use IO::File; use File::Find; if ($ARGV[0] eq '-6') { find(\&tovc6, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-5') { find(\&tovc5, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-2005') { find(\&tovc2005, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-w3') { find(\&tow3, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-w4') { find(\&tow4, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-ia64') { find(\&tovc64, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-d') { find(\&todebugpools, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-b') { find(\&tobrowse, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-mt') { find(\&addmt, '.'); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-m') { ## 0 - conapp, 1 - dll lib, 2 - static lib $dsptype = 2; $name = "apr"; onemake(); } else { print "Specify -5 or -6 for Visual Studio 5 or 6 (98) .dsp format\n"; print "Specify -w3 or -w4 for .dsp build with warning level 3 or 4 (strict)\n\n"; print "Specify -ia64 for build targeted at Itanium (req's psdk tools)\n\n"; print "Specify -p for extreme pool debugging\n\n"; print "Specify -mt to add .manifest embedding\n\n"; die "Missing argument"; } sub addmt { my $outpath, $outtype; if (m|\.dsp$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $oname, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ m|^# TARGTYPE .+ Application|) { $outtype = ".exe" } if ($src =~ m|^# TARGTYPE .+ Dynamic-Link|) { $outtype = ".dll" } if ($src =~ m|^# PROP Output_Dir "(.+)"|) { $outdir = $1; $outpath = $oname; $outpath =~ s|\.dsp||; $outpath = ".\\" . $outdir . "\\" . $outpath . $outtype; } if ($src =~ m|^# ADD (BASE )?LINK32 .+ /out:"([^"]+)"|) { $outpath = $2; $outpath =~ s|/|\\|; $outpath = ".\\" . $outpath if (!($outpath =~ m|^\.|)); $src =~ s|/out:"([^"]+)"|/out:"$outpath"|; } if (defined($outpath) && ($src =~ m|^# Begin Special Build Tool|)) { undef $outpath; } if (defined($outpath) && defined($outtype) && ($src =~ m|^\s*$|)) { print $dstfl '# Begin Special Build Tool' . "\n"; print $dstfl 'TargetPath=' . $outpath . "\n"; print $dstfl 'SOURCE="$(InputPath)"' . "\n"; print $dstfl 'PostBuild_Desc=Embed .manifest' . "\n"; print $dstfl 'PostBuild_Cmds=if exist $(TargetPath).manifest mt.exe -manifest $(TargetPath).manifest -outputresource:$(TargetPath);2' . "\n"; print $dstfl '# End Special Build Tool' . "\n"; $verchg = -1; undef $outpath; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $outtype if (defined($outtype)); undef $outpath if (defined($outpath)); undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Added manifest to " . $oname . " in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tovc5 { if (m|\.dsp$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $oname, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|Format Version 6\.00|Format Version 5\.00|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .*)/ZI (.*)|$1/Zi $2|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD BASE CPP .*)/ZI (.*)|$1/Zi $2|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .*)/EHsc (.*)|$1/GX $2|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD BASE CPP .*)/EHsc (.*)|$1/GX $2|) { $verchg = -1; } while ($src =~ s|^(# ADD RSC .*)/d "([^ ="]+)=([^"]+)"|$1/d $2="$3"|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src !~ m|^# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies|) { print $dstfl $src; } else { $verchg = -1; } } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted VC6 project " . $oname . " to VC5 in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tovc6 { if (m|\.dsp$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $_, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|Format Version 5\.00|Format Version 6\.00|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(!MESSAGE .*)\\\n|$1|) { $cont = <$srcfl>; $src = $src . $cont; $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .*)/GX (.*)|$1/EHsc $2|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD BASE CPP .*)/GX (.*)|$1/EHsc $2|) { $verchg = -1; } while ($src =~ s|^(# ADD RSC .*)/d "([^ ="]+)=([^"]+)"|$1/d $2="$3"|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; if ($verchg && $src =~ m|^# Begin Project|) { print $dstfl "# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0\n"; } } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted VC5 project " . $oname . " to VC6 in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tovc2005 { if (m|\.dsp$| || m|\.mak$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $_, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|(\bCPP.*) /GX(.*)|$1 /EHsc$2|) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|(\bLINK32.*) /machine:I386(.*)|$1$2|) { $verchg = -1; } while ($src =~ s|^(# ADD RSC .*)/d ([^ ="]+)="([^"]+)"|$1/d "$2=$3"|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to 2005 in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tow3 { if (m|\.dsp$| || m|\.mak$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $_, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { while ($src =~ m|\\\n$|) { $src = $src . <$srcfl> } if ($src =~ s|(\bCPP.*) /W4(.*)|$1 /W3$2|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to warn:3 in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tow4 { if (m|\.dsp$| || m|\.mak$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $_, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { while ($src =~ m|\\\n$|) { $src = $src . <$srcfl> } if ($src =~ s|(\bCPP.*) /W3(.*)|$1 /W4$2|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to warn:4 " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tovc64 { if (m|\.dsp$| || m|\.mak$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $_, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { while ($src =~ m|\\\n$|) { $src = $src . <$srcfl> } if ($src =~ s|Win32 \(x86\) (Release)|Win32 (IA64) $1|s) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|Win32 \(x86\) (Debug)|Win32 (IA64) $1|s) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s| - Win32 (Release)| - Win32 (IA64) $1|s) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s| - Win32 (Debug)| - Win32 (IA64) $1|s) { $verchg = -1; } # Cross compilation exceptions if (!(m|gen[^/]*$| || m|dftables[^/]*$|)) { if ($src =~ s|(\bCPP.* /W3)(.*) /FD(.*)|$1 /As64 /Wp64$2$3|s) { $verchg = -1; } if ($src =~ s|(\bLINK.*/machine):I386(.*)|$1:IA64$2|s) { $verchg = -1; } } else { if ($src =~ s|(\bCPP.* /W3)(.*) /FD(.*)|$1 /As32 /Wp64$2$3|s) { $verchg = -1; } } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted build file " . $oname . " to Win64 in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub todebugpools { if (m|\.dsp$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $oname, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .* /D "_DEBUG" )|$1/D "APR_POOL_DEBUG" |) { $verchg = -1; if ($oname =~ /apr\.dsp$/) { $src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .* /D "_DEBUG" )|$1/D "POOL_DEBUG" |; } } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to debug pools in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub tobrowsesources { if (m|\.dsp$|) { $oname = $_; $tname = '.#' . $_; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $oname, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .*)( /Fd)|$1 /Fr "/httpd-2.0/srclib/apr"$2|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to browse sources in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub frommakefiles { if (m|\.mak\.in$|) { $oname = $_; $dname = $_; $_ =~ s/\.mak\.in/.dsp/; $verchg = 0; $srcfl = new IO::File $oname, "r" || die; $dstfl = new IO::File $tname, "w" || die; while ($src = <$srcfl>) { if ($src =~ s|^(# ADD CPP .*)( /Fd)|$1 /Fr "/httpd-2.0/srclib/apr"$2|) { $verchg = -1; } print $dstfl $src; } undef $srcfl; undef $dstfl; if ($verchg) { unlink $oname || die; rename $tname, $oname || die; print "Converted project " . $oname . " to browse sources in " . $File::Find::dir . "\n"; } else { unlink $tname; } } } sub onemake { if ($dsptype == 0) { $cdefs = qq{/D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE"}; $lmodel = qq{/subsystem:console}; $targname = "Win32 (x86) Console Application"; $targid = "0x0103"; $debpath = "Debug"; $relpath = "Release"; } elsif ($dsptype == 1) { $cdefs = qq{/D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS"}; $lmodel = qq{/subsystem:windows /dll}; $targname = "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library"; $targid = "0x0102"; $debpath = "Debug"; $relpath = "Release"; } elsif($dsptype == 2) { $cdefs = qq{/D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE"}; $lmodel = qq{/subsystem:console}; $targname = "Win32 (x86) Static Library"; $targid = "0x0104"; $debpath = "LibD"; $relpath = "LibR"; } $file = dspheader(); $second = ""; $model = "Release"; $usedebuglib = "0"; $debugdef = "NDEBUG"; $cflags = "/MD /W3 /O2"; $cincl = qq{/I "./include" /I "./os/win32" /I "./srclib/apr/include" /I "./srclib/apr-util/include"}; $lflags = qq{/map}; $file .= dsponemodel(); $second = "ELSE"; $model = "Debug"; $usedebuglib = "1"; $debugdef = "_DEBUG"; $cflags = "/MDd /W3 /GX /Zi /Od"; $cincl = qq{/I "./include" /I "./os/win32" /I "./srclib/apr/include" /I "./srclib/apr-util/include"}; $lflags = qq{/incremental:no /debug}; $file .= dsponemodel(); $file .= qq{ !ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "$name - Win32 Release" # Name "$name - Win32 Debug" }; $toroot = "."; #HERE IS OUR FOREACH! $file .= qq{# Begin Source File SOURCE=./server/main.c # End Source File }; if ($dsptype == 0) { #HERE IS OUR ICON! $icon="$toroot/build/win32/apache.ico"; $file .= qq{# Begin Source File SOURCE=$icon # End Source File }; $icon = "icon=" . $icon . " "; } if ($dsptype == 0 || $dsptype == 1) { $file .= qq{ # Begin Source File SOURCE=./$name.rc # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=$toroot/include/ap_release.h # PROP Ignore_Default_Tool 1 # Begin Custom Build - Creating Version Resource InputPath=$toroot/include/ap_release.h $toroot/build/win32/win32ver.awk "./$name.rc" : \$(SOURCE) "\$(INTDIR)" "\$(OUTDIR)" awk -f $toroot/build/win32/win32ver.awk $name "Apache HTTP Server" $toroot/include/ap_release.h $icon> ./Apache.rc # End Custom Build # End Source File }; } $file .= qq{ # End Target # End Project }; print $file; } sub dspheader { if ($dsptype == 1) { $midl = "MTL=midl.exe\n"; } else { $midl = "" } qq{# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="$name" - Package Owner=<4> # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 # ** DO NOT EDIT ** # TARGTYPE "$targname" $targid CFG=$name - Win32 Release !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "$name.mak". !MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "$name.mak" CFG="$name - Win32 Release" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "$name - Win32 Release" (based on "$targname") !MESSAGE "$name - Win32 Debug" (based on "$targname") !MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 # PROP Scc_ProjName "" # PROP Scc_LocalPath "" CPP=cl.exe ${midl}RSC=rc.exe }; } sub dsponemodel { if ($model eq "Release") { $targpath = $relpath; } else { $targpath = $debpath; } if ($dsptype == 1) { $midl = qq{# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "$debugdef" /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "$debugdef" /mktyplib203 /win32 }; } if ($dsptype == 2) { $linkop = qq{LIB32=link.exe -lib # ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo # ADD LIB32 /nologo }; } else { $linkop = qq{LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib /nologo $lmodel $lflags /machine:I386 # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib advapi32.lib ws2_32.lib mswsock.lib /nologo $lmodel $lflags /machine:I386 }; } qq{ !${second}IF "\$(CFG)" == "$name - Win32 $model" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries $usedebuglib # PROP BASE Output_Dir "$targpath" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "$targpath" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries $usedebuglib # PROP Output_Dir "$targpath" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "$targpath" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo $cflags $cincl /D "$debugdef" $cdefs /FD /c # ADD CPP /nologo $cflags $cincl /D "$debugdef" $cdefs /Fd"$targpath/$name" /FD /c ${midl}# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "$debugdef" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "$debugdef" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo $linkop}; }