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Using Multiple Landing Page Templates

HeaderDoc 8 is not limited to a single landing page template. You can generate multiple landing pages with different content if desired. To do this, you might add a line in your configuration file like this:

TOCTemplateFile => toctemplate.html functions.tmpl

Next, create a pair of template files called toctemplate.html and functions.tmpl. In the file toctemplate.html, you can link to the functions index like this:

<A href="$$frameworkdir@@-functions.html">Functions Index</A><p>

In the functions template, you can link to the main TOC like this:

<A href="$$tocname@@">Headers Index</A><p>

When you run gatherHeaderDoc, you will now get two HTML landing pages, one for each template.

The first template file, toctemplate.html, is treated as the “main” template page. Its contents are output in the location specified by the masterTOCName variable in the configuration file (masterTOC.html by default).

The second template file, functions.tmpl, results in a second HTML landing page whose name is derived from the directory name of the framework, followed by a dash, followed by the template filename (without any “.html” or “.tmpl” extensions), followed by “.html”.

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