readme.1st   [plain text]

This is the source code from the FreeType/2 OS/2 font driver.
Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Michal Necasek (

Here's a description of the files in this package :

  readme.1st     This file

  readme.txt     The FreeType/2 Readme

  FAQ            The FreeType/2 user faq

  DEVELFAQ       The FreeType/2 developer faq. Read it before trying to
                 compile this program

  install.cmd    The FreeType/2 installation script
  uninstall.cmd  The FreeType/2 uninstallation script
  query.cmd      A script used to query the name of the current font driver

  limit.cmd      The driver controls the number of font files it keeps
                 opened at the same time, in order to save system resources
                 and memory (of course, this _doesn't_ limit the number of
                 opened fonts in PM, it just saves a _lot_ of memory when
                 many fonts are installed on your system).

                 This script let you change this limit. It can be useful
                 if you use font-intensive applications (like DTP) and
                 want better performance (to the sake of memory).

  update.cmd     The FreeType/2 update script
  ifi/           Source code of the FreeType/2 font driver proper

  lib/           files that must be added to the standard FreeType 1.1
                 release. They take the place of the files located in
                 the corresponding "lib" file.

      lib/ttmemory.c         replacement for the FreeType memory
                             manager component. This one uses the GRE
                             shared memory segment allocater, and is

      lib/arch/makefile.icc  Makefile to compile the FreeType library for
                             FreeType/2 with Visual Age. You'll need nmake.

      lib/arch/makefile.wat  Makefile to compile with Watcom. NOTE that
                             you'll ALSO need nmake (wmake won't work !!)

Here's how to compile the font driver.

0. Read the DEVELFAQ ! Now ! Then make a WPS backup !

1. Get the FreeType library, and copy the "lib" hierarchy into it to
   replace the related files (i.e. ttmemory.c and makefiles).

2. Compile FreeType with the new files, simply go to "freetype/lib"
   and type :

     nmake -f arch\os2\makefile.icc          for VisualAge
     nmake -f arch\os2\makefile.wat          for Watcom

3. Adjust the makefiles in "ifi" to reflect the location of the
   library file "libttf.lib" that was generated previously.

5. Compile the font driver. Go to the "ft_os2/ifi" directory, then type

     nmake -f freetype.icc       for VisualAge
     nmake -f freetype.wat       for Watcom

   You should have created a file called "FreeType.dll". Copy it to
   your "ft_os2" directory..

6. Run the "install.cmd" script, then reboot after closing all

7. When your desktop is back, go to the font palette and try to
   install some new TrueType fonts. Enjoy the difference :-)

8. You can also compile a small memory usage dumper called "ftmem.c"
   to know how much memory the driver is using. Simply do

     nmake -f ftmem.icc       for VisualAge
     nmake -f ftmem.wat       for Watcom

   Then launch it. A small window will appear with the current amount
   of memory allocated by the driver.