Authors of GNU tar. The following contributions warranted legal paper exchanges with the Free Software Foundation. Also see files ChangeLog and THANKS. TAR Jay Fenlason Assigns his changes. TAR Richard E Salz 1993-03-11 Disclaims changes to getdate.y. TAR MANUAL (?) Amy Gorin (US 1963) 1995-01-10 Assigns the Tar Manual. TAR Francois Pinard Canada 1949 1996-02-01 Assigns past and future changes. TAR Melissa Weisshaus US 1966 1997-04-09 Assigns changes to the manual and future changes. TAR Thomas Michael Innis Bushnell US 1967 1997-04-09 Assigns changes. TAR Thomas Michael Innis Bushnell US 1967 1997-04-09 Assigns changes to manual.