflags & KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED) != 0)){
		kwq->kw_kflags &= ~KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED;
		clearedkflags = 1;
	/* can handle unlock now */
	error = kwq_handle_unlock(kwq, lgenval, rw_wc, &updatebits, 0, NULL, 0);
	if (error != 0)
		panic("psynch_rw_unlock: kwq_handle_unlock failed %d\n",error);
#endif /* __TESTPANICS__ */
	if (error == 0) {
		/* update bits?? */
		*retval = updatebits;

	// <rdar://problem/22244050> If any of the wakeups failed because they already
	// returned to userspace because of a signal then we need to ensure that the
	// reset state is not cleared when that thread returns. Otherwise,
	// _pthread_rwlock_lock will clear the interrupted state before it is read.
	if (clearedkflags != 0 && kwq->kw_pre_intrcount > 0) {
		kwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_INITCLEARED;
	ksyn_wqrelease(kwq, 0, (KSYN_WQTYPE_INDROP | KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK));
	/* update if the new seq is higher than prev prepost, or first set */
	if (is_rws_setseq(kwq->kw_pre_sseq) ||
	    is_seqhigher_eq(rw_wc, kwq->kw_pre_sseq)) {
		kwq->kw_pre_rwwc = (diff - count);
		kwq->kw_pre_lockseq = curgen;
		kwq->kw_pre_sseq = rw_wc;
		updatebits = lgenval;	/* let this not do unlock handling */
	error = 0;
	goto out;

/* ************************************************************************** */
	pth_glob_hashtbl = hashinit(PTH_HASHSIZE * 4, M_PROC, &pthhash);

_pth_proc_hashinit(proc_t p)
	void *ptr = hashinit(PTH_HASHSIZE, M_PCB, &pthhash);
	if (ptr == NULL) {
		panic("pth_proc_hashinit: hash init returned 0\n");
	pthread_kern->proc_set_pthhash(p, ptr);

static int
ksyn_wq_hash_lookup(user_addr_t uaddr,
		    proc_t p,
		    int flags,
		    ksyn_wait_queue_t *out_kwq,
		    struct pthhashhead **out_hashptr,
		    uint64_t *out_object,
		    uint64_t *out_offset)
	int res = 0;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	uint64_t object = 0, offset = 0;
	struct pthhashhead *hashptr;
		hashptr = pth_glob_hashtbl;
		res = ksyn_findobj(uaddr, &object, &offset);
		if (res == 0) {
			LIST_FOREACH(kwq, &hashptr[object & pthhash], kw_hash) {
				if (kwq->kw_object == object && kwq->kw_offset == offset) {
		} else {
			kwq = NULL;
	} else {
		hashptr = pthread_kern->proc_get_pthhash(p);
		LIST_FOREACH(kwq, &hashptr[uaddr & pthhash], kw_hash) {
			if (kwq->kw_addr == uaddr) {
	*out_kwq = kwq;
	*out_object = object;
	*out_offset = offset;
	*out_hashptr = hashptr;
	return res;

_pth_proc_hashdelete(proc_t p)
	struct pthhashhead * hashptr;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	unsigned long hashsize = pthhash + 1;
	unsigned long i;
	hashptr = pthread_kern->proc_get_pthhash(p);
	pthread_kern->proc_set_pthhash(p, NULL);
	if (hashptr == NULL) {
	for(i= 0; i < hashsize; i++) {
		while ((kwq = LIST_FIRST(&hashptr[i])) != NULL) {
			if ((kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_INHASH) != 0) {
				kwq->kw_pflags &= ~KSYN_WQ_INHASH;
				LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_hash);
			if ((kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_FLIST) != 0) {
				kwq->kw_pflags &= ~KSYN_WQ_FLIST;
				LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_list);
			/* release fake entries if present for cvars */
			if (((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR) && (kwq->kw_inqueue != 0))
			lck_mtx_destroy(&kwq->kw_lock, pthread_lck_grp);
			pthread_kern->zfree(kwq_zone, kwq);
	FREE(hashptr, M_PROC);

/* no lock held for this as the waitqueue is getting freed */
ksyn_freeallkwe(ksyn_queue_t kq)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
	while ((kwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kq->ksynq_kwelist)) != NULL) {
		TAILQ_REMOVE(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		if (kwe->kwe_state != KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, kwe);

/* find kernel waitqueue, if not present create one. Grants a reference  */
ksyn_wqfind(user_addr_t uaddr, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, uint32_t sgen, int flags, int wqtype, ksyn_wait_queue_t *kwqp)
	int res = 0;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq = NULL;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t nkwq = NULL;
	struct pthhashhead *hashptr;
	proc_t p = current_proc();
	uint64_t object = 0, offset = 0;
		res = ksyn_findobj(uaddr, &object, &offset);
		hashptr = pth_glob_hashtbl;
	} else {
		hashptr = pthread_kern->proc_get_pthhash(p);

	while (res == 0) {
		res = ksyn_wq_hash_lookup(uaddr, current_proc(), flags, &kwq, &hashptr, &object, &offset);
		if (res != 0) {
		if (kwq == NULL && nkwq == NULL) {
			// Drop the lock to allocate a new kwq and retry.

			nkwq = (ksyn_wait_queue_t)pthread_kern->zalloc(kwq_zone);
			bzero(nkwq, sizeof(struct ksyn_wait_queue));
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < KSYN_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
			lck_mtx_init(&nkwq->kw_lock, pthread_lck_grp, pthread_lck_attr);
		} else if (kwq == NULL && nkwq != NULL) {
			// Still not found, add the new kwq to the hash.
			kwq = nkwq;
			nkwq = NULL; // Don't free.
				kwq->kw_pflags |= KSYN_WQ_SHARED;
				LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hashptr[object & pthhash], kwq, kw_hash);
			} else {
				LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&hashptr[uaddr & pthhash], kwq, kw_hash);
			kwq->kw_pflags |= KSYN_WQ_INHASH;
		} else if (kwq != NULL) {
			// Found an existing kwq, use it.
			if ((kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_FLIST) != 0) {
				LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_list);
				kwq->kw_pflags &= ~KSYN_WQ_FLIST;
			if ((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) != (wqtype & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK)) {
				if (kwq->kw_inqueue == 0 && kwq->kw_pre_rwwc == 0 && kwq->kw_pre_intrcount == 0) {
					if (kwq->kw_iocount == 0) {
						kwq->kw_type = 0; // mark for reinitialization
					} else if (kwq->kw_iocount == 1 && kwq->kw_dropcount == kwq->kw_iocount) {
						/* if all users are unlockers then wait for it to finish */
						kwq->kw_pflags |= KSYN_WQ_WAITING;
						// Drop the lock and wait for the kwq to be free.
						(void)msleep(&kwq->kw_pflags, pthread_list_mlock, PDROP, "ksyn_wqfind", 0);
					} else {
						__FAILEDUSERTEST__("address already known to kernel for another [busy] synchronizer type\n");
						res = EINVAL;
				} else {
					__FAILEDUSERTEST__("address already known to kernel for another [busy] synchronizer type\n");
					res = EINVAL;
		if (res == 0) {
			if (kwq->kw_type == 0) {
				kwq->kw_addr = uaddr;
				kwq->kw_object = object;
				kwq->kw_offset = offset;
				kwq->kw_type = (wqtype & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK);
				kwq->kw_lword = mgen;
				kwq->kw_uword = ugen;
				kwq->kw_sword = sgen;
				kwq->kw_owner = 0;
				kwq->kw_kflags = 0;
				kwq->kw_qos_override = THREAD_QOS_UNSPECIFIED;
			if (wqtype == KSYN_WQTYPE_MUTEXDROP) {
	if (kwqp != NULL) {
		*kwqp = kwq;
	if (nkwq) {
		lck_mtx_destroy(&nkwq->kw_lock, pthread_lck_grp);
		pthread_kern->zfree(kwq_zone, nkwq);
	return res;

/* Reference from find is dropped here. Starts the free process if needed */
ksyn_wqrelease(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int qfreenow, int wqtype)
	uint64_t deadline;
	ksyn_wait_queue_t free_elem = NULL;
	if (wqtype == KSYN_WQTYPE_MUTEXDROP) {
	if (--kwq->kw_iocount == 0) {
		if ((kwq->kw_pflags & KSYN_WQ_WAITING) != 0) {
			/* some one is waiting for the waitqueue, wake them up */
			kwq->kw_pflags &= ~KSYN_WQ_WAITING;
		if (kwq->kw_pre_rwwc == 0 && kwq->kw_inqueue == 0 && kwq->kw_pre_intrcount == 0) {
			if (qfreenow == 0) {
				LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pth_free_list, kwq, kw_list);
				kwq->kw_pflags |= KSYN_WQ_FLIST;
				if (psynch_cleanupset == 0) {
					struct timeval t;
					t.tv_sec += KSYN_CLEANUP_DEADLINE;
					deadline = tvtoabstime(&t);
					thread_call_enter_delayed(psynch_thcall, deadline);
					psynch_cleanupset = 1;
			} else {
				kwq->kw_pflags &= ~KSYN_WQ_INHASH;
				LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_hash);
				free_elem = kwq;
	if (free_elem != NULL) {
		lck_mtx_destroy(&free_elem->kw_lock, pthread_lck_grp);
		pthread_kern->zfree(kwq_zone, free_elem);

/* responsible to free the waitqueues */
psynch_wq_cleanup(__unused void *param, __unused void * param1)
	ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq;
	struct timeval t;
	int reschedule = 0;
	uint64_t deadline = 0;
	LIST_HEAD(, ksyn_wait_queue) freelist;

	LIST_FOREACH(kwq, &pth_free_list, kw_list) {
		if (kwq->kw_iocount != 0 || kwq->kw_pre_rwwc != 0 || kwq->kw_inqueue != 0 || kwq->kw_pre_intrcount != 0) {
			// still in use
		__darwin_time_t diff = t.tv_sec - kwq->kw_ts.tv_sec;
		if (diff < 0)
			diff *= -1;
		if (diff >= KSYN_CLEANUP_DEADLINE) {
			kwq->kw_pflags &= ~(KSYN_WQ_FLIST | KSYN_WQ_INHASH);
			LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_hash);
			LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_list);
			LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&freelist, kwq, kw_list);
		} else {
			reschedule = 1;
	if (reschedule != 0) {
		deadline = tvtoabstime(&t);
		thread_call_enter_delayed(psynch_thcall, deadline);
		psynch_cleanupset = 1;
	} else {
		psynch_cleanupset = 0;

	while ((kwq = LIST_FIRST(&freelist)) != NULL) {
		LIST_REMOVE(kwq, kw_list);
		lck_mtx_destroy(&kwq->kw_lock, pthread_lck_grp);
		pthread_kern->zfree(kwq_zone, kwq);

static int
_wait_result_to_errno(wait_result_t result)
	int res = 0;
	switch (result) {
			res = ETIMEDOUT;
			res = EINTR;
	return res;

ksyn_wait(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
	  int kqi,
	  uint32_t lockseq,
	  int fit,
	  uint64_t abstime,
	  thread_continue_t continuation)
	int res;

	thread_t th = current_thread();
	uthread_t uth = pthread_kern->get_bsdthread_info(th);
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
	bzero(kwe, sizeof(*kwe));
	kwe->kwe_count = 1;
	kwe->kwe_lockseq = lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	kwe->kwe_state = KWE_THREAD_INWAIT;
	kwe->kwe_uth = uth;
	kwe->kwe_tid = thread_tid(th);

	res = ksyn_queue_insert(kwq, kqi, kwe, lockseq, fit);
	if (res != 0) {
		//panic("psynch_rw_wrlock: failed to enqueue\n"); // XXX
		return res;
	assert_wait_deadline_with_leeway(&kwe->kwe_psynchretval, THREAD_ABORTSAFE, TIMEOUT_URGENCY_USER_NORMAL, abstime, 0);
	kern_return_t ret;
	if (continuation == THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL) {
		ret = thread_block(NULL);
	} else {
		ret = thread_block_parameter(continuation, kwq);
		// If thread_block_parameter returns (interrupted) call the
		// continuation manually to clean up.
		continuation(kwq, ret);
		panic("ksyn_wait continuation returned");
	res = _wait_result_to_errno(ret);
	if (res != 0) {
		if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue) {
			ksyn_queue_remove_item(kwq, &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[kqi], kwe);
	return res;

ksyn_signal(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
	    int kqi,
	    ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe,
	    uint32_t updateval)
	kern_return_t ret;

	// If no wait element was specified, wake the first.
	if (!kwe) {
		kwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kwq->kw_ksynqueues[kqi].ksynq_kwelist);
		if (!kwe) {
			panic("ksyn_signal: panic signaling empty queue");

	if (kwe->kwe_state != KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
		panic("ksyn_signal: panic signaling non-waiting element");

	ksyn_queue_remove_item(kwq, &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[kqi], kwe);
	kwe->kwe_psynchretval = updateval;

	ret = thread_wakeup_one((caddr_t)&kwe->kwe_psynchretval);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS && ret != KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
		panic("ksyn_signal: panic waking up thread %x\n", ret);
	return ret;

ksyn_findobj(user_addr_t uaddr, uint64_t *objectp, uint64_t *offsetp)
	kern_return_t ret;
	vm_page_info_basic_data_t info;
	mach_msg_type_number_t count = VM_PAGE_INFO_BASIC_COUNT;
	ret = pthread_kern->vm_map_page_info(pthread_kern->current_map(), uaddr, VM_PAGE_INFO_BASIC, (vm_page_info_t)&info, &count);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		return EINVAL;
	if (objectp != NULL) {
		*objectp = (uint64_t)info.object_id;
	if (offsetp != NULL) {
		*offsetp = (uint64_t)info.offset;

/* lowest of kw_fr, kw_flr, kw_fwr, kw_fywr */
kwq_find_rw_lowest(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int flags, uint32_t premgen, int *typep, uint32_t lowest[])
	uint32_t kw_fr, kw_fwr, low;
	int type = 0, lowtype, typenum[2] = { 0 };
	uint32_t numbers[2] = { 0 };
	int count = 0, i;
	if ((kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ].ksynq_count != 0) || ((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_READLOCK) != 0)) {
		/* read entries are present */
		if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ].ksynq_count != 0) {
			kw_fr = kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ].ksynq_firstnum;
			if (((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_READLOCK) != 0) && (is_seqlower(premgen, kw_fr) != 0))
				kw_fr = premgen;
		} else
			kw_fr = premgen;
		lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_READ] = kw_fr;
		numbers[count]= kw_fr;
		typenum[count] = PTH_RW_TYPE_READ;
	} else
		lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_READ] = 0;
	if ((kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_count != 0) || ((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_WRLOCK) != 0)) {
		/* read entries are present */
		if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_count != 0) {
			kw_fwr = kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_firstnum;
			if (((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_WRLOCK) != 0) && (is_seqlower(premgen, kw_fwr) != 0))
				kw_fwr = premgen;
		} else
			kw_fwr = premgen;
		lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER] = kw_fwr;
		numbers[count]= kw_fwr;
		typenum[count] = PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE;
	} else
		lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER] = 0;
	if (count == 0)
		panic("nothing in the queue???\n");
#endif /* __TESTPANICS__ */
	low = numbers[0];
	lowtype = typenum[0];
	if (count > 1) {
		for (i = 1; i< count; i++) {
			if (is_seqlower(numbers[i] , low) != 0) {
				low = numbers[i];
				lowtype = typenum[i];
	type |= lowtype;
	if (typep != 0)
		*typep = type;

/* wakeup readers to upto the writer limits */
ksyn_wakeupreaders(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t limitread, int allreaders, uint32_t updatebits, int *wokenp)
	ksyn_queue_t kq;
	int failedwakeup = 0;
	int numwoken = 0;
	kern_return_t kret = KERN_SUCCESS;
	uint32_t lbits = 0;
	lbits = updatebits;
	kq = &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ];
	while ((kq->ksynq_count != 0) && (allreaders || (is_seqlower(kq->ksynq_firstnum, limitread) != 0))) {
		kret = ksyn_signal(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_READ, NULL, lbits);
		if (kret == KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
	if (wokenp != NULL)
		*wokenp = numwoken;

/* This handles the unlock grants for next set on rw_unlock() or on arrival of all preposted waiters */
kwq_handle_unlock(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq,
		  __unused uint32_t mgen,
		  uint32_t rw_wc,
		  uint32_t *updatep,
		  int flags,
		  int *blockp,
		  uint32_t premgen)
	uint32_t low_writer, limitrdnum;
	int rwtype, error=0;
	int allreaders, failed;
	uint32_t updatebits=0, numneeded = 0;;
	int prepost = flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST;
	thread_t preth = THREAD_NULL;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
	uthread_t uth;
	thread_t th;
	int woken = 0;
	int block = 1;
	uint32_t lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_MAX]; /* np need for upgrade as it is handled separately */
	kern_return_t kret = KERN_SUCCESS;
	ksyn_queue_t kq;
	int curthreturns = 0;
	if (prepost != 0) {
		preth = current_thread();
	kq = &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ];
	kwq->kw_lastseqword = rw_wc;
	kwq->kw_lastunlockseq = (rw_wc & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	kwq->kw_overlapwatch = 0;
	error = kwq_find_rw_lowest(kwq, flags, premgen, &rwtype, lowest);
	if (error != 0)
		panic("rwunlock: cannot fails to slot next round of threads");
#endif /* __TESTPANICS__ */
	low_writer = lowest[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER];
	allreaders = 0;
	updatebits = 0;
	switch (rwtype & PTH_RW_TYPE_MASK) {
		case PTH_RW_TYPE_READ: {
			// XXX
			/* what about the preflight which is LREAD or READ ?? */
			if ((rwtype & PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_MASK) != 0) {
				if (rwtype & PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_WRITE) {
					updatebits |= (PTH_RWL_WBIT | PTH_RWL_KBIT);
			limitrdnum = 0;
			if ((rwtype & PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_WRITE) != 0) {
				limitrdnum = low_writer;
			} else {
				allreaders = 1;
			numneeded = 0;
			if ((rwtype & PTH_RWSHFT_TYPE_WRITE) != 0) {
				limitrdnum = low_writer;
				numneeded = ksyn_queue_count_tolowest(kq, limitrdnum);
				if (((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_READLOCK) != 0) && (is_seqlower(premgen, limitrdnum) != 0)) {
					curthreturns = 1;
					numneeded += 1;
			} else {
				// no writers at all
				// no other waiters only readers
				kwq->kw_overlapwatch = 1;
				numneeded += kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_READ].ksynq_count;
				if ((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_READLOCK) != 0) {
					curthreturns = 1;
					numneeded += 1;
			updatebits += (numneeded << PTHRW_COUNT_SHIFT);
			kwq->kw_nextseqword = (rw_wc & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) + updatebits;
			if (curthreturns != 0) {
				block = 0;
				uth = current_uthread();
				kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
				kwe->kwe_psynchretval = updatebits;
			failed = ksyn_wakeupreaders(kwq, limitrdnum, allreaders, updatebits, &woken);
			if (failed != 0) {
				kwq->kw_pre_intrcount = failed;	/* actually a count */
				kwq->kw_pre_intrseq = limitrdnum;
				kwq->kw_pre_intrretbits = updatebits;
				kwq->kw_pre_intrtype = PTH_RW_TYPE_READ;
			error = 0;
			if ((kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_count != 0) && ((updatebits & PTH_RWL_WBIT) == 0))
				panic("kwq_handle_unlock: writer pending but no writebit set %x\n", updatebits);
			/* only one thread is goin to be granted */
			updatebits |= (PTHRW_INC);
			updatebits |= PTH_RWL_KBIT| PTH_RWL_EBIT;
			if (((flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_WRLOCK) != 0) && (low_writer == premgen)) {
				block = 0;
				if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_count != 0) {
					updatebits |= PTH_RWL_WBIT;
				th = preth;
				uth = pthread_kern->get_bsdthread_info(th);
				kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth);
				kwe->kwe_psynchretval = updatebits;
			} else {
				/* we are not granting writelock to the preposting thread */
				/* if there are writers present or the preposting write thread then W bit is to be set */
				if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER].ksynq_count > 1 ||
				    (flags & KW_UNLOCK_PREPOST_WRLOCK) != 0) {
					updatebits |= PTH_RWL_WBIT;
				/* setup next in the queue */
				kret = ksyn_signal(kwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, NULL, updatebits);
				if (kret == KERN_NOT_WAITING) {
					kwq->kw_pre_intrcount = 1;	/* actually a count */
					kwq->kw_pre_intrseq = low_writer;
					kwq->kw_pre_intrretbits = updatebits;
					kwq->kw_pre_intrtype = PTH_RW_TYPE_WRITE;
				error = 0;
			kwq->kw_nextseqword = (rw_wc & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) + updatebits;
			if ((updatebits & (PTH_RWL_KBIT | PTH_RWL_EBIT)) != (PTH_RWL_KBIT | PTH_RWL_EBIT))
				panic("kwq_handle_unlock: writer lock granted but no ke set %x\n", updatebits);
			panic("rwunlock: invalid type for lock grants");
	if (updatep != NULL)
		*updatep = updatebits;
	if (blockp != NULL)
		*blockp = block;

/************* Indiv queue support routines ************************/
ksyn_queue_init(ksyn_queue_t kq)
	kq->ksynq_count = 0;
	kq->ksynq_firstnum = 0;
	kq->ksynq_lastnum = 0;

ksyn_queue_insert(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int kqi, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, uint32_t mgen, int fit)
	ksyn_queue_t kq = &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[kqi];
	uint32_t lockseq = mgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	int res = 0;

	if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue != NULL) {
		panic("adding enqueued item to another queue");

	if (kq->ksynq_count == 0) {
		TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		kq->ksynq_firstnum = lockseq;
		kq->ksynq_lastnum = lockseq;
	} else if (fit == FIRSTFIT) {
		/* TBD: if retry bit is set for mutex, add it to the head */
		/* firstfit, arriving order */
		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		if (is_seqlower(lockseq, kq->ksynq_firstnum)) {
			kq->ksynq_firstnum = lockseq;
		if (is_seqhigher(lockseq, kq->ksynq_lastnum)) {
			kq->ksynq_lastnum = lockseq;
	} else if (lockseq == kq->ksynq_firstnum || lockseq == kq->ksynq_lastnum) {
		/* During prepost when a thread is getting cancelled, we could have two with same seq */
		res = EBUSY;
		if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST) {
			ksyn_waitq_element_t tmp = ksyn_queue_find_seq(kwq, kq, lockseq);
			if (tmp != NULL && tmp->kwe_uth != NULL && pthread_kern->uthread_is_cancelled(tmp->kwe_uth)) {
				TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
				res = 0;
	} else if (is_seqlower(kq->ksynq_lastnum, lockseq)) { // XXX is_seqhigher
		TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		kq->ksynq_lastnum = lockseq;
	} else if (is_seqlower(lockseq, kq->ksynq_firstnum)) {
		TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		kq->ksynq_firstnum = lockseq;
	} else {
		ksyn_waitq_element_t q_kwe, r_kwe;
		res = ESRCH;
		TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(q_kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list, r_kwe) {
			if (is_seqhigher(q_kwe->kwe_lockseq, lockseq)) {
				TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(q_kwe, kwe, kwe_list);
				res = 0;
	if (res == 0) {
		kwe->kwe_kwqqueue = kwq;
		update_low_high(kwq, lockseq);
	return res;

ksyn_queue_remove_item(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe)
	if (kq->ksynq_count == 0) {
		panic("removing item from empty queue");

	if (kwe->kwe_kwqqueue != kwq) {
		panic("removing item from wrong queue");

	TAILQ_REMOVE(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
	kwe->kwe_list.tqe_next = NULL;
	kwe->kwe_list.tqe_prev = NULL;
	kwe->kwe_kwqqueue = NULL;
	if (--kq->ksynq_count > 0) {
		ksyn_waitq_element_t tmp;
		tmp = TAILQ_FIRST(&kq->ksynq_kwelist);
		kq->ksynq_firstnum = tmp->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
		tmp = TAILQ_LAST(&kq->ksynq_kwelist, ksynq_kwelist_head);
		kq->ksynq_lastnum = tmp->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	} else {
		kq->ksynq_firstnum = 0;
		kq->ksynq_lastnum = 0;
	if (--kwq->kw_inqueue > 0) {
		uint32_t curseq = kwe->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
		if (kwq->kw_lowseq == curseq) {
			kwq->kw_lowseq = find_nextlowseq(kwq);
		if (kwq->kw_highseq == curseq) {
			kwq->kw_highseq = find_nexthighseq(kwq);
	} else {
		kwq->kw_lowseq = 0;
		kwq->kw_highseq = 0;

ksyn_queue_find_seq(__unused ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t seq)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
	// XXX: should stop searching when higher sequence number is seen
	TAILQ_FOREACH(kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list) {
		if ((kwe->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) == seq) {
			return kwe;
	return NULL;

/* find the thread at the target sequence (or a broadcast/prepost at or above) */
ksyn_queue_find_cvpreposeq(ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t cgen)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t result = NULL;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
	uint32_t lgen = (cgen & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
	TAILQ_FOREACH(kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list) {
		if (is_seqhigher_eq(kwe->kwe_lockseq, cgen)) {
			result = kwe;
			// KWE_THREAD_INWAIT must be strictly equal
			if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT && (kwe->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) != lgen) {
				result = NULL;
	return result;

/* look for a thread at lockseq, a */
ksyn_queue_find_signalseq(__unused ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t uptoseq, uint32_t signalseq)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t result = NULL;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t q_kwe, r_kwe;
	// XXX
	/* case where wrap in the tail of the queue exists */
	TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(q_kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list, r_kwe) {
		if (q_kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST) {
			if (is_seqhigher(q_kwe->kwe_lockseq, uptoseq)) {
				return result;
		if (q_kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST || q_kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_BROADCAST) {
			/* match any prepost at our same uptoseq or any broadcast above */
			if (is_seqlower(q_kwe->kwe_lockseq, uptoseq)) {
			return q_kwe;
		} else if (q_kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			 * Match any (non-cancelled) thread at or below our upto sequence -
			 * but prefer an exact match to our signal sequence (if present) to
			 * keep exact matches happening.
			if (is_seqhigher(q_kwe->kwe_lockseq, uptoseq)) {
				return result;
			if (q_kwe->kwe_kwqqueue == kwq) {
				if (!pthread_kern->uthread_is_cancelled(q_kwe->kwe_uth)) {
					/* if equal or higher than our signal sequence, return this one */
					if (is_seqhigher_eq(q_kwe->kwe_lockseq, signalseq)) {
						return q_kwe;
					/* otherwise, just remember this eligible thread and move on */
					if (result == NULL) {
						result = q_kwe;
		} else {
			panic("ksyn_queue_find_signalseq(): unknown wait queue element type (%d)\n", q_kwe->kwe_state);
	return result;

ksyn_queue_free_items(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, int kqi, uint32_t upto, int all)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe;
	uint32_t tseq = upto & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK;
	ksyn_queue_t kq = &kwq->kw_ksynqueues[kqi];
	while ((kwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kq->ksynq_kwelist)) != NULL) {
		if (all == 0 && is_seqhigher(kwe->kwe_lockseq, tseq)) {
		if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			 * This scenario is typically noticed when the cvar is
			 * reinited and the new waiters are waiting. We can
			 * return them as spurious wait so the cvar state gets
			 * reset correctly.
			/* skip canceled ones */
			/* wake the rest */
			/* set M bit to indicate to waking CV to retun Inc val */
			(void)ksyn_signal(kwq, kqi, kwe, PTHRW_INC | PTH_RWS_CV_MBIT | PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT);
		} else {
			ksyn_queue_remove_item(kwq, kq, kwe);
			pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, kwe);


update_low_high(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t lockseq)
	if (kwq->kw_inqueue == 1) {
		kwq->kw_lowseq = lockseq;
		kwq->kw_highseq = lockseq;
	} else {
		if (is_seqlower(lockseq, kwq->kw_lowseq)) {
			kwq->kw_lowseq = lockseq;
		if (is_seqhigher(lockseq, kwq->kw_highseq)) {
			kwq->kw_highseq = lockseq;

find_nextlowseq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	uint32_t lowest = 0;
	int first = 1;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < KSYN_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
		if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[i].ksynq_count > 0) {
			uint32_t current = kwq->kw_ksynqueues[i].ksynq_firstnum;
			if (first || is_seqlower(current, lowest)) {
				lowest = current;
				first = 0;
	return lowest;

find_nexthighseq(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq)
	uint32_t highest = 0;
	int first = 1;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < KSYN_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
		if (kwq->kw_ksynqueues[i].ksynq_count > 0) {
			uint32_t current = kwq->kw_ksynqueues[i].ksynq_lastnum;
			if (first || is_seqhigher(current, highest)) {
				highest = current;
				first = 0;
	return highest;

find_seq_till(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, uint32_t upto, uint32_t nwaiters, uint32_t *countp)
	int i;
	uint32_t count = 0;
	for (i = 0; i< KSYN_QUEUE_MAX; i++) {
		count += ksyn_queue_count_tolowest(&kwq->kw_ksynqueues[i], upto);
		if (count >= nwaiters) {
	if (countp != NULL) {
		*countp = count;
	if (count == 0) {
		return 0;
	} else if (count >= nwaiters) {
		return 1;
	} else {
		return 0;

ksyn_queue_count_tolowest(ksyn_queue_t kq, uint32_t upto)
	uint32_t i = 0;
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, newkwe;
	if (kq->ksynq_count == 0 || is_seqhigher(kq->ksynq_firstnum, upto)) {
		return 0;
	if (upto == kq->ksynq_firstnum) {
		return 1;
	TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list, newkwe) {
		uint32_t curval = (kwe->kwe_lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK);
		if (is_seqhigher(curval, upto)) {
		if (upto == curval) {
	return i;

/* handles the cond broadcast of cvar and returns number of woken threads and bits for syscall return */
ksyn_handle_cvbroad(ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq, uint32_t upto, uint32_t *updatep)
	ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe, newkwe;
	uint32_t updatebits = 0;
	ksyn_queue_t kq = &ckwq->kw_ksynqueues[KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER];
	struct ksyn_queue kfreeq;
	TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(kwe, &kq->ksynq_kwelist, kwe_list, newkwe) {
		if (is_seqhigher(kwe->kwe_lockseq, upto)) {
			// outside our range

		if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_INWAIT) {
			// Wake only non-canceled threads waiting on this CV.
			if (!pthread_kern->uthread_is_cancelled(kwe->kwe_uth)) {
				(void)ksyn_signal(ckwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, kwe, PTH_RWL_MTX_WAIT);
				updatebits += PTHRW_INC;
		} else if (kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_BROADCAST ||
			   kwe->kwe_state == KWE_THREAD_PREPOST) {
			ksyn_queue_remove_item(ckwq, kq, kwe);
			TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		} else {
			panic("unknown kwe state\n");
	/* Need to enter a broadcast in the queue (if not already at L == S) */
	if (diff_genseq(ckwq->kw_lword, ckwq->kw_sword)) {
		newkwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist);
		if (newkwe == NULL) {
			newkwe = (ksyn_waitq_element_t)pthread_kern->zalloc(kwe_zone);
			TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist, newkwe, kwe_list);
			goto retry;
		} else {
			TAILQ_REMOVE(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist, newkwe, kwe_list);
			ksyn_prepost(ckwq, newkwe, KWE_THREAD_BROADCAST, upto);
	// free up any remaining things stumbled across above
	while ((kwe = TAILQ_FIRST(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist)) != NULL) {
		TAILQ_REMOVE(&kfreeq.ksynq_kwelist, kwe, kwe_list);
		pthread_kern->zfree(kwe_zone, kwe);
	if (updatep != NULL) {
		*updatep = updatebits;

ksyn_cvupdate_fixup(ksyn_wait_queue_t ckwq, uint32_t *updatebits)
	if ((ckwq->kw_lword & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK) == (ckwq->kw_sword & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK)) {
		if (ckwq->kw_inqueue != 0) {
			ksyn_queue_free_items(ckwq, KSYN_QUEUE_WRITER, ckwq->kw_lword, 0);
			if (ckwq->kw_inqueue != 0)
				panic("ksyn_cvupdate_fixup: L == S, but entries in queue beyond S");
#endif /* __TESTPANICS__ */
		ckwq->kw_lword = ckwq->kw_uword = ckwq->kw_sword = 0;
		ckwq->kw_kflags |= KSYN_KWF_ZEROEDOUT;
		*updatebits |= PTH_RWS_CV_CBIT;
	} else if (ckwq->kw_inqueue != 0 && ckwq->kw_fakecount == ckwq->kw_inqueue) {
		// only fake entries are present in the queue
		*updatebits |= PTH_RWS_CV_PBIT;

	kwq_zone = (zone_t)pthread_kern->zinit(sizeof(struct ksyn_wait_queue), 8192 * sizeof(struct ksyn_wait_queue), 4096, "ksyn_wait_queue");
	kwe_zone = (zone_t)pthread_kern->zinit(sizeof(struct ksyn_waitq_element), 8192 * sizeof(struct ksyn_waitq_element), 4096, "ksyn_waitq_element");