snmpfinger   [plain text]

# This works with Net-SNMP and UCD-SNMP

$comm=shift || 'public';
$type=shift || 'cisco';

open CONF, "<$conf"
	or die "Could not open configuration file\n";
	($key,$val)=(split /:\s*/,$_);
	$snmp_type = $val if ($key eq 'general_snmp_type');
	$snmpwalk = $val if ($key eq 'general_snmpwalk_command');
close CONF;

die "general_snmp_type directive is not set in admin.conf\n" if ($snmp_type eq '');
die "Could not find snmpwalk binary. Please make sure that the \$snmpwalk variable points to the right location\n" if (! -x $snmpwalk);

$snmpwalkcmd="$snmpwalk $host $comm" if ($snmp_type = 'ucd');
$snmpwalkcmd="$snmpwalk -v 1 -c $comm $host" if ($snmp_type = 'net');

if ($type eq 'cisco'){
	$walk =`$snmpwalkcmd`;
	if ($walk =~ /^$/){
		$walk =`$snmpwalkcmd`;
elsif ($type eq 'lucent'){
	$walk =`$snmpwalkcmd`;

 if($out) {
print "$out\n";