# Copyright (c) AT&T Corp. 1994, 1995. # This code is licensed by AT&T Corp. For the # terms and conditions of the license, see # http://www.research.att.com/orgs/ssr/book/reuse function rgb_to_hsb(r,g,b) { r = r / 255.0; g = g / 255.0; b = b / 255.0; max = r; if (max < g) max = g; if (max < b) max = b; min = r; if (min > g) min = g; if (min > b) min = b; v = max; if (max != 0) s = (max - min) / max; else s = 0; if (s == 0) h = 0; else { delta = max - min; rc = (max - r)/delta; gc = (max - g)/delta; bc = (max - b)/delta; if (r == max) h = bc - gc; else { if (g == max) h = 2.0 + (rc - bc); else h = 4.0 + (gc - rc); } h = h * 60.0; if (h < 0.0) h = h + 360.0; } h = h / 360.0 * 255.0; s = s * 255.0; v = v * 255.0; } BEGIN { s = ARGV[1]; gsub("\\.","_",s); printf("hsbcolor_t %s[] = {\n",s); } /^$/ { next; } /^#/ { next; } { rgb_to_hsb($2,$3,$4); printf("{\"%s\",%d,%d,%d},\n",$1,h,s,v); } END { printf("};\n"); }