cairo_pattern_t Sources for drawing #cairo_pattern_t is the paint with which cairo draws. The primary use of patterns is as the source for all cairo drawing operations, although they can also be used as masks, that is, as the brush too. A cairo pattern is created by using one of the many constructors, of the form cairo_pattern_create_type() or implicitly through cairo_set_source_type() functions. #cairo_t #cairo_surface_t @pattern: @offset: @red: @green: @blue: @pattern: @offset: @red: @green: @blue: @alpha: @pattern: @count: @Returns: @pattern: @index: @offset: @red: @green: @blue: @alpha: @Returns: @red: @green: @blue: @Returns: @red: @green: @blue: @alpha: @Returns: @pattern: @red: @green: @blue: @alpha: @Returns: @surface: @Returns: @pattern: @surface: @Returns: @x0: @y0: @x1: @y1: @Returns: @pattern: @x0: @y0: @x1: @y1: @Returns: @cx0: @cy0: @radius0: @cx1: @cy1: @radius1: @Returns: @pattern: @x0: @y0: @r0: @x1: @y1: @r1: @Returns: @pattern: @Returns: @pattern: @pattern: @Returns: @CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE: @CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT: @CAIRO_EXTEND_REFLECT: @CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD: @pattern: @extend: @pattern: @Returns: @CAIRO_FILTER_FAST: @CAIRO_FILTER_GOOD: @CAIRO_FILTER_BEST: @CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST: @CAIRO_FILTER_BILINEAR: @CAIRO_FILTER_GAUSSIAN: @pattern: @filter: @pattern: @Returns: @pattern: @matrix: @pattern: @matrix: @CAIRO_PATTERN_TYPE_SOLID: @CAIRO_PATTERN_TYPE_SURFACE: @CAIRO_PATTERN_TYPE_LINEAR: @CAIRO_PATTERN_TYPE_RADIAL: @pattern: @Returns: @pattern: @Returns: @pattern: @key: @user_data: @destroy: @Returns: @pattern: @key: @Returns: