Pigeonhole Sieve support ======================== Introduction ------------ The [Pigeonhole.txt] provides mail filtering facilities at time of final message delivery using the Sieve (RFC 5228 [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5228.txt]) language. By writing Sieve scripts, users can customize how messages are delivered, e.g. whether they are forwarded or stored in special folders. The Sieve language is meant to be simple, extensible and system independent. And, unlike most other mail filtering script languages, it does not allow users to execute arbitrary programs. This is particularly useful to prevent virtual users from having full access to the mail store. The intention of the language is to make it impossible for users to do anything more complex (and dangerous) than write simple mail filters. See Sieve wiki [http://sieve.info/] for more comprehensive information about the Sieve language itself. Installation ------------ Refer to the [Pigeonhole.Installation.txt]. Configuration and Use --------------------- The Pigeonhole package provides the following items: * The [Pigeonhole.Sieve.txt] for Dovecot's [LDA.txt] or its server: This facilitates the actual Sieve filtering upon delivery. * The [Pigeonhole.ManageSieve.txt]: This implements the ManageSieve protocol through which users can remotely manage Sieve scripts on the server. Contact Info ------------ * Author: Stephan Bosch, stephan@rename-it.nl * IRC: Freenode [http://freenode.net/], #dovecot, S[r]us * Please use the Dovecot mailing list [http://www.dovecot.org/mailinglists.html] for questions about the Pigeonhole. You don't have to subscribe to it. (This file was created from the wiki on 2011-05-11 04:42)