content.svtest   [plain text]

require "vnd.dovecot.testsuite";
require "relational";
require "comparator-i;ascii-numeric";

require "body";


test_set "message" text:
Subject: Frop
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=donkey

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain

Plain Text

Content-Type: text/stupid

Stupid Text

Content-Type: text/plain/stupid

Plain Stupid Text


 * RFC5173, Section 5.2:
 *  If an individual content type begins or ends with a '/' (slash) or
 *  contains multiple slashes, then it matches no content types.
 *  ...

test "Basic Match" {
	if not body :content "text/plain" :matches "Plain Text*" {
		test_fail "failed to match (1)";

	if not body :content "text/plain" :contains "" {
		test_fail "failed to match (2)";

	if not body :content "text/stupid" :contains "" {
		test_fail "failed to match (3)";

test "Begin Slash" {
	if body :content "/plain" :contains "" {
		test_fail "matched :content \"/plain\"";

test "End Slash" {
	if body :content "text/" :contains "" {
		test_fail "matched :content \"text/\"";

test "Double Slash" {
	if body :content "text/plain/stupid" :contains "" {
		test_fail "matched :content \"text/plain/stupid\"";


test_set "message" text:
Subject: Frop
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=limit

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain

This is a text message.

Content-Type: text/html

<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>

Content-Type: application/sieve



/* RFC5173, Section 5.2:
 *  ...
 *  Otherwise, if it contains a slash, then it specifies a full
 *  <type>/<subtype> pair, and matches only that specific content type.
 *  If it is the empty string, all MIME content types are matched.
 *  Otherwise, it specifies a <type> only, and any subtype of that type
 *  matches it.

test "Full Content Type" {
	if not body :content "text/plain" :matches "This is a text message.*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/plain content";

	if body :content "text/plain" :matches "<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "erroneously matched text/html content";

	if not body :content "text/html" :matches "<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/html content";

	if body :content "text/html" :matches "This is a text message.*" {
		test_fail "erroneously matched text/plain content";

	if body :content "text/html" :matches "This is HTML*" {
		test_fail "body :content test matched plain text";

test "Empty Content Type" {
	if not body :content "" :matches "This is a text message.*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/plain content";

	if not body :content "" :matches "<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/html content";

	if not body :content "" :matches "keep;*" {
		test_fail "failed to match application/sieve content";

	if body :content "" :matches "*blurdybloop*" {
		test_fail "body :content \"\" test matches nonsense";

test "Main Content Type" {
	if not body :content "text" :matches "This is a text message.*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/plain content";

	if not body :content "text" :matches "<html><body>This is HTML</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/html content";

	if body :content "text" :matches "keep;*" {
		test_fail "erroneously matched application/sieve content";


test_set "message" text:
From: Whomever <>
To: Someone <>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 00:30:04 +0200
Subject: whatever
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=outer

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=inner

This is a nested multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"



This is the end of the inner MIME multipart.

Content-Type: message/rfc822

From: Someone Else
Subject: hello request

Please say Hello


This is the end of the outer MIME multipart.

/* RFC5173, Section 5.2:
 *  The search for MIME parts matching the :content specification is
 *  recursive and automatically descends into multipart and
 *  message/rfc822 MIME parts.  All MIME parts with matching types are
 *  searched for the key strings.  The test returns true if any
 *  combination of a searched MIME part and key-list argument match.

test "Nested Search" {
	if not body :content "text/plain" :matches "Hello*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/plain content";

	if body :content "text/plain" :matches "<html><body>Hello</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "erroneously matched text/html content";

	if not body :content "text/html" :matches "<html><body>Hello</body></html>*" {
		test_fail "failed to match text/html content";

	if body :content "text/html" :matches "Hello*" {
		test_fail "erroneously matched text/plain content";

	if not body :content "text" :contains "html" {
		test_fail "failed match text content (1)";	

	if not body :content "text" :contains "hello" {
		test_fail "failed match text content (2)";

	if not body :content "text/plain" :contains "please say hello" {
		test_fail "failed match nested message content as text/plain";

	if not body :content "text" :contains "please say hello" {
		test_fail "failed match nested message content as text/*";
	if not body :content "text" :count "eq" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" "3" {
		test_fail "matched wrong number of \"text/*\" body parts";

/* RFC5173, Section 5.2:
 *  If the :content specification matches a multipart MIME part, only the
 *  prologue and epilogue sections of the part will be searched for the
 *  key strings, treating the entire prologue and the entire epilogue as
 *  separate strings; the contents of nested parts are only searched if
 *  their respective types match the :content specification.

test "Multipart Content" {
	if not body :content "multipart" :contains
		"This is a multi-part message in MIME format" {
		test_fail "missed first multipart body part";

	if not body :content "multipart" :contains
		"This is a nested multi-part message in MIME format" {
		test_fail "missed second multipart body part";

	if not body :content "multipart" :contains
		"This is the end of the inner MIME multipart" {
		test_fail "missed third multipart body part";

	if not body :content "multipart" :contains
		"This is the end of the outer MIME multipart." {
		test_fail "missed fourth multipart body part";

	if body :content "multipart" :contains "--inner" {
		test_fail "inner boundary is part of match";

	if body :content "multipart" :contains "--outer" {
		test_fail "outer boundary is part of match";

/* RFC5173, Section 5.2:
 *  If the :content specification matches a message/rfc822 MIME part,
 *  only the header of the nested message will be searched for the key
 *  strings, treating the header as a single string; the contents of the
 *  nested message body parts are only searched if their content type
 *  matches the :content specification.

/* FIXME */