unix.exp   [plain text]

load_lib utils.exp   ;# Get the file of utilities for Texinfo tests

default MAKEINFO makeinfo      ;# ensure Tcl var MAKEINFO has value

#                                   Ensure we can execute this tool
if [is_executable $MAKEINFO] then {
  verbose "$MAKEINFO is executable\n" 1
} else {
  perror "$MAKEINFO: cannot execute\n"
  exit 1                      ;# no point in running any makeinfo tests

# makeinfo_start undefined by choice; 
# 1) it makes it clearer where the output is to start
# $MAKEINFO directly with `catch' from each test case,
# and 
# 2) this takes no more lines than it would to call makeinfo_start

proc makeinfo_exit {} {}

proc makeinfo_version {} {
	global MAKEINFO
	set tmp [ exec $MAKEINFO --version ]
	regexp "version.*$" $tmp vn      ;# "vn" undef if pattern not found
	if [info exists vn] then {
		clone_output "[which $MAKEINFO] $vn\n"