[plain text]

	.macro comment text

	comment "Can't rely on assembler comment character so do this."

	.macro include arch file
	.include "\arch\file"

	comment "Declare a data variable"
	.macro gdbasm_datavar name value
	.word \value

comment " is responsible for defining the following macros:"
comment "enter - subroutine prologue"
comment "leave - subroutine epilogue"
comment "call - call a named subroutine"
comment "several_nops - execute several (typically 4) nops"
comment "exit0 - exit (0)"

comment " may also override the default definitions of:"
comment "datavar - define a data variable"

comment "macros to label a subroutine may also eventually be needed"
comment "i.e. .global foo\nfoo:\n"