ImageLoaderMachOCompressed.h   [plain text]

/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include <stdint.h> 

#include "ImageLoaderMachO.h"

// ImageLoaderMachOCompressed is the concrete subclass of ImageLoader which loads mach-o files 
// that use the compressed LINKEDIT format.  
class ImageLoaderMachOCompressed : public ImageLoaderMachO {
	static ImageLoaderMachOCompressed*	instantiateMainExecutable(const macho_header* mh, uintptr_t slide, const char* path, 
																	unsigned int segCount, unsigned int libCount, const LinkContext& context);
	static ImageLoaderMachOCompressed*	instantiateFromFile(const char* path, int fd, const uint8_t* fileData, 
															uint64_t offsetInFat, uint64_t lenInFat, const struct stat& info, 
															unsigned int segCount, unsigned int libCount, const LinkContext& context);
	static ImageLoaderMachOCompressed*	instantiateFromCache(const macho_header* mh, const char* path, const struct stat& info,
																unsigned int segCount, unsigned int libCount, const LinkContext& context);
	static ImageLoaderMachOCompressed*	instantiateFromMemory(const char* moduleName, const macho_header* mh, uint64_t len, 
															unsigned int segCount, unsigned int libCount, const LinkContext& context);

	virtual								~ImageLoaderMachOCompressed();

	virtual ImageLoader*				libImage(unsigned int) const;
	virtual bool						libReExported(unsigned int) const;
	virtual void						setLibImage(unsigned int, ImageLoader*, bool);
	virtual void						doBind(const LinkContext& context, bool forceLazysBound);
	virtual void						doBindJustLazies(const LinkContext& context);
	virtual uintptr_t					doBindLazySymbol(uintptr_t* lazyPointer, const LinkContext& context);
	virtual uintptr_t					doBindFastLazySymbol(uint32_t lazyBindingInfoOffset, const LinkContext& context);
	virtual const char*					findClosestSymbol(const void* addr, const void** closestAddr) const;
	virtual	void						initializeCoalIterator(CoalIterator&, unsigned int loadOrder);
	virtual	bool						incrementCoalIterator(CoalIterator&);
	virtual	uintptr_t					getAddressCoalIterator(CoalIterator&, const LinkContext& contex);
	virtual	void						updateUsesCoalIterator(CoalIterator&, uintptr_t newAddr, ImageLoader* target, const LinkContext& context);

	virtual void						setDyldInfo(const dyld_info_command* dyldInfo) { fDyldInfo = dyldInfo; }
	virtual void						setSymbolTableInfo(const macho_nlist*, const char*, const dysymtab_command*) {}
	virtual	bool						isSubframeworkOf(const LinkContext& context, const ImageLoader* image) const { return false; }
	virtual	bool						hasSubLibrary(const LinkContext& context, const ImageLoader* child) const { return false; }
	virtual uint32_t*					segmentCommandOffsets() const;
	virtual	void						rebase(const LinkContext& context);
	virtual const ImageLoader::Symbol*	findExportedSymbol(const char* name, const ImageLoader** foundIn) const;
	virtual bool						containsSymbol(const void* addr) const;
	virtual uintptr_t					exportedSymbolAddress(const Symbol* symbol) const;
	virtual bool						exportedSymbolIsWeakDefintion(const Symbol* symbol) const;
	virtual const char*					exportedSymbolName(const Symbol* symbol) const;
	virtual unsigned int				exportedSymbolCount() const;
	virtual const ImageLoader::Symbol*	exportedSymbolIndexed(unsigned int) const;
	virtual unsigned int				importedSymbolCount() const;
	virtual const ImageLoader::Symbol*	importedSymbolIndexed(unsigned int) const;
	virtual const char*					importedSymbolName(const Symbol* symbol) const;
	virtual void						resetPreboundLazyPointers(const LinkContext& context);

	struct LastLookup { int ordinal; uint8_t flags; const char* name; uintptr_t result; const ImageLoader* foundIn; };

	typedef uintptr_t (ImageLoaderMachOCompressed::*bind_handler)(const LinkContext& context, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t type, 
											const char* symbolName, uint8_t symboFlags, intptr_t addend, int libraryOrdinal, 
											const char* msg, LastLookup* last);

	void								eachLazyBind(const LinkContext& context, bind_handler);
	void								eachBind(const LinkContext& context, bind_handler);

										ImageLoaderMachOCompressed(const macho_header* mh, const char* path, unsigned int segCount,
																	uint32_t segOffsets[], unsigned int libCount);
	static ImageLoaderMachOCompressed*	instantiateStart(const macho_header* mh, const char* path, unsigned int segCount, unsigned int libCount);
	void								instantiateFinish(const LinkContext& context);
	void								markSequentialLINKEDIT(const LinkContext& context);
	void								markFreeLINKEDIT(const LinkContext& context);
	void								markLINKEDIT(const LinkContext& context, int advise);

	void								rebaseAt(const LinkContext& context, uintptr_t addr, uintptr_t slide, uint8_t type);
	void								throwBadRebaseAddress(uintptr_t address, uintptr_t segmentEndAddress, int segmentIndex, 
												const uint8_t* startOpcodes, const uint8_t* endOpcodes, const uint8_t* pos);
	uintptr_t							bindAt(const LinkContext& context, uintptr_t addr, uint8_t type, const char* symbolName, 
												uint8_t symboFlags, intptr_t addend, int libraryOrdinal, const char* msg,
												LastLookup* last);
	void								bindCompressed(const LinkContext& context);
	void								throwBadBindingAddress(uintptr_t address, uintptr_t segmentEndAddress, int segmentIndex, 
												const uint8_t* startOpcodes, const uint8_t* endOpcodes, const uint8_t* pos);
	uintptr_t							resolve(const LinkContext& context, const char* symbolName, 
												uint8_t symboFlags, int libraryOrdinal, const ImageLoader** targetImage, LastLookup* last = NULL);
	uintptr_t							resolveFlat(const LinkContext& context, const char* symbolName, bool weak_import, 
													const ImageLoader** foundIn);
	uintptr_t							resolveCoalesced(const LinkContext& context, const char* symbolName, const ImageLoader** foundIn);
	uintptr_t							resolveTwolevel(const LinkContext& context, const ImageLoader* targetImage, bool weak_import, 
														const char* symbolName, const ImageLoader** foundIn);
	const struct dyld_info_command*			fDyldInfo;