Makefile   [plain text]

#                                                                                      #
#                                       Makefile                                       #
#                                                                                      #
#                       Makefile to build the gdb MacsBug plugin                       #
#                                                                                      #
#                                     Ira L. Ruben                                     #
#                      Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2001                        #
#                                                                                      #

# This Makefile can be used explicitly with make, or it can be used to install the
# MacsBug plugin with buildit.

# When used explicitly with make the following targets are available:

# all		Build the entire MacsBug plugin tree and its gdb plugin API.
# clean		Clean both the MacsBug and API objects and plugin.
# cleanmb	Clean only the MacsBug objects and plugin.

# The floowing defines may be set on the make line:

# VERSION	The version number of the MacsBug plugin (used for the DV command).

# SRCROOT	Which directory the MacsBug sources are in (default is .).

# SYMROOT	Target directory to contain plugin (MacsBug, default is .).

# OBJROOT	Directory to contain the Objects/ directory, i.e., where .o's go,
#		default is ./Objects).

# API_DIR	Directory containing the API sources and it's Makefile.  Currently
#		the default is SRCROOT, i.e., the API is a directory located within
#		the Macsbug directory.  If the API is made a separate project this
#		will change.

# When this Makefile is used with buildit BUILDIT_DIR should be set to where buildit
# is to create its output.  Buildit expects and uses the following targets:

# installsrc	Installs all the source and additional files for the build into
#		SRCROOT.  Use buildit's -noinstallsrc to suppress the source copy.

# clean		Clean both the MacsBug and API objects and plugin.  Use buildit's
#		-noclean to suppress the clean step.

# installhdrs	Does nothing since there are no headers to install.  Buildit's
#		-noinstallhdrs causes this step to be skipped.

# install	Installs the MacsBug plugin and assocated files into DSTROOT which is
#		defined by buildit.  Currently the following layout describes where the
#		default install places the files:

# 		/usr/libexec/gdb/plugins/MacsBug/
#     			   	   		 MacsBug
#     			   	   		 gdbinit-MacsBug-without-plugin
#     			   	   		 gdbinit-MacsBug
#     			   	   		 README.txt
#     			   	   		 README.html

# As a reminder here some other possibly "useful" buildit options: -noverify, -nosum.


VERSION				= 	1.0

SRCROOT				=	.
SYMROOT				=	.
OBJROOT				=	.
OFILE_DIR			=	$(OBJROOT)/Objects

IDIR				=	/usr/libexec/gdb/plugins/MacsBug

PLUGIN_SUPPORT			= 	$(API_DIR)/gdb_plugin_support

# The following defines $(gdb_plugin_support.o) as a function of using the Makefile
# by buildit or using it explicitly.  Only buildit will use the "install" target.  For
# that we want the API library in the SYMROOT.  For explict builds we leave the library
# in the API's own directory.

gdb_plugin_support.o		=	$(SYMROOT)/gdb_plugin_support.o

CC				=	cc


GDBINIT				=	gdbinit-MacsBug
OLD_GDBINIT			=	gdbinit-MacsBug-without-plugin

CFILES				=	MacsBug_plugins.c		\
					MacsBug_utils.c			\
					MacsBug_cmdline.c		\
					MacsBug_display.c		\
					MacsBug_patches.c		\
					MacsBug_set.c			\

HFILES				= 	MacsBug.h

HEADERS				=	$(HFILES:%=$(SRCROOT)/%) 	\


CFLAGS 				= 	-g 				\
					-O2				\
					-c				\
					-DVERSION=\""$(VERSION)"\"	\

LDFLAGS				=	-bundle 			\
					-undefined suppress

					MacsBug_testing.i		\
					$(HFILES)			\
					Makefile			\
					README.txt			\
					README.html			\
					install-MacsBug			\
					$(GDBINIT)			\

OBJS				= 	$(CFILES:%.c=$(OFILE_DIR)/%.o)

					README.html			\
					install-MacsBug			\


#                       *----------------*
#                       | Default Target |
#                       *----------------*

all				: 	$(OFILE_DIR)  			\
					$(SYMROOT)			\

#                       *-----------------*
#                       | Buildit Targets |
#                       *-----------------*

installsrc			:
	mkdir -p  $(SRCROOT)
	chmod 755 $(SRCROOT)
	gnutar cf - $(INSTALLSRC_FILES) | (cd $(SRCROOT); gnutar xf -)
	chmod 444 $(SRCROOT)/*
	cd gdb_plugin_support; make installsrc SRCROOT=$(SRCROOT)/gdb_plugin_support; cd ..

clean				:
	rm -rf $(OFILE_DIR) MacsBug $(gdb_plugin_support.o)
	cd $(PLUGIN_SUPPORT); make clean SRCROOT=$(PLUGIN_SUPPORT); cd ..

installhdrs			:	

install				:	all $(DSTDIR)
	cat $(GDBINIT) | sed 's,\(load-plugin[ \t]*\).*$$,\1'"$(DSTDIR)"'/MacsBug,' > "$(DSTDIR)/$(GDBINIT)"
	chmod 644 $(DSTDIR)/$(GDBINIT)
	strip -S $(SYMROOT)/MacsBug -o $(DSTDIR)/MacsBug
	chmod 755 $(DSTDIR)/MacsBug

#                        *-------------*
#                        | Build Rules |
#                        *-------------*

$(SYMROOT)/MacsBug 		: 	$(gdb_plugin_support.o) $(OBJS) 
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(gdb_plugin_support.o) -o $(SYMROOT)/MacsBug

$(OFILE_DIR)/MacsBug_utils.o 	: 	MacsBug_utils.c MacsBug_testing.i 	\
					$(HFILES) 				\
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(RC_CFLAGS) -o $(OFILE_DIR)/MacsBug_utils.o MacsBug_utils.c 

$(OFILE_DIR)/%.o		:	%.c					\
					$(HFILES)				\
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(RC_CFLAGS) -o $(OFILE_DIR)/$(notdir $*).o $<

	mkdir -p $@

$(gdb_plugin_support.o)		: 	force

force				:

cleanmb				:
	rm -rf $(OFILE_DIR) MacsBug
