ipp-tests.test   [plain text]

# "$Id: ipp-tests.test 12698 2015-06-08 17:47:35Z msweet $"
# IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual 1.0: Section 6: IPP Tests.
# Copyright 2014-2015 by The Printer Working Group.
# Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc.
# Copyright 2001-2006 by Easy Software Products. All rights reserved.
# These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
# property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
# law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
# which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
# file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/".
# Usage:
#   ./ipptool -tI printer-uri ipp-tests.test
# History:
# This test file is loosely based on the IPP/1.1, IPP/2.0 and IPP Everywhere
# test files from the CUPS "test" directory.  Many of those tests have been
# combined or removed, and all print tests are performed using a sample JPEG
# file.  These tests also validate support for the 'media-empty' and
# 'media-needed' keywords in the "printer-state-reasons" Printer attribute.

FILE-ID "org.pwg.ipp-everywhere.20140826.ipp"

# All tests use IPP version 2.0, unless overridden in a test...

# Regular expressions for URI schemes:
#   HTTP_URI_SCHEME - Matches strings beginning with http:// or https://
#   IPP_URI_SCHEME  - Matches strings beginning with ipp:// or ipps://
#   UUID_URI        - Matches UUID URN strings.

DEFINE HTTP_URI_SCHEME "/^https?://.+$$/"
DEFINE IPP_URI_SCHEME "/^ipps?://.+$$/"
DEFINE LINK_LOCAL "/^(\[|\[v1.)fe80:/"
DEFINE UUID_URI "/^urn:uuid:[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12,12}/"

# Regular expression for PWG media size names (eek!)
# Generated with help from: http://www.msweet.org/abnf.php
DEFINE MEDIA_REGEX "/^(choice(_((custom|na|asme|roc|oe|roll)_[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*_([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])x([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])in|(custom|iso|jis|jpn|prc|om|roll)_[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*_([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])x([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])mm)){2,}|(custom|na|asme|roc|oe|roll)_[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*_([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])x([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])in|(custom|iso|jis|jpn|prc|om|roll)_[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*_([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])x([1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?|0\.[0-9]*[1-9])mm)$$/"

# Regular expression for printer-alert attribute
# Generated with help from: http://www.msweet.org/abnf.php
DEFINE ALERT_REGEX "/^code\=[A-Za-z]+(;(index\=[0-9]+|severity\=[A-Za-z]+|training\=[A-Za-z]+|group\=[A-Za-z]+|groupindex\=[0-9]+|location\=[0-9]+|time\=[0-9]+)){0,1}$$/"

# Regular expression for printer-supply attribute
# Generated with help from: http://www.msweet.org/abnf.php
DEFINE SUPPLY_REGEX "/^(type\=[A-Za-z]+|(maxcapacity\=([0-9]|\-){0,1})(level\=([0-9]|\-){0,1})|);*((index\=[0-9]+|markerindex\=[0-9]+|class\=[A-Za-z]+|unit\=[A-Za-z]+|colorantindex\=[0-9]+|colorantrole\=[A-Za-z]+|colorantname\=[A-Za-z]+|coloranttonality\=[0-9]+);){0,1}$$/"

# Test that a request-id value of 0 is not accepted.
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.1.1
	NAME "I-1. RFC 2911 section 3.1.1: Bad request-id value 0"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported

# Test that the first two attributes must be attributes-charset and
# attributes-natural-language.
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.1.4
	NAME "I-2. RFC 2911 section 3.1.4: No Operation Attributes"
	REQUEST-ID random
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported
	NAME "I-3. RFC 2911 section 3.1.4: attributes-charset"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported
	NAME "I-4. RFC 2911 section 3.1.4: attributes-natural-language"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported
	NAME "I-5. RFC 2911 section 3.1.4: attributes-natural-language + attributes-charset"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported
	NAME "I-6. RFC 2911 section 3.1.4: attributes-charset + attributes-natural-language"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS successful-ok
	EXPECT printer-uri-supported OF-TYPE uri WITH-ALL-VALUES "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

# Test that bad IPP versions are not supported.
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.1.8
	# The name of the test...
	NAME "I-7. RFC 2911 section 3.1.8: Unsupported IPP version 0.0"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri

	STATUS server-error-version-not-supported
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported

# Test that printer operations require the printer-uri operation attribute.
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2
	NAME "I-8. RFC 2911 section 3.2: No printer-uri operation attribute"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en

	STATUS client-error-bad-request
	EXPECT !printer-uri-supported

# Test Get-Printer-Attributes operation
# Required by: PWG 5100.14 Section 5.x
	NAME "I-9. Get-Printer-Attributes Operation (default)"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 5 - Operations
	EXPECT operations-supported OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 0x0002 # Print-Job
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0004 # Validate-Job
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0005 # Create-Job
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0006 # Send-Document
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0008 # Cancel-Job
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0009 # Get-Job-Attributes
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x000a # Get-Jobs
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x000b # Get-Printer-Attributes
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x0039 # Cancel-My-Jobs
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x003b # Close-Job
	EXPECT operations-supported WITH-VALUE 0x003c # Identify-Printer

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 6 - Printer Description Attributes
	EXPECT charset-configured OF-TYPE charset IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT charset-supported OF-TYPE charset IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE utf-8

	EXPECT color-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT compression-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "none"
	EXPECT compression-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "deflate" DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_DEFLATE
	EXPECT compression-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "gzip" DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_GZIP

	EXPECT copies-default OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT copies-supported OF-TYPE rangeOfInteger IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT document-format-default OF-TYPE mimeMediaType IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supported OF-TYPE mimeMediaType IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "image/jpeg"
	EXPECT document-format-supported OF-TYPE mimeMediaType IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "image/pwg-raster"
	EXPECT document-format-supported OF-TYPE mimeMediaType IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "application/pdf" DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_PDF

	EXPECT document-password-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_PDF

	EXPECT feed-orientation-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_FEED_ORIENTATION
	EXPECT feed-orientation-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_FEED_ORIENTATION

	EXPECT finishings-supported OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3 DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_FINISHINGS
	EXPECT finishings-default OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag IF-DEFINED HAVE_FINISHINGS

	EXPECT generated-natural-language-supported OF-TYPE naturalLanguage IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT identify-actions-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "/^(display|flash|sound|speak)$/"
	EXPECT identify-actions-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "/^(display|flash|sound|speak)$/"

	EXPECT ipp-features-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "ipp-everywhere"

	EXPECT ipp-versions-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "2.0"

	EXPECT job-account-id-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE true COUNT 1 DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_JOB_ACCOUNT_ID
	EXPECT job-account-id-default OF-TYPE name|no-value IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_JOB_ACCOUNT_ID

	EXPECT job-accounting-user-id-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE true COUNT 1 DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_JOB_ACCOUNTING_USER_ID
	EXPECT job-accounting-user-id-default OF-TYPE name|no-value IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_JOB_ACCOUNTING_USER_ID

	EXPECT job-constraints-supported OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_JOB_CONSTRAINTS

	EXPECT job-creation-attributes-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "/^(media|print-color-mode)$$/"

	EXPECT job-ids-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE true

	# TODO: Make job-password-xxx conditionally required
	EXPECT ?job-password-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-password-encryption-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT preferred-attributes-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT job-resolvers-supported OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag IF-DEFINED HAVE_JOB_CONSTRAINTS

	EXPECT media-bottom-margin-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES >-1

	# Default Get-Printer-Attributes MUST NOT return media-col-database, per PWG 5100.11 (JPS2)
	EXPECT !media-col-database OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT media-source-supported OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE

	EXPECT media-type-supported OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	EXPECT media-col-default OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-default/media-size OF-TYPE collection COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-default/media-size/x-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-default/media-size/y-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-default/media-source OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE
	EXPECT media-col-default/media-type OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	# TODO: Use EXPECT-ALL (STR #4469)
	EXPECT media-col-ready OF-TYPE collection|no-value IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag
	EXPECT media-col-ready/media-size OF-TYPE collection COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-ready/media-size/x-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-ready/media-size/y-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-ready/media-source OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE
	EXPECT ?media-col-ready/media-source-properties OF-TYPE collection COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-ready/media-type OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	EXPECT media-col-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag
	EXPECT media-col-supported WITH-VALUE "media-size"
	EXPECT media-col-supported WITH-VALUE "media-source" IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE
	EXPECT media-col-supported WITH-VALUE "media-type" IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	EXPECT media-default OF-TYPE no-value|keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$MEDIA_REGEX"

	EXPECT media-left-margin-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES >-1

	EXPECT media-ready OF-TYPE keyword|name|no-value IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$MEDIA_REGEX"

	EXPECT media-right-margin-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES >-1

	EXPECT media-size-supported OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag
	# TODO: Use EXPECT-ALL (STR #4469)
	EXPECT media-size-supported/x-dimension OF-TYPE integer|rangeOfInteger
	EXPECT media-size-supported/y-dimension OF-TYPE integer|rangeOfInteger

	# media-source-supported tests above to set HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE

	EXPECT media-supported OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$MEDIA_REGEX"

	EXPECT media-top-margin-supported OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES >-1

	# media-type-supported tests above to set HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	EXPECT multiple-document-jobs-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT multiple-operation-time-out OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT multiple-operation-time-out-action OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^(abort-job|hold-job|process-job)$/"

	EXPECT natural-language-configured OF-TYPE naturalLanguage IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	# operations-supported tested above for required operations

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT orientation-requested-default OF-TYPE no-value|enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7
	EXPECT orientation-requested-supported OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT output-bin-default OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT output-bin-supported OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT overrides-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "document-number" IF-DEFINED HAVE_PDF
	EXPECT overrides-supported WITH-VALUE "pages" IF-DEFINED HAVE_PDF

	EXPECT page-ranges-supported OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE true IF-DEFINED HAVE_PDF

	EXPECT pages-per-minute OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT pages-per-minute-color OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_COLOR
	EXPECT !pages-per-minute-color IF-NOT-DEFINED HAVE_COLOR

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT print-color-mode-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^(auto|auto-monochrome|bi-level|color|highlight|monochrome|process-bi-level|process-monochrome)$/"
	EXPECT print-color-mode-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "/^(auto|auto-monochrome|bi-level|color|highlight|monochrome|process-bi-level|process-monochrome)$/"

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT print-content-optimize-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^(auto|graphic|photo|text|text-and-graphic)$/"
	EXPECT print-content-optimize-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "/^(auto|graphic|photo|text|text-and-graphic)$/"

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT print-rendering-intent-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^(auto|absolute|perceptual|relative|relative-bpc|saturation)$/"
	EXPECT print-rendering-intent-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "/^(auto|absolute|perceptual|relative|relative-bpc|saturation)$/"

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT print-quality-default OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE 3,4,5
	EXPECT print-quality-supported OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5

	EXPECT ?printer-alert OF-TYPE octetString IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$ALERT_REGEX"
	EXPECT ?printer-alert-description OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag SAME-COUNT-AS printer-alert

	EXPECT ?printer-charge-info OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_CHARGE_INFO
	EXPECT printer-charge-info-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_CHARGE_INFO

	EXPECT printer-config-change-date-time OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT printer-config-change-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	EXPECT printer-device-id OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^([-A-Za-z ]+:[^;]*;)+$/"

	EXPECT printer-geo-location OF-TYPE uri|unknown IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^geo:/"

	EXPECT printer-get-attributes-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "document-format"

	# TODO: Use EXPECT-ALL syntax
	EXPECT printer-icc-profiles-supported OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag DEFINE-MATCH HAVE_ICC_PROFILES
	EXPECT printer-icc-profiles-supported/profile-name OF-TYPE name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_ICC_PROFILES
	EXPECT printer-icc-profiles-supported/profile-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$HTTP_URI_SCHEME" IF-DEFINED HAVE_ICC_PROFILES

	EXPECT printer-icons OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$HTTP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT printer-icons OF-TYPE uri WITH-ALL-HOSTNAMES "$hostname"

	EXPECT printer-info OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^.{0,127}$$/"

	EXPECT printer-is-accepting-jobs OF-TYPE boolean IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT printer-location OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^.{0,127}$$/"

	EXPECT printer-make-and-model OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^.{0,127}$$/"

	EXPECT printer-more-info OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$HTTP_URI_SCHEME"
	# EXPECT !printer-more-info WITH-HOSTNAME "$LINK_LOCAL"
	# TODO: Provide warnings when hostname doesn't match

	EXPECT printer-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^.{0,127}$$/"

	EXPECT printer-organization OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT printer-organizational-unit OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT printer-resolution-default OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT printer-resolution-supported OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT printer-state OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE 3,4,5

	EXPECT printer-state-change-date-time OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	EXPECT printer-state-change-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	EXPECT printer-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT printer-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT printer-supply OF-TYPE octetString IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$SUPPLY_REGEX"

	EXPECT printer-supply-description OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag SAME-COUNT-AS printer-supply

	EXPECT printer-supply-info-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$HTTP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT printer-supply-info-uri WITH-HOSTNAME "$hostname"
	# EXPECT !printer-supply-info-uri WITH-HOSTNAME "$LINK_LOCAL"

	EXPECT printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT printer-uri-supported OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag SAME-COUNT-AS uri-security-supported WITH-ALL-VALUES "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	# EXPECT !printer-uri-supported WITH-HOSTNAME "$LINK_LOCAL"

	EXPECT printer-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"

	EXPECT pwg-raster-document-resolution-supported OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT pwg-raster-document-sheet-back OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "/^(flipped|manual-tumble|normal|rotated)$$/"

	EXPECT pwg-raster-document-type-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT queued-job-count OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1

	# TODO: Use WITH-VALUE-FROM "name-supported" syntax (STR #4470)
	EXPECT sides-default OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-ALL-VALUES "/^(one-sided|two-sided-long-edge|two-sided-short-edge)$$/"
	EXPECT sides-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "/^(one-sided|two-sided-long-edge|two-sided-short-edge)$$/"

	EXPECT uri-authentication-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag

	EXPECT uri-security-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag SAME-COUNT-AS uri-authentication-supported

	EXPECT which-jobs-supported OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "completed"
	EXPECT which-jobs-supported WITH-VALUE "not-completed"

# Test Get-Printer-Attributes operation with requested-attributes
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.5, PWG 5100.11 (JPS2)
	NAME "I-10. Get-Printer-Attributes Operation (requested-attributes)"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword requested-attributes media-col-database,printer-uri-supported

	STATUS successful-ok

	# TODO: Use EXPECT-ALL (STR #4469)
	EXPECT media-col-database OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag
	EXPECT media-col-database/media-size OF-TYPE collection COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-database/media-size/x-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-database/media-size/y-dimension OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT media-col-database/media-source OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_SOURCE
	EXPECT ?media-col-database/media-source-properties OF-TYPE collection COUNT 1
	EXPECT media-col-database/media-type OF-TYPE keyword|name COUNT 1 IF-DEFINED HAVE_MEDIA_TYPE

	EXPECT !printer-name
	EXPECT printer-uri-supported OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-ALL-VALUES "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

# Test Validate-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.3
	NAME "I-11 Validate-Job Operation"
	OPERATION Validate-Job
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR name job-name "color.jpg"
	ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false
	ATTR name document-name "color.jpg"
	ATTR keyword compression none
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format "image/jpeg"

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR keyword media "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	ATTR keyword print-color-mode "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	ATTR keyword print-content-optimize "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	ATTR keyword print-rendering-intent "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	ATTR enum print-quality $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	ATTR resolution printer-resolution $DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION
	ATTR keyword sides "one-sided"

	STATUS successful-ok

# Test Print-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.1
	NAME "I-12. Print-Job Operation (color.jpg)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR name job-name "job-color.jpg"
	ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false
	ATTR name document-name "document-color.jpg"
	ATTR keyword compression none
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format "image/jpeg"

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR keyword media "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	ATTR keyword print-color-mode "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	ATTR keyword print-content-optimize "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	ATTR keyword print-rendering-intent "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	ATTR enum print-quality $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	ATTR resolution printer-resolution $DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION
	ATTR keyword sides "one-sided"

	FILE "color.jpg"

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS server-error-job-canceled

	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

# Test Get-Jobs operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.6

	NAME "I-13. Get-Jobs Operation (default)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok

	EXPECT ?job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT ?job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT !job-name
	EXPECT !job-state

# Test Get-Jobs operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.6

	NAME "I-14. Get-Jobs Operation (requested-attributes)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword requested-attributes all

	STATUS successful-ok

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 9 - Job Description attributes
	EXPECT ?compression-supplied OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-completed OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-creation OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-processing OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supplied OF-TYPE mimeMediaType|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?document-format-version-supplied OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-name-supplied OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT job-impressions OF-TYPE integer|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-impressions-completed OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$user"
	EXPECT job-printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-printer-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$uri"
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >2,<7
	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT job-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"
	EXPECT time-at-completed OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-creation OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-processing OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	# PWG 5100.15 - Table 8 - Job Template attributes
	EXPECT ?copies OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?feed-orientation OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?finishings OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?job-account-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-accounting-user-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?media OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?media-col OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?multiple-document-handling OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?orientation-requested OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?page-ranges OF-TYPE rangeOfInteger IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?print-color-mode OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-content-optimize OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-quality OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-rendering-intent OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?printer-resolution OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?sides OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1

# Test Get-Jobs operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.6

	NAME "I-15. Get-Jobs Operation (which-jobs=not-completed)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword which-jobs not-completed

	STATUS successful-ok

	EXPECT ?job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT ?job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT !job-name
	EXPECT !job-state

# Wait for job to complete...

	NAME "I-16. Get-Job-Attributes Until Job Complete"
	OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >6 REPEAT-NO-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30
	DISPLAY job-state

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 9 - Job Description attributes
	EXPECT compression-supplied OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "none"
	EXPECT date-time-at-completed OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-creation OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-processing OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supplied OF-TYPE mimeMediaType|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "image/jpeg"
	EXPECT ?document-format-version-supplied OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE ""
	EXPECT document-name-supplied OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "document-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $PRINT_JOB_ID
	EXPECT job-impressions OF-TYPE integer|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-impressions-completed OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "job-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-printer-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$uri"
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >2,<10
	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT job-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"
	EXPECT time-at-completed OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-creation OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-processing OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	# PWG 5100.15 - Table 8 - Job Template attributes
	EXPECT ?copies OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "1"
	EXPECT ?feed-orientation OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?finishings OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?job-account-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-accounting-user-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT media OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	EXPECT ?media-col OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?multiple-document-handling OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?orientation-requested OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BIN"
	EXPECT !page-ranges
	EXPECT print-color-mode OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	EXPECT print-content-optimize OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	EXPECT print-quality OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	EXPECT print-rendering-intent OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	EXPECT printer-resolution OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION"
	EXPECT sides OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "one-sided"

# Test Get-Jobs operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.6
	NAME "I-17. Get-Jobs Operation (which-jobs=completed)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword which-jobs completed

	STATUS successful-ok

	# TODO: Use EXPECT-ALL/ANY syntax to check for job that was just completed
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT !job-name
	EXPECT !job-state

# Test Get-Jobs operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.6
	NAME "I-18. Get-Jobs Operation (which-jobs, requested-attributes)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword requested-attributes all
	ATTR keyword which-jobs completed

	STATUS successful-ok

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 9 - Job Description attributes
	EXPECT compression-supplied OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-completed OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-creation OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-processing OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supplied OF-TYPE mimeMediaType|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?document-format-version-supplied OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-name-supplied OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-impressions OF-TYPE integer|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-impressions-completed OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-printer-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$uri"
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >6,<10
	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT job-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"
	EXPECT time-at-completed OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-creation OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-processing OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	# PWG 5100.15 - Table 8 - Job Template attributes
	EXPECT ?copies OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?feed-orientation OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?finishings OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?job-account-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-accounting-user-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?media OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?media-col OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?multiple-document-handling OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?orientation-requested OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?page-ranges OF-TYPE rangeOfInteger IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?print-color-mode OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-content-optimize OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-quality OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?print-rendering-intent OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?printer-resolution OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?sides OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1

# Test Cancel-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.3.3
	NAME "I-19. Cancel-Job Operation (completed job)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS client-error-not-possible

# Test Print-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.1
	NAME "I-20. Print-Job Operation (color.jpg)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR name job-name "job2-color.jpg"
	ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false
	ATTR name document-name "document2-color.jpg"
	ATTR keyword compression none
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format "image/jpeg"

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR keyword media "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	ATTR keyword print-color-mode "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	ATTR keyword print-content-optimize "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	ATTR keyword print-rendering-intent "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	ATTR enum print-quality $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	ATTR resolution printer-resolution $DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION
	ATTR keyword sides "one-sided"

	FILE "color.jpg"

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS server-error-job-canceled

	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

# Test Cancel-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.3.3
	NAME "I-21. Cancel-Job Operation (pending/processing job)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB2_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS client-error-not-possible

# Test Get-Job-Attributes operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.3.4
	NAME "I-22. Get-Job-Attributes Operation"
	OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB2_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 9 - Job Description attributes
	EXPECT compression-supplied OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "none"
	EXPECT date-time-at-completed OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-creation OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-processing OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supplied OF-TYPE mimeMediaType|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "image/jpeg"
	EXPECT ?document-format-version-supplied OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE ""
	EXPECT document-name-supplied OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "document2-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $PRINT_JOB2_ID
	EXPECT job-impressions OF-TYPE integer|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-impressions-completed OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "job2-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-printer-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$uri"
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >6,<10
	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT job-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"
	EXPECT time-at-completed OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-creation OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-processing OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	# PWG 5100.15 - Table 8 - Job Template attributes
	EXPECT ?copies OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "1"
	EXPECT ?feed-orientation OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?finishings OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?job-account-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-accounting-user-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT media OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	EXPECT ?media-col OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?multiple-document-handling OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?orientation-requested OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BIN"
	EXPECT !page-ranges
	EXPECT print-color-mode OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	EXPECT print-content-optimize OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	EXPECT print-quality OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	EXPECT print-rendering-intent OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	EXPECT printer-resolution OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION"
	EXPECT sides OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "one-sided"

# Test Create-Job and Send-Document operations
# Defined by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.4 and 3.3.1
	NAME "I-23. Create-Job Operation"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR name job-name "job3-color.jpg"
	ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR keyword media "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	ATTR keyword print-color-mode "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	ATTR keyword print-content-optimize "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	ATTR keyword print-rendering-intent "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	ATTR enum print-quality $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	ATTR resolution printer-resolution $DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION
	ATTR keyword sides "one-sided"

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS server-error-job-canceled

	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6

	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag


	NAME "I-24. Send-Document Operation (color.jpg)"
	OPERATION Send-Document
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB3_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR boolean last-document true
	ATTR name document-name "document3-color.jpg"
	ATTR keyword compression none
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format "image/jpeg"

	FILE "color.jpg"

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS server-error-job-canceled

# Wait for job to complete...

	NAME "I-25. Get-Job-Attributes Until Job Complete"
	OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $PRINT_JOB3_ID
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >6 REPEAT-NO-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30
	DISPLAY job-state

	# PWG 5100.14 - Table 9 - Job Description attributes
	EXPECT compression-supplied OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "none"
	EXPECT date-time-at-completed OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-creation OF-TYPE dateTime IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT date-time-at-processing OF-TYPE dateTime|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT document-format-supplied OF-TYPE mimeMediaType|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "image/jpeg"
	EXPECT ?document-format-version-supplied OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE ""
	EXPECT document-name-supplied OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "document3-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $PRINT_JOB3_ID
	EXPECT job-impressions OF-TYPE integer|no-value IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-impressions-completed OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "job3-color.jpg"
	EXPECT job-originating-user-name OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-printer-up-time OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT job-printer-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$uri"
	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >2,<10
	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"
	EXPECT job-uuid OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$UUID_URI"
	EXPECT time-at-completed OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-creation OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1
	EXPECT time-at-processing OF-TYPE no-value|integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >-1

	# PWG 5100.15 - Table 8 - Job Template attributes
	EXPECT ?copies OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "1"
	EXPECT ?feed-orientation OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?finishings OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag
	EXPECT ?job-account-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?job-accounting-user-id OF-TYPE name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT media OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	EXPECT ?media-col OF-TYPE collection IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?multiple-document-handling OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?orientation-requested OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1
	EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BIN"
	EXPECT !page-ranges
	EXPECT print-color-mode OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	EXPECT print-content-optimize OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	EXPECT print-quality OF-TYPE enum IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	EXPECT print-rendering-intent OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	EXPECT printer-resolution OF-TYPE resolution IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION"
	EXPECT sides OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "one-sided"

# Test 'media-empty' reason
	PAUSE "Remove media from printer."

	NAME "I-26. Media Empty: Printer correctly reports 'media-empty' when at least one removable tray is empty (MUST NOT be a manual feed or bypass tray)"
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword requested-attributes "printer-state-reasons"

	STATUS successful-ok

	EXPECT printer-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "/^media-empty/"
	EXPECT !printer-state

# Test Print-Job operation
# Required by: RFC 2911 section 3.2.1
	NAME "I-27. Print-Job Operation (color.jpg)"
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR name job-name "job4-color.jpg"
	ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false
	ATTR name document-name "document4-color.jpg"
	ATTR keyword compression none
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format "image/jpeg"

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR keyword media "$DEFAULT_MEDIA"
	ATTR keyword print-color-mode "$DEFAULT_PRINT_COLOR_MODE"
	ATTR keyword print-content-optimize "$DEFAULT_PRINT_CONTENT_OPTIMIZE"
	ATTR keyword print-rendering-intent "$DEFAULT_PRINT_RENDERING_INTENT"
	ATTR enum print-quality $DEFAULT_PRINT_QUALITY
	ATTR resolution printer-resolution $DEFAULT_PRINTER_RESOLUTION
	ATTR keyword sides "one-sided"

	FILE "color.jpg"

	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS server-error-job-canceled

	EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME"

	EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0

	EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

	EXPECT job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

	EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag

# Test 'media-needed' reason
	NAME "I-28. Media Needed: Printer correctly reports 'media-needed' when a job is queued."
	OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR keyword requested-attributes "printer-state-reasons"

	STATUS successful-ok

	EXPECT printer-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "/^media-needed/"
	EXPECT !printer-state

# End of "$Id: ipp-tests.test 12698 2015-06-08 17:47:35Z msweet $".