man-notifier.html   [plain text]

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<h1 class="title">notifier(7)</h1>
<h2 class="title"><a name="NAME">Name</a></h2>
notifier - cups notification interface
<h2 class="title"><a name="SYNOPSIS">Synopsis</a></h2>
<h2 class="title"><a name="DESCRIPTION">Description</a></h2>
The CUPS notifier interface provides a standard method for adding support for
new event notification methods to CUPS. Each notifier delivers one or more IPP
events from the standard input to the specified recipient.
<p>Notifiers <b>must</b> read IPP messages from the standard input using the
ippNew and ippReadFile functions and exit on error. Notifiers are encouraged to
exit after a suitable period of inactivity, however they may exit after reading
the first message or stay running until an error is seen.
<h2 class="title"><a name="LOG_MESSAGES">Log Messages</a></h2>
Messages sent to stderr are generally logged to the current <i>ErrorLog</i>.
Each line begins with a standard prefix:

<dt>ALERT: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "alert" log level.

<dt>CRIT: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "critical" log level.

<dt>DEBUG: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "debug" log level.

<dt>DEBUG2: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "debug2" log level.

<dt>EMERG: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "emergency" log level.

<dt>ERROR: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "error" log level.

<dt>INFO: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute. If the current <i>LogLevel</i>
is set to "debug2", also adds the specified message to the
current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "info" log level.

<dt>NOTICE: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "notice" log level.

<dt>WARNING: message
<dd>Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified
message to the current <i>ErrorLog</i> using the "warning" log level.

<h2 class="title"><a name="ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES">Environment Variables</a></h2>
The following environment variables are defined by the CUPS server when
executing the notifier:

<dd>The default text character set, typically utf-8.

<dd>The directory for semi-persistent cache files can be found.

<dd>The directory where data files can be found.

<dd>The type of file being printed: "job-sheet" for a banner page and "document"
for a regular print file.

<dd>The root directory of the server.

<dd>The default language locale (typically C or en).

<dd>The standard execution path for external programs that may be run by
the filter.

<dd>The name and version number of the server (typically CUPS/1.2).

<dd>The timezone of the server.

<dd>The user executing the filter, typically "lp"; consult the <a href='man-cupsd.conf.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>cupsd.conf(5)</a>
file for the current setting.

<h2 class="title"><a name="SEE_ALSO">See Also</a></h2>
<a href='man-backend.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>backend(7)</a>, <a href='man-cupsd.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>cupsd(8)</a>, <a href='man-filter.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages'>filter(7)</a>,
<a href='http://localhost:631/help'>http://localhost:631/help</a>
<h2 class="title"><a name="COPYRIGHT">Copyright</a></h2>
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc.
