viper-5   [plain text]

This is ../info/viper, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from viper.texi.

* VIPER: (viper).       The newest Emacs VI-emulation mode.
                          (also, A VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
                           or the VI PERil.)


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   (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and
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File: viper,  Node: Concept Index,  Prev: Package Index,  Up: Top

Concept Index

* Menu:

* # (Previous file) <1>:                 Groundwork.
* # (Previous file):                     Shell Commands.
* % (Current file) <1>:                  Shell Commands.
* % (Current file):                      Groundwork.
* % (Ex address) <1>:                    Shell Commands.
* % (Ex address):                        Groundwork.
* .emacs:                                Customization.
* .viper:                                Customization.
* <a-z>:                                 Groundwork.
* <address>:                             Groundwork.
* <args>:                                Groundwork.
* <cmd>:                                 Groundwork.
* <cr>:                                  Groundwork.
* <esc>:                                 Groundwork.
* <ht>:                                  Groundwork.
* <lf>:                                  Groundwork.
* <move>:                                Groundwork.
* <sp>:                                  Groundwork.
* abbrevs:                               Abbreviation Facilities.
* absolute file names:                   Multiple Files in Viper.
* appending:                             Appending Text.
* auto fill:                             Options.
* auto save:                             Undo and Backups.
* autoindent:                            Options.
* backup files <1>:                      Undoing.
* backup files:                          Undo and Backups.
* buffer:                                Emacs Preliminaries.
* buffer (modified):                     Emacs Preliminaries.
* buffer information:                    Emacs Preliminaries.
* buffer search:                         Improved Search.
* C-c and Viper:                         Packages that Change Keymaps.
* case and searching:                    Options.
* case-insensitive search <1>:           Vi State.
* case-insensitive search <2>:           Move Commands.
* case-insensitive search:               New Commands.
* case-sensitive search <1>:             Vi State.
* case-sensitive search <2>:             New Commands.
* case-sensitive search:                 Move Commands.
* changing case <1>:                     Changing Text.
* changing case:                         New Commands.
* changing tab width:                    Options.
* char:                                  Groundwork.
* CHAR:                                  Groundwork.
* column movement:                       Move Commands.
* Command history:                       New Commands.
* command line:                          Emacs Preliminaries.
* Command ring:                          New Commands.
* compiling:                             Useful Packages.
* completion:                            Completion.
* Control keys:                          Emacs Preliminaries.
* customization:                         Customization.
* cut and paste:                         Yanking.
* describing regions:                    Basics.
* desktop:                               Useful Packages.
* Destructive command history:           Viper Specials.
* Destructive command ring:              Viper Specials.
* dired:                                 Useful Packages.
* dynamic abbrevs:                       Abbreviation Facilities.
* ediff:                                 Useful Packages.
* Emacs state <1>:                       States in Viper.
* Emacs state:                           Emacs State.
* email:                                 Useful Packages.
* end (of buffer):                       Emacs Preliminaries.
* end (of line):                         Emacs Preliminaries.
* Ex addresses:                          Groundwork.
* Ex commands <1>:                       States in Viper.
* Ex commands <2>:                       Vi State.
* Ex commands:                           Groundwork.
* Ex style motion:                       Movement and Markers.
* expanding (region):                    Basics.
* font-lock:                             Useful Packages.
* global keymap:                         Emacs Preliminaries.
* headings <1>:                          Viper Specials.
* headings:                              Move Commands.
* history:                               History.
* incremental search:                    Improved Search.
* initialization:                        Customization.
* Insert state <1>:                      Editing in Insert State.
* Insert state <2>:                      States in Viper.
* Insert state:                          Insert State.
* inserting:                             Appending Text.
* Insertion history:                     New Commands.
* Insertion ring <1>:                    Viper Specials.
* Insertion ring:                        New Commands.
* interactive shell:                     Useful Packages.
* ispell:                                Useful Packages.
* joining lines:                         Changing Text.
* key bindings <1>:                      Mapping.
* key bindings:                          Key Bindings.
* key mapping:                           Mapping.
* keyboard macros <1>:                   Macros and Registers.
* keyboard macros:                       New Commands.
* keymap:                                Emacs Preliminaries.
* keymaps:                               Key Bindings.
* last keyboard macro:                   Macros and Registers.
* layout:                                Options.
* line commands <1>:                     Groundwork.
* line commands:                         Basics.
* line editor motion:                    Movement and Markers.
* literal searching:                     Options.
* local keymap:                          Emacs Preliminaries.
* looking at:                            Emacs Preliminaries.
* macros:                                Macros and Registers.
* mail:                                  Useful Packages.
* major mode:                            Emacs Preliminaries.
* make:                                  Useful Packages.
* managing multiple files:               Multiple Files in Viper.
* mark:                                  Emacs Preliminaries.
* markers <1>:                           Multiple Files in Viper.
* markers <2>:                           Undo and Backups.
* markers:                               Move Commands.
* marking:                               Marking.
* matching parens <1>:                   Options.
* matching parens:                       Move Commands.
* Meta key <1>:                          Vi State.
* Meta key <2>:                          Insert State.
* Meta key:                              Emacs Preliminaries.
* Minibuffer <1>:                        The Minibuffer.
* Minibuffer <2>:                        Emacs Preliminaries.
* Minibuffer:                            History.
* minor mode:                            Emacs Preliminaries.
* mode:                                  Emacs Preliminaries.
* mode line <1>:                         States in Viper.
* mode line:                             Emacs Preliminaries.
* mouse:                                 Viper Specials.
* mouse search:                          Improved Search.
* mouse-insert:                          Viper Specials.
* mouse-search:                          Viper Specials.
* movement commands <1>:                 Move Commands.
* movement commands:                     Basics.
* movements:                             Groundwork.
* Multifile documents and programs:      Viper Specials.
* multiple files <1>:                    File and Buffer Handling.
* multiple files:                        Multiple Files in Viper.
* multiple undo:                         Vi State.
* paragraphs <1>:                        Viper Specials.
* paragraphs:                            Move Commands.
* paren matching <1>:                    Move Commands.
* paren matching:                        Options.
* paste <1>:                             Appending Text.
* paste:                                 Yanking.
* point:                                 Emacs Preliminaries.
* point commands <1>:                    Groundwork.
* point commands:                        Basics.
* put:                                   Appending Text.
* query replace <1>:                     New Commands.
* query replace:                         Improved Search.
* quoting regions:                       Changing Text.
* r and R region specifiers <1>:         Groundwork.
* r and R region specifiers:             Basics.
* RCS:                                   Useful Packages.
* readonly files:                        Options.
* region <1>:                            Basics.
* region:                                Emacs Preliminaries.
* region specification:                  Basics.
* register execution <1>:                New Commands.
* register execution:                    Macros and Registers.
* registers <1>:                         Multiple Files in Viper.
* registers <2>:                         Macros and Registers.
* registers:                             Undo and Backups.
* regular expressions:                   Vi State.
* Replace state <1>:                     Replace State.
* Replace state:                         States in Viper.
* scrolling:                             Display.
* searching <1>:                         Move Commands.
* searching:                             Options.
* sections <1>:                          Viper Specials.
* sections:                              Move Commands.
* sentences <1>:                         Move Commands.
* sentences:                             Viper Specials.
* setting variables:                     Rudimentary Changes.
* shell <1>:                             Options.
* shell:                                 Useful Packages.
* shell commands:                        Shell Commands.
* shifting text <1>:                     Options.
* shifting text:                         Deleting Text.
* substitution:                          Changing Text.
* syntax table <1>:                      Movement and Markers.
* syntax table:                          Groundwork.
* tabbing:                               Options.
* text:                                  Emacs Preliminaries.
* text processing:                       Search and Replace.
* textmarkers <1>:                       Movement and Markers.
* textmarkers <2>:                       Multiple Files in Viper.
* textmarkers <3>:                       Move Commands.
* textmarkers:                           Undo and Backups.
* transparent ftp:                       Useful Packages.
* undo <1>:                              Vi State.
* undo <2>:                              Undo and Backups.
* undo:                                  Undoing.
* vanilla search <1>:                    New Commands.
* vanilla search <2>:                    Vi State.
* vanilla search:                        Move Commands.
* variables for customization:           Rudimentary Changes.
* version maintenance:                   Useful Packages.
* Vi macros:                             Vi Macros.
* Vi options:                            Options.
* Vi state <1>:                          Vi State.
* Vi state:                              States in Viper.
* viewing registers and markers <1>:     Undo and Backups.
* viewing registers and markers:         Macros and Registers.
* Viper and C-c:                         Packages that Change Keymaps.
* Viper as minor mode:                   Emacs Preliminaries.
* window:                                Emacs Preliminaries.
* word search:                           Improved Search.
* word wrap:                             Options.
* words:                                 Groundwork.
* WORDS:                                 Groundwork.