#!/usr/bin/expect -f # MySQL database connection settings set CRDB_host localhost set CRDB_DB test set CRDB_username root set CRDB_password root # set eiter one to 1 for verbose output log_user 0 set comments 0 package require mysqltcl # connect to MySQL database set handle [::mysql::connect -host $CRDB_host -user $CRDB_username -password $CRDB_password] # get server/usernames to clean up set userlist [::mysql::sel $handle "SELECT UserID, server, username, password, retaindays from $CRDB_DB.fetchmail_user" -flatlist] # loop through all users in database foreach {userid server username password days} $userlist { if {$comments==1} { send_user "\r\nWorking on accound #$userid\r\n*******************************\r\n" } eval spawn telnet -l fetchmail_cleanup $server 110 expect "ready" send "USER $username\r" expect "password" send "PASS $password\r" expect "OK" send "STAT\r" expect "+OK " expect -re "\[0-9]* " set anz $expect_out(0,string) if {$comments==1} { send_user "message count: $anz \r\n" } set i 0 while { $i < $anz } { incr i send "UIDL $i\r" expect -re "\\\+OK $i \(.*\)\r" set uid $expect_out(1,string) ::mysql::exec $handle "insert ignore into $CRDB_DB.fetchmail values ($userid,'$uid',now());" set age [::mysql::sel $handle "SELECT DATEDIFF(now(),Fetchdate) from $CRDB_DB.fetchmail where UserID=$userid and UID='$uid'" -list] if {$comments==1} { send_user "Message #$i: UID: $uid , age: $age \r\n" } if {$age > $days} { send "DELE $i\r" expect "deleted" if {$comments==1} { send_user "Message $i deleted.\r\n" } } } send "quit\r" expect "signing off" ::mysql::exec $handle "delete from $CRDB_DB.fetchmail where DATEDIFF(now(),Fetchdate)>($days*2) and UserID=$userid;" } ::mysql::close $handle exit