lf_hfs_file_extent_mapping.c   [plain text]

//  lf_hfs_file_extent_mapping.c
//  livefiles_hfs
//  Created by Yakov Ben Zaken on 22/03/2018.

#include "lf_hfs.h"
#include "lf_hfs_format.h"
#include "lf_hfs_file_extent_mapping.h"
#include "lf_hfs_endian.h"
#include "lf_hfs_file_mgr_internal.h"
#include "lf_hfs_btrees_internal.h"
#include "lf_hfs_vfsutils.h"
#include "lf_hfs_logger.h"
#include "lf_hfs_utils.h"

    kDataForkType            = 0,
    kResourceForkType        = 0xFF,

    kPreviousRecord            = -1

static OSErr FindExtentRecord(
                              const ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                              u_int8_t                forkType,
                              u_int32_t                fileID,
                              u_int32_t                startBlock,
                              Boolean                    allowPrevious,
                              HFSPlusExtentKey        *foundKey,
                              HFSPlusExtentRecord        foundData,
                              u_int32_t                *foundHint);

static OSErr DeleteExtentRecord(
                                const ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                                u_int8_t                forkType,
                                u_int32_t                fileID,
                                u_int32_t                startBlock);

static OSErr CreateExtentRecord(
                                ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                                HFSPlusExtentKey        *key,
                                HFSPlusExtentRecord        extents,
                                u_int32_t                *hint);

static OSErr GetFCBExtentRecord(
                                const FCB                *fcb,
                                HFSPlusExtentRecord        extents);

static OSErr SearchExtentRecord(
                                ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                                u_int32_t                searchFABN,
                                const HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentData,
                                u_int32_t                extentDataStartFABN,
                                u_int32_t                *foundExtentDataOffset,
                                u_int32_t                *endingFABNPlusOne,
                                Boolean                    *noMoreExtents);

static OSErr ReleaseExtents(
                            ExtendedVCB                *vcb,
                            const HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentRecord,
                            u_int32_t                *numReleasedAllocationBlocks,
                            Boolean                 *releasedLastExtent);

static OSErr DeallocateFork(
                            ExtendedVCB         *vcb,
                            HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID,
                            u_int8_t            forkType,
                            HFSPlusExtentRecord    catalogExtents,
                            Boolean *        recordDeleted);

static OSErr TruncateExtents(
                             ExtendedVCB            *vcb,
                             u_int8_t            forkType,
                             u_int32_t            fileID,
                             u_int32_t            startBlock,
                             Boolean *            recordDeleted);

static OSErr UpdateExtentRecord (
                                 ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                                 FCB                *fcb,
                                 int                deleted,
                                 const HFSPlusExtentKey    *extentFileKey,
                                 const HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentData,
                                 u_int32_t                    extentBTreeHint);

static Boolean ExtentsAreIntegral(
                                  const HFSPlusExtentRecord extentRecord,
                                  u_int32_t    mask,
                                  u_int32_t    *blocksChecked,
                                  Boolean        *checkedLastExtent);

//    Routine:    FindExtentRecord
//    Purpose:    Search the extents BTree for an extent record matching the given
//                FileID, fork, and starting file allocation block number.
//    Inputs:
//        vcb                Volume to search
//        forkType        0 = data fork, -1 = resource fork
//        fileID            File's FileID (CatalogNodeID)
//        startBlock        Starting file allocation block number
//        allowPrevious    If the desired record isn't found and this flag is set,
//                        then see if the previous record belongs to the same fork.
//                        If so, then return it.
//    Outputs:
//        foundKey    The key data for the record actually found
//        foundData    The extent record actually found (NOTE: on an HFS volume, the
//                    fourth entry will be zeroes.
//        foundHint    The BTree hint to find the node again
static OSErr FindExtentRecord(
                              const ExtendedVCB    *vcb,
                              u_int8_t            forkType,
                              u_int32_t            fileID,
                              u_int32_t            startBlock,
                              Boolean                allowPrevious,
                              HFSPlusExtentKey    *foundKey,
                              HFSPlusExtentRecord    foundData,
                              u_int32_t            *foundHint)
    FCB *                fcb;
    BTreeIterator *btIterator = NULL;
    FSBufferDescriptor    btRecord;
    OSErr                err;
    u_int16_t            btRecordSize;

    err = noErr;
    if (foundHint)
        *foundHint = 0;
    fcb = GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum);

    btIterator = hfs_mallocz(sizeof(BTreeIterator));

    /* HFS Plus / HFSX */
    if (vcb->vcbSigWord != kHFSSigWord) {
        HFSPlusExtentKey *    extentKeyPtr;
        HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentData;

        extentKeyPtr = (HFSPlusExtentKey*) &btIterator->key;
        extentKeyPtr->keyLength     = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
        extentKeyPtr->forkType     = forkType;
        extentKeyPtr->pad         = 0;
        extentKeyPtr->fileID     = fileID;
        extentKeyPtr->startBlock = startBlock;

        btRecord.bufferAddress = &extentData;
        btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
        btRecord.itemCount = 1;

        err = BTSearchRecord(fcb, btIterator, &btRecord, &btRecordSize, btIterator);

        if (err == btNotFound && allowPrevious) {
            err = BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreePrevRecord, btIterator, &btRecord, &btRecordSize);

            //    A previous record may not exist, so just return btNotFound (like we would if
            //    it was for the wrong file/fork).
            if (err == (OSErr) fsBTStartOfIterationErr)        //•• fsBTStartOfIterationErr is type unsigned long
                err = btNotFound;

            if (err == noErr) {
                //    Found a previous record.  Does it belong to the same fork of the same file?
                if (extentKeyPtr->fileID != fileID || extentKeyPtr->forkType != forkType)
                    err = btNotFound;

        if (err == noErr) {
            // Copy the found key back for the caller
            if (foundKey)
                BlockMoveData(extentKeyPtr, foundKey, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey));
            // Copy the found data back for the caller
            BlockMoveData(&extentData, foundData, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));

    if (foundHint)
        *foundHint = btIterator->hint.nodeNum;

    return err;

static OSErr CreateExtentRecord(
                                ExtendedVCB    *vcb,
                                HFSPlusExtentKey    *key,
                                HFSPlusExtentRecord    extents,
                                u_int32_t            *hint)
    BTreeIterator *btIterator = NULL;
    FSBufferDescriptor    btRecord;
    u_int16_t  btRecordSize = 0;
    int  lockflags;
    OSErr  err;

    err = noErr;
    *hint = 0;

    btIterator = hfs_mallocz(sizeof(BTreeIterator));

     * The lock taken by callers of ExtendFileC is speculative and
     * only occurs when the file already has overflow extents. So
     * We need to make sure we have the lock here.  The extents
     * btree lock can be nested (its recursive) so we always take
     * it here.
    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

    /* HFS+/HFSX */
    btRecordSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
    btRecord.bufferAddress = extents;
    btRecord.itemSize = btRecordSize;
    btRecord.itemCount = 1;

    BlockMoveData(key, &btIterator->key, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey));

    if (err == noErr)
        err = BTInsertRecord(GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum), btIterator, &btRecord, btRecordSize);

    if (err == noErr)
        *hint = btIterator->hint.nodeNum;

    (void) BTFlushPath(GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum));

    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);

    return err;

static OSErr DeleteExtentRecord(
                                const ExtendedVCB    *vcb,
                                u_int8_t            forkType,
                                u_int32_t            fileID,
                                u_int32_t            startBlock)
    BTreeIterator *btIterator = NULL;
    OSErr                err = noErr;

    btIterator = hfs_mallocz(sizeof(BTreeIterator));
    if (btIterator == NULL) return ENOMEM;
    /* HFS+ / HFSX */
    HFSPlusExtentKey *    keyPtr;

    keyPtr = (HFSPlusExtentKey*) &btIterator->key;
    keyPtr->keyLength    = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
    keyPtr->forkType    = forkType;
    keyPtr->pad            = 0;
    keyPtr->fileID        = fileID;
    keyPtr->startBlock    = startBlock;

    err = BTDeleteRecord(GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum), btIterator);
    (void) BTFlushPath(GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum));

    return err;

// Routine:        MapFileBlock
// Function:     Maps a file position into a physical disk address.

OSErr MapFileBlockC (
                     ExtendedVCB        *vcb,                // volume that file resides on
                     FCB                *fcb,                // FCB of file
                     size_t            numberOfBytes,        // number of contiguous bytes desired
                     off_t            offset,                // starting offset within file (in bytes)
                     daddr64_t        *startSector,        // first sector (NOT an allocation block)
                     size_t            *availableBytes)    // number of contiguous bytes (up to numberOfBytes)
    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            allocBlockSize;            //    Size of the volume's allocation block
    u_int32_t            sectorSize;
    HFSPlusExtentKey    foundKey;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord    foundData;
    u_int32_t            foundIndex;
    u_int32_t            hint;
    u_int32_t            firstFABN = 0;            // file allocation block of first block in found extent
    u_int32_t            nextFABN;                // file allocation block of block after end of found extent
    off_t                dataEnd;                // (offset) end of range that is contiguous
    u_int32_t            sectorsPerBlock;        // Number of sectors per allocation block
    u_int32_t            startBlock = 0;            // volume allocation block corresponding to firstFABN
    daddr64_t            temp;
    off_t                tmpOff;

    allocBlockSize = vcb->blockSize;
    sectorSize = VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_logical_block_size;

    err = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, offset, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextFABN);
    if (err == noErr) {
        startBlock = foundData[foundIndex].startBlock;
        firstFABN = nextFABN - foundData[foundIndex].blockCount;

    if (err != noErr)
        return err;

    //    Determine the end of the available space.  It will either be the end of the extent,
    //    or the file's PEOF, whichever is smaller.
    dataEnd = (off_t)((off_t)(nextFABN) * (off_t)(allocBlockSize));   // Assume valid data through end of this extent
    if (((off_t)fcb->ff_blocks * (off_t)allocBlockSize) < dataEnd)    // Is PEOF shorter?
        dataEnd = (off_t)fcb->ff_blocks * (off_t)allocBlockSize;  // Yes, so only map up to PEOF

    //    Compute the number of sectors in an allocation block
    sectorsPerBlock = allocBlockSize / sectorSize;    // sectors per allocation block

    //    Compute the absolute sector number that contains the offset of the given file
    //    offset in sectors from start of the extent +
    //      offset in sectors from start of allocation block space
    temp = (daddr64_t)((offset - (off_t)((off_t)(firstFABN) * (off_t)(allocBlockSize)))/sectorSize);
    temp += (daddr64_t)startBlock * (daddr64_t)sectorsPerBlock;

    /* Add in any volume offsets */
    if (vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord)
        temp += vcb->hfsPlusIOPosOffset / sectorSize;
        temp += vcb->vcbAlBlSt;

    //    Return the desired sector for file position "offset"
    *startSector = temp;

    //    Determine the number of contiguous bytes until the end of the extent
    //    (or the amount they asked for, whichever comes first).
    if (availableBytes)
        tmpOff = dataEnd - offset;
         * Disallow negative runs.
        if (tmpOff <= 0) {
            /* This shouldn't happen unless something is corrupt */
            LFHFS_LOG( LEVEL_ERROR, "MapFileBlockC: tmpOff <= 0 (%lld)\n", tmpOff);
            return EINVAL;

        if (tmpOff > (off_t)(numberOfBytes)) {
            *availableBytes = numberOfBytes;  // more there than they asked for, so pin the output
        else {
            *availableBytes = tmpOff;

    return noErr;

//    Routine:    ReleaseExtents
//    Function:     Release the extents of a single extent data record.

static OSErr ReleaseExtents(
                            ExtendedVCB             *vcb,
                            const HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentRecord,
                            u_int32_t                *numReleasedAllocationBlocks,
                            Boolean                 *releasedLastExtent)
    u_int32_t    extentIndex;
    u_int32_t    numberOfExtents;
    OSErr    err = noErr;

    *numReleasedAllocationBlocks = 0;
    *releasedLastExtent = false;

    if (vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord)
        numberOfExtents = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
        numberOfExtents = kHFSExtentDensity;

    for( extentIndex = 0; extentIndex < numberOfExtents; extentIndex++)
        u_int32_t    numAllocationBlocks;

        // Loop over the extent record and release the blocks associated with each extent.
        numAllocationBlocks = extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount;
        if ( numAllocationBlocks == 0 )
            *releasedLastExtent = true;

        err = BlockDeallocate( vcb, extentRecord[extentIndex].startBlock, numAllocationBlocks , 0);
        if ( err != noErr )

        *numReleasedAllocationBlocks += numAllocationBlocks;        //    bump FABN to beg of next extent

    return( err );

//    Routine:    TruncateExtents
//    Purpose:    Delete extent records whose starting file allocation block number
//                is greater than or equal to a given starting block number.  The
//                allocation blocks represented by the extents are deallocated.
//    Inputs:
//        vcb            Volume to operate on
//        fileID        Which file to operate on
//        startBlock    Starting file allocation block number for first extent
//                    record to delete.

static OSErr TruncateExtents(
                             ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                             u_int8_t        forkType,
                             u_int32_t        fileID,
                             u_int32_t        startBlock,
                             Boolean *        recordDeleted)
    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            numberExtentsReleased;
    Boolean                releasedLastExtent;
    u_int32_t            hint;
    HFSPlusExtentKey    key;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord    extents = {0};
    int  lockflags;

     * The lock taken by callers of TruncateFileC is speculative and
     * only occurs when the file already has overflow extents. So
     * We need to make sure we have the lock here.  The extents
     * btree lock can be nested (its recursive) so we always take
     * it here.
    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

    while (true) {
        err = FindExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startBlock, false, &key, extents, &hint);
        if (err != noErr) {
            if (err == btNotFound)
                err = noErr;

        err = ReleaseExtents( vcb, extents, &numberExtentsReleased, &releasedLastExtent );
        if (err != noErr) break;

        err = DeleteExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startBlock);
        if (err != noErr) break;

        *recordDeleted = true;
        startBlock += numberExtentsReleased;
    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);

    return err;

//    Routine:    DeallocateFork
//    Function:     De-allocates all disk space allocated to a specified fork.

static OSErr DeallocateFork(
                            ExtendedVCB         *vcb,
                            HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID,
                            u_int8_t            forkType,
                            HFSPlusExtentRecord    catalogExtents,
                            Boolean *        recordDeleted) /* true if a record was deleted */
    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            numReleasedAllocationBlocks;
    Boolean                releasedLastExtent;

    //    Release the catalog extents
    err = ReleaseExtents( vcb, catalogExtents, &numReleasedAllocationBlocks, &releasedLastExtent );
    // Release the extra extents, if present
    if (err == noErr && !releasedLastExtent)
        err = TruncateExtents(vcb, forkType, fileID, numReleasedAllocationBlocks, recordDeleted);

    return( err );

//    Routine:    FlushExtentFile
//    Function:     Flushes the extent file for a specified volume

OSErr FlushExtentFile( ExtendedVCB *vcb )
    FCB *    fcb;
    OSErr    err;
    int  lockflags;

    fcb = GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum);

    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);
    err = BTFlushPath(fcb);
    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);

    if ( err == noErr )
        // If the FCB for the extent "file" is dirty, mark the VCB as dirty.
        if (FTOC(fcb)->c_flag & C_MODIFIED)
            MarkVCBDirty( vcb );

    return( err );

//    Routine:    CompareExtentKeysPlus
//    Function:     Compares two extent file keys (a search key and a trial key) for
//                an HFS volume.

__attribute__((weak)) int32_t CompareExtentKeysPlus( const HFSPlusExtentKey *searchKey, const HFSPlusExtentKey *trialKey )
    int32_t    result;        //    ± 1

    if (searchKey->keyLength != kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength)
        LFHFS_LOG( LEVEL_ERROR, "HFS: search Key is wrong length" );
    if (trialKey->keyLength != kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength)
        LFHFS_LOG( LEVEL_ERROR, "HFS: search Key is wrong length" );

    result = -1;        //    assume searchKey < trialKey

    if (searchKey->fileID == trialKey->fileID) {
        //    FileNum's are equal; compare fork types
        if (searchKey->forkType == trialKey->forkType) {
            //    Fork types are equal; compare allocation block number
            if (searchKey->startBlock == trialKey->startBlock) {
                //    Everything is equal
                result = 0;
            else {
                //    Allocation block numbers differ; determine sign
                if (searchKey->startBlock > trialKey->startBlock)
                    result = 1;
        else {
            //    Fork types differ; determine sign
            if (searchKey->forkType > trialKey->forkType)
                result = 1;
    else {
        //    FileNums differ; determine sign
        if (searchKey->fileID > trialKey->fileID)
            result = 1;

    return( result );

 * Add a file extent to a file.
 * Used by hfs_extendfs to extend the volume allocation bitmap file.
AddFileExtent(ExtendedVCB *vcb, FCB *fcb, u_int32_t startBlock, u_int32_t blockCount)
    HFSPlusExtentKey foundKey;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord foundData;
    u_int32_t foundIndex;
    u_int32_t hint;
    u_int32_t nextBlock;
    int64_t peof;
    int i;
    int error;

    peof = (int64_t)(fcb->ff_blocks + blockCount) * (int64_t)vcb->blockSize;

    error = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, peof-1, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextBlock);
    if (error != fxRangeErr)
        return (EBUSY);

     * Add new extent.  See if there is room in the current record.
    if (foundData[foundIndex].blockCount != 0)
    if (foundIndex == kHFSPlusExtentDensity) {
         * Existing record is full so create a new one.
        foundKey.keyLength = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
        foundKey.forkType = kDataForkType;
        foundKey.pad = 0;
        foundKey.fileID = FTOC(fcb)->c_fileid;
        foundKey.startBlock = nextBlock;

        foundData[0].startBlock = startBlock;
        foundData[0].blockCount = blockCount;

        /* zero out remaining extents. */
        for (i = 1; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; ++i) {
            foundData[i].startBlock = 0;
            foundData[i].blockCount = 0;

        foundIndex = 0;

        error = CreateExtentRecord(vcb, &foundKey, foundData, &hint);
        if (error == fxOvFlErr) {
            error = dskFulErr;

    } else {
         * Add a new extent into existing record.
        foundData[foundIndex].startBlock = startBlock;
        foundData[foundIndex].blockCount = blockCount;
        error = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
    (void) FlushExtentFile(vcb);

    return (error);

// Routine:        Extendfile
// Function:     Extends the disk space allocated to a file.

OSErr ExtendFileC (
                   ExtendedVCB        *vcb,                // volume that file resides on
                   FCB                *fcb,                // FCB of file to truncate
                   int64_t            bytesToAdd,            // number of bytes to allocate
                   u_int32_t        blockHint,            // desired starting allocation block
                   u_int32_t        flags,                // EFContig and/or EFAll
                   int64_t            *actualBytesAdded)    // number of bytes actually allocated
    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            volumeBlockSize;
    int64_t                blocksToAdd;
    int64_t                bytesThisExtent;
    HFSPlusExtentKey    foundKey;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord    foundData;
    u_int32_t            foundIndex;
    u_int32_t            hint;
    u_int32_t            nextBlock;
    u_int32_t            startBlock;
    Boolean                allOrNothing;
    Boolean                forceContig;
    Boolean                wantContig;
    Boolean                useMetaZone;
    Boolean                needsFlush;
    int                    allowFlushTxns;
    u_int32_t            actualStartBlock;
    u_int32_t            actualNumBlocks;
    u_int32_t            numExtentsPerRecord = 0;
    int64_t                maximumBytes;
    int64_t             availbytes;
    int64_t                peof;
    u_int32_t            prevblocks;
    uint32_t            fastdev = 0;

    struct hfsmount *hfsmp = (struct hfsmount*)vcb;
    allowFlushTxns = 0;
    needsFlush = false;
    *actualBytesAdded = 0;
    volumeBlockSize = vcb->blockSize;
    allOrNothing = ((flags & kEFAllMask) != 0);
    forceContig = ((flags & kEFContigMask) != 0);
    prevblocks = fcb->ff_blocks;

    numExtentsPerRecord = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;

    //    Determine how many blocks need to be allocated.
    //    Round up the number of desired bytes to add.
    blocksToAdd = howmany(bytesToAdd, volumeBlockSize);
    bytesToAdd = (int64_t)((int64_t)blocksToAdd * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize);

     * For deferred allocations just reserve the blocks.
    if ((flags & kEFDeferMask)
        &&  (vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord)
        &&  (bytesToAdd < (int64_t)HFS_MAX_DEFERED_ALLOC)
        &&  (blocksToAdd < hfs_freeblks(VCBTOHFS(vcb), 1))) {
        hfs_lock_mount (hfsmp);
        vcb->loanedBlocks += blocksToAdd;

        fcb->ff_unallocblocks += blocksToAdd;
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks   += blocksToAdd;
        fcb->ff_blocks        += blocksToAdd;

         * We haven't touched the disk here; no blocks have been
         * allocated and the volume will not be inconsistent if we
         * don't update the catalog record immediately.
        FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MINOR_MOD;
        *actualBytesAdded = bytesToAdd;
        return (0);
     * Give back any unallocated blocks before doing real allocations.
    if (fcb->ff_unallocblocks > 0) {
        u_int32_t loanedBlocks;

        loanedBlocks = fcb->ff_unallocblocks;
        blocksToAdd += loanedBlocks;
        bytesToAdd = (int64_t)blocksToAdd * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize;
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks -= loanedBlocks;
        fcb->ff_blocks -= loanedBlocks;
        fcb->ff_unallocblocks  = 0;

        vcb->loanedBlocks -= loanedBlocks;

    //    If the file's clump size is larger than the allocation block size,
    //    then set the maximum number of bytes to the requested number of bytes
    //    rounded up to a multiple of the clump size.
    if ((vcb->vcbClpSiz > (int32_t)volumeBlockSize)
        &&  (bytesToAdd < (int64_t)HFS_MAX_DEFERED_ALLOC)
        &&  (flags & kEFNoClumpMask) == 0) {
        maximumBytes = (int64_t)howmany(bytesToAdd, vcb->vcbClpSiz);
        maximumBytes *= vcb->vcbClpSiz;
    } else {
        maximumBytes = bytesToAdd;

    //    If allocation is all-or-nothing, make sure there are
    //    enough free blocks on the volume (quick test).
    if (allOrNothing &&
        (blocksToAdd > hfs_freeblks(VCBTOHFS(vcb), flags & kEFReserveMask))) {
        err = dskFulErr;
        goto ErrorExit;

    //    See if there are already enough blocks allocated to the file.
    peof = ((int64_t)fcb->ff_blocks * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize) + bytesToAdd;  // potential new PEOF
    err = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, peof-1, &foundKey, foundData, &foundIndex, &hint, &nextBlock);
    if (err == noErr) {
        //    Enough blocks are already allocated.  Just update the FCB to reflect the new length.
        fcb->ff_blocks = (uint32_t)( peof / (int64_t)volumeBlockSize );
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks += (bytesToAdd / volumeBlockSize);
        FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
        goto Exit;
    if (err != fxRangeErr)        // Any real error?
        goto ErrorExit;                // Yes, so exit immediately

    //    Adjust the PEOF to the end of the last extent.
    bytesThisExtent = (int64_t)(nextBlock - fcb->ff_blocks) * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize;
    if (bytesThisExtent != 0) {
        fcb->ff_blocks = nextBlock;
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks += (bytesThisExtent / volumeBlockSize);
        FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
        bytesToAdd -= bytesThisExtent;

    //    Allocate some more space.
    //    First try a contiguous allocation (of the whole amount).
    //    If that fails, get whatever we can.
    //        If forceContig, then take whatever we got
    //        else, keep getting bits and pieces (non-contig)

     * Note that for sparse devices (like sparse bundle dmgs), we
     * should only be aggressive with re-using once-allocated pieces
     * if we're not dealing with system files.  If we're trying to operate
     * on behalf of a system file, we need the maximum contiguous amount
     * possible.  For non-system files we favor locality and fragmentation over
     * contiguity as it can result in fewer blocks being needed from the underlying
     * filesystem that the sparse image resides upon.
    wantContig = true;
    useMetaZone = flags & kEFMetadataMask;
    do {
        if (blockHint != 0)
            startBlock = blockHint;
            startBlock = foundData[foundIndex].startBlock + foundData[foundIndex].blockCount;

        actualNumBlocks = 0;
        actualStartBlock = 0;

        /* Find number of free blocks based on reserved block flag option */
        availbytes = (int64_t)hfs_freeblks(VCBTOHFS(vcb), flags & kEFReserveMask) *
        if (availbytes <= 0) {
            err = dskFulErr;
        } else {
            if (wantContig && (availbytes < bytesToAdd)) {
                err = dskFulErr;
            else {
                uint32_t ba_flags = fastdev;

                if (wantContig) {
                    ba_flags |= HFS_ALLOC_FORCECONTIG;
                if (useMetaZone) {
                    ba_flags |= HFS_ALLOC_METAZONE;
                if (allowFlushTxns) {
                    ba_flags |= HFS_ALLOC_FLUSHTXN;

                err = BlockAllocate(
                                    (uint32_t)howmany(MIN(bytesToAdd, availbytes), (int64_t)volumeBlockSize),
                                    (uint32_t)howmany(MIN(maximumBytes, availbytes), (int64_t)volumeBlockSize),
        if (err == dskFulErr) {
            if (forceContig) {
                if (allowFlushTxns == 0) {
                    /* If we're forcing contiguity, re-try but allow plucking from recently freed regions */
                    allowFlushTxns = 1;
                    wantContig = 1;
                    err = noErr;
                else {
                    break;            // AllocContig failed because not enough contiguous space
            if (wantContig) {
                //    Couldn't get one big chunk, so get whatever we can.
                err = noErr;
                wantContig = false;
            if (actualNumBlocks != 0)
                err = noErr;

            if (useMetaZone == 0) {
                /* Couldn't get anything so dip into metadat zone */
                err = noErr;
                useMetaZone = 1;

            /* If we couldn't find what we needed without flushing the journal, then go ahead and do it now */
            if (allowFlushTxns == 0) {
                allowFlushTxns = 1;
                err = noErr;

        if (err == noErr) {
            //    Add the new extent to the existing extent record, or create a new one.
            if ((actualStartBlock == startBlock) && (blockHint == 0)) {
                //    We grew the file's last extent, so just adjust the number of blocks.
                foundData[foundIndex].blockCount += actualNumBlocks;
                err = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
                if (err != noErr) break;
            else {
                u_int16_t    i;

                //    Need to add a new extent.  See if there is room in the current record.
                if (foundData[foundIndex].blockCount != 0)    //    Is current extent free to use?
                    ++foundIndex;                            //     No, so use the next one.
                if (foundIndex == numExtentsPerRecord) {
                    //    This record is full.  Need to create a new one.
                    if (FTOC(fcb)->c_fileid == kHFSExtentsFileID) {
                        (void) BlockDeallocate(vcb, actualStartBlock, actualNumBlocks, 0);
                        err = dskFulErr;        // Oops.  Can't extend extents file past first record.

                    foundKey.keyLength = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
                    if (FORK_IS_RSRC(fcb))
                        foundKey.forkType = kResourceForkType;
                        foundKey.forkType = kDataForkType;
                    foundKey.pad = 0;
                    foundKey.fileID = FTOC(fcb)->c_fileid;
                    foundKey.startBlock = nextBlock;

                    foundData[0].startBlock = actualStartBlock;
                    foundData[0].blockCount = actualNumBlocks;

                    // zero out remaining extents...
                    for (i = 1; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; ++i)
                        foundData[i].startBlock = 0;
                        foundData[i].blockCount = 0;

                    foundIndex = 0;

                    err = CreateExtentRecord(vcb, &foundKey, foundData, &hint);
                    if (err == fxOvFlErr) {
                        //    We couldn't create an extent record because extents B-tree
                        //    couldn't grow.  Dellocate the extent just allocated and
                        //    return a disk full error.
                        (void) BlockDeallocate(vcb, actualStartBlock, actualNumBlocks, 0);
                        err = dskFulErr;
                    if (err != noErr) break;

                    needsFlush = true;        //    We need to update the B-tree header
                else {
                    //    Add a new extent into this record and update.
                    foundData[foundIndex].startBlock = actualStartBlock;
                    foundData[foundIndex].blockCount = actualNumBlocks;
                    err = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, 0, &foundKey, foundData, hint);
                    if (err != noErr) break;

            // Figure out how many bytes were actually allocated.
            // NOTE: BlockAllocate could have allocated more than we asked for.
            // Don't set the PEOF beyond what our client asked for.
            nextBlock += actualNumBlocks;
            bytesThisExtent = (int64_t)((int64_t)actualNumBlocks * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize);
            if (bytesThisExtent > bytesToAdd) {
                bytesToAdd = 0;
            else {
                bytesToAdd -= bytesThisExtent;
                maximumBytes -= bytesThisExtent;
            fcb->ff_blocks += (bytesThisExtent / volumeBlockSize);
            FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks += (bytesThisExtent / volumeBlockSize);
            FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;

            //    If contiguous allocation was requested, then we've already got one contiguous
            //    chunk.  If we didn't get all we wanted, then adjust the error to disk full.
            if (forceContig) {
                if (bytesToAdd != 0)
                    err = dskFulErr;
                break;            //    We've already got everything that's contiguous
    } while (err == noErr && bytesToAdd);

    if (VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_flags & HFS_METADATA_ZONE) {
        /* Keep the roving allocator out of the metadata zone. */
        if (vcb->nextAllocation >= VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_metazone_start &&
            vcb->nextAllocation <= VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_metazone_end) {
            hfs_lock_mount (hfsmp);
            HFS_UPDATE_NEXT_ALLOCATION(vcb, VCBTOHFS(vcb)->hfs_metazone_end + 1);
    if (prevblocks < fcb->ff_blocks) {
        *actualBytesAdded = (int64_t)(fcb->ff_blocks - prevblocks) * (int64_t)volumeBlockSize;
    } else {
        *actualBytesAdded = 0;

    if (needsFlush)
        (void) FlushExtentFile(vcb);

    return err;

// Routine:        TruncateFileC
// Function:     Truncates the disk space allocated to a file.  The file space is
//                truncated to a specified new PEOF rounded up to the next allocation
//                block boundry.  If the 'TFTrunExt' option is specified, the file is
//                truncated to the end of the extent containing the new PEOF.

OSErr TruncateFileC (
                     ExtendedVCB        *vcb,                // volume that file resides on
                     FCB                *fcb,                // FCB of file to truncate
                     int64_t            peof,                // new physical size for file
                     int                deleted,            // if nonzero, the file's catalog record has already been deleted.
                     int                rsrc,                // does this represent a resource fork or not?
                     uint32_t        fileid,                // the fileid of the file we're manipulating.
                     Boolean            truncateToExtent)    // if true, truncate to end of extent containing newPEOF

    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            nextBlock;        //    next file allocation block to consider
    u_int32_t            startBlock;        //    Physical (volume) allocation block number of start of a range
    u_int32_t            physNumBlocks;    //    Number of allocation blocks in file (according to PEOF)
    u_int32_t            numBlocks;
    HFSPlusExtentKey    key;            //    key for current extent record; key->keyLength == 0 if FCB's extent record
    u_int32_t            hint;            //    BTree hint corresponding to key
    HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentRecord;
    u_int32_t            extentIndex;
    u_int32_t            extentNextBlock;
    u_int32_t            numExtentsPerRecord;
    int64_t             temp64;
    u_int8_t            forkType;
    Boolean                extentChanged;    // true if we actually changed an extent
    Boolean                recordDeleted;    // true if an extent record got deleted

    recordDeleted = false;

    if (vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord) {
        numExtentsPerRecord = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;
    else {
        numExtentsPerRecord = kHFSExtentDensity;

    if (rsrc) {
        forkType = kResourceForkType;
    else {
        forkType = kDataForkType;

    temp64 = fcb->ff_blocks;
    physNumBlocks = (u_int32_t)temp64;

    //    Round newPEOF up to a multiple of the allocation block size.  If new size is
    //    two gigabytes or more, then round down by one allocation block (??? really?
    //    shouldn't that be an error?).
    nextBlock = (uint32_t)howmany(peof, (int64_t)vcb->blockSize);    // number of allocation blocks to remain in file
    peof = (int64_t)((int64_t)nextBlock * (int64_t)vcb->blockSize);                    // number of bytes in those blocks

    //    Update FCB's length
     * XXX Any errors could cause ff_blocks and c_blocks to get out of sync...
    numBlocks = (uint32_t)( peof / (int64_t)vcb->blockSize );
    if (!deleted) {
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks -= (fcb->ff_blocks - numBlocks);
    fcb->ff_blocks = numBlocks;

    // this catalog entry is modified and *must* get forced
    // to disk when hfs_update() is called
    if (!deleted) {
         * If the file is already C_NOEXISTS, then the catalog record
         * has been removed from disk already.  We wouldn't need to force
         * another update
        FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
    //    If the new PEOF is 0, then truncateToExtent has no meaning (we should always deallocate
    //    all storage).
    if (peof == 0) {
        int i;

        //    Deallocate all the extents for this fork
        err = DeallocateFork(vcb, fileid, forkType, fcb->fcbExtents, &recordDeleted);
        if (err != noErr) goto ErrorExit;    //    got some error, so return it

        //    Update the catalog extent record (making sure it's zeroed out)
        if (err == noErr) {
            for (i=0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; i++) {
                fcb->fcbExtents[i].startBlock = 0;
                fcb->fcbExtents[i].blockCount = 0;
        goto Done;

    //    Find the extent containing byte (peof-1).  This is the last extent we'll keep.
    //    (If truncateToExtent is true, we'll keep the whole extent; otherwise, we'll only
    //    keep up through peof).  The search will tell us how many allocation blocks exist
    //    in the found extent plus all previous extents.
    err = SearchExtentFile(vcb, fcb, peof-1, &key, extentRecord, &extentIndex, &hint, &extentNextBlock);
    if (err != noErr) goto ErrorExit;

    extentChanged = false;        //    haven't changed the extent yet

    if (!truncateToExtent) {
        //    Shorten this extent.  It may be the case that the entire extent gets
        //    freed here.
        numBlocks = extentNextBlock - nextBlock;    //    How many blocks in this extent to free up
        if (numBlocks != 0) {
            //    Compute first volume allocation block to free
            startBlock = extentRecord[extentIndex].startBlock + extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount - numBlocks;
            //    Free the blocks in bitmap
            err = BlockDeallocate(vcb, startBlock, numBlocks, 0);
            if (err != noErr) goto ErrorExit;
            //    Adjust length of this extent
            extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount -= numBlocks;
            //    If extent is empty, set start block to 0
            if (extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount == 0)
                extentRecord[extentIndex].startBlock = 0;
            //    Remember that we changed the extent record
            extentChanged = true;

    //    Now move to the next extent in the record, and set up the file allocation block number
    nextBlock = extentNextBlock;        //    Next file allocation block to free
    ++extentIndex;                        //    Its index within the extent record

    //    Release all following extents in this extent record.  Update the record.
    while (extentIndex < numExtentsPerRecord && extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount != 0) {
        numBlocks = extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount;
        //    Deallocate this extent
        err = BlockDeallocate(vcb, extentRecord[extentIndex].startBlock, numBlocks, 0);
        if (err != noErr) goto ErrorExit;
        //    Update next file allocation block number
        nextBlock += numBlocks;
        //    Zero out start and length of this extent to delete it from record
        extentRecord[extentIndex].startBlock = 0;
        extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount = 0;
        //    Remember that we changed an extent
        extentChanged = true;
        //    Move to next extent in record

    //    If any of the extents in the current record were changed, then update that
    //    record (in the FCB, or extents file).
    if (extentChanged) {
        err = UpdateExtentRecord(vcb, fcb, deleted, &key, extentRecord, hint);
        if (err != noErr) goto ErrorExit;

    //    If there are any following allocation blocks, then we need
    //    to seach for their extent records and delete those allocation
    //    blocks.
    if (nextBlock < physNumBlocks)
        err = TruncateExtents(vcb, forkType, fileid, nextBlock, &recordDeleted);

    if (recordDeleted)
        (void) FlushExtentFile(vcb);

    return err;

 * HFS Plus only
OSErr HeadTruncateFile (
                        ExtendedVCB  *vcb,
                        FCB  *fcb,
                        u_int32_t  headblks)
    HFSPlusExtentRecord  extents;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord  tailExtents;
    HFSCatalogNodeID  fileID;
    u_int8_t  forkType;
    u_int32_t  blkcnt = 0;
    u_int32_t  startblk;
    u_int32_t  blksfreed;
    int  i, j;
    int  error = 0;
    int  lockflags;

    if (vcb->vcbSigWord != kHFSPlusSigWord)
        return (-1);

    forkType = FORK_IS_RSRC(fcb) ? kResourceForkType : kDataForkType;
    fileID = FTOC(fcb)->c_fileid;
    bzero(tailExtents, sizeof(tailExtents));

    blksfreed = 0;
    startblk = 0;

     * Process catalog resident extents
    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; ++i) {
        blkcnt = fcb->fcbExtents[i].blockCount;
        if (blkcnt == 0)
            break;  /* end of extents */

        if (blksfreed < headblks) {
            error = BlockDeallocate(vcb, fcb->fcbExtents[i].startBlock, blkcnt, 0);
             * Any errors after the first BlockDeallocate
             * must be ignored so we can put the file in
             * a known state.
            if (error ) {
                if (i == 0)
                    goto ErrorExit;  /* uh oh */
                else {
                    error = 0;
                    LFHFS_LOG(LEVEL_ERROR , "HeadTruncateFile: problems deallocating %s (%d)\n",FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr ? (const char *)FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr : "", error);

            blksfreed += blkcnt;
            fcb->fcbExtents[i].startBlock = 0;
            fcb->fcbExtents[i].blockCount = 0;
        } else {
            tailExtents[j].startBlock = fcb->fcbExtents[i].startBlock;
            tailExtents[j].blockCount = blkcnt;
        startblk += blkcnt;

    if (blkcnt == 0)
        goto CopyExtents;

    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

     * Process overflow extents
    for (;;) {
        u_int32_t  extblks;

        error = FindExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startblk, false, NULL, extents, NULL);
        if (error) {
             * Any errors after the first BlockDeallocate
             * must be ignored so we can put the file in
             * a known state.
            if (error != btNotFound)
                LFHFS_LOG(LEVEL_ERROR , "HeadTruncateFile: problems finding extents %s (%d)\n",
                          FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr ? (const char *)FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr : "", error);
            error = 0;

        for(i = 0, extblks = 0; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; ++i) {
            blkcnt = extents[i].blockCount;
            if (blkcnt == 0)
                break;  /* end of extents */

            if (blksfreed < headblks) {
                error = BlockDeallocate(vcb, extents[i].startBlock, blkcnt, 0);
                if (error) {
                    LFHFS_LOG(LEVEL_ERROR , "HeadTruncateFile: problems deallocating %s (%d)\n",
                              FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr ? (const char *)FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr : "", error);
                blksfreed += blkcnt;
            } else {
                tailExtents[j].startBlock = extents[i].startBlock;
                tailExtents[j].blockCount = blkcnt;
            extblks += blkcnt;

        error = DeleteExtentRecord(vcb, forkType, fileID, startblk);
        if (error) {
            LFHFS_LOG(LEVEL_ERROR , "HeadTruncateFile: problems deallocating %s (%d)\n",
                      FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr ? (const char *)FTOC(fcb)->c_desc.cd_nameptr : "", error);
            error = 0;

        if (blkcnt == 0)
            break;  /* all done */

        startblk += extblks;
    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);

    if (blksfreed) {
        bcopy(tailExtents, fcb->fcbExtents, sizeof(tailExtents));
        blkcnt = fcb->ff_blocks - headblks;
        FTOC(fcb)->c_blocks -= headblks;
        fcb->ff_blocks = blkcnt;

        FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
        FTOC(fcb)->c_touch_chgtime = TRUE;

        (void) FlushExtentFile(vcb);

    return MacToVFSError(error);

//    Routine:    SearchExtentRecord (was XRSearch)
//    Function:     Searches extent record for the extent mapping a given file
//                allocation block number (FABN).
//    Input:        searchFABN              -  desired FABN
//                extentData              -  pointer to extent data record (xdr)
//                extentDataStartFABN      -  beginning FABN for extent record
//    Output:        foundExtentDataOffset  -  offset to extent entry within xdr
//                            result = noErr, offset to extent mapping desired FABN
//                            result = FXRangeErr, offset to last extent in record
//                endingFABNPlusOne    -  ending FABN +1
//                noMoreExtents        - True if the extent was not found, and the
//                                      extent record was not full (so don't bother
//                                      looking in subsequent records); false otherwise.
//    Result:        noErr = ok
//                FXRangeErr = desired FABN > last mapped FABN in record

static OSErr SearchExtentRecord(
                                ExtendedVCB        *vcb,
                                u_int32_t                searchFABN,
                                const HFSPlusExtentRecord    extentData,
                                u_int32_t                extentDataStartFABN,
                                u_int32_t                *foundExtentIndex,
                                u_int32_t                *endingFABNPlusOne,
                                Boolean                    *noMoreExtents)
    OSErr    err = noErr;
    u_int32_t    extentIndex;
    /* Set it to the HFS std value */
    u_int32_t    numberOfExtents = kHFSExtentDensity;
    u_int32_t    numAllocationBlocks;
    Boolean    foundExtent;

    *endingFABNPlusOne     = extentDataStartFABN;
    *noMoreExtents        = false;
    foundExtent            = false;

    /* Override numberOfExtents for HFS+/HFSX */
    numberOfExtents = kHFSPlusExtentDensity;

    for( extentIndex = 0; extentIndex < numberOfExtents; ++extentIndex )

        // Loop over the extent record and find the search FABN.

        numAllocationBlocks = extentData[extentIndex].blockCount;
        if ( numAllocationBlocks == 0 )

        *endingFABNPlusOne += numAllocationBlocks;

        if( searchFABN < *endingFABNPlusOne )
            // Found the extent.
            foundExtent = true;

    if( foundExtent )
        // Found the extent. Note the extent offset
        *foundExtentIndex = extentIndex;
        // Did not find the extent. Set foundExtentDataOffset accordingly
        if( extentIndex > 0 )
            *foundExtentIndex = extentIndex - 1;
            *foundExtentIndex = 0;

        // If we found an empty extent, then set noMoreExtents.
        if (extentIndex < numberOfExtents)
            *noMoreExtents = true;

        // Finally, return an error to the caller
        err = fxRangeErr;

    return( err );

//    Routine:    SearchExtentFile (was XFSearch)
//    Function:     Searches extent file (including the FCB resident extent record)
//                for the extent mapping a given file position.
//    Input:        vcb              -  VCB pointer
//                fcb              -  FCB pointer
//                filePosition      -  file position (byte address)
// Output:        foundExtentKey          -  extent key record (xkr)
//                            If extent was found in the FCB's resident extent record,
//                            then foundExtentKey->keyLength will be set to 0.
//                foundExtentData            -  extent data record(xdr)
//                foundExtentIndex      -  index to extent entry in xdr
//                            result =  0, offset to extent mapping desired FABN
//                            result = FXRangeErr, offset to last extent in record
//                                     (i.e., kNumExtentsPerRecord-1)
//                extentBTreeHint          -  BTree hint for extent record
//                            kNoHint = Resident extent record
//                endingFABNPlusOne          -  ending FABN +1
//    Result:
//        noErr            Found an extent that contains the given file position
//        FXRangeErr        Given position is beyond the last allocated extent
//        (other)            (some other internal I/O error)
OSErr SearchExtentFile(
                       ExtendedVCB     *vcb,
                       const FCB             *fcb,
                       int64_t             filePosition,
                       HFSPlusExtentKey    *foundExtentKey,
                       HFSPlusExtentRecord    foundExtentData,
                       u_int32_t            *foundExtentIndex,
                       u_int32_t            *extentBTreeHint,
                       u_int32_t            *endingFABNPlusOne )
    OSErr                err;
    u_int32_t            filePositionBlock;
    int64_t                         temp64;
    Boolean                noMoreExtents;
    int  lockflags;

    temp64 = filePosition / (int64_t)vcb->blockSize;
    filePositionBlock = (u_int32_t)temp64;

    bcopy ( fcb->fcbExtents, foundExtentData, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));

    //    Search the resident FCB first.
    err = SearchExtentRecord( vcb, filePositionBlock, foundExtentData, 0,
                             foundExtentIndex, endingFABNPlusOne, &noMoreExtents );

    if( err == noErr ) {
        // Found the extent. Set results accordingly
        *extentBTreeHint = kNoHint;            // no hint, because not in the BTree
        foundExtentKey->keyLength = 0;        // 0 = the FCB itself

        goto Exit;

    //    Didn't find extent in FCB.  If FCB's extent record wasn't full, there's no point
    //    in searching the extents file.  Note that SearchExtentRecord left us pointing at
    //    the last valid extent (or the first one, if none were valid).  This means we need
    //    to fill in the hint and key outputs, just like the "if" statement above.
    if ( noMoreExtents ) {
        *extentBTreeHint = kNoHint;            // no hint, because not in the BTree
        foundExtentKey->keyLength = 0;        // 0 = the FCB itself
        err = fxRangeErr;        // There are no more extents, so must be beyond PEOF
        goto Exit;

    //    Find the desired record, or the previous record if it is the same fork
    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

    err = FindExtentRecord(vcb, FORK_IS_RSRC(fcb) ? kResourceForkType : kDataForkType,
                           FTOC(fcb)->c_fileid, filePositionBlock, true, foundExtentKey, foundExtentData, extentBTreeHint);
    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);

    if (err == btNotFound) {
        //    If we get here, the desired position is beyond the extents in the FCB, and there are no extents
        //    in the extents file.  Return the FCB's extents and a range error.
        *extentBTreeHint = kNoHint;
        foundExtentKey->keyLength = 0;
        (void)GetFCBExtentRecord(fcb, foundExtentData);
        //    Note: foundExtentIndex and endingFABNPlusOne have already been set as a result of the very
        //    first SearchExtentRecord call in this function (when searching in the FCB's extents, and
        //    we got a range error).

        return fxRangeErr;

    //    If we get here, there was either a BTree error, or we found an appropriate record.
    //    If we found a record, then search it for the correct index into the extents.
    if (err == noErr) {
        //    Find appropriate index into extent record
        err = SearchExtentRecord(vcb, filePositionBlock, foundExtentData, foundExtentKey->startBlock,
                                 foundExtentIndex, endingFABNPlusOne, &noMoreExtents);

    return err;

//    Routine:    UpdateExtentRecord
//    Function:     Write new extent data to an existing extent record with a given key.
//                If all of the extents are empty, and the extent record is in the
//                extents file, then the record is deleted.
//    Input:        vcb                          -    the volume containing the extents
//                fcb                        -    the file that owns the extents
//                deleted                    -    whether or not the file is already deleted
//                extentFileKey              -    pointer to extent key record (xkr)
//                        If the key length is 0, then the extents are actually part
//                        of the catalog record, stored in the FCB.
//                extentData              -    pointer to extent data record (xdr)
//                extentBTreeHint            -    hint for given key, or kNoHint
//    Result:        noErr = ok
//                (other) = error from BTree

static OSErr UpdateExtentRecord (ExtendedVCB *vcb, FCB  *fcb, int deleted,
                                 const HFSPlusExtentKey  *extentFileKey,
                                 const HFSPlusExtentRecord  extentData,
                                 u_int32_t  extentBTreeHint)
    OSErr err = noErr;

    if (extentFileKey->keyLength == 0) {    // keyLength == 0 means the FCB's extent record
        BlockMoveData(extentData, fcb->fcbExtents, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
        if (!deleted) {
            FTOC(fcb)->c_flag |= C_MODIFIED;
    else {
        BTreeIterator *btIterator = NULL;
        FSBufferDescriptor btRecord;
        u_int16_t btRecordSize;
        FCB * btFCB;
        int lockflags;

        //    Need to find and change a record in Extents BTree
        btFCB = GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum);

        btIterator = hfs_mallocz(sizeof(BTreeIterator));

         * The lock taken by callers of ExtendFileC/TruncateFileC is
         * speculative and only occurs when the file already has
         * overflow extents. So we need to make sure we have the lock
         * here.  The extents btree lock can be nested (its recursive)
         * so we always take it here.
        lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

        /* HFS+/HFSX */
        HFSPlusExtentRecord    foundData;        // The extent data actually found

        BlockMoveData(extentFileKey, &btIterator->key, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey));

        btIterator->hint.index = 0;
        btIterator->hint.nodeNum = extentBTreeHint;

        btRecord.bufferAddress = &foundData;
        btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
        btRecord.itemCount = 1;

        err = BTSearchRecord(btFCB, btIterator, &btRecord, &btRecordSize, btIterator);

        if (err == noErr) {
            BlockMoveData(extentData, &foundData, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));
            err = BTReplaceRecord(btFCB, btIterator, &btRecord, btRecordSize);
        (void) BTFlushPath(btFCB);

        hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);


    return err;

static OSErr GetFCBExtentRecord(
                                const FCB            *fcb,
                                HFSPlusExtentRecord    extents)

    BlockMoveData(fcb->fcbExtents, extents, sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord));

    return noErr;

// Routine:        ExtentsAreIntegral
// Purpose:        Ensure that each extent can hold an integral number of nodes
//                Called by the NodesAreContiguous function

static Boolean ExtentsAreIntegral(
                                  const HFSPlusExtentRecord extentRecord,
                                  u_int32_t    mask,
                                  u_int32_t    *blocksChecked,
                                  Boolean        *checkedLastExtent)
    u_int32_t    blocks;
    u_int32_t    extentIndex;

    *blocksChecked = 0;
    *checkedLastExtent = false;

    for(extentIndex = 0; extentIndex < kHFSPlusExtentDensity; extentIndex++)
        blocks = extentRecord[extentIndex].blockCount;

        if ( blocks == 0 )
            *checkedLastExtent = true;

        *blocksChecked += blocks;

        if (blocks & mask)
            return false;

    return true;

// Routine:        NodesAreContiguous
// Purpose:        Ensure that all b-tree nodes are contiguous on disk
//                Called by BTOpenPath during volume mount

Boolean NodesAreContiguous(
                           ExtendedVCB    *vcb,
                           FCB            *fcb,
                           u_int32_t    nodeSize)
    u_int32_t            mask;
    u_int32_t            startBlock;
    u_int32_t            blocksChecked;
    u_int32_t            hint;
    HFSPlusExtentKey    key;
    HFSPlusExtentRecord    extents;
    OSErr                result;
    Boolean                lastExtentReached;
    int  lockflags;

    if (vcb->blockSize >= nodeSize)
        return TRUE;

    mask = (nodeSize / vcb->blockSize) - 1;

    // check the local extents
    (void) GetFCBExtentRecord(fcb, extents);
    if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) )
        return FALSE;

    if ( lastExtentReached ||
        (int64_t)((int64_t)blocksChecked * (int64_t)vcb->blockSize) >= (int64_t)fcb->ff_size)
        return TRUE;

    startBlock = blocksChecked;

    lockflags = hfs_systemfile_lock(vcb, SFL_EXTENTS, HFS_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK);

    // check the overflow extents (if any)
    while ( !lastExtentReached )
        result = FindExtentRecord(vcb, kDataForkType, fcb->ff_cp->c_fileid, startBlock, FALSE, &key, extents, &hint);
        if (result) break;

        if ( !ExtentsAreIntegral(extents, mask, &blocksChecked, &lastExtentReached) ) {
            hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);
            return FALSE;
        startBlock += blocksChecked;
    hfs_systemfile_unlock(vcb, lockflags);
    return TRUE;