require "vnd.dovecot.testsuite"; require "envelope"; require "reject"; test_set "message" text: From: To: Subject: Frop! Frop! . ; test_set "envelope.from" ""; test_set "" ""; test "Basic" { reject "I don't want your mail"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "failed to execute reject"; } test_message :smtp 0; if not address :is "to" "" { test_fail "to address incorrect"; } if not header :contains "from" "Mail Delivery Subsystem" { test_fail "from address incorrect"; } if not envelope :is "to" "" { test_fail "envelope recipient incorrect"; } if not envelope :is "from" "" { test_fail "envelope sender not null"; } } test_result_reset; test_set "envelope.from" "<>"; test "Null Sender" { reject "I don't want your mail"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "failed to execute reject"; } if test_message :smtp 0 { test_fail "reject sent message to NULL sender"; } }