ObjectFile.h   [plain text]

/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef __OBJECTFILE__
#define __OBJECTFILE__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <map>

// These classes represent the abstract Atoms and References that are the basis of the linker.
// An Atom and a Reference correspond to a Node and Edge in graph theory.
// A Reader is a class which parses an object file and presents it as Atoms and References.
// All linking operations are done on Atoms and References.  This makes the linker file
// format independent.
// A Writer takes a vector of Atoms with all References resolved and produces an executable file.

namespace ObjectFile {

struct LineInfo
	uint32_t	atomOffset;
	const char* fileName;
	uint32_t	lineNumber;

class ReaderOptions
						ReaderOptions() : fFullyLoadArchives(false), fLoadObjcClassesInArchives(false), fFlatNamespace(false),
										  fDebugInfoStripping(kDebugInfoFull), fTraceDylibs(false), fTraceIndirectDylibs(false), fTraceArchives(false), fTraceOutputFile(NULL) {}
	enum DebugInfoStripping { kDebugInfoNone, kDebugInfoMinimal, kDebugInfoFull };

	bool				fFullyLoadArchives;
	bool				fLoadObjcClassesInArchives;
	bool				fFlatNamespace;
	DebugInfoStripping	fDebugInfoStripping;
	bool				fTraceDylibs;
	bool				fTraceIndirectDylibs;
	bool				fTraceArchives;
	const char*			fTraceOutputFile;

class Reader
	enum DebugInfoKind { kDebugInfoNone=0, kDebugInfoStabs=1, kDebugInfoDwarf=2, kDebugInfoStabsUUID=3 };
	struct Stab
		class Atom*	atom;
		uint8_t		type;
		uint8_t		other;
		uint16_t	desc;
		uint32_t	value;
		const char* string;

	static Reader* createReader(const char* path, const ReaderOptions& options);

	virtual const char*					getPath() = 0;
	virtual time_t						getModificationTime() = 0;
	virtual DebugInfoKind				getDebugInfoKind() = 0;
	virtual std::vector<class Atom*>&	getAtoms() = 0;
	virtual std::vector<class Atom*>*	getJustInTimeAtomsFor(const char* name) = 0;
	virtual std::vector<Stab>*			getStabs() = 0;
			unsigned int				getSortOrder() const { return fSortOrder; }
			void						setSortOrder(unsigned int order) { fSortOrder=order; }

	// For Dynamic Libraries only
	virtual const char*					getInstallPath()			{ return NULL; }
	virtual uint32_t					getTimestamp()				{ return 0; }
	virtual uint32_t					getCurrentVersion()			{ return 0; }
	virtual uint32_t					getCompatibilityVersion()	{ return 0; }
	virtual std::vector<const char*>*	getDependentLibraryPaths()	{ return NULL; }
	virtual bool						reExports(Reader*)			{ return false; }
	virtual const char*					parentUmbrella()			{ return NULL; }
	virtual std::vector<const char*>*	getAllowableClients()  		{ return NULL; }

										Reader() : fSortOrder(0) {}
	virtual								~Reader() {}

	unsigned int						fSortOrder;

class Segment
	virtual const char*			getName() const  = 0;
	virtual bool				isContentReadable() const = 0;
	virtual bool				isContentWritable() const = 0;
	virtual bool				isContentExecutable() const = 0;

	uint64_t					getBaseAddress() const { return fBaseAddress; }
	void						setBaseAddress(uint64_t addr) { fBaseAddress = addr; }
	virtual bool				hasFixedAddress() const { return false; }

								Segment() : fBaseAddress(0) {}
	virtual						~Segment() {}
	uint64_t					fBaseAddress;

class Reference;

class Section
	unsigned int	getIndex() { return fIndex; }
	uint64_t		getBaseAddress() { return fBaseAddress; }
	void			setBaseAddress(uint64_t addr) { fBaseAddress = addr; }
	void*			fOther;

					Section() : fOther(NULL), fBaseAddress(0), fIndex(0)  {}
	uint64_t		fBaseAddress;
	unsigned int	fIndex;

// An atom is the fundamental unit of linking.  A C function or global variable is an atom.
// An atom has content and some attributes. The content of a function atom is the instructions
// that implement the function.  The content of a global variable atom is its initial bits.
// Name:
// The name of an atom is the label name generated by the compiler.  A C compiler names foo()
// as _foo.  A C++ compiler names foo() as __Z3foov.
// The name refers to the first byte of the content.  An atom cannot have multiple entry points.
// Such code is modeled as multiple atoms, each having a "follow on" reference to the next.
// A "follow on" reference is a contraint to the linker to the atoms must be laid out contiguously.
// Scope:
// An atom is in one of three scopes: translation-unit, linkage-unit, or global.  These correspond
// to the C visibility of static, hidden, default.
// DefinitionKind:
// An atom is one of five defintion kinds:
//	regular			Most atoms.
//	weak			C++ compiler makes some functions weak if there might be multiple copies
//					that the linker needs to coalesce.
//	tentative		A straggler from ancient C when the extern did not exist. "int foo;" is ambiguous.
//					It could be a prototype or it could be a definition.
//	external		This is a "proxy" atom produced by a dylib reader.  It has no content.  It exists
//					so that all References can be resolved.
//	external-weak	Same as external, but the definition in the dylib is weak.
// SymbolTableInclusion:
// An atom may or may not be in the symbol table in an object file.
//  in				Most atoms for functions or global data
//	not-in			Anonymous atoms such literal c-strings, or other compiler generated data
//	in-never-strip	Atom whose name the strip tool should never remove (e.g. REFERENCED_DYNAMICALLY in mach-o)
class Atom
	enum Scope { scopeTranslationUnit, scopeLinkageUnit, scopeGlobal };
	enum DefinitionKind { kRegularDefinition, kWeakDefinition, kTentativeDefinition, kExternalDefinition, kExternalWeakDefinition };
	enum SymbolTableInclusion { kSymbolTableNotIn, kSymbolTableIn, kSymbolTableInAndNeverStrip };

	virtual Reader*							getFile() const = 0;
	virtual bool							getTranslationUnitSource(const char** dir, const char** name) const = 0;
	virtual const char*						getName() const = 0;
	virtual const char*						getDisplayName() const = 0;
	virtual Scope							getScope() const = 0;
	virtual DefinitionKind					getDefinitionKind() const = 0;
	virtual SymbolTableInclusion			getSymbolTableInclusion() const = 0;
	virtual bool							isZeroFill() const = 0;
	virtual uint64_t						getSize() const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<ObjectFile::Reference*>&  getReferences() const = 0;
	virtual bool							mustRemainInSection() const = 0;
	virtual const char*						getSectionName() const = 0;
	virtual Segment&						getSegment() const = 0;
	virtual bool							requiresFollowOnAtom() const = 0;
	virtual Atom&							getFollowOnAtom() const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<LineInfo>*			getLineInfo() const = 0;
	virtual uint8_t							getAlignment() const = 0;
	virtual void							copyRawContent(uint8_t buffer[]) const = 0;
	virtual void							setScope(Scope) = 0;

			uint64_t						getSectionOffset() const	{ return fSectionOffset; }
			uint64_t						getSegmentOffset() const	{ return fSegmentOffset; }
			uint64_t						getAddress() const	{ return fSection->getBaseAddress() + fSectionOffset; }
			unsigned int					getSortOrder() const { return fSortOrder; }
			class Section*					getSection() const { return fSection; }
			bool							dontDeadStrip() const { return fDontDeadStrip; }

			void							setSegmentOffset(uint64_t offset) { fSegmentOffset = offset; }
			void							setSectionOffset(uint64_t offset) { fSectionOffset = offset; }
			void							setSection(class Section* sect) { fSection = sect; }
			unsigned int					setSortOrder(unsigned int order); // recursively sets follow-on atoms
			void							setDontDeadStrip() { fDontDeadStrip = true; }

											Atom() : fSegmentOffset(0), fSectionOffset(0), fSortOrder(0), fSection(NULL), fDontDeadStrip(false) {}
		virtual								~Atom() {}

		uint64_t							fSegmentOffset;
		uint64_t							fSectionOffset;
		unsigned int						fSortOrder;
		class Section*						fSection;
		bool								fDontDeadStrip;

// recursively sets follow-on atoms
inline unsigned int Atom::setSortOrder(unsigned int order)
	if ( this->requiresFollowOnAtom() ) {
		fSortOrder = order;
		return this->getFollowOnAtom().setSortOrder(order+1);
	else {
		fSortOrder = order;
		return (order + 1);

// A Reference is a directed edge to another Atom.  When an instruction in
// the content of an Atom refers to another Atom, that is represented by a
// Reference.
// There are two kinds of references: direct and by-name.  With a direct Reference,
// the target is bound by the Reader that created it.  For instance a reference to a
// static would produce a direct reference.  A by-name reference requires the linker
// to find the target Atom with the required name in order to be bound.
// For a link to succeed all References must be bound.
// A Reference has an optional "from" target.  This is used when the content to fix-up
// is the difference of two Atom address.  For instance, if a pointer sized data Atom
// is to contain A - B, then the Atom would have on Reference with a target of "A" and
// a from-target of "B".
// A Reference also has a fix-up-offset.  This is the offset into the content of the
// Atom holding the reference where the fix-up (relocation) will be applied.
class Reference

	virtual bool			isTargetUnbound() const = 0;
	virtual bool			isFromTargetUnbound() const = 0;
	virtual uint8_t			getKind() const = 0;
	virtual uint64_t		getFixUpOffset() const = 0;
	virtual const char*		getTargetName() const = 0;
	virtual Atom&			getTarget() const = 0;
	virtual uint64_t		getTargetOffset() const = 0;
	virtual bool			hasFromTarget() const = 0;
	virtual Atom&			getFromTarget() const = 0;
	virtual const char*		getFromTargetName() const = 0;
	virtual uint64_t		getFromTargetOffset() const = 0;

	virtual void			setTarget(Atom&, uint64_t offset) = 0;
	virtual void			setFromTarget(Atom&) = 0;
	virtual const char*		getDescription() const = 0;

							Reference() {}
	virtual					~Reference() {}

};	// namespace ObjectFile

#endif // __OBJECTFILE__