`Say' echos its argument. Its return value is of no interest. `Truth' echos its argument and returns a TRUE result. `False' echos its argument and returns a FALSE result. Truth 1 && Truth 2 || Say 3 output=12 ( Truth 1 && Truth 2 ) || Say 3 output=12 Truth 1 && False 2 || Say 3 output=123 ( Truth 1 && False 2 ) || Say 3 output=123 False 1 && Truth 2 || Say 3 output=13 ( False 1 && Truth 2 ) || Say 3 output=13 False 1 && False 2 || Say 3 output=13 ( False 1 && False 2 ) || Say 3 output=13 Truth 1 || Truth 2 && Say 3 output=13 Truth 1 || ( Truth 2 && Say 3 ) output=1 Truth 1 || False 2 && Say 3 output=13 Truth 1 || ( False 2 && Say 3 ) output=1 False 1 || Truth 2 && Say 3 output=123 False 1 || ( Truth 2 && Say 3 ) output=123 False 1 || False 2 && Say 3 output=12 False 1 || ( False 2 && Say 3 ) output=12