HexagonScheduleV4.td   [plain text]

//=-HexagonScheduleV4.td - HexagonV4 Scheduling Definitions --*- tablegen -*-=//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

// There are four SLOTS (four parallel pipelines) in Hexagon V4 machine.
// This file describes that machine information.

//    |===========|==================================================|
//    | PIPELINE  |              Instruction Classes                 |
//    |===========|==================================================|
//    | SLOT0     |  LD       ST    ALU32     MEMOP     NV    SYSTEM |
//    |-----------|--------------------------------------------------|
//    | SLOT1     |  LD       ST    ALU32                            |
//    |-----------|--------------------------------------------------|
//    | SLOT2     |  XTYPE          ALU32     J         JR           |
//    |-----------|--------------------------------------------------|
//    | SLOT3     |  XTYPE          ALU32     J         CR           |
//    |===========|==================================================|

// Functional Units.
def SLOT0       : FuncUnit;
def SLOT1       : FuncUnit;
def SLOT2       : FuncUnit;
def SLOT3       : FuncUnit;

// Itinerary classes.
def NV_V4       : InstrItinClass;
def MEM_V4      : InstrItinClass;
// ALU64/M/S Instruction classes of V2 are collectively knownn as XTYPE in V4.

def HexagonItinerariesV4 : ProcessorItineraries<
                    [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3], [], [
  InstrItinData<LD            , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0, SLOT1]>]>,
  InstrItinData<ST            , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0, SLOT1]>]>,
  InstrItinData<ALU32         , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<NV_V4         , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0]>]>,
  InstrItinData<MEM_V4        , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0]>]>,
  InstrItinData<J             , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<JR            , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT2]>]>,
  InstrItinData<CR            , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<PSEUDO        , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT0, SLOT1, SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<ALU64         , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<M             , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>,
  InstrItinData<S             , [InstrStage<1,  [SLOT2, SLOT3]>]>

// Hexagon V4 Resource Definitions -