simplify.c   [plain text]

/* Simplify intrinsic functions at compile-time.
   Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation,
   Contributed by Andy Vaught & Katherine Holcomb

This file is part of GCC.

GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later

GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GCC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.  */

#include "config.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "flags.h"

#include <string.h>

#include "gfortran.h"
#include "arith.h"
#include "intrinsic.h"

static mpf_t mpf_zero, mpf_half, mpf_one;
static mpz_t mpz_zero;

gfc_expr gfc_bad_expr;

/* Note that 'simplification' is not just transforming expressions.
   For functions that are not simplified at compile time, range
   checking is done if possible.

   The return convention is that each simplification function returns:

     A new expression node corresponding to the simplified arguments.
     The original arguments are destroyed by the caller, and must not
     be a part of the new expression.

     NULL pointer indicating that no simplification was possible and
     the original expression should remain intact.  If the
     simplification function sets the type and/or the function name
     via the pointer gfc_simple_expression, then this type is

     An expression pointer to gfc_bad_expr (a static placeholder)
     indicating that some error has prevented simplification.  For
     example, sqrt(-1.0).  The error is generated within the function
     and should be propagated upwards

   By the time a simplification function gets control, it has been
   decided that the function call is really supposed to be the
   intrinsic.  No type checking is strictly necessary, since only
   valid types will be passed on.  On the other hand, a simplification
   subroutine may have to look at the type of an argument as part of
   its processing.

   Array arguments are never passed to these subroutines.

   The functions in this file don't have much comment with them, but
   everything is reasonably straight-forward.  The Standard, chapter 13
   is the best comment you'll find for this file anyway.  */

/* Static table for converting non-ascii character sets to ascii.
   The xascii_table[] is the inverse table.  */

static int ascii_table[256] = {
  '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
  '\b', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\0', '\r', '\0', '\0',
  '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
  '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0',
  ' ', '!', '\'', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'',
  '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
  '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
  '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
  '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
  'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
  'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
  'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_',
  '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
  'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
  'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
  'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '\?'

static int xascii_table[256];

/* Range checks an expression node.  If all goes well, returns the
   node, otherwise returns &gfc_bad_expr and frees the node.  */

static gfc_expr *
range_check (gfc_expr * result, const char *name)

  if (gfc_range_check (result) == ARITH_OK)
    return result;

  gfc_error ("Result of %s overflows its kind at %L", name, &result->where);
  gfc_free_expr (result);
  return &gfc_bad_expr;

/* A helper function that gets an optional and possibly missing
   kind parameter.  Returns the kind, -1 if something went wrong.  */

static int
get_kind (bt type, gfc_expr * k, const char *name, int default_kind)
  int kind;

  if (k == NULL)
    return default_kind;

  if (k->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
      gfc_error ("KIND parameter of %s at %L must be an initialization "
		 "expression", name, &k->where);

      return -1;

  if (gfc_extract_int (k, &kind) != NULL
      || gfc_validate_kind (type, kind) == -1)

      gfc_error ("Invalid KIND parameter of %s at %L", name, &k->where);
      return -1;

  return kind;

/********************** Simplification functions *****************************/

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_abs (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t a, b;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

      mpz_abs (result->value.integer, e->value.integer);

      result = range_check (result, "IABS");

    case BT_REAL:
      result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

      mpf_abs (result->value.real, e->value.real);

      result = range_check (result, "ABS");

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

      mpf_init (a);
      mpf_mul (a, e->value.complex.r, e->value.complex.r);

      mpf_init (b);
      mpf_mul (b, e->value.complex.i, e->value.complex.i);

      mpf_add (a, a, b);
      mpf_sqrt (result->value.real, a);

      mpf_clear (a);
      mpf_clear (b);

      result = range_check (result, "CABS");

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_abs(): Bad type");

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_achar (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int index;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  /* We cannot assume that the native character set is ASCII in this
     function.  */
  if (gfc_extract_int (e, &index) != NULL || index < 0 || index > 127)
      gfc_error ("Extended ASCII not implemented: argument of ACHAR at %L "
		 "must be between 0 and 127", &e->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, gfc_default_character_kind (),

  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (2);

  result->value.character.length = 1;
  result->value.character.string[0] = ascii_table[index];
  result->value.character.string[1] = '\0';	/* For debugger */
  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_acos (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t negative, square, term;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, 1) > 0 || mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, -1) < 0)
      gfc_error ("Argument of ACOS at %L must be between -1 and 1",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, 1) == 0)
      mpf_set_ui (result->value.real, 0);
      return range_check (result, "ACOS");

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, -1) == 0)
      mpf_set (result->value.real, pi);
      return range_check (result, "ACOS");

  mpf_init (negative);
  mpf_init (square);
  mpf_init (term);

  mpf_pow_ui (square, x->value.real, 2);
  mpf_ui_sub (term, 1, square);
  mpf_sqrt (term, term);
  mpf_div (term, x->value.real, term);
  mpf_neg (term, term);
  arctangent (&term, &negative);
  mpf_add (result->value.real, half_pi, negative);

  mpf_clear (negative);
  mpf_clear (square);
  mpf_clear (term);

  return range_check (result, "ACOS");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_adjustl (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int count, i, len;
  char ch;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  len = e->value.character.length;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  result->value.character.length = len;
  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (len + 1);

  for (count = 0, i = 0; i < len; ++i)
      ch = e->value.character.string[i];
      if (ch != ' ')

  for (i = 0; i < len - count; ++i)
      result->value.character.string[i] =
	e->value.character.string[count + i];

  for (i = len - count; i < len; ++i)
      result->value.character.string[i] = ' ';

  result->value.character.string[len] = '\0';	/* For debugger */

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_adjustr (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int count, i, len;
  char ch;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  len = e->value.character.length;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  result->value.character.length = len;
  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (len + 1);

  for (count = 0, i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      ch = e->value.character.string[i];
      if (ch != ' ')

  for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      result->value.character.string[i] = ' ';

  for (i = count; i < len; ++i)
      result->value.character.string[i] =
	e->value.character.string[i - count];

  result->value.character.string[len] = '\0';	/* For debugger */

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_aimag (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind, &e->where);
  mpf_set (result->value.real, e->value.complex.i);

  return range_check (result, "AIMAG");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_aint (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;
  int kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "AINT", e->ts.kind);
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real);

  result = gfc_real2real (rtrunc, kind);
  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

  return range_check (result, "AINT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dint (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real);

  result = gfc_real2real (rtrunc, gfc_default_double_kind ());
  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

  return range_check (result, "DINT");


gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_anint (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;
  int kind, cmp;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "ANINT", e->ts.kind);
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, kind, &e->where);

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  cmp = mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.real, 0);

  if (cmp > 0)
      mpf_add (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (result->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
  else if (cmp < 0)
      mpf_sub (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (result->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
    mpf_set_ui (result->value.real, 0);

  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

  return range_check (result, "ANINT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dnint (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;
  int cmp;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result =
    gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, gfc_default_double_kind (), &e->where);

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  cmp = mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.real, 0);

  if (cmp > 0)
      mpf_add (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (result->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
  else if (cmp < 0)
      mpf_sub (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (result->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
    mpf_set_ui (result->value.real, 0);

  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

  return range_check (result, "DNINT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_asin (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t negative, square, term;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, 1) > 0 || mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, -1) < 0)
      gfc_error ("Argument of ASIN at %L must be between -1 and 1",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, 1) == 0)
      mpf_set (result->value.real, half_pi);
      return range_check (result, "ASIN");

  if (mpf_cmp_si (x->value.real, -1) == 0)
      mpf_init (negative);
      mpf_neg (negative, half_pi);
      mpf_set (result->value.real, negative);
      mpf_clear (negative);
      return range_check (result, "ASIN");

  mpf_init (square);
  mpf_init (term);

  mpf_pow_ui (square, x->value.real, 2);
  mpf_ui_sub (term, 1, square);
  mpf_sqrt (term, term);
  mpf_div (term, x->value.real, term);
  arctangent (&term, &result->value.real);

  mpf_clear (square);
  mpf_clear (term);

  return range_check (result, "ASIN");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_atan (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  arctangent (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

  return range_check (result, "ATAN");


gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_atan2 (gfc_expr * y, gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_sgn (y->value.real) == 0 && mpf_sgn (x->value.real) == 0)
	("If first argument of ATAN2 %L is zero, the second argument "
	  "must not be zero", &x->where);
      gfc_free_expr (result);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  arctangent2 (&y->value.real, &x->value.real, &result->value.real);

  return range_check (result, "ATAN2");


gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_bit_size (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("In gfc_simplify_bit_size(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);
  mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, gfc_integer_kinds[i].bit_size);

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_btest (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * bit)
  int b;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || bit->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (bit, &b) != NULL || b < 0)
    return gfc_logical_expr (0, &e->where);

  return gfc_logical_expr (mpz_tstbit (e->value.integer, b), &e->where);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ceiling (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *ceil, *result;
  int kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "CEILING", gfc_default_real_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, kind, &e->where);

  ceil = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  mpf_ceil (ceil->value.real, e->value.real);
  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, ceil->value.real);

  gfc_free_expr (ceil);

  return range_check (result, "CEILING");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_char (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int c, kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_CHARACTER, k, "CHAR", gfc_default_character_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (e, &c) != NULL || c < 0 || c > 255)
      gfc_error ("Bad character in CHAR function at %L", &e->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, kind, &e->where);

  result->value.character.length = 1;
  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (2);

  result->value.character.string[0] = c;
  result->value.character.string[1] = '\0';	/* For debugger */

  return result;

/* Common subroutine for simplifying CMPLX and DCMPLX.  */

static gfc_expr *
simplify_cmplx (const char *name, gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y, int kind)
  gfc_expr *result;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_COMPLEX, kind, &x->where);

  mpf_set_ui (result->value.complex.i, 0);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      mpf_set_z (result->value.complex.r, x->value.integer);

    case BT_REAL:
      mpf_set (result->value.complex.r, x->value.real);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      mpf_set (result->value.complex.r, x->value.complex.r);
      mpf_set (result->value.complex.i, x->value.complex.i);

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_dcmplx(): Bad type (x)");

  if (y != NULL)
      switch (y->ts.type)
	  mpf_set_z (result->value.complex.i, y->value.integer);

	case BT_REAL:
	  mpf_set (result->value.complex.i, y->value.real);

	  gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_dcmplx(): Bad type (y)");

  return range_check (result, name);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_cmplx (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y, gfc_expr * k)
  int kind;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
      || (y != NULL && y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT))
    return NULL;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "CMPLX", gfc_default_real_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  return simplify_cmplx ("CMPLX", x, y, kind);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_conjg (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_copy_expr (e);
  mpf_neg (result->value.complex.i, result->value.complex.i);

  return range_check (result, "CONJG");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_cos (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t xp, xq;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_REAL:
      cosine (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);
    case BT_COMPLEX:
      mpf_init (xp);
      mpf_init (xq);

      cosine (&x->value.complex.r, &xp);
      hypercos (&x->value.complex.i, &xq);
      mpf_mul (result->value.complex.r, xp, xq);

      sine (&x->value.complex.r, &xp);
      hypersine (&x->value.complex.i, &xq);
      mpf_mul (xp, xp, xq);
      mpf_neg (result->value.complex.i, xp);

      mpf_clear (xp);
      mpf_clear (xq);
      gfc_internal_error ("in gfc_simplify_cos(): Bad type");

  return range_check (result, "COS");


gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_cosh (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  hypercos (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

  return range_check (result, "COSH");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dcmplx (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
      || (y != NULL && y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT))
    return NULL;

  return simplify_cmplx ("DCMPLX", x, y, gfc_default_double_kind ());

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dble (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      result = gfc_int2real (e, gfc_default_double_kind ());

    case BT_REAL:
      result = gfc_real2real (e, gfc_default_double_kind ());

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      result = gfc_complex2real (e, gfc_default_double_kind ());

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_dble(): bad type at %L", &e->where);

  return range_check (result, "DBLE");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_digits (gfc_expr * x)
  int i, digits;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    goto bad;

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      digits = gfc_integer_kinds[i].digits;

    case BT_REAL:
    case BT_COMPLEX:
      digits = gfc_real_kinds[i].digits;

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_digits(): Bad type");

  return gfc_int_expr (digits);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dim (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      if (mpz_cmp (x->value.integer, y->value.integer) > 0)
	mpz_sub (result->value.integer, x->value.integer, y->value.integer);
	mpz_set (result->value.integer, mpz_zero);


    case BT_REAL:
      if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, y->value.real) > 0)
	mpf_sub (result->value.real, x->value.real, y->value.real);
	mpf_set (result->value.real, mpf_zero);


      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_dim(): Bad type");

  return range_check (result, "DIM");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_dprod (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *mult1, *mult2, *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result =
    gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, gfc_default_double_kind (), &x->where);

  mult1 = gfc_real2real (x, gfc_default_double_kind ());
  mult2 = gfc_real2real (y, gfc_default_double_kind ());

  mpf_mul (result->value.real, mult1->value.real, mult2->value.real);

  gfc_free_expr (mult1);
  gfc_free_expr (mult2);

  return range_check (result, "DPROD");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_epsilon (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_epsilon(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  mpf_set (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].epsilon);

  return range_check (result, "EPSILON");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_exp (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t xp, xq;
  double ln2, absval, rhuge;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  /* Exactitude doesn't matter here */
  ln2 = .6931472;
  rhuge = ln2 * mpz_get_d (gfc_integer_kinds[0].huge);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_REAL:
      absval = mpf_get_d (x->value.real);
      if (absval < 0)
	absval = -absval;
      if (absval > rhuge)
	  /* Underflow (set arg to zero) if x is negative and its
	     magnitude is greater than the maximum C long int times
	     ln2, because the exponential method in arith.c will fail
	     for such values.  */
	  if (mpf_cmp_ui (x->value.real, 0) < 0)
	      if (pedantic == 1)
		  ("Argument of EXP at %L is negative and too large, "
		   "setting result to zero", &x->where);
	      mpf_set_ui (result->value.real, 0);
	      return range_check (result, "EXP");
	  /* Overflow if magnitude of x is greater than C long int
             huge times ln2.  */
	      gfc_error ("Argument of EXP at %L too large", &x->where);
	      gfc_free_expr (result);
	      return &gfc_bad_expr;
      exponential (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      /* Using Euler's formula.  */
      absval = mpf_get_d (x->value.complex.r);
      if (absval < 0)
	absval = -absval;
      if (absval > rhuge)
	  if (mpf_cmp_ui (x->value.complex.r, 0) < 0)
	      if (pedantic == 1)
		  ("Real part of argument of EXP at %L is negative "
		   "and too large, setting result to zero", &x->where);

	      mpf_set_ui (result->value.complex.r, 0);
	      mpf_set_ui (result->value.complex.i, 0);
	      return range_check (result, "EXP");
	      gfc_error ("Real part of argument of EXP at %L too large",
	      gfc_free_expr (result);
	      return &gfc_bad_expr;
      mpf_init (xp);
      mpf_init (xq);
      exponential (&x->value.complex.r, &xq);
      cosine (&x->value.complex.i, &xp);
      mpf_mul (result->value.complex.r, xq, xp);
      sine (&x->value.complex.i, &xp);
      mpf_mul (result->value.complex.i, xq, xp);
      mpf_clear (xp);
      mpf_clear (xq);

      gfc_internal_error ("in gfc_simplify_exp(): Bad type");

  return range_check (result, "EXP");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_exponent (gfc_expr * x)
  mpf_t i2, absv, ln2, lnx;
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) == 0)
      mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, 0);
      return result;

  mpf_init_set_ui (i2, 2);
  mpf_init (absv);
  mpf_init (ln2);
  mpf_init (lnx);

  natural_logarithm (&i2, &ln2);

  mpf_abs (absv, x->value.real);
  natural_logarithm (&absv, &lnx);

  mpf_div (lnx, lnx, ln2);
  mpf_trunc (lnx, lnx);
  mpf_add_ui (lnx, lnx, 1);
  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, lnx);

  mpf_clear (i2);
  mpf_clear (ln2);
  mpf_clear (lnx);
  mpf_clear (absv);

  return range_check (result, "EXPONENT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_float (gfc_expr * a)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_int2real (a, gfc_default_real_kind ());
  return range_check (result, "FLOAT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_floor (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t floor;
  int kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "FLOOR", gfc_default_real_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_floor(): Bad kind");

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, kind, &e->where);

  mpf_init (floor);
  mpf_floor (floor, e->value.real);
  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, floor);
  mpf_clear (floor);

  return range_check (result, "FLOOR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_fraction (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t i2, absv, ln2, lnx, pow2;
  unsigned long exp2;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) == 0)
      mpf_set (result->value.real, mpf_zero);
      return result;

  mpf_init_set_ui (i2, 2);
  mpf_init (absv);
  mpf_init (ln2);
  mpf_init (lnx);
  mpf_init (pow2);

  natural_logarithm (&i2, &ln2);

  mpf_abs (absv, x->value.real);
  natural_logarithm (&absv, &lnx);

  mpf_div (lnx, lnx, ln2);
  mpf_trunc (lnx, lnx);
  mpf_add_ui (lnx, lnx, 1);

  exp2 = (unsigned long) mpf_get_d (lnx);
  mpf_pow_ui (pow2, i2, exp2);

  mpf_div (result->value.real, absv, pow2);

  mpf_clear (i2);
  mpf_clear (ln2);
  mpf_clear (absv);
  mpf_clear (lnx);
  mpf_clear (pow2);

  return range_check (result, "FRACTION");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_huge (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    goto bad_type;

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      mpz_set (result->value.integer, gfc_integer_kinds[i].huge);

    case BT_REAL:
      mpf_set (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].huge);

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_huge(): Bad type");

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_iachar (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int index;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (e->value.character.length != 1)
      gfc_error ("Argument of IACHAR at %L must be of length one", &e->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  index = xascii_table[(int) e->value.character.string[0] & 0xFF];

  result = gfc_int_expr (index);
  result->where = e->where;

  return range_check (result, "IACHAR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_iand (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  mpz_and (result->value.integer, x->value.integer, y->value.integer);

  return range_check (result, "IAND");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ibclr (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int k, pos;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (y, &pos) != NULL || pos < 0)
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of IBCLR at %L", &y->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_ibclr(): Bad kind");

  if (pos > gfc_integer_kinds[k].bit_size)
      gfc_error ("Second argument of IBCLR exceeds bit size at %L",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_copy_expr (x);

  mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, pos);
  return range_check (result, "IBCLR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ibits (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y, gfc_expr * z)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int pos, len;
  int i, k, bitsize;
  int *bits;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
      || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
      || z->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (y, &pos) != NULL || pos < 0)
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of IBITS at %L", &y->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (gfc_extract_int (z, &len) != NULL || len < 0)
      gfc_error ("Invalid third argument of IBITS at %L", &z->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (BT_INTEGER, x->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_ibits(): Bad kind");

  bitsize = gfc_integer_kinds[k].bit_size;

  if (pos + len > bitsize)
	("Sum of second and third arguments of IBITS exceeds bit size "
	 "at %L", &y->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  bits = gfc_getmem (bitsize * sizeof (int));

  for (i = 0; i < bitsize; i++)
    bits[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    bits[i] = mpz_tstbit (x->value.integer, i + pos);

  for (i = 0; i < bitsize; i++)
      if (bits[i] == 0)
	  mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, i);
      else if (bits[i] == 1)
	  mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, i);
	  gfc_internal_error ("IBITS: Bad bit");

  gfc_free (bits);

  return range_check (result, "IBITS");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ibset (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int k, pos;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (y, &pos) != NULL || pos < 0)
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of IBSET at %L", &y->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_ibset(): Bad kind");

  if (pos > gfc_integer_kinds[k].bit_size)
      gfc_error ("Second argument of IBSET exceeds bit size at %L",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_copy_expr (x);

  mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, pos);
  return range_check (result, "IBSET");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ichar (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int index;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (e->value.character.length != 1)
      gfc_error ("Argument of ICHAR at %L must be of length one", &e->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  index = (int) e->value.character.string[0];

  if (index < CHAR_MIN || index > CHAR_MAX)
      gfc_error ("Argument of ICHAR at %L out of range of this processor",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_int_expr (index);
  result->where = e->where;
  return range_check (result, "ICHAR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ieor (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  mpz_xor (result->value.integer, x->value.integer, y->value.integer);

  return range_check (result, "IEOR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_index (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y, gfc_expr * b)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int back, len, lensub;
  int i, j, k, count, index = 0, start;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (b != NULL && b->value.logical != 0)
    back = 1;
    back = 0;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  len = x->value.character.length;
  lensub = y->value.character.length;

  if (len < lensub)
      mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, 0);
      return result;

  if (back == 0)

      if (lensub == 0)
	  mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, 1);
	  return result;
      else if (lensub == 1)
	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	      for (j = 0; j < lensub; j++)
		  if (y->value.character.string[j] ==
		      index = i + 1;
		      goto done;
	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	      for (j = 0; j < lensub; j++)
		  if (y->value.character.string[j] ==
		      start = i;
		      count = 0;

		      for (k = 0; k < lensub; k++)
			  if (y->value.character.string[k] ==
			      x->value.character.string[k + start])

		      if (count == lensub)
			  index = start + 1;
			  goto done;


      if (lensub == 0)
	  mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, len + 1);
	  return result;
      else if (lensub == 1)
	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	      for (j = 0; j < lensub; j++)
		  if (y->value.character.string[j] ==
		      x->value.character.string[len - i])
		      index = len - i + 1;
		      goto done;
	  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	      for (j = 0; j < lensub; j++)
		  if (y->value.character.string[j] ==
		      x->value.character.string[len - i])
		      start = len - i;
		      if (start <= len - lensub)
			  count = 0;
			  for (k = 0; k < lensub; k++)
			    if (y->value.character.string[k] ==
				x->value.character.string[k + start])

			  if (count == lensub)
			      index = start + 1;
			      goto done;

  mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, index);
  return range_check (result, "INDEX");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_int (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *rpart, *rtrunc, *result;
  int kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "INT", gfc_default_real_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, kind, &e->where);

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      mpz_set (result->value.integer, e->value.integer);

    case BT_REAL:
      rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);
      mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real);
      mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, rtrunc->value.real);
      gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      rpart = gfc_complex2real (e, kind);
      rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (rpart);
      mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, rpart->value.real);
      mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, rtrunc->value.real);
      gfc_free_expr (rpart);
      gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

      gfc_error ("Argument of INT at %L is not a valid type", &e->where);
      gfc_free_expr (result);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  return range_check (result, "INT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ifix (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real);
  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, rtrunc->value.real);

  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);
  return range_check (result, "IFIX");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_idint (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  mpf_trunc (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real);
  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, rtrunc->value.real);

  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);
  return range_check (result, "IDINT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ior (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  mpz_ior (result->value.integer, x->value.integer, y->value.integer);
  return range_check (result, "IOR");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ishft (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * s)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int shift, ashift, isize, k;
  long e_int;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || s->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (s, &shift) != NULL)
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of ISHFT at %L", &s->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (BT_INTEGER, e->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_ishft(): Bad kind");

  isize = gfc_integer_kinds[k].bit_size;

  if (shift >= 0)
    ashift = shift;
    ashift = -shift;

  if (ashift > isize)
	("Magnitude of second argument of ISHFT exceeds bit size at %L",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  e_int = mpz_get_si (e->value.integer);
  if (e_int > INT_MAX || e_int < INT_MIN)
    gfc_internal_error ("ISHFT: unable to extract integer");

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  if (shift == 0)
      mpz_set (result->value.integer, e->value.integer);
      return range_check (result, "ISHFT");

  if (shift > 0)
    mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, e_int << shift);
    mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, e_int >> ashift);

  return range_check (result, "ISHFT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ishftc (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * s, gfc_expr * sz)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int shift, ashift, isize, delta, k;
  int i, *bits;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || s->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (gfc_extract_int (s, &shift) != NULL)
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of ISHFTC at %L", &s->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_ishftc(): Bad kind");

  if (sz != NULL)
      if (gfc_extract_int (sz, &isize) != NULL || isize < 0)
	  gfc_error ("Invalid third argument of ISHFTC at %L", &sz->where);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;
    isize = gfc_integer_kinds[k].bit_size;

  if (shift >= 0)
    ashift = shift;
    ashift = -shift;

  if (ashift > isize)
	("Magnitude of second argument of ISHFTC exceeds third argument "
	 "at %L", &s->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  bits = gfc_getmem (isize * sizeof (int));

  for (i = 0; i < isize; i++)
    bits[i] = mpz_tstbit (e->value.integer, i);

  delta = isize - ashift;

  if (shift == 0)
      mpz_set (result->value.integer, e->value.integer);
      gfc_free (bits);
      return range_check (result, "ISHFTC");

  else if (shift > 0)
      for (i = 0; i < delta; i++)
	  if (bits[i] == 0)
	    mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, i + shift);
	  if (bits[i] == 1)
	    mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, i + shift);

      for (i = delta; i < isize; i++)
	  if (bits[i] == 0)
	    mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, i - delta);
	  if (bits[i] == 1)
	    mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, i - delta);

      gfc_free (bits);
      return range_check (result, "ISHFTC");
      for (i = 0; i < ashift; i++)
	  if (bits[i] == 0)
	    mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, i + delta);
	  if (bits[i] == 1)
	    mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, i + delta);

      for (i = ashift; i < isize; i++)
	  if (bits[i] == 0)
	    mpz_clrbit (result->value.integer, i + shift);
	  if (bits[i] == 1)
	    mpz_setbit (result->value.integer, i + shift);

      gfc_free (bits);
      return range_check (result, "ISHFTC");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_kind (gfc_expr * e)

  if (e->ts.type == BT_DERIVED)
      gfc_error ("Argument of KIND at %L is a DERIVED type", &e->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  return gfc_int_expr (e->ts.kind);

static gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_bound (gfc_expr * array, gfc_expr * dim, int upper)
  gfc_ref *ref;
  gfc_array_spec *as;
  int i;

  if (array->expr_type != EXPR_VARIABLE)
      return NULL;

  if (dim == NULL)
    return NULL;

  if (dim->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  /* Follow any component references.  */
  as = array->symtree->n.sym->as;
  ref = array->ref;
  while (ref->next != NULL)
      if (ref->type == REF_COMPONENT)
	as = ref->u.c.sym->as;
      ref = ref->next;

  if (ref->type != REF_ARRAY || ref-> != AR_FULL)
    return NULL;
  i = mpz_get_si (dim->value.integer);
  if (upper) 
    return as->upper[i-1];
    return as->lower[i-1];

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_lbound (gfc_expr * array, gfc_expr * dim)
  return gfc_simplify_bound (array, dim, 0);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_len (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, e->value.character.length);
  return range_check (result, "LEN");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_len_trim (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int count, len, lentrim, i;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  len = e->value.character.length;

  for (count = 0, i = 1; i <= len; i++)
    if (e->value.character.string[len - i] == ' ')

  lentrim = len - count;

  mpz_set_si (result->value.integer, lentrim);
  return range_check (result, "LEN_TRIM");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_lge (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * b)

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || b->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  return gfc_logical_expr (gfc_compare_string (a, b, xascii_table) >= 0,

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_lgt (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * b)

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || b->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  return gfc_logical_expr (gfc_compare_string (a, b, xascii_table) > 0,

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_lle (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * b)

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || b->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  return gfc_logical_expr (gfc_compare_string (a, b, xascii_table) <= 0,

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_llt (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * b)

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || b->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  return gfc_logical_expr (gfc_compare_string (a, b, xascii_table) < 0,

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_log (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t xr, xi;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_REAL:
      if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) <= 0)
	    ("Argument of LOG at %L cannot be less than or equal to zero",
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;

      natural_logarithm (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      if ((mpf_cmp (x->value.complex.r, mpf_zero) == 0)
	  && (mpf_cmp (x->value.complex.i, mpf_zero) == 0))
	  gfc_error ("Complex argument of LOG at %L cannot be zero",
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;

      mpf_init (xr);
      mpf_init (xi);

      mpf_div (xr, x->value.complex.i, x->value.complex.r);
      arctangent2 (&x->value.complex.i, &x->value.complex.r,

      mpf_mul (xr, x->value.complex.r, x->value.complex.r);
      mpf_mul (xi, x->value.complex.i, x->value.complex.i);
      mpf_add (xr, xr, xi);
      mpf_sqrt (xr, xr);
      natural_logarithm (&xr, &result->value.complex.r);

      mpf_clear (xr);
      mpf_clear (xi);


      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_log: bad type");

  return range_check (result, "LOG");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_log10 (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) <= 0)
	("Argument of LOG10 at %L cannot be less than or equal to zero",
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  common_logarithm (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

  return range_check (result, "LOG10");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_logical (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int kind;

  kind = get_kind (BT_LOGICAL, k, "LOGICAL", gfc_default_logical_kind ());
  if (kind < 0)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_LOGICAL, kind, &e->where);

  result->value.logical = e->value.logical;

  return result;

/* This function is special since MAX() can take any number of
   arguments.  The simplified expression is a rewritten version of the
   argument list containing at most one constant element.  Other
   constant elements are deleted.  Because the argument list has
   already been checked, this function always succeeds.  sign is 1 for
   MAX(), -1 for MIN().  */

static gfc_expr *
simplify_min_max (gfc_expr * expr, int sign)
  gfc_actual_arglist *arg, *last, *extremum;
  gfc_intrinsic_sym * specific;

  last = NULL;
  extremum = NULL;
  specific = expr->value.function.isym;

  arg = expr->value.function.actual;

  for (; arg; last = arg, arg = arg->next)
      if (arg->expr->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)

      if (extremum == NULL)
	  extremum = arg;

      switch (arg->expr->ts.type)
	  if (mpz_cmp (arg->expr->value.integer,
		       extremum->expr->value.integer) * sign > 0)
	    mpz_set (extremum->expr->value.integer, arg->expr->value.integer);


	case BT_REAL:
	  if (mpf_cmp (arg->expr->value.real, extremum->expr->value.real) *
	      sign > 0)
	    mpf_set (extremum->expr->value.real, arg->expr->value.real);


	  gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_max(): Bad type in arglist");

      /* Delete the extra constant argument.  */
      if (last == NULL)
	expr->value.function.actual = arg->next;
	last->next = arg->next;

      arg->next = NULL;
      gfc_free_actual_arglist (arg);
      arg = last;

  /* If there is one value left, replace the function call with the
     expression.  */
  if (expr->value.function.actual->next != NULL)
    return NULL;

  /* Convert to the correct type and kind.  */
  if (expr->ts.type != BT_UNKNOWN) 
    return gfc_convert_constant (expr->value.function.actual->expr,
	expr->ts.type, expr->ts.kind);

  if (specific->ts.type != BT_UNKNOWN) 
    return gfc_convert_constant (expr->value.function.actual->expr,
	specific->ts.type, specific->ts.kind); 
  return gfc_copy_expr (expr->value.function.actual->expr);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_min (gfc_expr * e)

  return simplify_min_max (e, -1);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_max (gfc_expr * e)

  return simplify_min_max (e, 1);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_maxexponent (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_maxexponent(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_int_expr (gfc_real_kinds[i].max_exponent);
  result->where = x->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_minexponent (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_minexponent(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_int_expr (gfc_real_kinds[i].min_exponent);
  result->where = x->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_mod (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * p)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t quot, iquot, term;

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || p->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (a->ts.type, a->ts.kind, &a->where);

  switch (a->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (p->value.integer, 0) == 0)
	  /* Result is processor-dependent.  */
	  gfc_error ("Second argument MOD at %L is zero", &a->where);
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;
      mpz_tdiv_r (result->value.integer, a->value.integer, p->value.integer);

    case BT_REAL:
      if (mpf_cmp_ui (p->value.real, 0) == 0)
	  /* Result is processor-dependent.  */
	  gfc_error ("Second argument of MOD at %L is zero", &p->where);
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;

      mpf_init (quot);
      mpf_init (iquot);
      mpf_init (term);

      mpf_div (quot, a->value.real, p->value.real);
      mpf_trunc (iquot, quot);
      mpf_mul (term, iquot, p->value.real);
      mpf_sub (result->value.real, a->value.real, term);

      mpf_clear (quot);
      mpf_clear (iquot);
      mpf_clear (term);

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_mod(): Bad arguments");

  return range_check (result, "MOD");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_modulo (gfc_expr * a, gfc_expr * p)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t quot, iquot, term;

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || p->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (a->ts.type, a->ts.kind, &a->where);

  switch (a->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      if (mpz_cmp_ui (p->value.integer, 0) == 0)
	  /* Result is processor-dependent. This processor just opts
             to not handle it at all.  */
	  gfc_error ("Second argument of MODULO at %L is zero", &a->where);
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;
      mpz_fdiv_r (result->value.integer, a->value.integer, p->value.integer);


    case BT_REAL:
      if (mpf_cmp_ui (p->value.real, 0) == 0)
	  /* Result is processor-dependent.  */
	  gfc_error ("Second argument of MODULO at %L is zero", &p->where);
	  gfc_free_expr (result);
	  return &gfc_bad_expr;

      mpf_init (quot);
      mpf_init (iquot);
      mpf_init (term);

      mpf_div (quot, a->value.real, p->value.real);
      mpf_floor (iquot, quot);
      mpf_mul (term, iquot, p->value.real);

      mpf_clear (quot);
      mpf_clear (iquot);
      mpf_clear (term);

      mpf_sub (result->value.real, a->value.real, term);

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_modulo(): Bad arguments");

  return range_check (result, "MODULO");

/* Exists for the sole purpose of consistency with other intrinsics.  */
gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_mvbits (gfc_expr * f  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		     gfc_expr * fp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		     gfc_expr * l  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		     gfc_expr * to ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
		     gfc_expr * tp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
  return NULL;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_nearest (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * s)
  gfc_expr *result;
  float rval;
  double val, eps;
  int p, i, k, match_float;

  /* FIXME: This implementation is dopey and probably not quite right,
     but it's a start.  */

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_precision(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  val = mpf_get_d (x->value.real);
  p = gfc_real_kinds[k].digits;

  eps = 1.;
  for (i = 1; i < p; ++i)
      eps = eps / 2.;

  /* TODO we should make sure that 'float' matches kind 4 */
  match_float = gfc_real_kinds[k].kind == 4;
  if (mpf_cmp_ui (s->value.real, 0) > 0)
      if (match_float)
	  rval = (float) val;
	  rval = rval + eps;
	  mpf_set_d (result->value.real, rval);
	  val = val + eps;
	  mpf_set_d (result->value.real, val);
  else if (mpf_cmp_ui (s->value.real, 0) < 0)
      if (match_float)
	  rval = (float) val;
	  rval = rval - eps;
	  mpf_set_d (result->value.real, rval);
	  val = val - eps;
	  mpf_set_d (result->value.real, val);
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of NEAREST at %L", &s->where);
      gfc_free (result);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  return range_check (result, "NEAREST");


static gfc_expr *
simplify_nint (const char *name, gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *rtrunc, *itrunc, *result;
  int kind, cmp;

  kind = get_kind (BT_INTEGER, k, name, gfc_default_integer_kind ());
  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, kind, &e->where);

  rtrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);
  itrunc = gfc_copy_expr (e);

  cmp = mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.real, 0);

  if (cmp > 0)
      mpf_add (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (itrunc->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
  else if (cmp < 0)
      mpf_sub (rtrunc->value.real, e->value.real, mpf_half);
      mpf_trunc (itrunc->value.real, rtrunc->value.real);
    mpf_set_ui (itrunc->value.real, 0);

  mpz_set_f (result->value.integer, itrunc->value.real);

  gfc_free_expr (itrunc);
  gfc_free_expr (rtrunc);

  return range_check (result, name);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_nint (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)

  return simplify_nint ("NINT", e, k);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_idnint (gfc_expr * e)

  return simplify_nint ("IDNINT", e, NULL);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_not (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  mpz_com (result->value.integer, e->value.integer);

  /* Because of how GMP handles numbers, the result must be ANDed with
     the max_int mask.  For radices <> 2, this will require change.  */

  i = gfc_validate_kind (BT_INTEGER, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_not(): Bad kind");

  mpz_and (result->value.integer, result->value.integer,

  return range_check (result, "NOT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_null (gfc_expr * mold)
  gfc_expr *result;

  result = gfc_get_expr ();
  result->expr_type = EXPR_NULL;

  if (mold == NULL)
    result->ts.type = BT_UNKNOWN;
      result->ts = mold->ts;
      result->where = mold->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_precision (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_precision(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_int_expr (gfc_real_kinds[i].precision);
  result->where = e->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_radix (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    goto bad;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      i = gfc_integer_kinds[i].radix;

    case BT_REAL:
      i = gfc_real_kinds[i].radix;

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_radix(): Bad type");

  result = gfc_int_expr (i);
  result->where = e->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_range (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;
  long j;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    goto bad_type;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      j = gfc_integer_kinds[i].range;

    case BT_REAL:
    case BT_COMPLEX:
      j = gfc_real_kinds[i].range;

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_range(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_int_expr (j);
  result->where = e->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_real (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * k)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int kind;

  if (e->ts.type == BT_COMPLEX)
    kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "REAL", e->ts.kind);
    kind = get_kind (BT_REAL, k, "REAL", gfc_default_real_kind ());

  if (kind == -1)
    return &gfc_bad_expr;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      result = gfc_int2real (e, kind);

    case BT_REAL:
      result = gfc_real2real (e, kind);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      result = gfc_complex2real (e, kind);

      gfc_internal_error ("bad type in REAL");
      /* Not reached */

  return range_check (result, "REAL");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_repeat (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * n)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i, j, len, ncopies, nlen;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || n->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (n != NULL && (gfc_extract_int (n, &ncopies) != NULL || ncopies < 0))
      gfc_error ("Invalid second argument of REPEAT at %L", &n->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  len = e->value.character.length;
  nlen = ncopies * len;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  if (ncopies == 0)
      result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (1);
      result->value.character.length = 0;
      result->value.character.string[0] = '\0';
      return result;

  result->value.character.length = nlen;
  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (nlen + 1);

  for (i = 0; i < ncopies; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
      result->value.character.string[j + i * len] =

  result->value.character.string[nlen] = '\0';	/* For debugger */
  return result;

/* This one is a bear, but mainly has to do with shuffling elements.  */

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_reshape (gfc_expr * source, gfc_expr * shape_exp,
		      gfc_expr * pad, gfc_expr * order_exp)

  int i, rank, npad, x[GFC_MAX_DIMENSIONS];
  gfc_constructor *head, *tail;
  mpz_t index, size;
  unsigned long j;
  size_t nsource;
  gfc_expr *e;

  /* Unpack the shape array.  */
  if (source->expr_type != EXPR_ARRAY || !gfc_is_constant_expr (source))
    return NULL;

  if (shape_exp->expr_type != EXPR_ARRAY || !gfc_is_constant_expr (shape_exp))
    return NULL;

  if (pad != NULL
      && (pad->expr_type != EXPR_ARRAY
	  || !gfc_is_constant_expr (pad)))
    return NULL;

  if (order_exp != NULL
      && (order_exp->expr_type != EXPR_ARRAY
	  || !gfc_is_constant_expr (order_exp)))
    return NULL;

  mpz_init (index);
  rank = 0;
  head = tail = NULL;

  for (;;)
      e = gfc_get_array_element (shape_exp, rank);
      if (e == NULL)

      if (gfc_extract_int (e, &shape[rank]) != NULL)
	  gfc_error ("Integer too large in shape specification at %L",
	  gfc_free_expr (e);
	  goto bad_reshape;

      gfc_free_expr (e);

      if (rank >= GFC_MAX_DIMENSIONS)
	  gfc_error ("Too many dimensions in shape specification for RESHAPE "
		     "at %L", &e->where);

	  goto bad_reshape;

      if (shape[rank] < 0)
	  gfc_error ("Shape specification at %L cannot be negative",
	  goto bad_reshape;


  if (rank == 0)
      gfc_error ("Shape specification at %L cannot be the null array",
      goto bad_reshape;

  /* Now unpack the order array if present.  */
  if (order_exp == NULL)
      for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
	order[i] = i;


      for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
	x[i] = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
	  e = gfc_get_array_element (order_exp, i);
	  if (e == NULL)
		("ORDER parameter of RESHAPE at %L is not the same size "
		 "as SHAPE parameter", &order_exp->where);
	      goto bad_reshape;

	  if (gfc_extract_int (e, &order[i]) != NULL)
	      gfc_error ("Error in ORDER parameter of RESHAPE at %L",
	      gfc_free_expr (e);
	      goto bad_reshape;

	  gfc_free_expr (e);

	  if (order[i] < 1 || order[i] > rank)
	      gfc_error ("ORDER parameter of RESHAPE at %L is out of range",
	      goto bad_reshape;


	  if (x[order[i]])
	      gfc_error ("Invalid permutation in ORDER parameter at %L",
	      goto bad_reshape;

	  x[order[i]] = 1;

  /* Count the elements in the source and padding arrays.  */

  npad = 0;
  if (pad != NULL)
      gfc_array_size (pad, &size);
      npad = mpz_get_ui (size);
      mpz_clear (size);

  gfc_array_size (source, &size);
  nsource = mpz_get_ui (size);
  mpz_clear (size);

  /* If it weren't for that pesky permutation we could just loop
     through the source and round out any shortage with pad elements.
     But no, someone just had to have the compiler do something the
     user should be doing.  */

  for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
    x[i] = 0;

  for (;;)
      /* Figure out which element to extract.  */
      mpz_set_ui (index, 0);

      for (i = rank - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	  mpz_add_ui (index, index, x[order[i]]);
	  if (i != 0)
	    mpz_mul_ui (index, index, shape[order[i - 1]]);

      if (mpz_cmp_ui (index, INT_MAX) > 0)
	gfc_internal_error ("Reshaped array too large at %L", &e->where);

      j = mpz_get_ui (index);

      if (j < nsource)
	e = gfc_get_array_element (source, j);
	  j = j - nsource;

	  if (npad == 0)
		("PAD parameter required for short SOURCE parameter at %L",
	      goto bad_reshape;

	  j = j % npad;
	  e = gfc_get_array_element (pad, j);

      if (head == NULL)
	head = tail = gfc_get_constructor ();
	  tail->next = gfc_get_constructor ();
	  tail = tail->next;

      if (e == NULL)
	goto bad_reshape;

      tail->where = e->where;
      tail->expr = e;

      /* Calculate the next element.  */
      i = 0;

      if (++x[i] < shape[i])
      x[i++] = 0;
      if (i < rank)
	goto inc;


  mpz_clear (index);

  e = gfc_get_expr ();
  e->where = source->where;
  e->expr_type = EXPR_ARRAY;
  e->value.constructor = head;
  e->shape = gfc_get_shape (rank);

  for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
    mpz_init_set_ui (e->shape[i], shape[order[i]]);

  e->ts = head->expr->ts;
  e->rank = rank;

  return e;

  gfc_free_constructor (head);
  mpz_clear (index);
  return &gfc_bad_expr;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_rrspacing (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t i2, absv, ln2, lnx, frac, pow2;
  unsigned long exp2;
  int i, p;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_rrspacing(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  p = gfc_real_kinds[i].digits;

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) == 0)
      mpf_ui_div (result->value.real, 1, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny);
      return result;

  mpf_init_set_ui (i2, 2);
  mpf_init (ln2);
  mpf_init (absv);
  mpf_init (lnx);
  mpf_init (frac);
  mpf_init (pow2);

  natural_logarithm (&i2, &ln2);

  mpf_abs (absv, x->value.real);
  natural_logarithm (&absv, &lnx);

  mpf_div (lnx, lnx, ln2);
  mpf_trunc (lnx, lnx);
  mpf_add_ui (lnx, lnx, 1);

  exp2 = (unsigned long) mpf_get_d (lnx);
  mpf_pow_ui (pow2, i2, exp2);
  mpf_div (frac, absv, pow2);

  exp2 = (unsigned long) p;
  mpf_mul_2exp (result->value.real, frac, exp2);

  mpf_clear (i2);
  mpf_clear (ln2);
  mpf_clear (absv);
  mpf_clear (lnx);
  mpf_clear (frac);
  mpf_clear (pow2);

  return range_check (result, "RRSPACING");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_scale (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * i)
  int k, neg_flag, power, exp_range;
  mpf_t scale, radix;
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || i->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_sgn (x->value.real) == 0)
      mpf_set_ui (result->value.real, 0);
      return result;

  k = gfc_validate_kind (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind);
  if (k == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_scale(): Bad kind");

  exp_range = gfc_real_kinds[k].max_exponent - gfc_real_kinds[k].min_exponent;

  /* This check filters out values of i that would overflow an int.  */
  if (mpz_cmp_si (i->value.integer, exp_range + 2) > 0
      || mpz_cmp_si (i->value.integer, -exp_range - 2) < 0)
      gfc_error ("Result of SCALE overflows its kind at %L", &result->where);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;

  /* Compute scale = radix ** power.  */
  power = mpz_get_si (i->value.integer);

  if (power >= 0)
    neg_flag = 0;
      neg_flag = 1;
      power = -power;

  mpf_init_set_ui (radix, gfc_real_kinds[k].radix);
  mpf_init (scale);
  mpf_pow_ui (scale, radix, power);

  if (neg_flag)
    mpf_div (result->value.real, x->value.real, scale);
    mpf_mul (result->value.real, x->value.real, scale);

  mpf_clear (scale);
  mpf_clear (radix);

  return range_check (result, "SCALE");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_scan (gfc_expr * e, gfc_expr * c, gfc_expr * b)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int back;
  size_t i;
  size_t indx, len, lenc;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || c->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (b != NULL && b->value.logical != 0)
    back = 1;
    back = 0;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  len = e->value.character.length;
  lenc = c->value.character.length;

  if (len == 0 || lenc == 0)
      indx = 0;
      if (back == 0)
          indx =
            strcspn (e->value.character.string, c->value.character.string) + 1;
          if (indx > len)
            indx = 0;
          i = 0;
          for (indx = len; indx > 0; indx--)
              for (i = 0; i < lenc; i++)
                  if (c->value.character.string[i]
                        == e->value.character.string[indx - 1])
              if (i < lenc)
  mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, indx);
  return range_check (result, "SCAN");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_selected_int_kind (gfc_expr * e)
  int i, kind, range;
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || gfc_extract_int (e, &range) != NULL)
    return NULL;

  kind = INT_MAX;

  for (i = 0; gfc_integer_kinds[i].kind != 0; i++)
    if (gfc_integer_kinds[i].range >= range
	&& gfc_integer_kinds[i].kind < kind)
      kind = gfc_integer_kinds[i].kind;

  if (kind == INT_MAX)
    kind = -1;

  result = gfc_int_expr (kind);
  result->where = e->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_selected_real_kind (gfc_expr * p, gfc_expr * q)
  int range, precision, i, kind, found_precision, found_range;
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (p == NULL)
    precision = 0;
      if (p->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
	  || gfc_extract_int (p, &precision) != NULL)
	return NULL;

  if (q == NULL)
    range = 0;
      if (q->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT
	  || gfc_extract_int (q, &range) != NULL)
	return NULL;

  kind = INT_MAX;
  found_precision = 0;
  found_range = 0;

  for (i = 0; gfc_real_kinds[i].kind != 0; i++)
      if (gfc_real_kinds[i].precision >= precision)
	found_precision = 1;

      if (gfc_real_kinds[i].range >= range)
	found_range = 1;

      if (gfc_real_kinds[i].precision >= precision
	  && gfc_real_kinds[i].range >= range && gfc_real_kinds[i].kind < kind)
	kind = gfc_real_kinds[i].kind;

  if (kind == INT_MAX)
      kind = 0;

      if (!found_precision)
	kind = -1;
      if (!found_range)
	kind -= 2;

  result = gfc_int_expr (kind);
  result->where = (p != NULL) ? p->where : q->where;

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_set_exponent (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * i)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t i2, ln2, absv, lnx, pow2, frac;
  unsigned long exp2;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || i->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) == 0)
      mpf_set (result->value.real, mpf_zero);
      return result;

  mpf_init_set_ui (i2, 2);
  mpf_init (ln2);
  mpf_init (absv);
  mpf_init (lnx);
  mpf_init (pow2);
  mpf_init (frac);

  natural_logarithm (&i2, &ln2);

  mpf_abs (absv, x->value.real);
  natural_logarithm (&absv, &lnx);

  mpf_div (lnx, lnx, ln2);
  mpf_trunc (lnx, lnx);
  mpf_add_ui (lnx, lnx, 1);

  /* Old exponent value, and fraction.  */
  exp2 = (unsigned long) mpf_get_d (lnx);
  mpf_pow_ui (pow2, i2, exp2);

  mpf_div (frac, absv, pow2);

  /* New exponent.  */
  exp2 = (unsigned long) mpz_get_d (i->value.integer);
  mpf_mul_2exp (result->value.real, frac, exp2);

  mpf_clear (i2);
  mpf_clear (ln2);
  mpf_clear (absv);
  mpf_clear (lnx);
  mpf_clear (pow2);
  mpf_clear (frac);

  return range_check (result, "SET_EXPONENT");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_shape (gfc_expr * source)
  mpz_t shape[GFC_MAX_DIMENSIONS];
  gfc_expr *result, *e, *f;
  gfc_array_ref *ar;
  int n;
  try t;

  result = gfc_start_constructor (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  if (source->rank == 0 || source->expr_type != EXPR_VARIABLE)
    return result;

  ar = gfc_find_array_ref (source);

  t = gfc_array_ref_shape (ar, shape);

  for (n = 0; n < source->rank; n++)
      e = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

      if (t == SUCCESS)
	  mpz_set (e->value.integer, shape[n]);
	  mpz_clear (shape[n]);
	  mpz_set_ui (e->value.integer, n + 1);

	  f = gfc_simplify_size (source, e);
	  gfc_free_expr (e);
	  if (f == NULL)
	      gfc_free_expr (result);
	      return NULL;
	      e = f;

      gfc_append_constructor (result, e);

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_size (gfc_expr * array, gfc_expr * dim)
  mpz_t size;
  gfc_expr *result;
  int d;

  if (dim == NULL)
      if (gfc_array_size (array, &size) == FAILURE)
	return NULL;
      if (dim->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
	return NULL;

      d = mpz_get_ui (dim->value.integer) - 1;
      if (gfc_array_dimen_size (array, d, &size) == FAILURE)
	return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  mpz_set (result->value.integer, size);

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_sign (gfc_expr * x, gfc_expr * y)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || y->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      mpz_abs (result->value.integer, x->value.integer);
      if (mpz_sgn (y->value.integer) < 0)
	mpz_neg (result->value.integer, result->value.integer);


    case BT_REAL:
      /* TODO: Handle -0.0 and +0.0 correctly on machines that support
         it.  */
      mpf_abs (result->value.real, x->value.real);
      if (mpf_sgn (y->value.integer) < 0)
	mpf_neg (result->value.real, result->value.real);


      gfc_internal_error ("Bad type in gfc_simplify_sign");

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_sin (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t xp, xq;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  switch (x->ts.type)
    case BT_REAL:
      sine (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      mpf_init (xp);
      mpf_init (xq);

      sine (&x->value.complex.r, &xp);
      hypercos (&x->value.complex.i, &xq);
      mpf_mul (result->value.complex.r, xp, xq);

      cosine (&x->value.complex.r, &xp);
      hypersine (&x->value.complex.i, &xq);
      mpf_mul (result->value.complex.i, xp, xq);

      mpf_clear (xp);
      mpf_clear (xq);

      gfc_internal_error ("in gfc_simplify_sin(): Bad type");

  return range_check (result, "SIN");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_sinh (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  hypersine (&x->value.real, &result->value.real);

  return range_check (result, "SINH");

/* The argument is always a double precision real that is converted to
   single precision.  TODO: Rounding!  */

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_sngl (gfc_expr * a)
  gfc_expr *result;

  if (a->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_real2real (a, gfc_default_real_kind ());
  return range_check (result, "SNGL");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_spacing (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t i1, i2, ln2, absv, lnx;
  long diff;
  unsigned long exp2;
  int i, p;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_spacing(): Bad kind");

  p = gfc_real_kinds[i].digits;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  if (mpf_cmp (x->value.real, mpf_zero) == 0)
      mpf_set (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny);
      return result;

  mpf_init_set_ui (i1, 1);
  mpf_init_set_ui (i2, 2);
  mpf_init (ln2);
  mpf_init (absv);
  mpf_init (lnx);

  natural_logarithm (&i2, &ln2);

  mpf_abs (absv, x->value.real);
  natural_logarithm (&absv, &lnx);

  mpf_div (lnx, lnx, ln2);
  mpf_trunc (lnx, lnx);
  mpf_add_ui (lnx, lnx, 1);

  diff = (long) mpf_get_d (lnx) - (long) p;
  if (diff >= 0)
      exp2 = (unsigned) diff;
      mpf_mul_2exp (result->value.real, i1, exp2);
      diff = -diff;
      exp2 = (unsigned) diff;
      mpf_div_2exp (result->value.real, i1, exp2);

  mpf_clear (i1);
  mpf_clear (i2);
  mpf_clear (ln2);
  mpf_clear (absv);
  mpf_clear (lnx);

  if (mpf_cmp (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny) < 0)
    mpf_set (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny);

  return range_check (result, "SPACING");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_sqrt (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t ac, ad, s, t, w;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (e->ts.type, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_REAL:
      if (mpf_cmp_si (e->value.real, 0) < 0)
	goto negative_arg;
      mpf_sqrt (result->value.real, e->value.real);


    case BT_COMPLEX:
      /* Formula taken from Numerical Recipes to avoid over- and
         underflow.  */

      mpf_init (ac);
      mpf_init (ad);
      mpf_init (s);
      mpf_init (t);
      mpf_init (w);

      if (mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.r, 0) == 0
	  && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.i, 0) == 0)

	  mpf_set_ui (result->value.complex.r, 0);
	  mpf_set_ui (result->value.complex.i, 0);

      mpf_abs (ac, e->value.complex.r);
      mpf_abs (ad, e->value.complex.i);

      if (mpf_cmp (ac, ad) >= 0)
	  mpf_div (t, e->value.complex.i, e->value.complex.r);
	  mpf_mul (t, t, t);
	  mpf_add_ui (t, t, 1);
	  mpf_sqrt (t, t);
	  mpf_add_ui (t, t, 1);
	  mpf_div_ui (t, t, 2);
	  mpf_sqrt (t, t);
	  mpf_sqrt (s, ac);
	  mpf_mul (w, s, t);
	  mpf_div (s, e->value.complex.r, e->value.complex.i);
	  mpf_mul (t, s, s);
	  mpf_add_ui (t, t, 1);
	  mpf_sqrt (t, t);
	  mpf_abs (s, s);
	  mpf_add (t, t, s);
	  mpf_div_ui (t, t, 2);
	  mpf_sqrt (t, t);
	  mpf_sqrt (s, ad);
	  mpf_mul (w, s, t);

      if (mpf_cmp_ui (w, 0) != 0 && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.r, 0) >= 0)
	  mpf_mul_ui (t, w, 2);
	  mpf_div (result->value.complex.i, e->value.complex.i, t);
	  mpf_set (result->value.complex.r, w);
      else if (mpf_cmp_ui (w, 0) != 0
	       && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.r, 0) < 0
	       && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.i, 0) >= 0)
	  mpf_mul_ui (t, w, 2);
	  mpf_div (result->value.complex.r, e->value.complex.i, t);
	  mpf_set (result->value.complex.i, w);
      else if (mpf_cmp_ui (w, 0) != 0
	       && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.r, 0) < 0
	       && mpf_cmp_ui (e->value.complex.i, 0) < 0)
	  mpf_mul_ui (t, w, 2);
	  mpf_div (result->value.complex.r, ad, t);
	  mpf_neg (w, w);
	  mpf_set (result->value.complex.i, w);
	gfc_internal_error ("invalid complex argument of SQRT at %L",

      mpf_clear (s);
      mpf_clear (t);
      mpf_clear (ac);
      mpf_clear (ad);
      mpf_clear (w);


      gfc_internal_error ("invalid argument of SQRT at %L", &e->where);

  return range_check (result, "SQRT");

  gfc_free_expr (result);
  gfc_error ("Argument of SQRT at %L has a negative value", &e->where);
  return &gfc_bad_expr;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_tan (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t mpf_sin, mpf_cos, mag_cos;
  int i;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (BT_REAL, x->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_tan(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  mpf_init (mpf_sin);
  mpf_init (mpf_cos);
  mpf_init (mag_cos);
  sine (&x->value.real, &mpf_sin);
  cosine (&x->value.real, &mpf_cos);
  mpf_abs (mag_cos, mpf_cos);
  if (mpf_cmp_ui (mag_cos, 0) == 0)
      gfc_error ("Tangent undefined at %L", &x->where);
      mpf_clear (mpf_sin);
      mpf_clear (mpf_cos);
      mpf_clear (mag_cos);
      gfc_free_expr (result);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;
  else if (mpf_cmp (mag_cos, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny) < 0)
      gfc_error ("Tangent cannot be accurately evaluated at %L", &x->where);
      mpf_clear (mpf_sin);
      mpf_clear (mpf_cos);
      mpf_clear (mag_cos);
      gfc_free_expr (result);
      return &gfc_bad_expr;
      mpf_div (result->value.real, mpf_sin, mpf_cos);
      mpf_clear (mpf_sin);
      mpf_clear (mpf_cos);
      mpf_clear (mag_cos);

  return range_check (result, "TAN");

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_tanh (gfc_expr * x)
  gfc_expr *result;
  mpf_t xp, xq;

  if (x->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  result = gfc_constant_result (x->ts.type, x->ts.kind, &x->where);

  mpf_init (xp);
  mpf_init (xq);

  hypersine (&x->value.real, &xq);
  hypercos (&x->value.real, &xp);

  mpf_div (result->value.real, xq, xp);

  mpf_clear (xp);
  mpf_clear (xq);

  return range_check (result, "TANH");


gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_tiny (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int i;

  i = gfc_validate_kind (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind);
  if (i == -1)
    gfc_internal_error ("gfc_simplify_error(): Bad kind");

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_REAL, e->ts.kind, &e->where);
  mpf_set (result->value.real, gfc_real_kinds[i].tiny);

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_trim (gfc_expr * e)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int count, i, len, lentrim;

  if (e->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  len = e->value.character.length;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_CHARACTER, e->ts.kind, &e->where);

  for (count = 0, i = 1; i <= len; ++i)
      if (e->value.character.string[len - i] == ' ')

  lentrim = len - count;

  result->value.character.length = lentrim;
  result->value.character.string = gfc_getmem (lentrim + 1);

  for (i = 0; i < lentrim; i++)
    result->value.character.string[i] = e->value.character.string[i];

  result->value.character.string[lentrim] = '\0';	/* For debugger */

  return result;

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_ubound (gfc_expr * array, gfc_expr * dim)
  return gfc_simplify_bound (array, dim, 1);

gfc_expr *
gfc_simplify_verify (gfc_expr * s, gfc_expr * set, gfc_expr * b)
  gfc_expr *result;
  int back;
  size_t index, len, lenset;
  size_t i;

  if (s->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT || set->expr_type != EXPR_CONSTANT)
    return NULL;

  if (b != NULL && b->value.logical != 0)
    back = 1;
    back = 0;

  result = gfc_constant_result (BT_INTEGER, gfc_default_integer_kind (),

  len = s->value.character.length;
  lenset = set->value.character.length;

  if (len == 0)
      mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, 0);
      return result;

  if (back == 0)
      if (lenset == 0)
	  mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, len);
	  return result;

      index =
	strspn (s->value.character.string, set->value.character.string) + 1;
      if (index > len)
	index = 0;

      if (lenset == 0)
	  mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, 1);
	  return result;
      for (index = len; index > 0; index --)
          for (i = 0; i < lenset; i++)
              if (s->value.character.string[index - 1]
                    == set->value.character.string[i])
          if (i == lenset)

  mpz_set_ui (result->value.integer, index);
  return result;

/****************** Constant simplification *****************/

/* Master function to convert one constant to another.  While this is
   used as a simplification function, it requires the destination type
   and kind information which is supplied by a special case in
   do_simplify().  */

gfc_expr *
gfc_convert_constant (gfc_expr * e, bt type, int kind)
  gfc_expr *g, *result, *(*f) (gfc_expr *, int);
  gfc_constructor *head, *c, *tail = NULL;

  switch (e->ts.type)
    case BT_INTEGER:
      switch (type)
	  f = gfc_int2int;
	case BT_REAL:
	  f = gfc_int2real;
	  f = gfc_int2complex;
	  goto oops;

    case BT_REAL:
      switch (type)
	  f = gfc_real2int;
	case BT_REAL:
	  f = gfc_real2real;
	  f = gfc_real2complex;
	  goto oops;

    case BT_COMPLEX:
      switch (type)
	  f = gfc_complex2int;
	case BT_REAL:
	  f = gfc_complex2real;
	  f = gfc_complex2complex;

	  goto oops;

    case BT_LOGICAL:
      if (type != BT_LOGICAL)
	goto oops;
      f = gfc_log2log;

      gfc_internal_error ("gfc_convert_constant(): Unexpected type");

  result = NULL;

  switch (e->expr_type)
      result = f (e, kind);
      if (result == NULL)
	return &gfc_bad_expr;

    case EXPR_ARRAY:
      if (!gfc_is_constant_expr (e))

      head = NULL;

      for (c = e->value.constructor; c; c = c->next)
	  if (head == NULL)
	    head = tail = gfc_get_constructor ();
	      tail->next = gfc_get_constructor ();
	      tail = tail->next;

	  tail->where = c->where;

	  if (c->iterator == NULL)
	    tail->expr = f (c->expr, kind);
	      g = gfc_convert_constant (c->expr, type, kind);
	      if (g == &gfc_bad_expr)
		return g;
	      tail->expr = g;

	  if (tail->expr == NULL)
	      gfc_free_constructor (head);
	      return NULL;

      result = gfc_get_expr ();
      result->ts.type = type;
      result->ts.kind = kind;
      result->expr_type = EXPR_ARRAY;
      result->value.constructor = head;
      result->shape = gfc_copy_shape (e->shape, e->rank);
      result->where = e->where;
      result->rank = e->rank;


  return result;

/****************** Helper functions ***********************/

/* Given a collating table, create the inverse table.  */

static void
invert_table (const int *table, int *xtable)
  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    xtable[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    xtable[table[i]] = i;

gfc_simplify_init_1 (void)

  mpf_init_set_str (mpf_zero, "0.0", 10);
  mpf_init_set_str (mpf_half, "0.5", 10);
  mpf_init_set_str (mpf_one, "1.0", 10);
  mpz_init_set_str (mpz_zero, "0", 10);

  invert_table (ascii_table, xascii_table);

gfc_simplify_done_1 (void)

  mpf_clear (mpf_zero);
  mpf_clear (mpf_half);
  mpf_clear (mpf_one);
  mpz_clear (mpz_zero);