panoramiX.h   [plain text]

/* $TOG: panoramiX.h /main/4 1998/03/17 06:51:02 kaleb $ */
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*    Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991, 1997    *
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/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/Xext/panoramiX.h,v 1.6 2003/03/23 04:56:02 mvojkovi Exp $ */


 *	PanoramiX definitions

#ifndef _PANORAMIX_H_
#define _PANORAMIX_H_

#include "panoramiXext.h"
#include "gcstruct.h"

typedef struct _PanoramiXData {
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;
} PanoramiXData;

typedef struct _PanoramiXInfo {
    XID id ;
} PanoramiXInfo;

typedef struct {
    PanoramiXInfo info[MAXSCREENS];
    RESTYPE type;
    union {
	struct {
	    char   visibility;
	    char   class;
            char   root;
	} win;
	struct {
	    Bool shared;
	} pix;
#ifdef RENDER
	struct {
	    Bool root;
	} pict;
	char raw_data[4];
    } u;
} PanoramiXRes;

#define FOR_NSCREENS_FORWARD(j) for(j = 0; j < PanoramiXNumScreens; j++)
#define FOR_NSCREENS_BACKWARD(j) for(j = PanoramiXNumScreens - 1; j >= 0; j--)

#define BREAK_IF(a) if ((a)) break
#define IF_RETURN(a,b) if ((a)) return (b)

#define FORCE_ROOT(a) { \
    int _j; \
    for (_j = PanoramiXNumScreens - 1; _j; _j--) \
        if ((a).root == WindowTable[_j]->   \
            break;                                      \
    (a).rootX += panoramiXdataPtr[_j].x;             \
    (a).rootY += panoramiXdataPtr[_j].y;             \
    (a).root = WindowTable[0]->;          \

#define FORCE_WIN(a) {                                  \
    if ((win = PanoramiXFindIDOnAnyScreen(XRT_WINDOW, a))) { \
        (a) = win->info[0].id; /* Real ID */       	   \
    }                                                      \

#define FORCE_CMAP(a) {                                  \
    if ((win = PanoramiXFindIDOnAnyScreen(XRT_COLORMAP, a))) { \
        (a) = win->info[0].id; /* Real ID */       	   \
    }                                                      \

#define IS_SHARED_PIXMAP(r) (((r)->type == XRT_PIXMAP) && (r)->u.pix.shared)

#define SKIP_FAKE_WINDOW(a) if(!LookupIDByType(a, XRT_WINDOW)) return

#endif /* _PANORAMIX_H_ */