scm-lang.h   [plain text]

/* Scheme/Guile language support routines for GDB, the GNU debugger.
   Copyright 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This file is part of GDB.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#define SICP
#include "scm-tags.h"
#define SCM_NCELLP(x) 	((SCM_SIZE-1) & (int)(x))
#define SCM_ITAG8_DATA(X)	((X)>>8)
#define SCM_ICHR(x)	((unsigned char)SCM_ITAG8_DATA(x))
#define SCM_ICHRP(x)    (SCM_ITAG8(x) == scm_tc8_char)
#define scm_tc8_char 0xf4
#define SCM_IFLAGP(n)            ((0x87 & (int)(n))==4)
#define SCM_ISYMNUM(n)           ((int)((n)>>9))
#define SCM_ISYMCHARS(n)         (scm_isymnames[SCM_ISYMNUM(n)])
#define SCM_ILOCP(n)             ((0xff & (int)(n))==0xfc)
#define SCM_ITAG8(X)             ((int)(X) & 0xff)
#define SCM_TYP7(x)              (0x7f & (int)SCM_CAR(x))
#define SCM_LENGTH(x) (((unsigned long)SCM_CAR(x))>>8)
#define SCM_NCONSP(x) (1 & (int)SCM_CAR(x))
#define SCM_NECONSP(x) (SCM_NCONSP(x) && (1 != SCM_TYP3(x)))
#define SCM_CAR(x) scm_get_field (x, 0)
#define SCM_CDR(x) scm_get_field (x, 1)
#define SCM_VELTS(x) ((SCM *)SCM_CDR(x))
#define SCM_CLOSCAR(x) (SCM_CAR(x)-scm_tc3_closure)
#define SCM_MAKINUM(x) (((x)<<2)+2L)

/* Forward decls for prototypes */
struct value;

extern int scm_value_print (struct value *, struct ui_file *,
			    int, enum val_prettyprint);

extern int scm_val_print (struct type *, char *, int, CORE_ADDR,
			  struct ui_file *, int, int, int,
			  enum val_prettyprint);

extern LONGEST scm_get_field (LONGEST, int);

extern void scm_scmval_print (LONGEST, struct ui_file *, int, int, int,
			      enum val_prettyprint);

extern int is_scmvalue_type (struct type *);

extern void scm_printchar (int, struct ui_file *);

extern struct value *scm_evaluate_string (char *, int);

extern struct type *builtin_type_scm;

extern int scm_parse (void);

extern LONGEST scm_unpack (struct type *, char *, enum type_code);