ImageType.xml   [plain text]

<option type="enum" id="opt/@@DRVNAME@@-imagetype">
  <!-- A multilingual <comments> block can appear here, too;
       it should be treated as documentation for the user. -->
   <en>Image Type</en>
   <en>ImageType</en><!-- backends only know <en> shortnames! -->
   <arg_substitution />
     <constraint sense="true">
   <enum_val id="@@DRVNAME@@-LineArt">
     <en>Line art</en>
    <!-- A multilingual <comments> block can appear here, too;
         it should be treated as documentation for the user. -->
     <!-- Until someone tells me how to learn the user locale in
          backends, the shortname must be monolingual in <en>! -->
   <enum_val id="@@DRVNAME@@-SolidColors">
     <en>Primarily solid colors or smooth gradients</en>
    <!-- A multilingual <comments> block can appear here, too;
         it should be treated as documentation for the user. -->
     <!-- Until someone tells me how to learn the user locale in
          backends, the shortname must be monolingual in <en>! -->
   <enum_val id="@@DRVNAME@@-Photographs">
     <en>Continuous-tone photographs</en>
    <!-- A multilingual <comments> block can appear here, too;
         it should be treated as documentation for the user. -->
     <!-- Until someone tells me how to learn the user locale in
          backends, the shortname must be monolingual in <en>! -->