fr.po   [plain text]

# French messages for FreeType, without accents.
# Copyright (C) 1998-99 David Turner   
# David Turner <>, 1998
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: FreeType 1.3\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 1999-09-07 12:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-09-01 20:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: David Turner <>\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:47
msgid "Successful function call, no error."
msgstr "Appel de fonction reussi, pas d'erreur."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:50
msgid "Invalid face handle."
msgstr "Mauvais handle d'oeil (face)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:52
msgid "Invalid instance handle."
msgstr "Mauvais handle d'instance."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:54
msgid "Invalid glyph handle."
msgstr "Mauvais handle de glyphe."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:56
msgid "Invalid charmap handle."
msgstr "Mauvais handle d'encodage (charmap)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:58
msgid "Invalid result address."
msgstr "Mauvaise adresse de resultat."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:60
msgid "Invalid glyph index."
msgstr "Numero de glyphe incorrect."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:62
msgid "Invalid argument."
msgstr "Argument incorrect."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:64
msgid "Could not open file."
msgstr "Le fichier n'a pas pu etre ouvert."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:66
msgid "File is not a TrueType collection."
msgstr "Ce fichier n'est pas une collection."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:69
msgid "Mandatory table missing."
msgstr "Il manque une table critique."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:71
msgid "Invalid horizontal metrics (hmtx table broken)."
msgstr "Metriques horizontales (table `hmtx') incorrectes."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:73
msgid "Invalid charmap format."
msgstr "Format d'encodage (charmap) invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:75
msgid "Invalid ppem value."
msgstr "Taille en pixels incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:77
msgid "Invalid vertical metrics (vmtx table broken)."
msgstr "Metriques verticales (table `vmtx') incorrectes."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:80
msgid "Invalid file format."
msgstr "Format de fichier invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:83
msgid "Invalid engine."
msgstr "Mauvaise instance de bibliotheque (engine)"

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:85
msgid "Too many extensions."
msgstr "Trop d'extensions utilisees (max: 8)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:87
msgid "Extensions unsupported."
msgstr "Extensions non disponibles."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:89
msgid "Invalid extension id."
msgstr "Mauvais numero d'extension."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:92
msgid "No vertical data in font."
msgstr "Pas de donnees verticales dans cette police."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:95
msgid "Maximum Profile (maxp) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque la table `maxp'."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:97
msgid "Font Header (head) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque l'en-tete de police (head)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:99
msgid "Horizontal Header (hhea) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque l'en-tete pour l'horizontale (hhea)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:101
msgid "Index to Location (loca) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque les index de glyphes (table `loca')."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:103
msgid "Naming (name) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque la table des noms (name)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:105
msgid "Character to Glyph Index Mapping (cmap) tables missing."
msgstr "Il manque la table des encodages (cmap)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:107
msgid "Horizontal Metrics (hmtx) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque les metriques horizontales (hmtx)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:109
msgid "OS/2 table missing."
msgstr "Il manque la table `OS/2'."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:111
msgid "PostScript (post) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque la table Postscript (post)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:113
msgid "Glyph (glyf) table missing."
msgstr "Il manque les glyphes (table `glyf')."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:118
msgid "Out of memory."
msgstr "Pas assez de memoire."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:123
msgid "Invalid file offset."
msgstr "Adresse dans le fichier incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:125
msgid "Invalid file read."
msgstr "Lecture du fichier impossible."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:127
msgid "Invalid frame access."
msgstr "Fenetre d'access incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:132
msgid "Too many points."
msgstr "Trop de points."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:134
msgid "Too many contours."
msgstr "Trop de contours."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:136
msgid "Invalid composite glyph."
msgstr "Glyphe compose invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:138
msgid "Too many instructions."
msgstr "Trop d'instructions."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:143
msgid "Invalid opcode."
msgstr "Code-operation invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:145
msgid "Too few arguments."
msgstr "Il manque un ou des arguments."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:147
msgid "Stack overflow."
msgstr "Debordement de la pile."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:149
msgid "Code overflow."
msgstr "Debordement dans le code."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:151
msgid "Bad argument."
msgstr "Mauvais argument."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:153
msgid "Divide by zero."
msgstr "Division par zero."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:155
msgid "Storage overflow."
msgstr "Depassement de capacite (stockage)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:157
msgid "Control Value (cvt) table overflow."
msgstr "Depassement de capacite (tableau cvt)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:159
msgid "Invalid reference."
msgstr "Reference incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:161
msgid "Invalid distance."
msgstr "Distance incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:163
msgid "Interpolate twilight points."
msgstr "Interpolation de points de repere."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:165
msgid "`DEBUG' opcode found."
msgstr "Le code `DEBUG' a ete rencontre."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:167
msgid "`ENDF' in byte-code stream."
msgstr "'ENDF' invalide dans les instructions d'un glyphe."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:169
msgid "Out of code ranges."
msgstr "Pas assez d'espace d'execution (code ranges)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:171
msgid "Nested function definitions."
msgstr "Definitions imbriquees de fonction."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:173
msgid "Invalid code range."
msgstr "Espace d'execution (code range) incorrect."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:175
msgid "Invalid displacement."
msgstr "Deplacement invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:177
msgid "Endless loop encountered while executing instructions."
msgstr "Arret force d'une boucle infinie."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:182
msgid "Nested frame access."
msgstr "Fenetres d'acces imbriquees."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:184
msgid "Invalid cache list."
msgstr "(Mauvaise liste chainee de caches)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:186
msgid "Could not find context."
msgstr "Contexte introuvable."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:188
msgid "Unlisted object."
msgstr "Objet non chaine dans le cache."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:193
msgid "Raster pool overflow."
msgstr "Debordement de memoire de la trameuse."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:195
msgid "Raster: negative height encountered."
msgstr "Trameuse: hauteur negative."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:197
msgid "Raster: invalid value."
msgstr "Trameuse: valeur incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:199
msgid "Raster not initialized."
msgstr "Trameuse: non initialisee."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:204
msgid "Invalid kerning (kern) table format."
msgstr "Format de table de crenage (kern) invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:206
msgid "Invalid kerning (kern) table."
msgstr "Table de crenage (kern) incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:208
msgid "Invalid PostScript (post) table format."
msgstr "Format de table Postscript (post) invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:210
msgid "Invalid PostScript (post) table."
msgstr "Table Postscript (post) incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:216
msgid "Invalid TrueType Open subtable format."
msgstr "Format de table TrueType Open invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:218
msgid "Invalid TrueType Open subtable."
msgstr "Sous-table TrueType Open incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:220
msgid "Glyph(s) not covered by lookup."
msgstr "Des glyphes sont absents d'une table de recherche (lookup)."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:222
msgid "Too many nested context substitutions."
msgstr "Substitutions contextuelles imbriquees trop profondement."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:224
msgid "Invalid glyph substitution (GSUB) table format."
msgstr "Format de la table de substitution de glyphes (GSUB) invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:226
msgid "Invalid glyph substitution (GSUB) table."
msgstr "Table de substitution de glyphes (GSUB) incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:228
msgid "Invalid glyph positioning (GPOS) table format."
msgstr "Format de table de positionnement des glyphes (GPOS) invalide."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:230
msgid "Invalid glyph positioning (GPOS) table."
msgstr "Table de positionnement des glyphes (GPOS) incorrecte."

#: lib/extend/ftxerr18.c:237
msgid "Invalid Error Number."
msgstr "Numero d'erreur inconnu ?"

#: test/fterror.c:60
msgid "Start of fterror.\n"
msgstr "Debut de fterror.\n"

#: test/fterror.c:68
msgid "End of fterror.\n"
msgstr "Fin de fterror.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:168 test/ftlint.c:207 test/ftmetric.c:292
msgid "Could not create glyph container.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de creer un conteneur de glyphe.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:178 test/ftlint.c:215 test/ftmetric.c:301 test/ftsbit.c:213
msgid "Could not create instance.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de creer une instance\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:187
msgid "Could not create second instance.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de creer une deuxieme instance.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:193
msgid "Memory footprint statistics:\n"
msgstr "Statistiques de consommation de la memoire:\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:201
msgid "face object"
msgstr "objet oeil"

#: test/ftdump.c:202
msgid "glyph object"
msgstr "objet glyphe"

#: test/ftdump.c:203
msgid "instance object"
msgstr "objet instance"

#: test/ftdump.c:207
msgid "exec. context object"
msgstr "objet contexte"

#: test/ftdump.c:214
msgid "total memory usage"
msgstr "consommation totale de memoire"

#: test/ftdump.c:222 test/ftdump.c:574 test/ftdump.c:784 test/ftdump.c:921
#: test/ftlint.c:274 test/ftlint.c:287 test/ftmetric.c:387 test/ftsbit.c:284
#, c-format
msgid "FreeType error message: %s\n"
msgstr "Message d'erreur FreeType : %s\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:299
msgid "font name table entries\n"
msgstr "Elements du tableau des noms\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:309
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PostScript name: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Nom de Postscript : %s\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:332
msgid "character map encodings\n"
msgstr "Encodages des caracteres\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:339 test/ftdump.c:483
msgid "The file doesn't seem to have any encoding table.\n"
msgstr "Cette police ne semble pas avoir de table d'encodage.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:343 test/ftdump.c:487
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are %hu encodings:\n"
msgstr ""
"Il y a %hu encodage(s) :\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:348
#, c-format
msgid "encoding %2u: "
msgstr "encodage %2u : "

#: test/ftdump.c:375 test/ftdump.c:384 test/ftdump.c:447
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown value %hu"
msgstr "(valeur inconnue %hu)"

#: test/ftdump.c:454
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "(inconnu)"

#: test/ftdump.c:476
msgid "ftxcmap test\n"
msgstr "Test de ftxcmap\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:493
#, c-format
msgid "encoding %2u:\n"
msgstr "encodage %2u :\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:498
#, c-format
msgid "first: glyph index %hu, character code 0x%lx\n"
msgstr "premier : glyphe numero %hu, caractere code 0x%lx\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:502
#, c-format
msgid "next:  glyph index %hu, character code 0x%lx\n"
msgstr "suivant : glyphe numero %hu, caractere code 0x%lx\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:506
#, c-format
msgid "last:  glyph index %hu, character code 0x%lx\n"
msgstr "dernier : glyphe numero %hu, caractere code 0x%lx\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:528 test/ftmetric.c:282
msgid "Error while retrieving embedded bitmaps table.\n"
msgstr "Erreur pendant la recuperation de la table des bitmaps.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:532
msgid "embedded bitmap table\n"
msgstr "Table des bitmaps incorpores\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:535
#, c-format
msgid " version of embedded bitmap table:  0x%lx\n"
msgstr "  version de la table de bitmaps : 0x%lx\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:537
#, c-format
msgid " number of embedded bitmap strikes: %lu\n"
msgstr "  nombre de tailles de bitmaps : %lu\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:547
#, c-format
msgid "  bitmap strike %hu/%lu: "
msgstr "  taille de bitmap %hu sur %lu : "

#: test/ftdump.c:550
#, c-format
msgid "%hux%hu pixels, %hu-bit depth, glyphs [%hu..%hu]\n"
msgstr "%hux%hu pixels par %hu bit(s), glyphes de %hu a %hu\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:559
#, c-format
msgid "      range format (%hu:%hu) glyphs %hu..%hu\n"
msgstr "      format intervalle (%hu:%hu) glyphes %hu a %hu\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:610
msgid "Error while loading GSUB table.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en chargeant la table GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:614
msgid "GSUB table\n"
msgstr "Table des substitutions de glyphes (GSUB)\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:621
msgid "Error while querying GSUB script list.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en demandant la liste des ecritures dans GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:634
#, c-format
msgid "Error while selecting GSUB script `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en selectionnant l'ecriture `%4.4s' dans GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:639
#, c-format
msgid "  script `%4.4s' (index %hu):\n"
msgstr "  Ecriture `%4.4s' (numero %hu)\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:647
#, c-format
msgid "Error while querying GSUB default language system for script `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en cherchant pour les langues standards de `%4.4s' dans GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:652
msgid "    default language system:\n"
msgstr "    Langue standard :\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:665
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while selecting GSUB feature `%4.4s'\n"
"for default language system of script `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Erreur en selectionnant dans GSUB l'information `%4.4s'\n"
"pour la langue standard de l'ecriture `%4.4s'.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:671 test/ftdump.c:752
#, c-format
msgid "      feature `%4.4s' (index %hu; lookup "
msgstr "      information `%4.4s' (numero %hu ; table(s) de recherche "

#: test/ftdump.c:687
#, c-format
msgid "Error while querying GSUB language list for script `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en demandant la liste des langues pour `%4.4s' dans GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:704
#, c-format
msgid "Error while selecting GSUB language `%4.4s' for script `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr "Erreur en selectionnant la langue `%4.4s' pour `%4.4s' dans GSUB.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:709
#, c-format
msgid "    language `%4.4s' (index %hu):\n"
msgstr "    langue `%4.4s' (numero %hu) :\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:714
#, c-format
msgid "      required feature index %hu (lookup "
msgstr "      information requise (table(s) de recherche "

#: test/ftdump.c:729
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while querying GSUB feature list\n"
"for script `%4.4s', language `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Erreur en recherchant dans GSUB la liste des informations\n"
"pour l'ecriture `%4.4s', langue `%4.4s'.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:746
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error while selecting GSUB feature `%4.4s'\n"
"for script `%4.4s', language `%4.4s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Erreur en selectionnant dans GSUB l'information `%4.4s'\n"
"pour l'ecriture `%4.4s', langue `%4.4s'.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:771
msgid ""
msgstr "  Tables de recherche :\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "  %hu: type %hu, flag 0x%x\n"
msgstr "%4hu : type %hu, drapeaux 0x%x\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:809
msgid "ftdump: Simple TrueType Dumper -- part of the FreeType project"
msgstr "ftdump : utilitaire d'informations TrueType --"

#: test/ftdump.c:813
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s fontname[.ttf|.ttc]\n"
msgstr ""
"Utilisation : %s nompolice[.ttf|.ttc]\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:845 test/ftlint.c:134 test/ftmetric.c:226 test/ftsbit.c:126
msgid "Error while initializing engine.\n"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'initialisation de FreeType.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:852 test/ftmetric.c:234 test/ftsbit.c:133
msgid "Error while initializing embedded bitmap extension.\n"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'initialisation de l'extension `bitmaps'.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:859
msgid "Error while initializing GSUB extension.\n"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'initialisation de l'extension `GSUB'.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:875 test/ftlint.c:187 test/ftmetric.c:249 test/ftsbit.c:181
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find or open %s.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver ou d'ouvrir %s.\n"

#: test/ftdump.c:878 test/ftlint.c:193 test/ftmetric.c:252 test/ftsbit.c:187
#, c-format
msgid "Error while opening %s.\n"
msgstr "Erreur lors de l'ouverture de %s.\n"

#: test/ftlint.c:94
msgid ""
"ftlint: Simple TrueType instruction tester -- part of the FreeType project"
msgstr ""
"ftlint : verificateur simple d'instructions TrueType -"

#: test/ftlint.c:99
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s ppem fontname[.ttf|.ttc] [fontname2..]\n"
msgstr ""
"Utilisation : %s ppem nompolice[.ttf|.ttc] [nompolice2...]\n"

#: test/ftlint.c:226 test/ftsbit.c:224
#, c-format
msgid "Could not set point size to %d.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de selectionner la taille %d.\n"

#: test/ftlint.c:239
msgid ""
"Error with\n"
"  "
msgstr ""
"Erreur avec\n"
"  "

#: test/ftlint.c:240
#, c-format
msgid "glyph %4u: %s\n"
msgstr "glyphe %4u : %s\n"

#: test/ftlint.c:253
msgid "1 fail.\n"
msgstr "1 echec.\n"

#: test/ftlint.c:255
#, c-format
msgid "%d fails.\n"
msgstr "%d echecs.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:68
msgid ""
"ftmetric: Simple TTF metrics/glyph dumper -- part of the FreeType project"
msgstr "ftmetric : affichage des metriques TrueType --"

#: test/ftmetric.c:72
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [options below] point fontname[.ttf|.ttc]\n"
"  -B        show sbit's metrics (default: none)\n"
"  -c C      use C'th font index of TrueType collection  (default: 0)\n"
"  -i index  glyph index (default: 0)\n"
"  -r R      use resolution R dpi (default: 72)\n"
msgstr ""
"Utilisation : %s [options] point nompolice[.ttf|.ttc]\n"
"  -B        montrer les metriques des bitmaps (defaut : non)\n"
"  -c C      utilise la police numero C d'une collection (defaut : 0)\n"
"  -i index  numero du glyphe (default : 0)\n"
"  -r R      resolution en dpi (defaut : 72)\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:259
#, c-format
msgid "There are %d fonts in this collection.\n"
msgstr "Il y a %d polices dans cette collection.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:264
#, c-format
msgid "There is no collection with index %d in this font file.\n"
msgstr "Il n'y a aucune police d'indice %d dans cette collection.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:278
msgid "There is no embedded bitmap data in the font.\n"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de bitmaps dans cette police.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:308
msgid "Could not set device resolutions.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de changer la resolution.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:315
msgid "Could not reset instance.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de changer la taile.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:321
#, c-format
msgid "Instance metrics: ppemX %d, ppemY %d\n"
msgstr "Metriques de l'instance : ppemX %d ppemY %d\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:331 test/ftsbit.c:233
msgid "Could not allocate glyph bitmap container.\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'allouer un conteneur de glyphe.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:339 test/ftsbit.c:257
#, c-format
msgid "Can't load bitmap for glyph %d.\n"
msgstr "Impossible de charger le bitmap du glyphe %d.\n"

#: test/ftmetric.c:366
msgid "Outline's metrics"
msgstr "Metriques du dessin vectorise"

#: test/ftmetric.c:368
msgid "Outline glyph\n"
msgstr "glyphe du dessin vectorise\n"

#: test/ftsbit.c:89
msgid "ftsbit: Simple TrueType `sbit' dumper -- part of the FreeType project"
msgstr "ftsbit : affichage des `sbit' TrueType --"

#: test/ftsbit.c:94
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s ppem fontname[.ttf|.ttc] glyph_index [glyph_index2..]\n"
msgstr ""
"Utilisation : %s ppm nompolice[.ttf|.ttc] numero_glyphe [numero_glyphe2...]\n"

#: test/ftsbit.c:199
msgid "Could not find embedded bitmaps in this font.\n"
msgstr "Pas de bitmaps dans cette police.\n"

#: test/ftsbit.c:205
msgid "Error while loading embedded bitmaps.\n"
msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement des bitmaps.\n"

#: test/ftsbit.c:251
#, c-format
msgid "  no bitmap for glyph %d.\n"
msgstr "  pas de bitmap pour le glyphe %d.\n"

#: test/ftsbit.c:263
#, c-format
msgid "glyph index %d = %dx%d pixels, "
msgstr "glyphe numero %d = %dx%d pixels, "

#: test/ftsbit.c:266
#, c-format
msgid "advance = %ld, minBearing = [%ld,%ld]\n"
msgstr "chasse = %ld, approches = [%ld,%ld]\n"