cairo_matrix_t Generic matrix operations #cairo_matrix_t is used throughout cairo to convert between different coordinate spaces. A #cairo_matrix_t holds an affine transformation, such as a scale, rotation, shear, or a combination of these. The transformation of a point (x,y) is given by: x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0; y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0; The current transformation matrix of a #cairo_t, represented as a #cairo_matrix_t, defines the transformation from user-space coordinates to device-space coordinates. See cairo_get_matrix() and cairo_set_matrix(). #cairo_t @xx: @yx: @xy: @yy: @x0: @y0: @matrix: @xx: @yx: @xy: @yy: @x0: @y0: @matrix: @matrix: @tx: @ty: @matrix: @sx: @sy: @matrix: @radians: @matrix: @tx: @ty: @matrix: @sx: @sy: @matrix: @radians: @matrix: @Returns: @result: @a: @b: @matrix: @dx: @dy: @matrix: @x: @y: