stackwin.itb   [plain text]

# Stack window for Insight.
# Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002 Red Hat
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  CONSTRUCTOR - create new stack window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::constructor {args} {    
  add_hook gdb_no_inferior_hook [code $this no_inferior]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  DESTRUCTOR - destroy window containing widget
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::destructor {} {
  remove_hook gdb_no_inferior_hook [code $this no_inferior]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  build_win - build the main register window
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::build_win {} {
  global tcl_platform

  itk_component add slb {
    iwidgets::scrolledlistbox $itk_interior.s \
      -vscrollmode dynamic -hscrollmode dynamic \
      -selectmode single -exportselection false -visibleitems 30x15 \
      -textfont global/fixed -selectioncommand [code $this change_frame]

  [$itk_component(slb) component listbox] configure \
    -bg $::Colors(textbg) -fg $::Colors(textfg)

  # Add sizebox for windows
  if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] == 0} {
    ide_sizebox $itk_interior.sbox
    place $itk_interior.sbox -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -anchor se

  update dummy

  pack $itk_interior.s -side left -expand yes -fill both

  window_name "Stack"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  update - update widget when PC changes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::update {event} {
  global gdb_selected_frame_level

  if {!$protect_me} {
    # The gdb_stack command might fail, for instance if you are browsing
    # a trace experiment, and the stack has not been collected.

    if {[catch {gdb_stack 0 -1} frames]} {
      dbug W "Error in stack collection $frames"
      set frames {}

    if {[llength $frames] == 0} {
      $itk_component(slb) delete 0 end
      $itk_component(slb) insert end {NO STACK}
    $itk_component(slb) delete 0 end
    set levels 0
    foreach frame $frames {
      set len [string length $frame]

      if {$len > $maxwidth} {
	set maxwidth $len
      $itk_component(slb) insert end $frame
      incr levels

    # this next section checks to see if the source
    # window is looking at some location other than the 
    # bottom of the stack.  If so, highlight the stack frame
    set level [expr {$levels - $gdb_selected_frame_level - 1}]
    $itk_component(slb) selection set $level
    $itk_component(slb) see $level

body StackWin::idle {event} {
  set Running 0
  cursor {}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  change_frame - change the current frame
#        This body StackWin::is currently ONLY called from the mouse binding
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::change_frame {} {

  if {!$Running && [$itk_component(slb) size] != 0} {
    set sel [$itk_component(slb) curselection]
    set size [$itk_component(slb) size]
    set frame_num [expr {$size - $sel - 1}]
    catch {gdb_cmd "frame $frame_num"}
    # Run idle hooks and cause all widgets to update
    set protect_me 1
    set protect_me 0

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  reconfig - used when preferences change
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::reconfig {} {
  destroy $itk_interior.s
  if {[winfo exists $itk_interior.sbox]} { destroy $itk_interior.sbox }

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  PUBLIC METHOD:  busy - BusyEvent handler
#                  This method should cause blocking of clicks in
#                  the window and change mouse pointer.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::busy {event} {
  set Running 1
  cursor watch

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  no_inferior - gdb_no_inferior_hook
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::no_inferior {} {
  set Running 0
  cursor {}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  METHOD:  cursor - set the window cursor
#        This is a convenience body StackWin::which simply sets the mouse
#        pointer to the given glyph.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
body StackWin::cursor {glyph} {
  set top [winfo toplevel $itk_interior]
  $top configure -cursor $glyph