emacs-35   [plain text]

This is ../info/emacs, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from emacs.texi.

   This is the Fourteenth edition of the `GNU Emacs Manual', updated
for Emacs version 21.1.

* Emacs: (emacs).	The extensible self-documenting text editor.

   Published by the Free Software Foundation 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA

   Copyright (C) 1985,
1986,1987,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001    Free Software
Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
Invariant Sections being "The GNU Manifesto", "Distribution" and "GNU
GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE", with the Front-Cover texts being "A GNU
Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below.  A copy of the
license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation

   (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have freedom to copy and
modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software.  Copies published by the Free
Software Foundation raise funds for GNU development."

File: emacs,  Node: Variable Index,  Next: Concept Index,  Prev: Command Index,  Up: Top

Variable Index

* Menu:

* abbrev-all-caps:                       Expanding Abbrevs.
* abbrev-file-name:                      Saving Abbrevs.
* abbrev-mode:                           Abbrev Concepts.
* adaptive-fill-first-line-regexp:       Adaptive Fill.
* adaptive-fill-function:                Adaptive Fill.
* adaptive-fill-mode:                    Adaptive Fill.
* adaptive-fill-regexp:                  Adaptive Fill.
* add-log-keep-changes-together:         Change Log.
* ange-ftp-default-user:                 Remote Files.
* ange-ftp-gateway-host:                 Remote Files.
* ange-ftp-generate-anonymous-password:  Remote Files.
* ange-ftp-make-backup-files:            Remote Files.
* ange-ftp-smart-gateway:                Remote Files.
* appt-display-diary:                    Appointments.
* appt-issue-message:                    Appointments.
* apropos-do-all:                        Apropos.
* auto-coding-alist:                     Recognize Coding.
* auto-coding-regexp-alist:              Recognize Coding.
* auto-compression-mode:                 Compressed Files.
* auto-mode-alist:                       Choosing Modes.
* auto-revert-interval:                  Reverting.
* auto-save-default:                     Auto Save Control.
* auto-save-interval:                    Auto Save Control.
* auto-save-list-file-prefix:            Recover.
* auto-save-timeout:                     Auto Save Control.
* auto-save-visited-file-name:           Auto Save Files.
* automatic-hscrolling:                  Horizontal Scrolling.
* backup-by-copying:                     Backup Copying.
* backup-by-copying-when-linked:         Backup Copying.
* backup-by-copying-when-mismatch:       Backup Copying.
* backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch: Backup Copying.
* backup-directory-alist:                Backup Names.
* backup-enable-predicate:               Backup.
* baud-rate:                             Display Custom.
* bdf-directory-list:                    PostScript Variables.
* blink-matching-delay:                  Matching.
* blink-matching-paren:                  Matching.
* blink-matching-paren-distance:         Matching.
* bookmark-save-flag:                    Bookmarks.
* bookmark-search-size:                  Bookmarks.
* browse-url-browser-function:           Browse-URL.
* buffer-file-coding-system:             Recognize Coding.
* buffer-read-only:                      Misc Buffer.
* c-comment-only-line-offset:            Comments in C.
* c-comment-start-regexp:                Comments in C.
* c-default-style:                       Custom C Indent.
* c-hanging-comment-ender-p:             Comments in C.
* c-hanging-comment-starter-p:           Comments in C.
* c-hungry-delete-key:                   Hungry Delete.
* c-mode-hook:                           Program Modes.
* c-mode-map:                            Local Keymaps.
* calendar-daylight-savings-ends:        Daylight Savings.
* calendar-daylight-savings-ends-time:   Daylight Savings.
* calendar-daylight-savings-starts:      Daylight Savings.
* calendar-daylight-time-offset:         Daylight Savings.
* calendar-daylight-time-zone-name:      Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-latitude:                     Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-location-name:                Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-longitude:                    Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-standard-time-zone-name:      Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-time-zone:                    Sunrise/Sunset.
* calendar-week-start-day:               Move to Beginning or End.
* case-fold-search:                      Search Case.
* case-replace:                          Replacement and Case.
* change-log-version-info-enabled:       Change Log.
* change-log-version-number-regexp-list: Change Log.
* change-major-mode-with-file-name:      Choosing Modes.
* coding:                                Recognize Coding.
* colon-double-space:                    Fill Commands.
* comint-completion-addsuffix:           Shell Options.
* comint-completion-autolist:            Shell Options.
* comint-completion-fignore:             Shell Mode.
* comint-completion-recexact:            Shell Options.
* comint-input-autoexpand:               History References.
* comint-input-ignoredups:               Shell Options.
* comint-prompt-regexp:                  History References.
* comint-scroll-show-maximum-output:     Shell Options.
* comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input:      Shell Options.
* comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output:     Shell Options.
* comint-use-prompt-regexp-instead-of-fields: History References.
* command-history:                       Repetition.
* command-line-args:                     Action Arguments.
* comment-column:                        Options for Comments.
* comment-end:                           Options for Comments.
* comment-indent-function:               Options for Comments.
* comment-line-start:                    Fortran Comments.
* comment-line-start-skip:               Fortran Comments.
* comment-multi-line:                    Options for Comments.
* comment-padding:                       Options for Comments.
* comment-start:                         Options for Comments.
* comment-start-skip:                    Options for Comments.
* compare-ignore-case:                   Comparing Files.
* compilation-error-regexp-alist:        Compilation Mode.
* compilation-scroll-output:             Compilation.
* compile-command:                       Compilation.
* completion-auto-help:                  Completion Options.
* completion-ignored-extensions:         Completion Options.
* confirm-kill-emacs:                    Exiting.
* crisp-override-meta-x:                 Emulation.
* ctl-arrow:                             Display Custom.
* ctl-x-4-map:                           Prefix Keymaps.
* ctl-x-map:                             Prefix Keymaps.
* current-input-method:                  Select Input Method.
* current-language-environment:          Language Environments.
* cursor-in-non-selected-windows:        Cursor Display.
* custom-buffer-done-function:           Changing an Option.
* dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp:            Dabbrev Customization.
* dabbrev-abbrev-skip-leading-regexp:    Dabbrev Customization.
* dabbrev-case-fold-search:              Dabbrev Customization.
* dabbrev-case-replace:                  Dabbrev Customization.
* dabbrev-check-all-buffers:             Dynamic Abbrevs.
* dabbrev-ignored-buffer-regexps:        Dynamic Abbrevs.
* dabbrev-limit:                         Dynamic Abbrevs.
* dbx-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.
* default-buffer-file-coding-system:     Specify Coding.
* default-directory:                     File Names.
* default-enable-multibyte-characters:   Enabling Multibyte.
* default-indicate-empty-lines:          Trailing Whitespace.
* default-input-method:                  Select Input Method.
* default-justification:                 Format Justification.
* default-major-mode:                    Choosing Modes.
* delete-auto-save-files:                Auto Save Files.
* delete-old-versions:                   Backup Deletion.
* desktop-enable:                        Saving Emacs Sessions.
* desktop-files-not-to-save:             Saving Emacs Sessions.
* diary-file:                            Format of Diary File.
* diary-hook:                            Appointments.
* diary-mail-days:                       Diary Commands.
* diff-switches:                         Comparing Files.
* dired-chown-program:                   Operating on Files.
* dired-copy-preserve-time:              Operating on Files.
* dired-dwim-target:                     Operating on Files.
* dired-garbage-files-regexp:            Flagging Many Files.
* dired-kept-versions:                   Flagging Many Files.
* dired-listing-switches:                Dired Enter.
* dired-listing-switches (MS-DOS):       MS-DOS Processes.
* dired-recursive-copies:                Operating on Files.
* dired-recursive-deletes:               Dired Deletion.
* display-buffer-reuse-frames:           Select Buffer.
* display-time-24hr-format:              Optional Mode Line.
* display-time-mail-face:                Optional Mode Line.
* display-time-use-mail-icon:            Optional Mode Line.
* dos-codepage:                          MS-DOS and MULE.
* dos-display-scancodes:                 MS-DOS Input.
* dos-hyper-key:                         MS-DOS Input.
* dos-keypad-mode:                       MS-DOS Input.
* dos-printer:                           MS-DOS Printing.
* dos-ps-printer:                        MS-DOS Printing.
* dos-super-key:                         MS-DOS Input.
* dos-unsupported-character-glyph:       MS-DOS and MULE.
* double-click-fuzz:                     Mouse Buttons.
* double-click-time:                     Mouse Buttons.
* echo-keystrokes:                       Display Custom.
* emacs-lisp-mode-hook:                  Program Modes.
* emerge-combine-versions-template:      Combining in Emerge.
* emerge-startup-hook:                   Fine Points of Emerge.
* enable-multibyte-characters:           Enabling Multibyte.
* enable-recursive-minibuffers:          Minibuffer Edit.
* enriched-fill-after-visiting:          Requesting Formatted Text.
* enriched-translations:                 Requesting Formatted Text.
* eol-mnemonic-dos:                      Mode Line.
* eol-mnemonic-mac:                      Mode Line.
* eol-mnemonic-undecided:                Mode Line.
* eol-mnemonic-unix:                     Mode Line.
* esc-map:                               Prefix Keymaps.
* european-calendar-style:               Date Formats.
* eval-expression-debug-on-error:        Lisp Eval.
* eval-expression-print-length:          Lisp Eval.
* eval-expression-print-level:           Lisp Eval.
* even-window-heights:                   Select Buffer.
* exit-language-environment-hook:        Language Environments.
* explicit-shell-file-name:              Interactive Shell.
* ff-related-file-alist:                 Other C Commands.
* file-coding-system-alist:              Recognize Coding.
* file-name-buffer-file-type-alist:      Text and Binary.
* file-name-coding-system:               Specify Coding.
* file-name-handler-alist:               Remote Files.
* fill-column:                           Fill Commands.
* fill-prefix:                           Fill Prefix.
* find-file-existing-other-name:         File Aliases.
* find-file-hooks:                       Visiting.
* find-file-not-found-hooks:             Visiting.
* find-file-run-dired:                   Visiting.
* find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings: File Aliases.
* find-file-visit-truename:              File Aliases.
* find-file-wildcards:                   Visiting.
* find-ls-option:                        Dired and Find.
* find-tag-marker-ring-length:           Find Tag.
* foldout-mouse-modifiers:               Foldout.
* font-lock-beginning-of-syntax-function: Font Lock.
* font-lock-maximum-decoration:          Font Lock.
* font-lock-maximum-size:                Font Lock.
* fortran-analyze-depth:                 ForIndent Cont.
* fortran-break-before-delimiters:       Fortran Autofill.
* fortran-check-all-num...:              ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-column-ruler-fixed:            Fortran Columns.
* fortran-column-ruler-tabs:             Fortran Columns.
* fortran-comment-indent-char:           Fortran Comments.
* fortran-comment-indent-style:          Fortran Comments.
* fortran-comment-line-extra-indent:     Fortran Comments.
* fortran-comment-region:                Fortran Comments.
* fortran-continuation-indent:           ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-continuation-string:           ForIndent Cont.
* fortran-do-indent:                     ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-electric-line-number:          ForIndent Num.
* fortran-if-indent:                     ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-line-number-indent:            ForIndent Num.
* fortran-minimum-statement-indent...:   ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-structure-indent:              ForIndent Vars.
* fortran-tab-mode-default:              ForIndent Cont.
* gdb-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.
* global-font-lock-mode:                 Font Lock.
* grep-regexp-alist:                     Compilation Mode.
* gud-xdb-directories:                   Starting GUD.
* help-map:                              Prefix Keymaps.
* hi-lock-exclude-modes:                 Highlight Interactively.
* highlight-nonselected-windows:         Transient Mark.
* highlight-wrong-size-font:             Fontsets.
* history-length:                        Minibuffer History.
* hourglass-delay:                       Display Custom.
* hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all:      Hideshow.
* hs-isearch-open:                       Hideshow.
* hs-special-modes-alist:                Hideshow.
* image-file-name-extensions:            File Conveniences.
* image-file-name-regexps:               File Conveniences.
* imenu-auto-rescan:                     Imenu.
* imenu-sort-function:                   Imenu.
* indent-tabs-mode:                      Just Spaces.
* indent-tabs-mode (Fortran mode):       ForIndent Cont.
* indicate-empty-lines:                  Trailing Whitespace.
* inferior-lisp-program:                 External Lisp.
* inhibit-eol-conversion:                Recognize Coding.
* inhibit-iso-escape-detection:          Recognize Coding.
* initial-major-mode:                    Entering Emacs.
* input-method-highlight-flag:           Input Methods.
* input-method-verbose-flag:             Input Methods.
* insert-default-directory:              File Names.
* interpreter-mode-alist:                Choosing Modes.
* inverse-video:                         Display Custom.
* isearch-lazy-highlight:                Incremental Search.
* isearch-lazy-highlight-face:           Incremental Search.
* isearch-mode-map:                      Incremental Search.
* ispell-dictionary:                     Spelling.
* jdb-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.
* kept-new-versions:                     Backup Deletion.
* kept-old-versions:                     Backup Deletion.
* keyboard-coding-system:                Specify Coding.
* kill-buffer-hook:                      Kill Buffer.
* kill-read-only-ok:                     Killing.
* kill-ring:                             Earlier Kills.
* kill-ring-max:                         Earlier Kills.
* kill-whole-line:                       Killing by Lines.
* latex-block-names:                     LaTeX Editing.
* latex-mode-hook:                       TeX Misc.
* latex-run-command:                     TeX Print.
* latin1-display:                        Undisplayable Characters.
* line-number-display-limit:             Optional Mode Line.
* line-number-display-limit-width:       Optional Mode Line.
* lisp-body-indent:                      Lisp Indent.
* lisp-indent-offset:                    Lisp Indent.
* lisp-interaction-mode-hook:            Program Modes.
* lisp-mode-hook:                        Program Modes.
* lisp-mode-map:                         Local Keymaps.
* list-directory-brief-switches:         Directories.
* list-directory-verbose-switches:       Directories.
* load-dangerous-libraries:              Lisp Libraries.
* load-path:                             Lisp Libraries.
* locale-charset-language-names:         Language Environments.
* locale-coding-system:                  Specify Coding.
* locale-language-names:                 Language Environments.
* locale-preferred-coding-systems:       Language Environments.
* locate-command:                        Dired and Find.
* lpr-add-switches:                      Hardcopy.
* lpr-command (MS-DOS):                  MS-DOS Printing.
* lpr-commands:                          Hardcopy.
* lpr-headers-switches:                  Hardcopy.
* lpr-headers-switches (MS-DOS):         MS-DOS Printing.
* lpr-switches:                          Hardcopy.
* lpr-switches (MS-DOS):                 MS-DOS Printing.
* mac-command-key-is-meta:               Mac Input.
* mac-keyboard-text-encoding:            Mac Input.
* mail-abbrevs:                          Mail Aliases.
* mail-aliases:                          Mail Aliases.
* mail-archive-file-name:                Mail Headers.
* mail-default-headers:                  Mail Headers.
* mail-default-reply-to:                 Mail Headers.
* mail-from-style:                       Mail Headers.
* mail-mode-hook:                        Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-personal-alias-file:              Mail Aliases.
* mail-self-blind:                       Mail Headers.
* mail-setup-hook:                       Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-signature:                        Mail Mode Misc.
* mail-user-agent:                       Mail Methods.
* mail-yank-prefix:                      Citing Mail.
* make-backup-file-name-function:        Backup Names.
* make-backup-files:                     Backup.
* Man-fontify-manpage-flag:              Man Page.
* Man-switches:                          Man Page.
* mark-even-if-inactive:                 Transient Mark.
* mark-ring:                             Mark Ring.
* mark-ring-max:                         Mark Ring.
* max-mini-window-height:                Minibuffer Edit.
* message-log-max:                       Echo Area.
* midnight-hook:                         Kill Buffer.
* midnight-mode:                         Kill Buffer.
* minibuffer-local-completion-map:       Minibuffer Maps.
* minibuffer-local-map:                  Minibuffer Maps.
* minibuffer-local-must-match-map:       Minibuffer Maps.
* minibuffer-local-ns-map:               Minibuffer Maps.
* mode-line-inverse-video:               Display Custom.
* mode-specific-map:                     Prefix Keymaps.
* mouse-avoidance-mode:                  Mouse Avoidance.
* mouse-scroll-min-lines:                Mouse Commands.
* mouse-wheel-follow-mouse:              Wheeled Mice.
* mouse-wheel-scroll-amount:             Wheeled Mice.
* mouse-yank-at-point:                   Mouse Commands.
* next-line-add-newlines:                Moving Point.
* next-screen-context-lines:             Scrolling.
* no-redraw-on-reenter:                  Display Custom.
* normal-erase-is-backspace:             DEL Does Not Delete.
* nroff-mode-hook:                       Nroff Mode.
* outline-level:                         Outline Format.
* outline-minor-mode-prefix:             Outline Mode.
* outline-mode-hook:                     Outline Mode.
* outline-regexp:                        Outline Format.
* page-delimiter:                        Pages.
* paragraph-separate:                    Paragraphs.
* paragraph-start:                       Paragraphs.
* partial-completion-mode:               Completion Options.
* PC-disable-includes:                   Completion Options.
* PC-include-file-path:                  Completion Options.
* pdb-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.
* perldb-mode-hook:                      GUD Customization.
* picture-mode-hook:                     Picture.
* picture-tab-chars:                     Tabs in Picture.
* plain-tex-mode-hook:                   TeX Misc.
* print-region-function (MS-DOS):        MS-DOS Printing.
* printer-name:                          Hardcopy.
* printer-name (MS-DOS):                 MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-font-family:                        PostScript Variables.
* ps-font-info-database:                 PostScript Variables.
* ps-font-size:                          PostScript Variables.
* ps-landscape-mode:                     PostScript Variables.
* ps-lpr-command:                        PostScript Variables.
* ps-lpr-command (MS-DOS):               MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-lpr-switches:                       PostScript Variables.
* ps-lpr-switches (MS-DOS):              MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-multibyte-buffer:                   PostScript Variables.
* ps-number-of-columns:                  PostScript Variables.
* ps-page-dimensions-database:           PostScript Variables.
* ps-paper-type:                         PostScript Variables.
* ps-print-color-p:                      PostScript Variables.
* ps-print-header:                       PostScript Variables.
* ps-printer-name:                       PostScript Variables.
* ps-printer-name (MS-DOS):              MS-DOS Printing.
* ps-use-face-background:                PostScript Variables.
* read-quoted-char-radix:                Inserting Text.
* recentf-mode:                          File Conveniences.
* require-final-newline:                 Saving.
* resize-mini-windows:                   Minibuffer Edit.
* revert-without-query:                  Reverting.
* rmail-decode-mime-charset:             Recognize Coding.
* rmail-delete-after-output:             Rmail Output.
* rmail-delete-message-hook:             Rmail Deletion.
* rmail-dont-reply-to-names:             Rmail Reply.
* rmail-edit-mode-hook:                  Rmail Editing.
* rmail-file-coding-system:              Recognize Coding.
* rmail-file-name:                       Rmail Basics.
* rmail-highlighted-headers:             Rmail Display.
* rmail-ignored-headers:                 Rmail Display.
* rmail-mail-new-frame:                  Rmail Reply.
* rmail-mode-hook:                       Rmail.
* rmail-movemail-flags:                  Movemail.
* rmail-output-file-alist:               Rmail Output.
* rmail-pop-password:                    Movemail.
* rmail-pop-password-required:           Movemail.
* rmail-preserve-inbox:                  Movemail.
* rmail-primary-inbox-list:              Rmail Inbox.
* rmail-redisplay-summary:               Rmail Summary Edit.
* rmail-retry-ignored-headers:           Rmail Reply.
* rmail-secondary-file-directory:        Rmail Files.
* rmail-secondary-file-regexp:           Rmail Files.
* rmail-summary-line-count-flag:         Rmail Make Summary.
* rmail-summary-window-size:             Rmail Make Summary.
* same-window-buffer-names:              Force Same Window.
* same-window-regexps:                   Force Same Window.
* save-abbrevs:                          Saving Abbrevs.
* save-place:                            Saving Emacs Sessions.
* scheme-mode-hook:                      Program Modes.
* scroll-all-mode:                       Window Convenience.
* scroll-bar-mode:                       Scroll Bars.
* scroll-bar-width:                      Scroll Bars.
* scroll-conservatively:                 Scrolling.
* scroll-down-aggressively:              Scrolling.
* scroll-margin:                         Scrolling.
* scroll-preserve-screen-position:       Scrolling.
* scroll-up-aggressively:                Scrolling.
* sdb-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.
* search-slow-speed:                     Incremental Search.
* search-slow-window-lines:              Incremental Search.
* selective-display-ellipses:            Selective Display.
* sendmail-coding-system:                Recognize Coding.
* sentence-end:                          Sentences.
* sentence-end-double-space:             Fill Commands.
* sentence-end-without-period:           Fill Commands.
* server-kill-new-buffers:               Emacs Server.
* server-temp-file-regexp:               Emacs Server.
* server-window:                         Emacs Server.
* set-language-environment-hook:         Language Environments.
* shell-cd-regexp:                       Directory Tracking.
* shell-command-default-error-buffer:    Single Shell.
* shell-command-regexp:                  Shell Mode.
* shell-completion-execonly:             Shell Options.
* shell-completion-fignore:              Shell Mode.
* shell-file-name:                       Single Shell.
* shell-input-ring-file-name:            Shell Ring.
* shell-popd-regexp:                     Directory Tracking.
* shell-prompt-pattern:                  History References.
* shell-pushd-regexp:                    Directory Tracking.
* show-trailing-whitespace:              Trailing Whitespace.
* slitex-mode-hook:                      TeX Misc.
* slitex-run-command:                    TeX Print.
* small-temporary-file-directory:        Backup.
* sort-fold-case:                        Sorting.
* sort-numeric-base:                     Sorting.
* special-display-buffer-names:          Special Buffer Frames.
* special-display-frame-alist:           Special Buffer Frames.
* special-display-regexps:               Special Buffer Frames.
* split-window-keep-point:               Split Window.
* standard-fontset-spec:                 Defining Fontsets.
* standard-indent:                       Format Indentation.
* suggest-key-bindings:                  M-x.
* tab-stop-list:                         Tab Stops.
* tab-width:                             Display Custom.
* tags-apropos-additional-actions:       List Tags.
* tags-apropos-verbose:                  List Tags.
* tags-case-fold-search:                 Tags Search.
* tags-file-name:                        Select Tags Table.
* tags-table-list:                       Select Tags Table.
* tags-tag-face:                         List Tags.
* temporary-file-directory:              Backup.
* term-file-prefix:                      Terminal Init.
* term-setup-hook:                       Terminal Init.
* tex-bibtex-command:                    TeX Print.
* tex-default-mode:                      TeX Mode.
* tex-directory:                         TeX Print.
* tex-dvi-print-command:                 TeX Print.
* tex-dvi-view-command:                  TeX Print.
* tex-main-file:                         TeX Print.
* tex-mode-hook:                         TeX Misc.
* tex-run-command:                       TeX Print.
* tex-shell-hook:                        TeX Misc.
* tex-show-queue-command:                TeX Print.
* tex-start-options-string:              TeX Print.
* text-mode-hook:                        Text Mode.
* timeclock-ask-before-exiting:          Time Intervals.
* timeclock-file:                        Time Intervals.
* timeclock-modeline-display:            Time Intervals.
* track-eol:                             Moving Point.
* truncate-lines:                        Continuation Lines.
* truncate-partial-width-windows:        Split Window.
* undo-limit:                            Undo.
* undo-strong-limit:                     Undo.
* unibyte-display-via-language-environment: Single-Byte Character Support.
* uniquify-buffer-name-style:            Uniquify.
* use-dialog-box:                        Dialog Boxes.
* user-mail-address:                     Init Examples.
* vc-command-messages:                   General VC Options.
* vc-comment-alist:                      Version Headers.
* vc-consult-headers:                    RCS and SCCS.
* vc-cvs-stay-local:                     CVS Options.
* vc-default-init-version:               Registering.
* vc-diff-switches:                      Old Versions.
* vc-directory-exclusion-list:           VC Dired Mode.
* vc-dired-recurse:                      VC Dired Mode.
* vc-dired-terse-display:                VC Dired Mode.
* vc-follow-symlinks:                    General VC Options.
* vc-handled-backends:                   Customizing VC.
* vc-header-alist:                       Version Headers.
* vc-initial-comment:                    Registering.
* vc-keep-workfiles:                     General VC Options.
* vc-log-mode-hook:                      Log Buffer.
* vc-make-backup-files <1>:              Backup.
* vc-make-backup-files:                  General VC Options.
* vc-mistrust-permissions:               RCS and SCCS.
* vc-path:                               General VC Options.
* vc-rcs-diff-switches:                  Old Versions.
* vc-static-header-alist:                Version Headers.
* vc-suppress-confirm:                   General VC Options.
* version-control:                       Backup Names.
* visible-bell:                          Display Custom.
* w32-pass-alt-to-system:                Windows System Menu.
* which-func-modes:                      Which Function.
* window-min-height:                     Change Window.
* window-min-width:                      Change Window.
* woman-dired-keys:                      Man Page.
* woman-manpath:                         Man Page.
* woman-path:                            Man Page.
* x-cut-buffer-max:                      Mouse Commands.
* x-select-enable-clipboard:             Clipboard.
* x-stretch-cursor:                      Cursor Display.
* xdb-mode-hook:                         GUD Customization.