spawn.test   [plain text]

# Commands covered:  spawn
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands.  Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors.  No output means no errors were found.

if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
    package require tcltest
    # do this in a way that is backward compatible for Tcl 8.3
    namespace import ::tcltest::test ::tcltest::cleanupTests

log_user 0

#exp_internal -f /dev/ttyp5 0

test spawn-1.1 {basic spawn operation} {
	set x [catch {exp_spawn cat}]
	set first_spawn_id $spawn_id; # save for later test
	set x
} {0}

test spawn-1.2 {spawn cat, then simple send/expect sequence} {
    set cat [exp_spawn -noecho cat -u]
    exp_send "a\r"
    expect "a" {set x 1} timeout {set x 0}
    set x
} {1}

test spawn-1.3 {spawn two processes simultaneously} {
    exp_spawn -noecho cat; set cat $spawn_id
    exp_spawn -noecho cat; set cat2 $spawn_id
    set x [expr {0!=[string compare [exp_pid -i $cat2] [exp_pid -i $cat]]}]
    exp_close -i $cat;exp_wait -i $cat;exp_close -i $cat2;exp_wait -i $cat2
    set x
} {1}

test spawn-1.4 {spawn open file} {
	set x 0
	set y 0

	set file [open /tmp/[pid] w]
	puts $file "testing expect's spawn -open"
	exp_close $file
	set pid [exp_spawn -open [open /tmp/[pid]]]
	expect "testing expect's spawn -open" {set x 1}
	expect eof {set y 1}
	exec rm /tmp/[pid]
	list $x $y $pid
} {1 1 0}

test spawn-1.5 {spawn with no fd leak} {
	exp_spawn cat
	set x [expr {"$first_spawn_id"=="$spawn_id"}]
	exp_close; exp_wait
	set x
} {1}	

# looks to be some control-char problem
#ftest spawn-1.6 {spawn with echo} {
#	exp_spawn cat
#} {spawn cat}
#ftest spawn-1.7 {spawn with -noecho} {
#	exp_spawn -noecho cat
#} {}
